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ECP 1.085 Released!

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I remember a test config awhile back the changed the recoil to make firefights last long (among other things). Is that going to be implemented?


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I am dying to try out the new ECP 1.96, but I can't get it to start. I keep getting a 'Data file read error (config.bin).' I looked in the \@ECP\Bin\ and noticed that I don't have a config.bin. I only have a config.cpp. I uninstalled ECP and reinstalled, same problem. I downloaded the Core installer and the plugins and tried again, and still the same problem. I don't know what to do. Please help.

May or may not be the problem, but make sure your shortcut -mod input doesn't end with a ";" (as in, -mod=@ECP;whatever;). That can bring up a similar error (something to do with a config file, at least, if memory serves). Has caught me once or twice before, that.

- Grif

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...you don`t need a config.bin. It`s enough having a config.cpp because it`s the same... icon_rolleyes.gif

I tried to run ECP on our linux server. It didn`t start so i tried to find something. On my search i found a texture problem in ecp_effects.pbo. The file \models\m213fuse.paa seems to be broken...

After "reparing" the file i tried again but now im getting following error in server logfile...

No entry 'config.cpp.CfgWorlds'


...and i had read the linux part in the readme... wink_o.gif

We're really sorry m8. The current version will not work with linux.

From our page: www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/#downloads

Quote[/b] ]

ECP currently only works on Windows servers, the linux server has some unexplainable issues we are currently trying to fix.

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Bug found when playing the Alamo mission (from the campaign Red Hammer)

does not occur during the cutscene, but as soon as the mission really begin it will not stop alterning with those 2 error messages :


(on a Full install of ECP) .

Note : that's the only mission i played until now displaying these error messages.

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Question about ECP_settings

I don't know whether or not my changes are really coming into effect. Do I remove the two slashes at each parameter (ones I change) to have them come into effect, or leave it?

I tried to change the surrender thing, and a couple others, but I'm not overly sure if they're working properly. I havn't had a guy surrender once, and I had him on 90% chance and higher values on other things.

Also, what do I change to have more radio chatter?

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We're really sorry m8. The current version will not work with linux.

From our page: www.ofpec.com/editors/ecfg/#downloads

Quote[/b] ]

ECP currently only works on Windows servers, the linux server has some unexplainable issues we are currently trying to fix.

Yeah, I get that a lot... whistle.gif

The Zeus servers currently run ECP 1.085. They are running on a Linux machine. How can that be, you ask?

Read my post in this thread: ECP 1.085 released! (Page 2, some ways down)

<ul>[*] Download that "special ZIP file" for dedicated servers off the OFPEC ECP page linked to by mathjis

[*] Unpack the ZIP file into the OFP server folder just like you would with any other mod

[*] Make sure all file names are in lowercase (Use tolower)

[*] THE TRICK: Make a new, empty folder named scripts in the OFP folder

[*] Alter your start script to copy @ecp/bin/*.cpp and @ecp/bin/*.h to the ofp server folder (the top ofp folder, where the server program and start script is)

[*] You're good to go.

So, the trick to run ECP on linux servers is this: <span style='color:red'>make an empty folder named "scripts" in the top OFP folder</span>. The end.

BTW, the part about copying text-based bin/*.cpp files (and, for ECP, the sound.h file) is the same thing you do when hosting FDF mod, which also has a text-form core game config.

The only remaining issue is to figure out how to remedy the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><playername> uses modified config file - cfg/CfgVehicles/ECP_MKII/that appears when connecting. Most likely, this is due to clients having the "full" DynRange/whathaveyou config while the server has a cleaner core config.

<span style='color:red'>EDIT:</span>Found the reason - in the server files archive, the config.cpp therein defines class ECP_MKII as having private scope whereas the client installs a config that has said class defined with protected scope. The fix is to add a line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">scope=1; to class ECP_MKII in the server config.cpp.

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k@voven ,

AI will indeed initiate contact at a greater range. AI will fire more often, but AI are much less accurate, especially over longer ranges. Once AI "make you" the knowledge they have about you will be shared with their surrounding mates if within range. The result is longer more intense fire fights representing, what we believe, to be much closer to human reactions than ever before.

Up until now, AI never used to use the "pray and spray" saturation fire method that we humans use, they would only fire upon accurate target acquisition. You will find now that they no longer do this.

If you have already been "made" by the AI then if you commence firing from a standing or crouched position you may very well attract a hell of a lot more attention than you would if you were prone. Remember what the BIS mission "Ambush" character said ? "1,2,3, shoot move AHA" never has this been more true than it is now, AI will "make" you at a long distance and rather than commencing their flanking manoeuvre directly in front of you only 50 - 100m away, they will, instead, do this at 200-400m away out of your sight (as a human would). Before you know it your position will suffer from a hail of long range (inaccurate) lead. Not only from you group that you shot at, but also from all his buddies that he has told about you. Dont forget, info gets passed on in a chain link fashion if they are all in range of each other.

ebns72 ,

thats the IR jamming system working as it should. If you find it too hard open ecp_settings.sqf and decrease the chance of the flares being successful.


the ECP will know when it is running on a dedicated server and will shut of any and all effects so that it runs at max cpu potential. Disabling these visuals in the ecp_settings.sqf will have no effect. Be careful of exactly what you disable in ecp_settings.sqf in that it does not affect server side simulation scripts. The only thing that you really need to make sure is switched on (with the default ecp_settings.sqf )for the server is DSAI, the remaining settings in ecp_settings.sqf need not be altered.


you have me stumped I'm afraid.

Please post your OS and system specs, a list of background running tasks. Defrag your system drive and run a scandisk check. I would also suggest a re-install of OFPR. ECP does not use a config.bin it uses a config.cpp


if you have a broken .paa file then you may have other corrupt files also due to a bad download. I would suggest that you re download and re install.

benreeper ,

there are many different recoil configs out there, we tested some and found that we all agreed to disagree. If the team could not come to a definitive agreement as to what was best then you can sure as heck bet that the community reply to any alterations would be 1000x worse. I believe EECP may be undertaking this though. Also, having said that ECP may yet include a recoil change, that is something we will decide later. As for longer fire fights? Please see my reply to k@voven above.


that is almost definitely a bug with the map. It would appear that the map designer has used the reserved variable "time" as a label name for an object. Naughty.


many things can delay the time it takes for a retreating group to surrender. Are they in the process of throwing smoke? Have they reached there "move to" point, at which time they turn around and are no longer retreating but fighting again, are they Super AI ? - very rarely surrender, are they high rank?

And yes, you must remove the (//) comments. We may (possibly) tweak AI surrender again in another version, remember mate that particular code is alpha. I have only just put it in smile_o.gif


awesome stuff MATE! Thanks.

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that is almost definitely a bug with the map. It would appear that the map designer has used the reserved variable "time" as a label name for an object. Naughty.

Thank you, i just unpbo-ed the campaign, edited this mission and renamed the Time object to TTTime , and no more error messages.

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just to say this is truely amazing a big well done however just two things firstly missions like battlefields that use a arty script no longer work it just says... no addon 88 (or something like that) and secondly... so far i have not encountered any AI calling in mortor support or arty.. but appart from that ... back to raging war*picks up m4, and runs*

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Thanks to Killswitch for the assistance and explanations om how the penguin server works.

All you need to do is unzip this file to your OFP-root directory and add @ecp to your modfolder-line.

ECP for Linux servers

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the ECP will know when it is running on a dedicated server and will shut of any and all effects so that it runs at max cpu potential. Disabling these visuals in the ecp_settings.sqf will have no effect. Be careful of exactly what you disable in ecp_settings.sqf in that it does not affect server side simulation scripts. The only thing that you really need to make sure is switched on (with the default ecp_settings.sqf )for the server is DSAI, the remaining settings in ecp_settings.sqf need not be altered.

Right so, just to clarify im talking about the server ECP config here....

-i DONT need to fiddle with the FX as it'll disable that automatically....

-i can of course define my simulation preferences, eg, surrender range ect, for the server in the same way as i do for SP?

-So the DSAI plugins are needed?




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Quote[/b] ]Right so, just to clarify im talking about the server ECP config here....

-i DONT need to fiddle with the FX as it'll disable that automatically....


Quote[/b] ]-i can of course define my simulation preferences, eg, surrender range ect, for the server in the same way as i do for SP?


Quote[/b] ]-So the DSAI plugins are needed?

The DSAI pbo files are not required on the dedicated server, please see opening page. All you have to do is make sure it is switched on, on the server ecp_settings.sqf

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Zayfod: could you please answer my previous post and this one thanx.. is sancturarys anim pack compatible with ECP .. i cant seem to be able to get it to work.

any help appreciated.

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Whoops *Big Edit* got mixed up there, ill leave this post here though for you guys to shame me with biggrin_o.gif

If you ask me its best if Sanctuarys pack is not made compatible with ECP, Its great to be able to lean and all, but it would piss people off if there servers kept crashing because of people with a modified config comming in, leaning and crash the server, or even if their server had the new config and someone with the old one came in and crashed the server.

No offence to Sancturary, but its not compatible enough to be implemented.

I know you could say i wont use it on servers, But other people will because they are forgetful or just a bit stupid.

Sorry about that confused_o.gif got Locke@Germany and Sanctuary mixed up, I feel really bad now.

Ive got Sanctuarys Patrol pack working on mine, it just works as normal i didnt have to change anything.

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is sancturarys anim pack compatible with ECP .. i cant seem to be able to get it to work.

any help appreciated.

I don't know how you installed it but it works fine for me.

I'm using DMA_animpatrol.rar.

I put the anims.pbo into a different modfolder than in ECP.

\operationflashpoint\asp1667\dta\anim.pbo so I don't have to overwrite ECP's anim.pbo

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In a Dta folder

anims.pbo = all the cutscenes you can see in the menu at OFP stratup and after quitting an island/mission/campaign , OFP will load a cutscene from that file

Anim.pbo = all the OFP animations (minus the new Resistance handgun and other +1.75 misc animations) .

You can place the Anim.pbo of any of my animation release in the Dta folder of the ECP mod, there is no ECP Anim.pbo there.

Quote[/b] ]If you ask me its best if Sanctuarys pack is not made compatible with ECP, Its great to be able to lean and all, but it would piss people off if there servers kept crashing because of people with a modified config comming in, leaning and crash the server, or even if their server had the new config and someone with the old one came in and crashed the server.

No offence to Sancturary, but its not compatible enough to be implemented.

I know you could say i wont use it on servers, But other people will because they are forgetful or just a bit stupid.

I made the leaning animations, but i made them as a replacement of existing animations.

Locke@Germany made the mod allowing to use them in a different way than mine (+he added the roll while proning from another mod) so you they will not overwrite any other animations.

Unfortunately, Locke@Germany mod is not compatible with MP if the server does not has the Locke@Germany mod installed.

If you add the definition of the animation that can be found in Locke config.bin to the ECP , you will then not be able to use ECP online.

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You can place the Anim.pbo of any of my animation release in the Dta folder of the ECP mod, there is no ECP Anim.pbo there.

Ooops! You're right. I misread anim.pbo as anims.pbo wow_o.gif

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Had my first surrender monkey today. Or should I say trio? I interrogated the three stooges, and all three incompetent communist pigs did not give me any good info.

'Harsh' measures had to be taken pistols.gif

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If you're in a battle and the other teams wants to surrender, how would you know? Does the leader say "Cease fire" or what? Also if they surrender and you keep shooting at them, will they run, shoot back or what?

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Quote[/b] ]I don't know how you installed it but it works fine for me.

I'm using DMA_animpatrol.rar.

I put the anims.pbo into a different modfolder than in ECP.

\operationflashpoint\asp1667\dta\anim.pbo so I don't have to overwrite ECP's anim.pbo

i installed it the way it says in the readme, create this and that folder, does it matter which shortcut i alter the commant line in ?

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you have me stumped I'm afraid.

Please post your OS and system specs, a list of background running tasks. Defrag your system drive and run a scandisk check. I would also suggest a re-install of OFPR. ECP does not use a config.bin it uses a config.cpp

My OS is Windows XP Pro SP2 -System specs are; AMD Athlon 1.4GHz processor, 1GB RAM, nVidia FX 5200 256MB Video, 80GB HDD. I did a defrag a month ago, but will do it again. I will also reinstall OFPR when I return from work.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 11:02:03 AM, on 7/28/2005

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe




C:\Program Files\DCPFLICS\DCPFLICS.exe

D:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server.exe

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE




C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe





D:\Program Files\Roxio\Easy Media Creator 7\Drag to Disc\DrgToDsc.exe

D:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe

D:\Program Files\FileZilla Server\FileZilla Server Interface.exe

D:\Program Files\Picasa\PicasaMediaDetector.exe



D:\program files\valve\steam\steam.exe

D:\Program Files\GrabClipSave\GrabClipSave.exe

D:\Program Files\YPOPs\YPOPs.exe

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C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe


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If you're in a battle and the other teams wants to surrender, how would you know? Does the leader say "Cease fire" or what? Also if they surrender and you keep shooting at them, will they run, shoot back or what?

Think they put hands on heads. The one i got to surrender did. Ran him over in my warrior whistle.gif

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Lol aright thanks a lot. But i could never get those idiots to surrender? They keep shooting! banghead.gif

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A bug report:

On map single click doesnt seem to work with the latest ECP.

(Left Shift+Left Mouse button)

Could anyone clarify this?

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