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About jprtech

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. jprtech


  2. jprtech


    I want to give special thanks to the following people; 1.) itim_tuko - a long time friend and fellow modder who created the new turret and also helped with suggestions and beta testing along the way. 2.) SFC.ITZHAK - for creating the opening cargo and ramp doors. 3.) wipman and klavan - for links to excellent texture tutorials that helped me make the textures more realistic. 4.) everyone else not mentioned who added comments and suggestions. Thanks!
  3. jprtech


    The island in the last pic, is an island I created 3 yrs ago, but never released, since it's not finished. It is called "Rothy's Pacific Islands" and has a Marine amphibious base in the north west part of the island. I created several coconut palms, which is another project I have been working on. I hope to be finished with them soon too.
  4. jprtech


    Thanks for all the comments. I will do my best to add some more detail. Anyone know of any good Photoshop texturing tutorials related to armored vehicles? I'm not much of a texture artist.
  5. jprtech


    I need help! I am able to destroy the AAV7 with a few M16A4 rounds. What am I doing wrong? Here are the armor values... <-------------------------------------------------------- armor=600; armorStructural=1,000000; class HitEngine { armor=0,900000; material=60; name="engine"; passThrough=1; }; class HitHull { armor=1; material=50; name="hull"; passThrough=1; }; class HitTurret { armor=1; material=51; name="turet"; passThrough=1; }; class HitGun { armor=0,900000; material=52; name="gun"; passThrough=1; }; class HitLTrack { armor=0,600000; material=53; name="pasL"; passThrough=1; }; class HitRTrack { armor=0,600000; material=54; name="pasP"; passThrough=1; }; armorHull=1; armorTurret=1; armorGun=0,900000; armorEngine=0,800000; armorLights=0,400000; armorTracks=0,600000; armorRadar=0,600000; //armorStructural=1.0; ---------------------------------------------------------->
  6. jprtech


    UPDATE!! Here is what I have done so far... 1.) Fixed cargo hold seats and textures. done. 100% 2.) Added damage texture values so when the AAV7 is hit or destoyed the textures will darken or become black. done. 100% 3.) completely new hull taken from the old OGWC mod AAVP. done. 100% Left to do... 1.) Add desert textures. 25% 3.) fix turret. Tuuret currently moves at angles instead of the weapons. This was noted to be fixed back in 2003. 10% 4.) Add armor pack. 0% 5.) Add retractable covers for propellers. 45%
  7. jprtech


    I tested it out this morning. And there are a few minor things I want to fix and add before release. 1.) Add desert textures. 2.) fix cargo hold seats and textures. 3.) fix turret. Tuuret currently moves at angles instead of the weapons. This was noted to be fixed back in 2003. 4.) Add armor pack. 5.) Add retractable covers for propellers. Otherwise, it is great! SFC.ITZHAK did an awesome job on animating the cargo doors. I will do my best to try to get this done asap.
  8. jprtech


    Yes, Please! I am anxiously awaiting to test it out.
  9. jprtech

    Spanish AAV7

    Not bad, but looks like the same AAV7 that I made for TOW I recognize the wheelbase, tracks and hull. Just a remake of mine. Thats okay though... I don't mind. Looks good anyway.
  10. jprtech


    Also....how about a desert textured version too.
  11. jprtech


    Actually if you can add one more thing. 'Destruction textures'. I never added them on the original. It would be more realistic and follow OFP standards, so when the aav7 is destroyed, the textures are black.
  12. jprtech


    Looks awesome! Good job
  13. jprtech


  14. jprtech


    AWESOME!! That will be great if they can give em up.
  15. jprtech

    Ch46 and uh1

    Well, I have been waiting for a CH-46 since the beggining of time, and for whatever reason, no has made one. So guess what? I need help finishing it though. Any volunteers?