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el Gringo Loco

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  (ran @ Sep. 02 2007,16:53) said:

Not exatcly humour but :

Enlist in the French army now, you'll get to do all kinds of crazy stuff involving helicopters, sand, armored vehicles and assault rifles and also look tough with a skymask on, you'll get all the girls and be able to buy an actual motorbike and pull strikes at the bowling hall all the while listenning cool pop music.

That's the latest recruitment add. Caught on with the fashion of fast forward evolution of a character generally used in life insurance commercials smile_o.gif

the truth :

-your girlfriend will break up with you while you're undergoing basic

-you're likely not to stay more than three years (not long enough to get help to go back to the civilian domain and not long enough to end up being a skymask-rambo jumping out of helicopters)

-you won't be able to buy that motorbike because half of your pay check goes into booze and you don't even have your motorbike licence yet

-evenings out at the bowling will be few and far between, most of the time, you'll end up in night bars or discos drinking overpriced alcopops while trying to make out with highschool students or be too exhausted to even bother going out

here's the making off :

(no pop music smile_o.gif

Thank god I have yet to see young recruits wearing slims as part of their civilian attire.

that one is more reasonable :


2004 commercial :


that one is from an older campaign (stressful music with the dingling sound):

And for something completely different :

from the recruitment website itself, the high-speed life of a .... cook smile_o.gif (there's a whole serie on that site showing interviews of people from less popular trades)

I think it's a lot more useful than those noisy and costly high-speed show off sessions that only bring wannabe commandos or snipers to recruiting offices.

will I learn to retreat to?

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  (Sh1fty @ Nov. 25 2007,15:31) said:
will I learn to retreat to?
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]It was in Mexico on 30 April 1863 that the Legion earned its legendary status. A company led by Capitaine Danjou, numbering 62 soldiers and 3 officers, was escorting a convoy to the besieged city of Puebla when it was attacked and besieged by two thousand members of the Mexican Army,[3] organized in three battalions of infantry and cavalry, numbering 1,200 and 800 respectively. The patrol was forced to make a defence in Hacienda Camarón, and despite the hopelessness of the situation, fought nearly to the last man. When only five survivors remained, out of ammunition, a bayonet charge was conducted in which three of the five were killed. The remaining two were brought before the Mexican general, who allowed them to return to France as an honour guard for the body of Capitaine Danjou.

-Wikipedia: French Foreign Legion

Not humor but I thought Sh1fty might like to hear it. Also because I get really sick of listening to people talk about how France is a bunch of cowards or what not when in reality they really aren't. My country (US) probably wouldn't be around right now had it not been for the French, Spainish and Indians so. Sorry if its an overreaction.

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In google if you put "Famous French Victories" it used to come back "did you mean Famous French Defeats?".  Thats a true story as i did it myself but they changed it after complaints  biggrin_o.gif

Plus the foreign legion is just that,  the foreign legion.  40% of it is not strictly speaking French.

this site argues an amuzing counter argumant  tounge2.gif

i love

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]French Revolution

Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.

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this might be a bit offending. But its still funny as hell:

nearly pissed myself


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  (.Jonny @ Nov. 26 2007,16:28) said:
this might be a bit offending. But its still funny as hell:

nearly pissed myself


I did piss myself...a little.

Watching the video is only half the fun. Take a second run through and read the scrolling quote across the bottom.

Freakin hil-ar-ious!

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  (Mr Burns @ Dec. 15 2007,17:27) said:
Ukranian Army Ad

I thought this was hilarious, even though i didn´t understand anything  biggrin_o.gif

I want to join! yay.gif

This is the most comical military recruitment advert I have ever seen.

Any other contenders out there?

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Well there is a legendary story circulating in an Armoured Brigade in Finland that in some Winter, a tank was lost into the woods in a training area.

What happened, as I was told:

1) Tank crew parked their tank into a forest and camouflaged it as per instructions.

2) Tank crew went into their tent to sleep, some distance away from the tank (we never slept right next to our vehicles, it's a security consideration: if our stuff is close together and an enemy sees the vehicles or the tents, he has found everything we have which is of course not good, so we keep some distance).

3) It snowed heavily during the night.

4) In the morning the tank crew could not find their tank anymore...

I can believe this as a true story. Especially if the crew parked their tank when it was already dark, which is very likely as it always was so when we were in training camps...

If it snows like it does sometimes here, it is very possible that objects even as big as a tank will get lost, especially if you made sure it is "hidden from the enemy" as instructed on battle training excercises (whenever a vehicle is parked, it is covered as soon as possible if the "heat" is on).

It must have been quite embarrassing to report it to an officer... Uum Sir, we lost a tank, Sir?!

I had sometimes a bit similar problems with my combat belt... we couldn't keep them in the tents so if it snowed a lot... it was fun (yes I laughed I had such a good time) to start looking for it as it was frozen to the ground outside the tent and covered with snow. The eating kit was frozen too, so it was fun to start eating. The food which was put to the kit froze soon so you better eat fast! I'm talking about -35 degrees Celcius temperatures now. But I had fun doing it believe it or not.

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Indeed I agree with you Baddo. I bet that situation with the snow and tank is possible but must s**k loosing a tank in the woods tounge2.gif

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There was a ("TRUE! SERIOUSLY!") story in Pori Brigade about a XA-185 getting lost in the woods like that, but it wasn't even in winter, it just had a camouflage net on and the drivers wandered off pretty far. Sounds like BS but I don't know, I remember putting more stock in the story because it came from some more reliable source. I suppose it's possible, but each brigade has an own legend about disappearing vehicles.

Yeah, searching for stuff in the dark with a flickering, dying light (if any light at all) is really fun...kind of like the time I felt my hands going numb after being cold as hell for a time when carrying a mortar tube, I really started involuntarily laughing to myself for some reason (I kept all my fingers in the end).

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