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ECP 1.085 Released!

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Bug report:

A lot of third party addons get´s the fountain effect with ECP (especially items found under bas_isle misc that came with the Tonal islands). Unless fountain effects are switched off everything is spraying water particles around. It looks quite funny tounge2.gif

Good bug report, thanks!

ECP 1.085 Fountain FX HOT FIX.

In order the stop ECP fountain effects displaying on some third party addon objects please follow these steps. Before you make any alterations you may want to back up your Main config.cpp as a safety measure.

1) Open the ECP Main config.cpp with notepad, this is found in the \@ECP\Bin folder.

2) Scroll down until you find this code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// PBO release path

#define ECP_FOUNTAIN_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN {ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}};_this exec format[{%1fountain\ext_fount_init.sqs},ECP_path]"

3) Overwrite that code with this code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// PBO release path

#define ECP_FOUNTAIN_EH_INIT "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN {ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}};if ((typeof (_this select 0)) in [{Fountain},{FountainNew}]) then {_this exec format[{%1fountain\ext_fount_init.sqs},ECP_path]}"

4) Save, and exit.

ECP fountain effects should now only appear on fountains.

Shad, recompile please wink_o.gif


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where to get matrix calculator,or i'm missing something here?

You get the matrix calculator by uncommenting the lines I pointed out :P Scroll down the island settings file and you will see them.


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Hehe nice song reedkiller,

thank you and you're welcome. smile_o.gif

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HA HA funny  biggrin_o.gif  not  crazy_o.gif


Like Red just explained;

Remove the two slashes // so it looks like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[500,[12800,12800],10] call (ECP_resources select 38);

Then start OFP like usual. Load the island of choice in the mission editor. put a playable unit on it, hit preview and click "Get Matrix".

Copy that line (CTRL-C). Exit OFP and paste in ECP_Islands_Settings.sqf.

IMPORTANT!!!Don't forget to add a semicolon at the end of the matrix-data you just pasted in.

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Downloaded it, played it, loved it.

But I really think you folks should include Llumax's sky pack in this for the next release.

But overal, wow. Great stuff...I got shivers down my spine because it felt like I was on a real battlefield.

If only OFP had better graphics! This makes Battlefield 2 look like a Atari game..lol

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i was wondering if the extra addon packs make ecp more cpu hungry?

If you mean DSAI? It will make OFP slightly more memory hungry and slightly more CPU hungry, but it is not that significant.


what about dynamic range and radio chatter addons

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But I really think you folks should include Llumax's sky pack in this for the next release.


You can run both at the same time. I think its better this way. It gives people a choice if they want to use a different sky and water addon.

Quote[/b] ]what about dynamic range and radio chatter addons

If you have 256+MB RAM you have nothing to worry about. Enable all the bells and whistles smile_o.gif

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I haven't really been motivated to get into the whole Mod thing. I dabbled in CSLA, which was very well done, but that's about it. I decided to give this one a shot, and wow! Thanks for making the small details seem so big, not to mention all the big additions.

One quick question: I want to use Inquisitor's NVGs. I'm runing the Llaumax sky (w/ INQ's NVGs) in a mod folder. The actual NVG model is there (along w/ the sky), but my NVG "view" is not his. Can I "install" his NVG mod into the ECP mod folder to give me the wider FOV? I just find the INQ NVG FOV more realistic. If it can't be done, no worries.

Thanks again.

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Quote[/b] ]

Thanks for the response. This isn't a config for an addon. Its THE Config. So it is already defined. I have made my own personal EECP. The only thing left I want to add to the primary Config is the tracer effect.

Quote[/b] ]

That's what the dev version (pending) is for.

I figured it out. The init eventhandler is defined at the beginning of the config. I added it there ( not a perfect solution, but it works for me).

To anyone who wants to know whether this can be combined successfully with fdf, csla, and other mods, the answer is YES. I've had a lot of free time in the middle of the night lately (new baby = typing with one hand) and I have a single mod folder that allows me to play FDF, CSLA, BAS, and most other popular mods missions (except ww2 stuff). I also have my favorite aspects of FFUR, Y2K3, EECP (the previous version) Sanctuaries & Locke's animation packs and now fully incorporates the effects of ECP.

This represents over month's work at night. Its something I've always wanted to do, but I don't really recommend anyone else attempt it. Its been a nightmarish process. Before anyone asks, I don't intend to share it publically for the following reasons:

1) I do not have permission from ECP to release this, they don't even want anyone to modify this thing just yet.

2) I do not have permission from FDF, CSLA, FFUR, Y2K3, EECP or any of the other mods I "borrowed" from.

3) The mod folder is 3.15 GB big. Theres no way I could reasonably upload or host this anywhere.

4) I can show a screen shot of the addons used, but I had to modify almost half the addons I used to a) make them standardized (same armor and other characteristics for similar units) and b) to fix addon dependencies... I hate cfgPatches.

5) I have no intention of supporting my work. I see the amount of questions asked to the ECP team, thunderbird, Pappy, Kuryami, and everyone else, and I really just cannot work to their level. Those guys have been amazing at helping everyone. ECP had one of the easiest installation processes one could ever hope for and they still got 20 questions on how to install it or debug people's botched installs. I just can't do that.

If anyone is really interested, I am willing to share my modified config and a screenshot of my addon folder. If you do PM me, please only do so if you have worked with config's and addons before. Otherwise it will be much too much for you to handle as a starter project.

Crap, sorry to hijack the thread, I am just excited about how everything has turned out. ECP is the bolt of lightning that made this monster come alive.

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oh like that.thanks.i didn't get it when they said uncomment.

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I haven't really been motivated to get into the whole Mod thing. I dabbled in CSLA, which was very well done, but that's about it. I decided to give this one a shot, and wow! Thanks for making the small details seem so big, not to mention all the big additions.

One quick question: I want to use Inquisitor's NVGs. I'm runing the Llaumax sky (w/ INQ's NVGs) in a mod folder. The actual NVG model is there (along w/ the sky), but my NVG "view" is not his. Can I "install" his NVG mod into the ECP mod folder to give me the wider FOV? I just find the INQ NVG FOV more realistic. If it can't be done, no worries.

Thanks again.

Quite easily:

Edit your config.cpp, which can be found under "\@ECP\Bin". Read the "TO THE END USER (choose you Night Vision view)" section, right at the beginning of the file. It explains how to change NVGoggles and has a descryption of the ones already included in ECP. If you want to enable Inquisitor's NV's, just uncomment the <#define NVGMODEL "optika_night"> code line. But don't forget to check the others! wink_o.gif

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Wow, that was fast. Thanks a lot. I'll have a look.

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Alrighty guys, I found a bug. Go right up to a T72 and throw a grenade at it, I haven't tested with other tanks but it acts as if it's just been hit by something a LOT bigger than a grenade.

Give it a go, see if it's just me.

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I thought this version of ECP came with AI who request support - artillery - air support etc.

I thought this too. I did play around with helo support by including one in my squad which gave me the ability to control the pilot (fast roping, landing, extraction, etc) but if I didn't give up a slot for the helo, I had no support.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to get support without giving up a slot in the squad.

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Quote[/b] ]Alrighty guys, I found a bug. Go right up to a T72 and throw a grenade at it, I haven't tested with other tanks but it acts as if it's just been hit by something a LOT bigger than a grenade.

From ECP Read Me

Quote[/b] ]Unfortunately the OFP physics engine is very poor. We'll have to wait for BIS to release a major update before we see objects responding to physics as they would in real life. The bouncing grenades, for example, have to weight 80000Kg (175000lb) in order to stay on ground, otherwise they'd be ejected to outer-space... So, if you throw a grenade on a tank, the tank will bounce as if it was hit. Helicopters will eventually explode.

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i give you the code for WGL Everon and Malden


Quote[/b] ]// =========================

// = Everon =

// =========================

_island_name = "WGL Everon";

//_island_matrix = [[1000,11500,58.9237],[3000,5500,106.132,"20644: str briza"],[4000,7500,23.8328,"19257: str smrk"],[5000,5000,62.9603,"41920: krovi_bigest"],[5500,6000,77.923,"51754: oliva"],[6500,5000,64.3739,"5883: cesta25"],[7000,6500,97.3242,"19543: str kastan"],[8000,3000,317.906],[9000,2000,78.0769,"13752: str smrk ridky"],[10000,500,127.091,"47261: ker trs travy kvetina"]];

_island_matrix = [[1000,11500,60.4649],[3000,5500,107.722,"30145: brg_hornbeam"],[4000,7500,25.4558,"42281: brg_orientalspurce_y"],[5000,5000,64.6529,"26095: brg_bush01"],[5500,5000,77.3563,"26136: brg_gardenbush1"],[6000,8000,100.08,"44602: brg_orientalspurce_y"],[7000,5500,102.84,"29920: brg_kastanje"],[8000,2000,170.552,"5849: brg_gardenbush2"],[9000,1000,165.288,"1310: bush04"],[9500,4500,92.1303,"21394: bush04"]];

_island_color = 2;

_island_lighthouses = [49393,107];

_island_overcast_range = [0,1];

_island_fog_range = [0,0.3];

_island_weather_change_time = [300,600];

_island_weather_wait_time = [900,1200];

_island_snow_locations = [];

_island_snow_range = [];

_island_snow_density = [];

_island_snow_random_chance = 0;

_island_largechurches = [15457,52719,20608,16949,9,19498,103];

_island_fountains = [53153,49110,39870,33869,15982];

_island_heavy_rain = true;

// add island




_island_fountains,_island_heavy_rain] call (ECP_resources select 37);

// =========================

// = Malden =

// =========================

_island_name = "WGL Malden";

//_island_matrix = [[1000,12000,29.6648],[3000,4000,172.708,"68962: str habr"],[4000,3000,53.7215,"52415: ker trs travy"],[4000,8000,262.892,"10960: str borovice"],[5000,5000,141.223,"13235: str habr"],[5000,10000,181.35,"15695: str borovice"],[6000,6000,365.448],[6000,11000,99.4384],[7000,7000,82.6559,"16802: krovi4"],[8000,4000,38.4708,"72183: ker listnac"]];

_island_matrix = [[1000,12000,29.9333],[2500,6000,155.152,"50999: brg_juniper"],[3500,7500,340.869,"68933: bush04"],[4500,3000,86.6833,"12951: ker trs travy"],[5000,4500,82.7043,"37711: brg_orientalspurce_y"],[5500,5500,342.316],[6000,6500,349.159,"57714: brg_willow"],[6500,7500,143.024,"69896: brg_orientalspurce_m"],[7000,9000,113.208,"86875: ker trs travy"],[8000,4000,38.6782,"28484: brg_gardenbush1"]];

_island_color = 2;

_island_lighthouses = [0,1607,103119,51481,50156,5468,14798];

_island_overcast_range = [0,1];

_island_fog_range = [0,0.3];

_island_weather_change_time = [300,600];

_island_weather_wait_time = [900,1200];

_island_snow_locations = [];

_island_snow_range = [];

_island_snow_density = [];

_island_snow_random_chance = 0;

_island_largechurches = [73464,14228];

_island_fountains = [80839,74002,74677,14798,20829,16690];

_island_heavy_rain = true;

// add island




_island_fountains,_island_heavy_rain] call (ECP_resources select 37);

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Alrighty guys, I found a bug. Go right up to a T72 and throw a grenade at it, I haven't tested with other tanks but it acts as if it's just been hit by something a LOT bigger than a grenade.

Give it a go, see if it's just me.

Sorry... icon_rolleyes.gif

That's a known bug that happens on some computers and we haven't been able to fix, yet. Such happens because of the grenade's weight: 80000Kg!!! banghead.gif It must be that heavy in order to not bounce too high.

At ade_mcc:

Eh, eh, eh... I wrote it and already forgot I have. Thanks for your perspicacity and input.

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry... icon_rolleyes.gif

That's a known bug that happens on some computers and we haven't been able to fix, yet. Such happens because of the grenade's weight: 80000Kg!!! banghead.gif It must be that heavy in order to not bounce too high.


those soldiers must be strong.

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...so how do you disable the smoke trail for missiles or rockets fired from choppers?


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Ah right. It isn't really noticable I was just messing around with it. biggrin_o.gif

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how to changed default explosion setting are "Very High" ?


WGL Island code.. nice work wink_o.gif

but, read ECP_Island_Settings.sqf's "_island_name" comment, it's "must be unique".


Quote[/b] ]

_island_name = "Everon";

_island_name = "Malden";


Quote[/b] ]

_island_name = "WGL Everon";

_island_name = "WGL Malden";

is better?

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Arkblade is right, it is best to have all island names unique.

AFAIK, it is not possible to set very high my default at this time, maybe one of the ECP team will change this in the future.


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why to add WGL to them?it works right now.i have those islands as replacements.

but i'll try

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If you open up the ECP GUI, it tells you what island you are using, and so having unique island names is good for testing effects are working as they should.


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