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To Keep Ontopic. Gandalf the White, how long till that beast of a Pinky Demon is going to be Released?

Well, time to get animator + Time for them to animate it + A day or so = time to release it ;)

[/subliminal recruiting]


Anyway, pictures are cool as always smile_o.gif

- Ben

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Acecombat, got any details on this najaf map? I have been looking for a good Iraq map smile_o.gif

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ebns follow the link.

It still need a LOT of work this is just a preliminary stage and the guy making it also needs a few addon makers help if any of you folks can help him plz contact GOON.

@NisuMiles: i demand that you immediately produce a full size version of that beauty you just posted smile_o.gif , my gfx card sucks so i cant run dxdll or any of those transparent water things so cant take any such screens as those and would love to get my hands on a high res version of it if possible.

Shadowy and all others who appreciated my pics , thank you smile_o.gif .

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NisuMies your Nimitz screenshot rules. The best Nimitz screenie I've ever seen blues.gif

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Dont fear Mchide, I have VBS1  biggrin_o.gif , its all legit.

Il PM you my member name on the VBS forums if you need further proof.

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@NisuMiles: i demand that you immediately produce a full size version of that beauty you just posted  smile_o.gif  , my gfx card sucks so i cant run dxdll or any of those transparent water things so cant take any such screens as those and would love to get my hands on a high res version of it if possible.

Shadowy and all others who appreciated my pics , thank you  smile_o.gif .

By the demands of people,i shalt reveal Resolution of almighty 1600x1200  ghostface.gif

I hav spoken

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@rommel most ever online 3 wtf, that isnt right? We had like insane amount of visitors on newyears eve If im not mistaken!

For The AustralianSpecialForces Forums. wink_o.gif

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Yes that looks transparent AND relective Hardrock, definately worth pursuing further i think?

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OMG! too bad it appears to multi-layered and not 100% transparent.

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Nothing a bit of tweaking couldnt solve? Its only a matter of applying better texture no? Darker texture the deeper the 'layer'?

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OMG please tell me thats a OFP shot and not VBS , the model detail is very nice indeed. smile_o.gif

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architectus... stunning, so simple, yet stunning - a picture does indeed speak a thousand words.

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sure i can

i just hope i dont get banned that i post in the wrong forum

at the current state the models are for vbs1 yes

as they use some model parts and textrues from sf1 and core

basically all of the unit shown is done by me

except the vest its textrues and the bis torso and beretta

the head/hands etc are part of my UAP

which u can see makes some progress :P

here are some more









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architectus... stunning, so simple, yet stunning - a picture does indeed speak a thousand words.

Thanks, I was planning on submitting this one to the ofp:cp awards, but I ended up submitting a different one.


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