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Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

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Awesome release.

I love all the motorcycles, but I am saddened at the lack of missions.

Des, get onto the RO IRC channel so we can discuss some missions that we could make.

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Great addons (really, really great!), but tank accuracy system seems very, very bad. Hitting a target at 500 meters is a lottery (try it with 20 mm KwK 30 of Panzer II, it is easy to see how does dispersion work). I do understand an idea - to make firefights longer, but in practise tank battle is a long horror B class. Sometimes better to wait for enemy crew died from hunger... mad_o.gif

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from all the good things people are saying about this mod, guess its worth the wait to download on 56k biggrin_o.gif


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Hmm... I most people seem to be able to get it to work, so I'm curious why mine doesn't. Does everyone get the "Cannot find "operation"" message at the end of installation? and does anyone know what causes it?

It seems strange that when I try to run the mod that absolutly nothing happens - my mouse get's the hourglass beside it for a second then it goes and nothing happens. I would have though I would at least get an error message or something...

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This mod is just amazing. Brilliant work. Thanks a lot for the long hours smile_o.gif

Best thing to me is the Po-2. I've been waiting years to fly this plane in IL2, but finaly I can do it in OFP. Even better! The 3D model is as nice as it can get (love the engine detail) and it flies like a dream.

Just a couple of bugs/problems:

1. Objects invisible through glass

Some objects like trees flicker and disappear behind the front windscreen glasss. Very annoying when flying from the cockpit.


2. Glass is not transparent

I understand you guys wanted a dirty glass look for this plane, and perhaps the Po-2 uses some kind of plexiglass, not real glass. But windscreens should be transparent, not translucent. This is a common mistake in most addon planes. I don't know where the idea came from, but making the glass "milky" doesn't help at all. It only kills the image contrast.

There is still scope to add oil splats and dirty spots, but there should be big areas with full transparency, even if it's just to help the gameplay.


I hope you don't mind pointing these 2 things. I love this plane so much that I just want it to be perfect smile_o.gif

Thanks again!


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I think I'm going to cry now. :( I've been wating for ages and I can't play it! Arrgh. What annoys me is that there appears to be no reason for it not to work...

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Great job guys. Will the patch/missions be out today?

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I think I'm going to cry now. sad_o.gif I've been wating for ages and I can't play it! Arrgh. What annoys me is that there appears to be no reason for it not to work...

What is your shorcut target?

Not sure if this could be your problem, but if you have spaces in the game path, the target should be inbetween " and "

I had that problem in the past when I installed the GOTY edition in a new PC.

With no spaces:

Quote[/b] ]C:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\libmod.exe -nosplash

With Spaces:

Quote[/b] ]"C:\Games\Operation Flashpoint\libmod.exe" -nosplash


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Thanks you for your continued help Capitaine Haddock. smile_o.gif

The shortcut has the target (as there is a space in "Program Files"):

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\libmod.exe" -nosplash

The Start in field says this:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint"

I don't think it is the shortcut, as when I try to run it from "libmod.exe" in my ...\OperationFlashpoint folder it still doesn't work... ...maybe the patch will fix this problem I have.

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That did not bother me until now. I do not want to get into it because I know it will result with some sort of warning from the Mods or a locking of topic, but there is honestly nothing to be proud of when it comes to Stalin. I have nothing against Russians but when it comes to Stalin himself, 1953 came much too late.

As I said before I honestly do not want to start crap, but heh why even bother trying to make him look better than Hitler?

Stalin did things in the interests of Russia but he did not directly enslave other nations or put them down. He fought for Russias interests but he did not put other nations down. He is similar to Bush in the US. The world hates him for doing what he wants but the US loves him for promoting their own interests. He may have killed millions of people but can you plz tell me in what purge precisely he went wrong?

The red army purges were needed otherwise Russia would have a lot more people like Vlasov. Famine in Ukraine, well if you try and seperate from Russia wat do you think will happen. Stalin took what was planned to be taken from the farmers, if they decide to kill the cattle (which is wat happened, cattle numbers diminished to almost 1/3 of pre dekulaktivization) then they were the ones who in the end payed for it. If the Chechens were going to go up against Russia and join the Germans then they were to pay for it. Simple justice. As it goes for Poland, shall I remind you it was part of the Russian empire, and so was Finland if we get into it. Its world Politics, every country will go for its interests. The statistics provided with this forum, they amaze me sometimes. Where did you get 50 million killed by Stalin??? that would be one out of every 5 people, which is nuts.

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guys, if it's not working, it has to do with your flashpoint. install it again, clean, & it WILL work, i promise. move all of your mod folders somewhere else, & delete codemasters folder, & install it agian. it'll work. i know it's annoying, but hey, it is worth it.

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Erm.. Just make a copy of your Flashpoint shortcut on desktop, and then right-click > properties on it. In the Target box, add -mod=libmod

Or, if you want another mod and libmod


No need to reinstall OFP tounge_o.gif

I extracted the stuff to C:\temp, so I had to change the shortcut properties, but I could have made a new shortcut, the EXE is in the OFP folder

(That glass looks MUCH better, and the plane is missing view-lod, didn't notice, only really flew in 3rd person, probobaly in part due to that window. Fun to fly though biggrin_o.gif)

- Ben

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I am going to leave this topic open, because the general demeanour of the posts is good, and on topic.

STOP discussing the politics behind the period. If it keeps up I will lock the thread. If you want to discuss the merits of various dictators, there are more suitable places. Leave this topic for discussion of the mod.

Thank you, and please dont make me come back with a ban stick smile_o.gif

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I have it working now, thank you all for your help. I have only had a quick look at the units but they look great.

Thank you.

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Good to know it's working Ionio smile_o.gif

Just tried a bombing run on a mechanized german group and... THE TRACERS!!!! Absolutelly fantastic sound and look! Jumped of my seat. I really wasn't expecting them. Kudos for that.


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How can we add other addons to work in this Mod?...Ie other tanks or what ever...Everytime i try to put something other than whats in the mod pack I get a CTD and memory error?Are we able to use other addons from other people with this package?

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What he said.

It's great to sit in a heavy tank and just shrug off small-callibre AT rounds. I rolled my KV-II right on top of three Panzer IIIs and parked up no more than 50m away, went and made a cup of tea, then came back and knocked them out without a fuss biggrin_o.gif

Much better than being in a supposedly modern MBT and being shit scared of some guerilla with a rusty old RPG-7, if you ask me.

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Have to say I "love" the new system. Nothing so great as having two Pak 36's empty on a KV1 without any effect. biggrin_o.gif

Then finally one of the Paks got a hit to the side armor and I could see flames and lots of smoke... "Yeah finally DIE BASTARDS!" only to see the turret still turning. mad_o.gif

Needles to say I didnt live long after that.

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I'm absolutley loving this but i've got just one question:

Are the Sdkf tracks not moving a result of the game engine limitations. If so i can live with that.

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I think that there are only few things which need to get fixed like the missing cartridges for some weapons . wink_o.gif

Were the tracers like that though or ? cuz they seem a bit "modern" ... wink_o.gif



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I have all my WWII addons in one folder...but I noticed that all the pbo's for this mod have separate p3d files in their own folder...does this mean we can't add Liberation addons to existing addon folders,inorder to compact things and edit our existing mission to include your addons?And vice versa?I hope this isn't going to be a repeat of the CSLA Mod issue.

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I'm absolutley loving this but i've got just one question:

Are the Sdkf tracks not moving a result of the game engine limitations. If so i can live with that.

Yep, it's either a tracked vehicle, or one with wheels, not both wink_o.gif

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well, i would venture to say there are TOO many tracers, but, there were tracers back then, & on a wide scale, i'm willing to bet NOT every round from the mp40 fired them smile_o.gif

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