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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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use mod folders dont put addons into your addons/res addons folders create your own mod folder make a folder in it named addons and put your addons you want to play with in their and follow the FFUR instructions on how to make a shortcut but re name whats needed

As a rule for the last couple of years i have used mod folders,prior to that i didn't crazy_o.gif Now the problem is that my OFP folder is 14 gigs in size(that's right folks,you read it correctly 14 giggs) Now with so many campaign's and missions i have downloaded which require addon's some of which are the same,or even the same name but different version's,it is an impossible task to sort it all out ie match the addon's  that are in my res folderwith the mission's/campaign's  that require them p.s then again i wouldn't have it any other way coz apart from playing the mission's just as much of my addiction come's from modding configs finding and installing addons needed,getting it all to work and,well ect ect!! biggrin_o.gif For me the whole thing is like a game of chess,and when you get it right/working,then the feeling you get is ace.

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A quick question regarding the optional islands:

Is the low res version still better looking than BIS' original? I'm considering using it because according to its Read Me it doesn't cause any kind of AI vehicle pathfinding bug like the high res version does.

If it IS better looking than the BIS original, then I'm going to go with the low res island rather than have to deal with the bugs only associated with the high res version.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated!




By the way, can you imagine how many modding endeavors have been temporarily halted because nearly everybody's now playing these FFUR releases? biggrin_o.gif

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In real life, it's already in use, and I feel it's about time we get a chance to try out something other than the millionth MP5 addon...

Who uses it? I know some SWAT forces use it but I never knew it was in use with Millitary SpecOps

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I too noticed that the AI seems incapable of seeing one another in the woods, or even if they're close to the woods.  The seem to see me fine though.  I'm playing the Red Hammer campaign where the player's finally given control over a squad, and I'm using the 2005 world with the high res island, and I certainly experienced this problem.  Pretty weird bug.

I also noticed in this mission that whenever I turn out of the BMP that the hatches open, but the AI's and player's bodies don't emerge.  They're stuck looking at the inside edges of the hatches.

Yes, I have no doubt, the AI can't engage enemys if they are in a wood in a High Res island. A shame because the islands are beautifull.

Any chance to fix that??

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Hey TB, any chance of getting the islands as a stand alone so that we can use them for mission editor, but then have the BIS ones for the campaigns?

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There is a resistance mission called Contraband that doesn't work. Basically, you can't use flares. For whatever reason, other squad members can see them, and pick them up and drop them, but they are completely unavailable to me. I can't use them or equip them and even though they are in the truck, you can't see them either though your squad can. I cannot go any further in this mission since I need to light a flare for the patrol boat to come. Any ideas?

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There is a resistance mission called Contraband that doesn't work. Basically, you can't use flares. For whatever reason, other squad members can see them, and pick them up and drop them, but they are completely unavailable to me. I can't use them or equip them and even though they are in the truck, you can't see them either though your squad can. I cannot go any further in this mission since I need to light a flare for the patrol boat to come. Any ideas?

I played through this mission with no problems using the 1985 Woodland pack.

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Ooops, forgot to mention. I'm using the FFUR2005 pack. Hope this helps me help anyone help me get past this mission...help!

EDIT: Ok, I tried the woodland pack and winter pack...with the woodland pack I could take flares, not drop them or use them. Is there some special way to use flares I'm not aware of? It doesn't appear in the menu at all.

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I'm still pretty partial to swapping out the MP5 for the UMP .45.

Just because a weapon gets good reviews, it doesn't mean that it is standard issue.

The MP5 is still the recognized workhorse submachinegun of Spec Ops. It lasts a long time and does what it is supposed to, two reasons it is still found in inventories.

If you argued for switching to something not a submachinegun, there would be more merit to your argument, as trends seem to be getting away from subguns in favor of harder-hitting weapons.

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Quote[/b] ] only gripe is the ironsites on the M60 in FFUR1985 having been married to the M60 since 1986 its a bit off, the SBJ seems the better of them besides the INQ iron site of the M60 machine gun

we'll enhance it.

Quote[/b] ]but the AI would not have ammo with which to fire the weapon

If we would remove the ammo from AI then the same would happen for the player, I don't think it's a good idea to keep pistols for regular soldiers.

Quote[/b] ] If possible, please increase all loadouts to include at least seven magazines' worth of ammo, and 2-3 grenades

Good idea.

Quote[/b] ]Everyone will already know this already i'm sure but i've done a test with the grenadiers and they don't use the M203 until the enemy is about 50 metres away or less. I know this is an OFP problem not FFUR

Will increase the firing range.

Quote[/b] ]I think I just found a bug with the Hi Res islands. If you set up a fight in a wood, let say two enemy squads, the AI can't see the enemy; they keep running at only a few meters the enemy soldiers and don't shoot or see them.

This bug belongs to ofp, well honestly I don't really consider it as bug cuz in real life, the density field of the vegetation is quite useful.

Quote[/b] ]i dont know if this is a bug or not, f16 doesn t have tracers

Will add them.

Quote[/b] ]Notice the trcers do not seem to work o the gun you are firing, AI seems to have them fine though?

In fact only light machine guns have tracers like in real life, classical firearms don't hav'em and even don't need 'em'.

Quote[/b] ]What can i do to replace the anims in this pack?

just replacing the anim.pbo doesnt seam to help...

We'll incorporate various different configs in the extra config pack that we expect to release.

Quote[/b] ]I tried to replace the Mi-24 model but I couldn't so here's my suggstion: Could you change the Mi-24 model to Vit's Mi-24D AT (AT6). It's the perfect equivalent of the BIS one. Also the missles cannot be AT2 Swatters because they are not launched from tubes. I also hope it fixes the problem of AI not putting the gears up.

If you're talking about the hind used in the Desert pack then we'd do it and I envisage including the AI "Gear up" script as well.

Quote[/b] ]What about using the tracer-effect-scripts for every machingun coming along with FFUR? I think it's a way to unrealistic if the M60 uses realistic tracers but the M1A1's doesn't?

We kept these tracers especially for machine guns and not for the tanks just in the goal to avoid adding more scripts to tanks EH, we'll improve a bit their tracers,though.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe it's just me, but hitting enemies accurately is ALOT harder.

Like in real life.

Quote[/b] ]The US army uses the M4 alot these days, so for the 05 mod could you give all regular US troops the M4 with aimpoint except for the Rifleman and the Grenadier who should keep the M16

Funny but totally unrealistic, only some special units of the US army do use such weapons.

Quote[/b] ]Once I acknowledge the message the game starts. It's not a big deal but could it be that my addons in operationflashpoint/res/addons conflicting with it? If I start default resistance with the addons I dont get the message. It's no big deal but anyone seen this?
Quote[/b] ]i get this message-no entry,config.bin/cfgweapons.ZuCannon

All of you must have clean BIS addons folders, Operation Flashpoint\Addons & Operation Flashpoint\res\addons must still be clean and must contain only BIS addons, put your extra addons in a mod folder in the goal to avoid getting duplicated addons please.

Quote[/b] ]I also noticed in this mission that whenever I turn out of the BMP that the hatches open, but the AI's and player's bodies don't emerge. They're stuck looking at the inside edges of the hatches.

Due to some of CSLA models but we expect to fix them.

Quote[/b] ]In regards to the 2005 world, I'd seriously reconsider replacing the MP5 for all the special ops missions with a M4 loaded up with attachments. Or maybe instead of the MP5 or M4 we'd get to use the new H & K submachine "wonder," the UMP .45. The buzz surrounding this weapon is that unlike the MP5 its guaranteed stopping power is fast making it super popular.

We expected to replace the MP5 by the M4 before the release but the majority of people prefered to keep the MP5.

In any way, both of these weapons are used a lot by the US army.

btw for people who haven't noticed that, we've include both of them in the goal to enjoy both sides (Against/for the M4) :

US blackOp -> MP5

US blackOp -> M4 Acog

Quote[/b] ]I'm sorry,but you broke the resistance mission called "fireworks" if you want to blow up the bridge you need 5-6 C4's

not 3

We didn't break anything cuz we kept BIS satchel explosion power, just be accurate when you deploy your satchel charges over the bridge.

Quote[/b] ]'Can not load mission, missing addons Hfr_Ah64'

and then i have to play with the old BIS apache, on 2005 pack by the way

can someone provide with a link to the addon so i can place it in the addons folder ?

Impossible! you don't have to play with BIS apache, and this message even don't appear in the FFUR 2005! I'm checking the config right now and everything seems correct.

you've done something wrong.

Quote[/b] ]use mod folders dont put addons into your addons/res addons folders create your own mod folder make a folder in it named addons and put your addons you want to play with in their and follow the FFUR instructions on how to make a shortcut but re name whats needed

please all of you should do this to avoid getting problems between "your" addons and FFUR ones

Quote[/b] ]- that of dynamic speaking AI and the radio chatter in the vehicles

I will think about it and will see if there's a way to incorporat'em without getting any prob & any conflict with FFUR scripts.

Quote[/b] ]Is the low res version still better looking than BIS' original? I'm considering using it because according to its Read Me it doesn't cause any kind of AI vehicle pathfinding bug like the high res version does.

The high-resolution pack uses high-quality textures made by the WGL mod team and some nice and suitable trees done by Berghoff. The main disvantage of this pack is the fact that AI sometimes crashes against trees or don’t drive correctly.

The low-resolution pack uses BIS Resistance Textures and Objects. It’s quite an interesting island pack due to the fact that it’s entirely playable on all computers.

Quote[/b] ]Hey TB, any chance of getting the islands as a stand alone so that we can use them for mission editor, but then have the BIS ones for the campaigns?

I don't envisage doing a such change but if you wish I can explain you a bit later how to do that in the cpp.;)

Quote[/b] ]Ooops, forgot to mention. I'm using the FFUR2005 pack. Hope this helps me help anyone help me get past this mission

'will check that and will fix it if necessary.

Best Regards


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Just one little issue, sorry to add to the blacklist, but I think there is somthing up with the aiming involving a reverse effect of gravity, and I don't think it was intentional.

You need to shoot at their legs (when looking through the Iron Sights and using crosshairs) to cover the enemy's head/chest. Wouldn't it be the other way around? confused_o.gif

This problem only seems to occur with the Spetz Natz Silenced AK, and sometimes the PK (in the 1985 packs). Just a minor problem though atm.


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Hey mates, I would like to inform you that I expect to increase a bit more the realism by enhancing and improving the ammunitions values, gear used by infantry's personnel... etc in the incoming envisaged patchs.

and will fix all these reported bugs/errors. (even if they're minor).

Quote[/b] ]

will create a new method to use the desert/winter packs without any problem for 1% of comps which can't run'em correctly.

will fix Mi24 "AI - auto retract Gear".

will add more of tradional asian songs to the asian pack.

M24 will have M24 SWS name instead of M24 mag.

will incorporate RGO to the FFUR 2005/Timed F1 as well.

BRDM FDF instead of the BIS one

Urals animations (enhanced ones by CameronMcDonald).

New Retextured Guba.

Will fix otw_haloru/ffur_halopara.p3d/missing parachute [winter].

will fix "\raft\scripts\bailout.sqs not found" message [winter].

Javelin and other asian Huge AT rocket launchers will lock their targets.

Remington 870 will be loaded automatically with a short delay due to the fact it's a pump-action shotgun.

will make new M16+mortars models.

will add a flame effect/explosion effect to the F16.

will take out the crater from choppers.

will take out the handguns from Machinegunners.

will replace BIS satchel [FFUR Asia].

will replace the Glocks.

will replace the M203 ironsight.

will replace the supercobra by a cobra F for the 85 woodland pack.

will enhance the realism data and will change some values.

//will replace BIS shilka by Spetznatz incoming one.

//ill replace BIS scud by Spetznatz incoming Luna.

//will replace the japanese models by incoming updated ones by Hyk.

//will incorporate Japanese and chinese voices packs

and much more


Thank you for spending such quality time with us. I especially enjoyed reading all of your great bug reports and seeing that you're all working with us in the goal to enhance everything.

Stay tuned wink_o.gif

Best Regards


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Sorry if this has been mentioned before (finsing it hard to keep up with all the pages), ubt in 1985 Woodland, the Ural fuel cannot move. Its like it has no fuel, but setfueling it to 1 doesn't work either. It kind of ruins a few ambush missions, because you have to hunt down where the convoy started to kill the trucks.

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I have to download the Asian Crises again. When I was instaling it, it reported me that the installation canot be done because some data in Asian Voices and Llauma sky is invalid.

So I want to question. Is it really something wrong with it, or have I to download this again?

I had the same when I first downloaded the FDF 1.3 and I had to download it again.

After the second downloadt everything was ok and there was no problems in instalation. So after I download the FFUR 1985 Woodland, Im gonna download Asian Crises again.

Its a little bit not nice because it was an 6 hours of downloading, and I must wait for it double.

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Quote[/b] ]I think I just found a bug with the Hi Res islands. If you set up a fight in a wood, let say two enemy squads, the AI can't see the enemy; they keep running at only a few meters the enemy soldiers and don't shoot or see them.

This bug belongs to ofp, well honestly I don't really consider it as bug cuz in real life, the density field of the vegetation is quite useful.

I tested the same situation with the default BIS islands and they fight properly. When I use the Hi Res islands the two enemy squads just keep running for ever at a few feets from the enemy and never shoot, just run. I walked to an enemy soldier and stand in front of him at 2 feets and nothing happens, he dont shoot. This is not happing winth the default islands. Hope this helps.


And again thanks for the great packs.

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this mod is the best i ever played! really a great mod.

Buti had two problem in the ffur 2005 campaign.... in the "rescue" mission of the flashpoint campaign the resistance rpg squad thatis supposed to destroy the russian tank simply do nothing, i had to kill the rpg 29 man and take the weapon to go trough the mission. And in the first mission in wich you had an m1 abrams, after defended chapoi my squad is stopped nerly outside the villagand then nothing. why? how can i solve it? and, please can someone tell me the tracklist of the ffur 2005 soundtrack? (sorry for my bad english)

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About the Apache missing message, I get it in every mission where there's one present (FFUR 1985). Nothing serious, mission runs fine.

I haven't tried the winter or desert pack but I meant the Mi-24 replacement for 2005 and 1985(woodland).

Is it really necessary for the cars to explode (except fuel and ammo trucks)? Fuel tanks don't usually explode (unlike Hollywood where every car is filled with explosives biggrin_o.gif ). And what's more they have afterexplosions as if they were loaded with shells.

Thanks for being understanding and hearing us out smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Impossible! you don't have to play with BIS apache, and this message even don't appear in the FFUR 2005! I'm checking the config right now and everything seems correct.

you've done something wrong.

hey i would think that is impossible i just checked the addons folder and the addon is there

very strange ill have another go with that mission

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80,000 people have been trying to download FFUR from OFPC.de

so far. Fortunatly not all of them have done so - still, a pretty

decent amount of traffic was caused .. 3 terrabyte and counting.

That's about 1500€ worth of traffic .. luckily we don't have to

pay for that.

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I was just playong fdf the other day, and I remembered the mod's brilliant HALO scripts, any chance of getting them in for the SpecOps HALO unit?

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What can i do to replace the anims in this pack?

just replacing the anim.pbo doesnt seam to help...

what i want is get rid of the "crouched walking" anim as i just cant stand it....

so, does anyone have any sugestions?

i quote myself as i really need a answer to this and the questions has fallen back a couple of pages.

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the question have been answered sometime ago, there will be extra configs in the next patch so you can choose the animation with or without crouched walking wink_o.gif

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For the 1985 packs:

XM-177E2 -> SJB CAR-15

XMS -> SJB CAR-15/Aimpoint

M-21 -> SJB M-21 Camo

For All Packs:

Ingram -> Crime City MAC-10

HK G3 -> NorFor AG3

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the question have been answered sometime ago, there will be extra configs in the next patch so you can choose the animation with or without crouched walking wink_o.gif

thank you for that answer smile_o.gif

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