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ECP 1.085 Released!

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Hey on a run on the desert map with the normal ECP apache (bis) I noticed it had a extra glaring effect to it as well as shadowing,I was wondering if there a way I could get this on mine and Franze's apache?

cept maybe a bit less bright.

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Damn! Why does everyone but me see that effect so easily? sad_o.gif

If I'm not mistaken, it's already on the chopper now, Nod.

It's part of ECP.

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I replaced LSR's m16 and m4 sounds with the Dynamic Range sounds. I replaced LSR's wss. sound files with these Dynamic Range wss. sound files:






But the problem is that when i fire LSR's m16's and m4's in the game, they don't sound like the BIS m16's and m4's (with the dynamic range sound pack on). It has some kinda weird noise, can you please help me? confused_o.gif

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Hey on a run on the desert map with the normal ECP apache (bis) I noticed it had a extra glaring effect to it as well as shadowing,I was wondering if there a way I could get this on mine and Franze's apache?

cept maybe a bit less bright.

That's done through materials.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgTextureToMaterial


class Airborne


















class CfgMaterials


class AirborneMetal










Play with the values in CfgMaterials to change the way that things look.

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Hey on a run on the desert map with the normal ECP apache (bis) I noticed it had a extra glaring effect to it as well as shadowing,I was wondering if there a way I could get this on mine and Franze's apache?

cept maybe a bit less bright.

There are two requirements to have the lighting reflections working:

- a well configured "CfgTextureToMaterial" class in config.cpp

- and a binarised model (ODOL).

I've just configured the CfgTextureToMaterial and realised your model isn't binarised - thus couldn't get the effect. But that's not the actual problem, the problem is I can't binarise it... crazy_o.gif It has happened before with models with structural faults, which gave me an error in BIS' "binarize". I'm sorry, but I don't know the cause. sad_o.gif

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Eh dun worry about it,maybe I'll try at it later but Franze wants to keep it unbinariazed so OFP loads it faster and its easier to unpack,see if I can't get a special version though.

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Dear ECP team,

How about you think about adding "ultra AI" ? that would have thesame level of skill as VME's AI? It would not be standard, but it would be a new entry in the editor: Soldier (ultra) , officer (ultra) , but also groups (mech inf. squad (ultra) )

For those that never fought VME AI:

They give covering fire, they shell positions you might be at (with tanks) , they clear houses, They roll from behind cover, they lean around corners, they are overall focussed more on surviving and helping each other (IE if one is wounded a soldier and medic run to him, soldier covers while the medic patches up)...

A friend and me tried to kill twelve men that had to cover an open field, we were fortified, but I can tell you: it was impossible! I mean FFS! one of them even lobbed a nade trough a window of the house we were in! dont ask me how he did it! crazy_o.gif

I dunno, words cannot describe how this AI works. Though very cpu intensive, but hey, seeying three squads of those uber AI's engage enemy positions (or you), while tanks and mortars fire shells over their heads is much more impressive then watching six squads of Bis AI run to their doom.

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VME AI? Where can i download it from? Sound sweet yay.gif .


nvm got it biggrin_o.gif

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Maybe it's mentioned before, but is there anyway to prevent ECP from breaking the AI? I'm trying to play the first campaign mission and the whole group seems to be scared to venture out, or ever 10 minutes or so of seeing if its safe, they decide to chase some lone Russian soldier all the way out in the woods! We've got a village to seize guys! See, running after that lone soldier is what they WANT you to do, just so they can run in and fortify the village.

Edit: Okay, I see there it has been addressed, I hope there is an easy fix or else this is completely worthless to me. Got lots of nice flashy bells an whistles though.

Chasing after the wrong targets, fearing for your lives and hiding, crawling towards a known armoured position rather than running upright towards it, knowing that every time you get spotted that information is passed the entire enemy force, panicking and running away.

Hmmm sounds like a real battle doesn't it? smile_o.gif

Nothing is broken, only that plans of attack can become easily broken, as in a real battle. Stop and think of how many friendly casualties occurred in the Gulf War, yes? I think unpredictability is the very nature of war. Remember, AI skill settings are truly revealed when it comes to ECP, seasoned skilled AI troops react a hell of a lot differently when faced with a barrage of info about tangos to the way low skilled AI react. They are seeing and hearing a hell of a lot more than they usually do and they have their own live wire intel reports between groups. wink_o.gif

How are you just going to sit there and justify this broken gameplay? Sitting around for 20 minutes ( !!! ) waiting for my squad to advance 100 yards, even though there is no incoming fire is NOT FUN!!!

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Another THANK YOU  notworthy.gif

The previous release of ECP and EECP combined with the highsky and DXDll made OFP, even though it already was the leading combat game to me, outstanding in comparison to other games alike.

I love what I´ve seen from the new ECP! fi. the chatter on the battleground made the experience even more intense.

(I really do hope our good ´ol Kurayami will get the new EECP out some day soon since I do miss aspects from that now ECP and EECP can´t be combined; and my system does show some performance issues without it  help.gif )

Anyhoo: greatest respects to the ECP team! I hope you can finally return to your loved ones since I´m quite sure they must have missed you for quite some time

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Firstly, I was wondering...since we turned the dynamic range off in the server config.cpp as described in a few faq's I was wondering why we get modified config.bin errors like blablabla/T55G. Is there anything to do about it or will we always receive these messages?


A few pages back there is a similair post about problems when you want to use an own INIT= (for BNtracers) eventhandler on your units, while still keeping ECP compatible.

I also have the same problem, altough I am not editing the main config.cpp/bin   but just from an addon

I put the

class ECP_EventHandlers {};

just above cfgvehicles

and then at the units themselves:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class EventHandlers : ECP_EventHandlers {

Init = "_this call (ECP_resources select 40); [_this select 0,5]call loadFile {\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf}";


I was wondering what I do wrong here, cause now ECP is completely disabled on that unit, but the tracers work smile_o.gif

Any help apreciated biggrin_o.gif

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I replaced LSR's m16 and m4 sounds with the Dynamic Range sounds. I replaced LSR's wss. sound files with these Dynamic Range wss. sound files:






But the problem is that when i fire LSR's m16's and m4's in the game, they don't sound like the BIS m16's and m4's (with the dynamic range sound pack on). It has some kinda weird noise, can you please help me? confused_o.gif

Anyone? I'm still stuck on this problem huh.gif .

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I'm sorry, exigent, but I can't understand your problem.

In order to try reproducing your problem, I tried the following code, in Sound_dr.h:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

#define M16_SINGLE_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\M16single.wss",1,1};

#define M16_BURST_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\M16burst.wss",1,1};


#define M4_SINGLE_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\m4Fire.wss",1,1};

I, then, placed the respective sounds in the ECP addons directory, in their vanilla format.

Ingame, everything sounds fine. I also loaded Laser's US Weapon Pack, tested it and found no problem.


At sickboy

Please check our online readme for ECP Addon Compatibility, which has been updated yesterday.

Remember that, in order to initialise ECP in the current version, you need a BIS unit on the map. Our next release will have that fixed. wink_o.gif

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I'm also sorry, i don't get what you're trying to say lol tounge2.gif . Here is what i did:

...@ECP\Addons\DynamicRange.pbo <----- I opened this file by using the unpbo tool

DynamicRange\Weapons.... <------ I got the M4 and M16 sound files from here in wss. format.

In that folder i took out the following files:






From there i replace the LSR wss. sound files with these. I was hoping that the sounds would be those of the BIS M16 and XMS (with the DR plugin on). But instead i got sounds nothing close to it.

This is exactly what i did with replacing LSR's M60E3 with the DR M60 sound and it worked great.

Quote[/b] ]I tried the following code, in Sound_dr.h:

Code Sample  

#define M16_SINGLE_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\M16single.wss",1,1};

#define M16_BURST_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\M16burst.wss",1,1};


#define M4_SINGLE_SOUND sound[]={"..\@ECP\Addons\m4Fire.wss",1,1};


1. What is Sound_dr.h and where can i find it?

Quote[/b] ]I, then, placed the respective sounds in the ECP addons directory, in their vanilla format.

2. I don't get what you're trying to say? Also what is vanilla format?

Obviously your your much more advanced in this subject. I don't understand what your trying to say lol.

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Ok I'll show you an example, the m60:

If you want the sounds to be replaced with Laser's you just use:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

#define M60_SHOT_SOUND sound[]={"\LSR_uswp\sounds\M60fire.wss",db7,1};

You do not have to move the files out of the pbo file! You can just leave that intact! All you need is the LSR_uswp Addon in your Addons , Res\Addons or @ECP\Addons folder.

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But that do i do with that? Where do i put it? Also where is that from?

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Argh ok, we're gonna do this the easy way! wink_o.gif

Just put these files in your \@ECP\Bin folder. (When asked if you want to overwrite the config.cpp, say yes.)

Make sure you have the lsr_uswp.pbo file in one of the loaded addon folders!

Have fun with your laser sounds. wink_o.gif This is a non DR version btw!

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Sorry but i don't know if it was me, i didn't want to have LSR's sounds on the BIS weapons, i wanted to have DR's sounds on LSR's weapons. Sorry for any confusion sad_o.gif .

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Lol, ok now that's an entirely different issue biggrin_o.gif

All you need to do is edit the config.cpp in the lsr_uswp.pbo file. You need to replace his sound[]=*** entries with the ones you find in Sound_DR.h. Then all you have to do is repack the pbo file.

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Lol im guessing you can't help me on this one tounge2.gif .

Thanks anyone rofl.gif .

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We can't reproduce such unless we know in what conditions you got those CTD's. Can you send us the missions that are causing you these issues?

the CTD´s occur when there is to many units (more then about 50 i think) or the game gets too heavy... (lag)

there is no "fix" condition for it to occure, othere then a ECP script being triggered

last time it occured when i came drivig with a car into a battle...

before that i was standing in the middle of the battle,

before that it was when i triggered a script (in the middle of a battle)

so the reason seams to be a combination with the game being heavy (sudden drop in FPS) or a script being triggered...

i can repoduce the script in a number of unrelated situations...

another thing being ratet between the CTD´s is that i used BWMOD units every time...

it CAN be a conflict between a BWmod script and a ECP script..

but then it shuld occur every time wich it dosent...

if i dont use ECP i dont get the CTD even though it´s the same mission...

[edit] it´s not any BWMOD script, as i disabled all their scripts and and still got the CTD...

again i came driving into a battle when the game chrashed, seamingly due to a sudden FPS drop... and no error message...

i have absolutely no clue what may cause this... again it was a big battle with 6 squads (about 8 units in each squad) on each side..

might it be the sheer number of units in one battle that cause the CTD?

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I haven't used ECP in ages. After seeing that the focus went from useful/interesting features to making semi permanent brass ejecting from weapons. I was a little put off.

Can you still specify what features you want or not? Especially the IMO more trivial/lag-inducing ones?

After looking at the post above, I think my concerns about the modification bogging the game down were well founded. I didn't even have a chance to read about all the features yet. I liked a few of them. However honestly a lot of that stuff just doesn't work if you really want to put OFP to serious use.

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Yes you can turn off and scale up/down whatever you like.

People who experience any lag only have themselves to blame, they should just turn thier settings down.

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Calm down, guys. If you have any objective questions and/or detailed bug reports to post, please do. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

At Baphomet

I didn't get what you meant with your paragraph: the resting cartridges feature was already present in v1.071.

At exigent

Yes, we can help you. Do you have MSN? I could explain you all the steps you need to perform in order to achieve the sound replacement, according to however you'd like it to be done.

Otherwise, I'll just post a long and detailed procedure, so that you and other may understand how it can be done.

At the_shadow

Could you, please, send us that mission? We can't figure out that bug unless we know the conditions in which it occurs.

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