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@parvus' pic : Yep definately much better

BTW, is that landrover a Deliltmon creation for VBS1? It looks REMARKABLY similar with a few tweaks.

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Parvus you learn quickly , that new pic was just perfect , infact beautiful  smile_o.gif .

Thx Ace  smile_o.gif

You gotta wallpaper version? One good pic in awhile and you dont give us a link to larger one biggrin_o.gif .

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Wooo , lol calm down guys. Did i piss you VBS guys off so much that you go and start posting pics in a frenzy and even repost some of them again tounge_o.gif .

OFP 1 : VBS 0 still stands for me , lasers addon got very close to VBS level and guess what i didnt had to lose 500 $ over it wink_o.gif .

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oh Ace

The world is full of the haves and have nots....

I guess we know which of those you fall into to...

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oh Ace

The world is full of the haves and have nots....

I guess we know which of those you fall into to...

This topic is about discussion of pics and games related to it not me. This is a OFP forum and we can discuss about OFP with context to other games especially if those games pics are being posted in this forum. So whats your problem? Is brining a valid argument of value for money too much for you?

Sniperskull i meant to ask in general what the weapons name is , i wasnt implying you post it under the pic as an addon name. I was asking this for general info as i've never seen such a AT launcher before.

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value for money? and about photos, so why add all those 5yr old comments with your pics?

VBS represented value for money to me, becasue I had it spare just sitting there..

Do you slag a bloke who bought a Porsche, just becasue your car is close to performance to it, and cost less?

He had the money for a porsche and you didnt...get a kleenex

Give it a rest.. either buy it(VBS) or stfu, people are getting bored with your pointless VBS slagging

Its great you love ofp, I do to, but whats the point of your comments?, really what do they add? rock.gif

(Thank god the VBS forums are password protected)

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Quote[/b] ]Sniperskull i meant to ask in general what the weapons name is , i wasnt implying you post it under the pic as an addon name. I was asking this for general info as i've never seen such a AT launcher before.

its a javelin launcher...

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Wooo , lol calm down guys. Did i piss you VBS guys off so much that you go and start posting pics in a frenzy and even repost some of them again  tounge_o.gif .

OFP 1 : VBS 0 still stands for me , lasers addon got very close to VBS level and guess what i didnt had to lose 500 $ over it  wink_o.gif .

did'nt really lose $500 since those SF guys are a free download and the core is only $120 tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]value for money? and about photos, so why add all those 5yr old comments with your pics?

Yes its value for money! 5 yr old comment? Dont think so i credit a addon maker for putting in quite a effort in making something for us poor folks who cant afford a game which costs big bucks by making a simple comment and you all go crazy.

Quote[/b] ]VBS represented value for money to me, becasue I had it spare just sitting there..

Good for you , but that isnt the case for lets say 0.8 million other people who werent able to buy it. Even so VBS doesnt represent value for money there are limits to how much a person can spend on a simply upgraded thing based on a similiar thing which cost less , simple fact get used to it.

Quote[/b] ]Do you slag a bloke who bought a Porsche, just becasue your car is close to performance to it, and cost less?

Yeah and was the porsche based on a cheap Honda engine eh? Get a better analogy maybe use that same kleneex and wipe some dirt clogging your brain on such a simple issue.

Quote[/b] ](Thank god the VBS forums are password protected)

Yeah thank god for that , maybe they'd have charged us for posting stuff and all tounge_o.gif .

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Wooo , lol calm down guys. Did i piss you VBS guys off so much that you go and start posting pics in a frenzy and even repost some of them again  tounge_o.gif .

OFP 1 : VBS 0 still stands for me , lasers addon got very close to VBS level and guess what i didnt had to lose 500 $ over it  wink_o.gif .

did'nt really lose $500 since those SF guys are a free download and the core is only $120  tounge_o.gif

Not much fun playing with modern SF units on Malden with 85 era soviets now would it? wink_o.gif

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Dude, you forgot to post a comment on my other sentence about loving ofp biggrin_o.gif

I agree, value for money is different for ever individual.

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SV5000, I completely agree.

I read more and more "VBS sucks" "omg we kick VBS's ass" comments and it's just depressing.

There are pages of comments just having a go at VBS, but the VBS forums are completely free of any negative comments towards OFP.

OFP and VBS are related, both can benefit each other, but these attitudes are just rediculous.

I've tried to be as neutral as possible in my thread, but when there's this volume of jabs at VBS it's hard to be even minded.

What is worse is that it's acceptable to slag off VBS as much as you want, but as soon as someone steps in to say "wait a minute.. that's not exactly correct and you're being unfair" they're jumped upon in a "go back to your own forums" kind of way.

I'm tired of reading it.

Flame me all you want, I hate making posts like this.

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Dont worry about it, its just indicative of the petty BS that has screwed and is continuing to screw the ofp community.

I aint saying anymore, I am just going to enjoy the game.

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No one is saying VBS sucks , i didnt mean it in that context. My motive on it is very clear over why i dislike VBS its got nothing to do with the games technical aspects.

OFP can never kick VBS's ass technically because we dont have anyone updating it as VBS has been done , only thing happening here is addon makers (like you yourself) pushing OFP's limits and bringing it closer to VBS's quality in textures and looks and sometimes technicality by finding backdoors/hacks/ingenuis ideas whatever.

The only thing i slag VBS is for its over the top pricing , which makes it sure that normal gamers wont get it and only a select group can , further more i dont even understand why it was released to the public anyway it was designed for army/private security agency use not everyday joe. And then increasing its price so many folds for what a few upgrades?

I'd rather wait for OFP2 and enjoy my current OFP , for a much lower price and equal satisfaction.

Now lets end this silly oft repeated debate which started over a simple one line comment and talk about pics instead of VBS. However if anyone wants to victimize themselves even further go ahead and i'll let the mods deal with it.

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The only thing i slag VBS is for its over the top pricing , which makes it sure that normal gamers wont get it

I really didnt want to get involved in this side of the convo, but its priced like that for a reason:

Average joe gamer isnt MEANT to have it. No one forced anyone to buy it, no ones forcing you to buy it. Its priced like that so that government agencies will take it more seriously.

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The only thing i slag VBS is for its over the top pricing , which makes it sure that normal gamers wont get it

I really didnt want to get involved in this side of the convo, but its priced like that for a reason:

Average joe gamer isnt MEANT to have it. No one forced anyone to buy it, no ones forcing you to buy it. Its priced like that so that government agencies will take it more seriously.

How come for example MS Exchange 2003 Enterprise Server can be priced over $1300 for a commercial license and as low as $4 for an educational one? This is not a single case, I could give you hundreds of examples of similar pricing policies. Think about it.

Now, can anybody give me a reasonable explanation why this is not the case for VBS?

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I suggest we make a new topic for this ? Is it allowed to start one such as this which debates VBS with relation to OFP in generals forum? Maybe when the mods come they can split these posts we've made here in to it and then we can continue on this. I agree with ag_smith , deadmeat your argument is very weak , VBS1 was being sold before aswell wasnt it? Govt agencys could buy it then for whatever price BIS wanted , thousands of way to market this actually. If the average JOE wasnt supposed to get it as you say then WHY release it for the average JOE eh? Pseudo logic crazy_o.gif

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VBS1 is currently up for sale in such a way so as to allow individuals in military units, police departments and other government agencies or potential contract customers to acquire and evaluate VBS. They could then pass their recommendations on to their superiors in order to aqquire the software for the entire department. (This method also subverts a lot of the red-tape which would normally hold up such a procurement)

Its not a ploy to get gamers to spend their hard earned, and in the scheme of things the civilian sales have made BIA/BIS very little money.

Think about it, say every one of the 400 or so people bought VBS, bought say core and 6 modules, that would be 400 X 440, which is 176000. Now, if we assume people at BIA are employed on a Å25k (GPB) equivalent wage (which equates to roughly $61,000 AUD) then those purchases only keep 3 people employed for one year. So even with some very rough maths you can see that BIA arent making mega-bucks from "overpriced" VBS wink_o.gif

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Agh, I really dont want to get involved in the whole VBS vs OFP thing. But the following has me perplexed ...

Quote[/b] ]OFP and VBS are related, both can benefit each other,

I don't have VBS1 but if I understand correctly you can use any Flashpoint addon or mod with VBS1, though VBS1 mods and addons cannot be used with OFP. At the same time official patches and engine tweaks are made for VBS1 that will never see the light of day for Flashpoint.

I don't mean this as a confrontational post at all. I'm just curious what benefits Flashpoint gets from it's relationship as older brother to VBS1. It seems like an one way deal, Flashpoint improvements and tweaks also benefit VBS1 where as VBS1 tweaks and improvements stay with VBS1.

So how can Flashpoint benefit at all from VBS1? All the benefits I see in the relationship between VBS1 and Flashpoint are all slanted towards VBS1.

But once again I must stress… I am not slagging on VBS1. I’m just curious how VBS1 benefits old school Flashpoint at all.

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With VBS1 OFP community slowly dies, because more and more addon makers work on VBS1 addons....

Why  VBS1 screenshots allowed on this forum.. dont VBS1 castumers have their own website crazy_o.gif

rest of post removed, b/c VBS1 discussion in ditail is not legal  tounge_o.gif

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