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Thanks! You're the first one who likes my picture smile_o.gif

Oh your new picture is incredible too.

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the one you submitted was excellent too, but there's something amazing about that picture... you've left it very open to everyones imagination - so to make their own opinions, feelings etc... quite moving some may say.

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Quote[/b] ]so to make their own opinions, feelings etc... quite moving some may say.

but dont cry ok ;) tounge_o.gif *wipe*

@King Homer

i like ur pics too biggrin_o.gif

here are 2 more pics

as the an/pvs 21 nvgs were fairly noticible on the pics

they´re the latest shit in the us army biggrin_o.gif



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Yes, we know that, but the question is how he get's the COMBAT HMMWV hanging from it. The script generates a standard HMMWV, you can't put your own in it.


My best guess is that he uses a full replacement mod which replaces the default BIS HMMWV with this COMBAT one. When the scripts tries the creat a default HMMWV it will load the COMBAT one instead, since it's coded as the default HMMWV in the config.

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Yes, we know that, but the question is how he get's the COMBAT HMMWV hanging from it. The script generates a standard HMMWV, you can't put your own in it.


My best guess is that he uses a full replacement mod which replaces the default BIS HMMWV with this COMBAT one. When the scripts tries the creat a default HMMWV it will load the COMBAT one instead, since it's coded as the default HMMWV in the config.

Or he has updated the script for his own use wink_o.gif

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@nephilim, ...so all these beautiful body parts ( tounge_o.gif ) will be available for OFP?

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hmm about listing addons rule... Almost on all screens i see this addon< but nobody puts it in list  tounge_o.gif from day when this addon was released tounge_o.gif


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yes as they´r part of the uap (see the uap thread in teh a&m discussion forum)

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kyle... im pretty sure the rule of 'naming' addons is still in effect tounge_o.gif

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@ Black Dragon: astonishing picture, really cool smile_o.gif

@Ace: yours too smile_o.gif

and i don't want to speak about Parvus crazy_o.gif, you're out of comparison as you're just showing collages, although they are really nice smile_o.gif

edit: crazy_o.gif just as i said this aimpoint came up, that was deliberatly tounge_o.gif , nice one though too smile_o.gif

bit i should stop now praising all you guys, i want to see better in future tounge_o.gif

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Parvus, you use do some really neat screen shots. Lately all your shots seem very cluttered. What happened? They seem to be 15 or so shots stacked on top of one another in a very helter skelter kind of way.

I don't mean this as an attack, I actually mean this as constructive criticism. I hope I don't come across as a jerk, I'm just having trouble coming up a way to word this that doesn't sound so blunt.

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Sputnik you stole the words from my mouth biggrin_o.gif , i've been wondering that myself. Parvus used to post some real good shots before (singular ones and not multi layered). I dont like these one on top of the other screens. the colour in these just messes up plus i cant think of using them as my wallpaper.

But thats just me a personal thing , you can carryon if you like them but i think some of us liked the old ones you used to do , single proper shots those are much better , we can use them as wallpapers.

If you do wanna do these multi layered ones try only 2-3 layers and not like a 20-30 shots grouped in to one.


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Parvus, you use do some really neat screen shots. Lately all your shots seem very cluttered. What happened? They seem to be 15 or so shots stacked on top of one another in a very helter skelter kind of way.

   I don't mean this as an attack, I actually mean this as constructive criticism. I hope I don't come across as a jerk, I'm just having trouble coming up a way to word this that doesn't sound so blunt.


well, i like constructive criticism cos it can improve something or somebody ...

to tell *What happened* - the *Layer Dogma* was started - and i can'nt stop that anymore (comparison to *Autocolour* Button in PS) ...

- i started with the intention to get énough *density* of informations in one simple pic

(for example 30% pure sky is sure nice but it has no information ... sure you can argue with *atmosphaere of a pic, but thats not the point imho)

- so there was an evolution for me to get enough density => as you wrote in your last comment: the result can be seen in my last pic ...

once started. i can'nt stop that *Layer Skelter* ...

- other guys do nearly the same, sure ther was some layer more at mine ...but


it looks like that the intention to get more *density* is global or?

excuse my bad engl. please


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That pic you posted would have been much better had it not been for those dumb horses and old APCs on the sky crazy_o.gif .

Covering up the sky with stuff has nothing to do with pics density , it only ruins the atmosphere for ME that is , if others feel differently then its ok as opinions differ on art , but thats how i feel about this.

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