the_shadow 0 Posted August 6, 2005 At the_shadowCould you, please, send us that mission? We can't figure out that bug unless we know the conditions in which it occurs. Thats a problem for me too... it seams to be different occations every time.... i´ll see if i can get a fix on what is causing the CTD... oh, and btw... the mission is very heavy on addons (i dont use any bis stuff at all) ill also try to lower the ECP settings... it must be one of the ecp effects that cause the CTD in some strange way.. ill come back to you when ive made some more testing... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted August 6, 2005 ECP is the best way to play flashpoint. Been playing throught the Resistance campaign and It a diffrent experence. Best thing ever. Ever better than me being born Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted August 6, 2005 Hi ECP Team! I followed the development for some time now. My congrats to all of you guys. It's the most fantastic experience playing OFP in the ECPmod. I dl/ed both videos you did, and I was impressed. I have a question though. What does the spectator function means. I couldn't figure out it's use yet. Can someone enlighten me. Thanks for replying, and for having created such a fantastic mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 6, 2005 I have a question though. What does the "spectator" function mean. The "spectate" button in the missions editor launches the Debug Spectator - a tool for mission beta-testing, which allows you to execute new code ingame, monitor squads and vehicles status, follow units, etc. In order to enable this function, you must "preview" the mission and leave it once it's loaded (Pause-Menu -> Abort). Then, press "spectate" to continue the mission with the Debug Spectator dialog. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted August 6, 2005 Hi Komuna! Thanks for the explanation. This is a great implement. Does that work also in intros? Well nevertheless I'll gonna check this out anyway. I experienced some funny things though. All missions I played so far with the mod, after a while it started to rain. AI skill increased very much. I'm still working on a mission where I set the skill level down to simulate a long firefight. When playing it with ECP, enemy AI became top shots,very dangerous. The sounds you implemented are great. This is the best mod I've seen so far, since you concentrated on different aspects of OFP then other mods. I'm really impressed. Also both videos you made are fantastic. First time I saw the first one it took me some time to recover from my surprise. Especially the camerashot of the grenade thrown towards the enemy, really great camwork. I loved both soundtracks too. If I'm not wrong Tim Pink did them. However thanks for gaving the community such a new and extraordinary playing sensation. This is an exellent work, once again my congrats to all the team. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted August 6, 2005 yeah i noticed the increase of a.i skills too but i think its nice for all of us that been used to the same a.i since 2001 Some how also i've experienced in one mission in making right now that my a.i squad is flanking its last objective rather than to move head on and follow the waypoint like a blind man but that could also have happened cause some of our tanks where upahead and if a.i info share really works as i believe it is my officer got the word that there where enemies upahead and he went for a flanking maneouver sure ecp maybe lowers down the fps in missions with many a.i's but hey i can live with that, cause we get so much in return still Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted August 6, 2005 Quote[/b] ]sure ecp maybe lowers down the fps in missions with many a.i's but hey i can live with that, cause we get so much in return still It depends also on the islands which are used in the missions. Nogova lags pretty badly. The mission I'm working on is on Desert Island, and even using lots of AI it doesn't lag at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 7, 2005 the_shadow, reproduce your error mate, then immediately post the last entry in your Flaspoint.rpt file. Lets have a look at that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted August 7, 2005 the_shadow,reproduce your error mate, then immediately post the last entry in your Flaspoint.rpt file. Lets have a look at that. alright, this should be it i think.... it´s a bit big though (many addons) only BWMOD and SFP addons used in the actual mission, even though i startet the game with more (but that does not matter) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ===================================================================== == F:\Program\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE ===================================================================== Exe version: Wed Jun 01 19:29:22 2005 graphics: Direct3D HW T&L , Device: RADEON 9800 SE (Omega 2.6.53), Driver:ati2dvag.dll resolution: 1280x1024x32 Addons: kmmyug in kmmyug\, BWMOD_Dingo in bwmod_dingo\, BWMOD_Objekte in bwmod_objekte\ MMP_Unimog in bwmod_unimog\, sfp_ak5 in sfp_ak5\, SFP_P88bmag in sfp_p88\ gQ_Mtlbu in gq_mtlbu\, MAP_Shed in map_shed\, Hkp9 in own_hkp9\, PSKOTT in own_pskott\ SCWC_Wall in scwc_wall\, swehouse4 in swe_skargarden\, sweskydd in swe_skargarden\ SWE_hkp4 in swe_skargarden\, OFPEC_Blood in ecp_blood\, CoC_Cobra in coc_cobra\ kmmjamdiemaco in kmmjamdiemaco\, kmmkcw in kmmkcw\, kmmkmw in kmmkmw\ BWMod in bwmod_config\, BWMOD_Fennek in bwmod_fennek\ BWMOD_Leo1A4_2 in bwmod_leo1a4_2\, SFP_ag90 in sfp_ag90\, sfp_hg90 in sfp_hg90\ swehouse5 in swe_skargarden\, uwar_grass in uwar_grass\ CoC_CruiseMissiles2 in coc_cm2\, CoC_FED in coc_fed\, CoC_M55 in coc_m55\ kmmm136at4 in kmmm136at4\, Winter_Leusderheide in winter_leusderheide\ biztigre3d in biztigre\, OFrP_Objets in ofrp_objets\ BWMOD_Apminetest in bwmod_apminetest\, BWMOD_EC135 in bwmod_ec135\ BWMOD_Kuebel in bwmod_kuebel\, BWMOD_Objects in bwmod_o\, sfp_ksp90 in sfp_ksp90\ MAP_Heaps in map_heaps\, M45 in own_m45\, Own_strv121kam in own_strv121\ scwc_kp in scwc_kpbil\, SCWC_SIB2 in scwc_sib2\, SKP in scwc_skp\, Bizon in bizon\ Su25 in su25\, CoC_NetworkServices in coc_ns\, KMMLeopard2 in kmm2a6\ LLW_AH64D in llw_ah64\, emsalo_bw in emsalo_bw\, BWMOD_Leo2A4 in bwmod_leo2a4\ BWMOD_Tschetniks in bwmod_tschetniks\, uh1ltg61 in bwmod_uh1\ ITA_TRD_MFG in ita_trd_mfg\, SFP_PBV501 in sfp_pbv501\, sfp_tgb11 in sfp_tgb11\ ECP_Blood in ecp_blood\, 6G30 in 6g30\, BIS_WeaponPack in o_wp\ JAM_Magazines in jam_magazines\, kmmfnmag in kmmfnmag\, kmmlmb in kmmlmb\ Leusderheide in leusderheide\, BWMOD_MANPack in bwmod_man_gl\, sfp_m96 in sfp_m96\ SFP_pskott86 in sfp_pskott86\, JOF_Objects1 in jof_objects1\ own_soldier in own_soldier\, Own_strv121 in own_strv121\ OFrP_Blindes in ofrp_blindes\, OFrP_Infanterie in ofrp_infanterie\ G3TGS in bwmod_g3tgs\, BWMOD_Leo2A6 in bwmod_leo2a6\, SFP_ra180 in sfp_ra180\ SCWC_SIB in scwc_sib\, BMP2 in bmp2\, editorupdate102 in editorupdate102\ CoC_CruiseMissiles in coc_cm\, kmmjamfnmag in kmmjamfnmag\ KMMMB290GD in kmmmb290gd\, Scoutland in scoutland\, OFrP_armes in ofrp_armes\ SFP_objects in sfp_objects\, sweskydd1 in swe_skargarden\, Kozlice in kozl\ Steyr in steyr\, CoC_NetworkServices2 in coc_ns\, kmm_mb in kmm_mb\ KMM_para in kmm_para\, emsalo_b in emsalo_b\, haus in haus\ ITA_pilot_GER in ita_p_ger\, SCWC in scwc_drak\, AH64 in apac\ CoC_UnifiedArtillery in coc_arty\, sfp_ssg120 in sfp_ssg120\, biztigre in biztigre\ biztigre1 in biztigre\, BWMOD_kjpz90 in bwmod_kjpz90\, BWMOD_Marder in bwmod_marder\ BWMOD_uh1sar in bwmod_uh1sar\, SFP_psg90 in sfp_psg90\, range in sfp_range\ Vulcan in vulcan\, CoCDKMM_M46 in cocdkmm_m46\, DKMM_MOD in dkmm_m46\ WGL_UAMortars in wgl_uamortars\, kmmkld in kmmkld\, biztigre2 in biztigre\ BWMOD_Leo1A4 in bwmod_leo1a4\, sfp_tgb in sfp_tgb\, 740 in 740\, PSG90 in own_psg90\ Scwc_b1 in scwc_b1\, Hunter in hunter\, Kolo in kolo\, Mini in mini\, Trabant in trab\ KEGnoecain_snow in kegnoecain_snow\, kmmdiemaco in kmmdiemaco\, kmmlmw in kmmlmw\ kmmmrn in kmmmrn\, KMM_Magazines in kmm_para\, biztigre3 in biztigre\ OFrP_Vehicules in ofrp_vehicules\, BWMOD_G36 in bwmod_g36\ BWMOD_Leo1A5 in bwmod_leo1a5\, sfp_ammo in sfp_ammo\, sfpm45 in sfp_m45\ tgb11 in own_tgb\, Scwc_b2 in scwc_b2\, SCWC_Monoment in scwc_monoment\, G36a in g36a\ kmmfnmag_men in kmmfnmag_men\, kmmm136case in kmmm136case\, biztigre1d in biztigre\ biztigrerd in biztigre\, biztigre4 in biztigre\, wgl_samakhills in wgl_samakhills\ sfp_grsp in sfp_grsp\, ECP_Effects in ecp_effects\, BRDM in brmd\, Ch47D in ch47\ HMMWV in humr\, LaserGuided in laserguided\, Noe in noe\, OH58 in oh58\, XMS in xms\ MAP_Editorupgrade in map_editorupgrad\, LLW_Weapons_Aircraft in llw_air_weap\ biztigre5 in biztigre\, BWMOD_Panzerfaust in bwmod_pzfst3\ swehouse1 in swe_skargarden\, BIS_Resistance in o\, kmmkct in kmmkct\ kmmklw in kmmklw\, kmmtnk in kmmtnk\, biztigrer in biztigre\, OFrP_Air in ofrp_air\ BWMOD_Waffen in bwmod_easteregg\, sfp_ksp58 in sfp_ksp58\, sfp_m90 in sfp_m90\ sfp_m90_2 in sfp_m90_2\, SFP_skylt in sfp_skylt\, Baracken in baracken\ centurion in centurion\, OWN_AK4 in own_ak4\, swehouse2 in swe_skargarden\ Flags1 in flags\, MM1 in mm-1\, uwar_empty in uwar_empty\, kmmdiemcase in kmmdiemcase\ biztigre2d in biztigre\, biztigres in biztigre\, biztigresd in biztigre\ BWMOD_BO105 in bwmod_bo105\, BWMOD_MINE in bwmod_mine\ BWMOD_Wiesel in bwmod_wiesel\, BWMOD_Wolf in bwmod_wolf\, sfp_ak4 in sfp_ak4\ sfp_hkp10 in sfp_hkp10\, SFP_signalpistol in sfp_signalpistol\ sfp_strf90 in sfp_strf90\, SFP_Svea in sfp_svea\, sfp_tksp in sfp_tksp\ FML_objects in fml_objects\, MAP_MilObj_Pack in map_milobj-pack\ PistolM88 in own_p88\, scwc_pvpjas1110 in scwc_pvpjas1110\, svsk in swe_skargarden\ swehouse3 in swe_skargarden\, Bradley in m2a2\, brg_n2 in brg_n2\ Mods: RES;@ECP;swedish;sverige;tyska;ajsländs;llaumax;franska;Holland;CoC ======================================================= Date: 08/07/05 Time: 10:58:44 ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004B2416 Version 1.96 Fault address: 004B2416 01:000B1416 F:\Program\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE file: Purple Pin world: Leusderheide Prev. code bytes: 46 54 8B 44 98 3C 8B 80 64 01 00 00 8B 44 38 0C Fault code bytes: 0F BF 10 DF E0 F6 C4 01 75 3B D9 86 E4 0A 00 00 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000003 ECX:155D7700 EDX:00000000 ESI:1B454A00 EDI:000001A0 CS:EIP:001B:004B2416 SS:ESP:0023:0012D824 EBP:0012D830 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000 Flags:00010246 ======================================================= and this happens even if i start the game only with ECP, BWMOD, SFP and LLW (for Leusderheide island) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laahustaja 0 Posted August 7, 2005 Will this work in multiplayer? Or Will all usermade campaigns work with it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted August 7, 2005 All user campaign should work. It not replacing units Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 7, 2005 the_shadow, Thanks, I was hoping to have that error in my archives, but alas I dont. We are gonna need the map and the addons to reproduce this. Until we can reproduce this I suggest you de-pbo the mission and have a look at what goes on, whats made using createvehicle/camcreate, have a good old snoop around, and link the mission for us please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted August 7, 2005 the_shadow,Thanks, I was hoping to have that error in my archives, but alas I dont. We are gonna need the map and the addons to reproduce this. Until we can reproduce this I suggest you de-pbo the mission and have a look at what goes on, whats made using createvehicle/camcreate, have a good old snoop around, and link the mission for us please. it´s my own mission and this occur when i test it in the editor... every time it occurs is when i come driveing down a road and detect multiple enemies/vehicles at the same time as there is a firefight goeing on (atleat thats what i think, it always occur at the same spot every time so that has to be it) i THINK it might be something memoryrelated, even though it occurs on whatever settings i choose.. there is no exterior scripts goeing on at this time exept those in ECP. ill briefly describe the mission for you.. there is a camp with 10 BWmod units (4 at a fire, 2 patroling and 4 guarding the roads leading to the camp) there is also 2 trucks and 1 car there... 2 squads assault this camp from the forrest and calls for reinforcement by a nearby APC squad (trigger), the BWMOD units also have a APC squad with a GUARD trigger not far away.. when the camp is whiped out the assaulting units call for a convoy that is halted not far away (trigger), the convoy consist of 6 vehicles and 6 squads (about 8 units in each squad), they halt at the camp and disembark. shortly after that a BWmod convoy comes driving from the other side (about the same sice as the "enemy" convoy mentioned earlier), when this convoy reaches the camp area and the now ambushing units opens fire at it i get a wp that directs me to the camp, and when i reach the camp during the firefight the game crashes instantly as the first unit becomes visible (it´s quite heavy fog) withouth a error message... if it would have been memory related i would have got a memory error right? it works if i try the same mission withouth ECP (and also with about 10-15fps more) im sorry i cant hand you the mission as it requires a few privatly edited addons that never have and never will be releaced.. however i can tell that they are not responsible for the CTD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted August 7, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Yes you can turn off and scale up/down whatever you like.People who experience any lag only have themselves to blame, they should just turn thier settings down. I disagree. An addon should never force an individual with a base OFP machine on with reasonable detail settings 800x600 900m drawdistance to scale down. That's ridiculous. That's what's wrong with the addon community these days. OFP is still a battle simulator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 7, 2005 I disagree. An addon should never force an individual with a base OFP machine on with reasonable detail settings 800x600 900m drawdistance to scale down.That's ridiculous. That's what's wrong with the addon community these days. OFP is still a battle simulator. Contextualise: He meant scaling the ECP effects, not the OFP visual settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted August 7, 2005 I disagree. An addon should never force an individual with a base OFP machine on with reasonable detail settings 800x600 900m drawdistance to scale down. That's ridiculous. That's what's wrong with the addon community these days. OFP is still a battle simulator. Your question: Quote[/b] ]Can you still specify what features you want or not? Especially the IMO more trivial/lag-inducing ones? My answer with an opinion about those who complain that ECP lags: Quote[/b] ]Yes you can turn off and scale up/down whatever you like.People who experience any lag only have themselves to blame, they should just turn thier settings down. Nothings wrong with the community.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted August 8, 2005 I'm not even going to get into that. I don't know why I mentioned it. Anyhow. Now that I understand what you mean, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm planning on scaling back a lot of nonessential features, however the in-game menu seems to do absolutely nothing. The init.sqf file seems to be almost entirely commented out. This isn't as straightforward as it was in earlier versions... How does this work? Do I undo the comment marks like this? Which portion is necessary? Is the top portion script as well? // Chopper Dust Effects // ==================== ECP_h_dust_enable: Â // true / false, default is true ECP_local set [33, false ]; After playing around with the mod for a bit. I've noticed one rather nice aesthetic feature. The explosive suppression effect. I'm surprised you guys didn't code in a grenade that was relatively nonlethal to serve as a flashbang. I think I'll do that myself once I get this whole business of disabling features figured out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 8, 2005 Quote[/b] ]I'm not even going to get into that. I don't know why I mentioned it. Huh, go figure, neither do we. Quote[/b] ]however the in-game menu seems to do absolutely nothing. Yes it does. Unless you have a faulty installation, in which case post a screeny of the gui and we will have a looksee for you.Quote[/b] ]This isn't as straightforward as it was in earlier versions...Yes it is. Just as 1.071 had instructions at the top of ecp_settings.sqs so does 1.085 at the top of ecp_settings.sqf, also a comprehensive readme. Also check the top of the config.cpp for more instructions on setting up your sound and NV goggles.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ÅŸ General Procedure: The ECP settings are stored in the main ECP global arrays: ECP_local and ECP_public. In order to change the settings, you'll edit the content of those arrays resorting to the OFP command 'set'. For each custom setting, uncomment the respective line and modify the value 'SETTING', which stands as the default value loaded by the ECP Core: ECP_array set [ index , SETTING ]; Remember to keep the structure and type of the values as exemplified! Make sure you assign the correct value to the correct index in the correct array - otherwise, ECP will suffer of great instability. Incorrect: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Chopper Dust Effects // ==================== ECP_h_dust_enable: // true / false, default is true ECP_local set [33, false ]; Correct: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Chopper Dust Effects // ==================== //ECP_h_dust_enable: // true / false, default is true ECP_local set [33, false ]; Quote[/b] ]I'm surprised you guys didn't code in a grenade that was relatively nonlethal to serve as a flashbang. We thought about it but then decided in scaling back a lot of nonessential features. If a flash bang is what you are after then check out script snippets section or search around here, you are bound to find something. Kurayami might be doing those also, I will ask him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted August 8, 2005 Hello, For a mission i am building, that is allowing the player to setup options before the mission really begin, with 2 dialog menu , once the first dialog menu disappear to leave the second dialog menu to appear , this error is popping up It happens only if ECP is used (without ECP there are no error messages) and fortunately it does not break the mission that play like it is supposed to after this error message if ECP is used. But what can be the source of this problem ? During the dialog menu time, there are units in the map, they do nothing during that time. There is a chopper (a Kamov) that is flying out of the camera point of view too. Here is the beginning of the testmenu.sqs that is opening the dialogs successively. The error does not occur for the first dialog, only for the second. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_camera = "camera" camCreate [2433.379639,2870.931641,2.791641] _camera setdir 85 titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 3] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] sele = 0 stopmen = 0 opnDlg = createDialog "mydialog"; @(sele==1) ? stopmen == 1 : goto "randomall" ~1.5 sele = 0 titleCut ["","BLACK IN", 3] opnDlg = createDialog "mydialogX2"; @(sele==1) ~1 sele = 0 In the description.ext , i have all the ressources defined correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasdandantalis 0 Posted August 8, 2005 Howdy Flashpointers! Like everyone else, i must hail ECP has July 2005's best mod/addon. Brilliant work, your people thank you! As for me, im a dedicated mission maker and i use a few different sets of addons for my missions. My problem is now I have some core vehicals i use for my missions i need to make ECP compatable, but the process involves proccess of programming im not really good with. So if i may, id like to ask for your help! This is what im looking at. I understand I have to add something to the Config.Cpp , eventhandlers. Mr Kumana?sp Helped me ealier but it was so much information so fast i couldnt understand fully what i need. So i seek more guidence. I will need to fix all of the COMBAT! Vehical addons, one british APC and a few helicopters. The combat ones are tricky because i believe they add some ecp stuff in there already. So i know i need to find the cfgvehicals line and add class ECP_Eventhandlers {}; class CfgVehicals then Heres where im confused. For example heres the HMMV COMBAT Vehicals Config.cpp snippit for eventhandlers }; class EventHandlers:ECP_EventHandlers { //init = "_this exec ""\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_init.sqs"";_this exec ""\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_startstop.sqs"""; init = "_this exec {\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_Init.sqs}; }; I dont know what line of code to and where, i could use some help please. If i can do this one i should be able to handle the others i assume! Thanks alot guys! Over n Out... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killswitch 19 Posted August 8, 2005 Mr Kumana?sp Helped me ealier but it was so much information so fast i couldnt understand fully what i need. So i seek more guidence.More guidance can be found in the ECP readme.Quote[/b] ]I will need to fix all of the COMBAT! Vehical addons, one british APC and a few helicopters.If the "british APC" is the PUKF Warrior, you don't have to do anything - it is ECP compatible already.Quote[/b] ] The combat ones are tricky because i believe they add some ecp stuff in there already.Actually, it should be less tricky, since they have at least made some kind of attempt at making the addons ECP compatible. One might say that half of the job is done alredy.Quote[/b] ]So i know i need to find the cfgvehicals line and addclass ECP_Eventhandlers {}; class CfgVehicals That's CfgVehicles (english). Make sure you don't misspell or change that, since OFP will then not accept the addon.Quote[/b] ]Heres where im confused. For example heres the HMMV COMBAT Vehicals Config.cpp snippit for eventhandlers}; class EventHandlers:ECP_EventHandlers { //init = "_this exec ""\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_init.sqs"";_this exec ""\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_startstop.sqs"""; init = "_this exec {\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_Init.sqs}; }; If that's how your CBT Humvee config looks, you have some odd, wrong or old version of it. Go to Combat! and get the HMMWV pack version <span style='color:green'>1.1</span>. In it, you will find this:Quote[/b] ]class EventHandlers:ECP_EventHandlers{ init = "_this exec{\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_Init.sqs};if(format[""%1"",CBT_FctLoad]==""scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"")then{_this exec{\CBT_Misc\fx\CBT_init.sqs}}"; }; Change that toQuote[/b] ]class EventHandlers:ECP_EventHandlers{ init = "_this call ECP_EH_handler_init;_this exec{\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_Init.sqs};if(format[""%1"",CBT_FctLoad]==""scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"")then{_this exec{\CBT_Misc\fx\CBT_init.sqs}}"; }; Make sure the init=... is just one line. The forum might show it as two or more lines, but it's just one.Technically, with ECP 1.085, one could/should use Quote[/b] ]class EventHandlers:ECP_EventHandlers{ init = "_this call (ECP_resources select 40);_this exec{\CBT_HMMWV\fx\CBT_HMMWV_Init.sqs};if(format[""%1"",CBT_FctLoad]==""scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"")then{_this exec{\CBT_Misc\fx\CBT_init.sqs}}"; }; (init=... is just one line here too, as always)Furthermore, it seems the online version of the ECP readme was recently (04/08/05) edited to say that the init event handler needs to have all of this added to it: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(format[{%1},ECP_path]=={scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef})then{ _0={ECP_INIT}createVehicle [0,0,0]};if (format[{%1},count ECP_addUnitsArray]=={scalar})then{ECP_addUnitsArray=[]};ECP_addUnitsArray=ECP_addUnitsArray+[_this select 0];_this call (ECP_resources select 40);which is a bit odd, since the ECP_INIT vehicle doesn't exist, at least not in 1.085... <span style='color:red'>To the ECP team:</span> 1 - Is the ECP_addUnitsArray to be used for vehicles too or is that just for humanoids? 2 - In previous versions of ECP, I found the use of both ECP_addUnitsArray and calling the ECP init EH to be redundant. 3 - Also, where does the "ECP_INIT" vehicle come from. I'm unable to find where it's defined. Quote[/b] ]I dont know what line of code to and where, i could use some help please. If i can do this one i should be able to handle the others i assume!Thanks alot guys! Over n Out... I hope some of all this helps. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 8, 2005 <span style='color:red'>To the ECP team:</span>1 - Is the ECP_addUnitsArray to be used for vehicles too or is that just for humanoids? 2 - In previous versions of ECP, I found the use of both ECP_addUnitsArray and calling the ECP init EH to be redundant. 3 - Also, where does the "ECP_INIT" vehicle come from. I'm unable to find where it's defined. 1 - Everything. 2 - ECP_addUnitsArray actualy works in v1.085. ECP_EH_handler_init is rather useless on mission start - it stands there in case an unit is created during a mission. 3 - That's a feature to implemented. The idea to create that vehicle came from making Franze's Apaches fully ECP compatible. It works 100% and there will be no need for BIS units on map, anymore. I hope you've checked our online readme in the latest days, since it was updated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killswitch 19 Posted August 8, 2005 <span style='color:red'>To the ECP team:</span>1 - Is the ECP_addUnitsArray to be used for vehicles too or is that just for humanoids? 2 - In previous versions of ECP, I found the use of both ECP_addUnitsArray and calling the ECP init EH to be redundant. 3 - Also, where does the "ECP_INIT" vehicle come from. I'm unable to find where it's defined. 1 - Everything. 2 - ECP_addUnitsArray actualy works in v1.085. ECP_EH_handler_init is rather useless on mission start - it stands there in case an unit is created during a mission. Ah. Thanks for clearing that up.Quote[/b] ]3 - That's a feature to implemented. The idea to create that vehicle came from making Franze's Apaches fully ECP compatible. It works 100% and there will be no need for BIS units on map, anymore.Yeah, it struck me when I saw it - "Oooh, that'd be just so neat and magical and...well, working" Quote[/b] ]I hope you've checked our online readme in the latest days, since it was updated.This is me, in the post above:Quote[/b] ]Furthermore, it seems the online version of the ECP readme was recently (04/08/05) edited to, yes :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 8, 2005 This is me, in the post above:Quote[/b] ]Furthermore, it seems the online version of the ECP readme was recently (04/08/05) edited to, yes :-) Eh, eh, eh... Didn't had taken breakfast... Should be hungry and, eventually, ate some phrases. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasdandantalis 0 Posted August 8, 2005 Doh..i totally bypassed reading the ONLINE readme ..i kept reading the readme in the installation itself, i will begin work immeditately and post results. Thanks to you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites