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SJB Weapons Pack Released

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Hooray for off-topic faggotry.



My post was on-topic, if that comment was aimed at me.

I was merely demonstrating how annoying these requests after requests after requests have become, especially considering you've stated on more than one occasion that new additions would not be made to the already exhaustive list of weapons included in the pack wink_o.gif


Lighten up a bit and don't take everything so seriously all the time thumbs-up.gif There are more important things in life to get stressed over

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I had considered it yeah, I can only do so much for each version, assuming you (the collective community) ever want to see v2.0 released. For that matter, v3.0 is probably going to be 6 years away with all the stuff people keep requesting for it, which so far has, SA80 (SUSAT, Carbine and LSW), Beowulf, Diemaco rifles ()in a shit-load of variants), more AT weapons, plus the 40+ weapons on my to-do list which I can't seem to find. No more requests. No more suggestions. Fact of the matter is, I want to actually complete v2.0 before people ask "Can you add X, Y and Z into the next version?"

here here

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zOMG!!1 You meen u wont b addIn teh l337 microwave oven/radio/alarmed/net-launching machinegun from Beverly Hills Cop 3?? j00 suX!!1ONE


LOL, i love it when eddie murphy pops up from behind the bench to unload on the bad guys.....he squeezes the trigger, and his gun starts singing showtunes!! lol rofl.gif

eddie then looks left, then right, then ducks back down behind cover as the badguys unload on him. lol

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And then, by some fucking miracle, the insanity ends, and this topic gets back on track and/or gets locked - hopefully the latter because I'm sick of the bullshit.

On a side note, before this thread is (hopefully) locked, I'm going to implement the Diemaco rifles into v2.0. I don't care quite frankly how far this sets the release back, I want them in, and several other people have expressed their want for them. So they're going in.

@Moderator(s): Please lock this topic.

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It's not a shame, it's 81 pages long and hitting it up with the v2.0 release announcement would not be a good idea to begin with. And as Jackal would dub it, many of those 81 pages are off-topic faggotry.

Fresh topic is the way to go.

But yes, it is a Goddamned shame we can no longer hint at the F-2000, plastic fantastic piece of modular shit that it is (You know, it probably is a good weapon, I just have a strong hate on for 'tupperware firearms,), and I have no idea how the Christ Eddie Murphey got involved in this. It's just fucking common sense to lock it at this point.

Actually, my apologies for this post as well. It's completely unessecary and I have no idea why I wrote it.

Much as I have no idea why anyone wrote most of the posts in this thread's last twenty pages.

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Actually, my apologies for this post as well. It's completely unessecary and I have no idea why I wrote it.

You probably shouldn't have made it then... confused_o.gif

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No, I probably shouldn't have. But I don't have a delete feature here.

And if we're going to go on regarding posts that shouldn't have been made, prettymuch every post since page 60 of this thread didn't really need to happen, unless Jackal was making it.

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Well i want to wait for the release.. shame some people are screwing it up for the rest of us. confused_o.gif Good luck SJB for getting these great weapons ingame. thumbs-up.gif

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i do apologize for going off topic, but it sounds like youre pissed off about more than a few random off topic posts. crazy_o.gif

Still lookin foward to seeing the new pack (hopefully i can do it before Uncle Sam has my butt)

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As the topic hasn't been locked despite numerous requests, I figure I'll carry on posting news and progress reports...

Anyway, two advances worthy of note. The first is the progress on the Diemaco rifles. I've completed the C7A1 and C7A2 base rifles (bar a few texture tweaks). Check out the image below (click it to be taken to the full size image)


The textures of the green furniture need to be a more olive-drab. They will be fixed in time. Also, the TRIAD Rail mounting system near the rifle's foresight needs to be tweaked - if anyone has any good soruce images of the actual mount I'd be pleased if they linked me to them (in a PM) as I've simply had to make it up.

Another advance I have made in recent weeks is with the scoped AK47. I've removed the old scope, and replaced it with a more fitting Russian design.



Once again, they're still WORK IN PROGRESS so don't start bitching about the inaccuracies.

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Hey SJB....I've got tons of photo's of that rifle as I was working on one for the ONS mod. Mine's nowhere near that complete though. I hope you don't mind; I added you onto MSN. I can transfer you the pictures there.

Take care,


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Nice Jackal, but is it just me or does the C7A2 looks a bit blurry? Textures i mean? smile_o.gif

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Hey SJB....I've got tons of photo's of that rifle as I was working on one for the ONS mod. Mine's nowhere near that complete though. I hope you don't mind; I added you onto MSN. I can transfer you the pictures there.

I don't mind at all. The rifle itself I have a fair amount of images of, I just need reference for the Triad mounting.

Hows the Beta?

It doesn't exist yet until I get the Diemaco's nailed down and included.

The textures aren't blurry, thats just with the models being at a slight angle, and the mip-mapping kicking in. Its also probably due to the embossing effect I gave to the markings to make them seem more realistic, which I may have over-done. I'll check into those and see if I can tweak them to look more accurate.

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Just updated the Diemaco C7A2 model, with thanks to Abs_01 who sent me some great images to use as reference. The TRIAD Rail system has been tweaked - it still isn't 100% accurate, but its as close as I can get it without remaking the foresight post and the barrel. I also tweaked the colouring of the plastic 'furniture' to a more olive-drab green, and it seems to suit the rifle. I'll post some screenshots tomorrow evening - assuming I'm not too tired after a full-day's work goodnight.gif

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Bitch about what? I see seriously nothing to bitch about, it's pretty damn good so far thumbs-up.gif

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