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What will happen this year?

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PS: Placebo, you are evil! mad_o.gif


Hehehe I know, but providing the filesizes you wanted just made it hard to resist wink_o.gif

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I might think "oh well another developer fades into the shadows" sad_o.gif

Original developers do not fade. wink_o.gif

Right, sometimes they just crash. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Original developers do not fade

This analized means that the developpers from BIS, the originals ones who made OFP, and that there are now new developers around, do not, like the discs, fade away, but are around and REACT.

This only can mean, a YES, there is something going on. But it sureley dont give any dates.


Seeing all the addons comming out daily and the alive of the community I think, no I feel its cruel that they dont tell a bit more in their forums. I mean, SUMA just can tell a brief intention of what they are doing. Why the secrecy? No need to give deadlines, we understand, but a little more towards us would be handy, since we also can hype it up elsewhere!


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Of course it means everything is rolling! It's quite obvious. biggrin_o.gif

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The problem with releasing information is that when the game is released it wouldnt blow you away the same way if you knew what was coming a year earlier. When I read about STALKER for example I was excited and thought it seemed like it was going to be very nice. If the game had been released that month I would have bought it but now I dont really care anymore. Ofcourse most people who still play OFP will buy OFP2 no matter if info is released now or the same month the game is released. The problem I think is that the public who dont know OFP will react more like me when I read about STALKER. They will become interrested and maybe even be climbing the walls waiting for the game to get out but after a year that has died away and maybe only 50% of the people who wanted to buy the game when the info was released wants to buy the game when its released. I think that is the problem with releasing information too early. It gets you excited a short while and takes some effect away from the release. I might be more or less wrong but I belive Im pretty much right. If this post is in any way weird or just stupid its because Im veery tired. I hope people will have a little more understanding about why they cant release too much information yet. I think everyone can relate to what I said about me and STALKER in some situation. I need to stop typing now or I will get more confusing wink_o.gif

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I hope people will have a little more understanding about why they cant release too much information yet.

Well, the situation is "no information yet"...

I've waited for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ever since I first laid eyes on the game way back in december 2001... and the releasedates given over the years (!) have always been pushed back. But I'm still waiting for the game, and still thinks it will rock the gaming world when it comes out. The reason for me having waited patiently for this game so long, and not having lost interest is this; the developers have constantly released information, screenshots, media, given interviews etc. all the way. Not too much, but just enough for me to have retained my interest in the game.

I can't say for sure, but I think I would have lost interest and forgotten all about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. a long time ago, had GSC went into hiding and not said a word or showed anything from the game. I understand to some point what you mean, but I do not agree with you 100%.

So what you actually mean, is that BIS should not reveal any information or show anything from OFP 2 until the release is one month away? (Because if you put what you said on the very edge, that's what you mean...)

Well, if the releasedate at Codies hold (which it most likely won't)... that means we won't hear or see anything of OFP 2 before march 2006... roughly one year from now.

You must also mean that at least 90% of developers and publishers are showing bad judgement and have no sense of how to run a business - because most of them give us info on future games more than 1 month before releasing them.

Can I ask you if Illusion Softworks is your favorite developer? Because the strategy you talk about reminds me very much of how they dealt with Hidden & Dangerous 2...

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I would like to see some pictures as well, but I'm not specifying any file sizes for fear of what Placebo will post next tounge_o.gif. A few models or ingame shots would be nice smile_o.gif. Maybe show some pictures of something that was developed but was cancelled (ie, Africa or Vietnam). Surely you have some pictures of WIP rock.gif

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I'm kind of doubtful that much will be said about OFP2 this year, or any time in the near future.  I'd love to be proven wrong, but with OFP Xbox, and VBS, I'm kind of thinking that OFP2 may be pushed to the back burner, or be rushed out just kind of integrating some of the VBS stuff with the changes made to the game in OFP Xbox.  BIS's silence is kind of worrying me.  I would be satisfied with just a "yes we are actively working on OFP2", but I doubt that will happen.

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I'm worrying about the silence too. I worry that BIS lost interest in developping OFP2 with full concentration, since VBS1 is bringing that much money. I think they already work on VBS2 and will MAYBE derive some stuff from VBS1 or 2 to bring out an OFP2 to the public. As for me I feel that OFP2 is not a priority for BIS anymore.

And maybe they are scared of bringing out any information about OFP2 since they never expected OFP1 to be modified so heavily! So maybe they intended first to give out some information but realized that the community pushed OFP1 so far that it would be ridiculous to show any OFP2 screens at this stage. Think about all the availible enhancments for OFP1:


- llaumax, namsky

- EECP 0.4.4


- Sanctuary Anims 1.4

- top quality addons like BAS,CBT,HYK,DKM,SIG,RHS etc.

- And lot of Mods like FDF, BOH, CSLA, INV44 etc.

The bottom line is: If BIS really works on OFP2 they have to work very very hard to surpass the OFP1 quality of today.

I even fear that OFP2 when it comes out will not surpass OFP1 in every aspect. It will take years, until the community will bring OFP2 to a level beyond OFP1 of today!

BIS are you up to the challenge?

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Yeah too true, there's a hell of a lot o work to do.  And I imagine they're having billions of problems.  

Quote[/b] ]Original developers do not fade.  

wooo thanks for the reasurance.  It's obvious your a hero by the amount of posts in this thread.  Wow I talked to the lead programmer of OPF.  

Now that must be up there with meeting the queen.

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Now that must be up there with meeting the queen.

The Queen... baaah tounge_o.gif

Who would want to meet her anyway... give me Marek, Ondrej or hell - just let me meet the cleaning person at BIS! wink_o.gif

Anyways... Kroky have some good points that makes your mind wander...

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I hope people will have a little more understanding about why they cant release too much information yet.

Well, the situation is "no information yet"...

I've waited for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ever since I first laid eyes on the game way back in december 2001... and the releasedates given over the years (!) have always been pushed back. But I'm still waiting for the game, and still thinks it will rock the gaming world when it comes out. The reason for me having waited patiently for this game so long, and not having lost interest is this; the developers have constantly released information, screenshots, media, given interviews etc. all the way. Not too much, but just enough for me to have retained my interest in the game.

I can't say for sure, but I think I would have lost interest and forgotten all about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. a long time ago, had GSC went into hiding and not said a word or showed anything from the game. I understand to some point what you mean, but I do not agree with you 100%.

So what you actually mean, is that BIS should not reveal any information or show anything from OFP 2 until the release is one month away? (Because if you put what you said on the very edge, that's what you mean...)

Well, if the releasedate at Codies hold (which it most likely won't)... that means we won't hear or see anything of OFP 2 before march 2006... roughly one year from now.

You must also mean that at least 90% of developers and publishers are showing bad judgement and have no sense of how to run a business - because most of them give us info on future games more than 1 month before releasing them.

Can I ask you if Illusion Softworks is your favorite developer? Because the strategy you talk about reminds me very much of how they dealt with Hidden & Dangerous 2...

I dont think they should release no information at all but I also think it would be unwice to release too much already. There has been alot of complaints about the information they have released so far and some of it, as I understand it, has changed.

Quote[/b] ]You must also mean that at least 90% of developers and publishers are showing bad judgement and have no sense of how to run a business

Everyone already knows thats true but the problem isnt releasing information too early. The problem is they spit out crap games with too many bugs and limitations.

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Ok guys, i've figured it out. They don't give any information because:

They want the noobs out. If there are still some noobs left here in 2006, they'll make it 2008 etc. They want the true fans to hold on, so when they finally release it (of course only the visitors of this forum get to know about it), all the fans get free copies of OFP2 and oh yes, it will be the most glorious day of all!

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Hmmm... did someone forget to take their pills? tounge_o.gif

It's a theory... but let me get this straight:

So they will not release it to the general public, but just give away free copies to everyone that's left on this forum?

And could you please clarify who's the n00bs and who's the OFP 1337's?

Seeing that there's 30 782 registered members on this forum as of now, how many of those is the real deal who will get their free copies? If they delay it until, let's say 2008, what's the number left here then?

And... who needs money tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

Making games to give away for free is much better crazy_o.gif

Damn it's could outside...

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Quote[/b] ]

OFP 2 Is Still Alive! - Official

 Posted by: Chiefy on 02-21-2005 @ 12:26 - Source: Bohemia Interactive  

This News Item has been viewed 117 times!

We think we speak for most of the OFP community when we say we've been a little if not worried, peeved by the lack of updates, snippets of information and screenshots about the highly anitcipated Operation Flashpoint 2. One of the FN Network Admins, Jamie, dispatched an e-mail begging for some tidbits of information about the game. We've received the following response:



Hi Jamie,

I can assure you that we continue to work on Flashpoint2, the lack of

screenshots and info is simply due to the fact we want things to be right

before we release information, but rest assured we continue to work hard




The reassurance that the game is still on-going is very welcome to all of us, I am sure. We all send Bohemia our best wishes in the hope that they produce as much of a corker with OFP 2 as they did with OFP. Keep up the good work, chaps.

Rest assured that OFP Files will keep you updated as soon as we catch any whiffs of information coming our way, however obscure.

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As much as it is reassuring reading the bove quote, it is safe to say that OFP2 is out of the radar outside its own community.  

This in itself is not a problem, i guess, because when OFP came out it caught almost everyone by surprise.

One would expect that a "Game of the year" that has a sequel in development would have a little more buzz around it, but i guess BIS or codemasters like to do things diferently.

What really annoys me is logging to the BIS forums every now and then and still see that VTV forum post from 2003 about the war scenarios in OFP2...

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As much as it is reassuring reading the bove quote, it is safe to say that OFP2 is out of the radar outside its own community.

That's pretty much what I thought also... but to my surprise the other day, Norways biggest newspaper (VG) had run a poll on 2005's most wanted games on the 31st of december 2004 (cross platform wise).

It passed me totally by, until I saw it here just a few days ago.

But the big surprise... wait for it... was that OFP 2 came in at 25 out of the 50 most wanted games in 2005! biggrin_o.gif

And on the top 20 list for just PC games, it came in at place 12!

My report on the poll!

Source (VG - article is in norwegian!)

Just too bad they all have failed to realize that OFP 2 won't come out this year, but rather in 2006... sad_o.gif

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I wonder...

IF they release screens of Operation Flashpoint now, it doesn't means anything.

Farcry's levels / voices / weapons / cutscenes / GUI was changed in the last minute, thesame for Doom III , People now miss those scenes. so maybe it's better that they don't release any informa...

well, maybe just what they are PLANNING to do! mad_o.gif come on! just a few lines of when they are planning to suprise us again!

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Farcry's levels / voices / weapons / cutscenes / GUI was changed in the last minute, thesame for Doom III , People now miss those scenes.

They were giving a hint about what they could expect, right?

Maybe they could give us a hint about what we can expect in OFP2.

It's clearly that they just want to tease people with pictures,

movies and interviews. But that doesnt have to mean that it

would be accurate, it will simply just give me a clue about

what the creators are thinking.

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I'm worrying about the silence too. I worry that BIS lost interest in developping OFP2 with full concentration, since VBS1 is bringing that much money. I think they already work on VBS2 and will MAYBE derive some stuff from VBS1 or 2 to bring out an OFP2 to the public. As for me I feel that OFP2 is not a priority for BIS anymore.

And maybe they are scared of bringing out any information about OFP2 since they never expected OFP1 to be modified so heavily! So maybe they intended first to give out some information but realized that the community pushed OFP1 so far that it would be ridiculous to show any OFP2 screens at this stage. Think about all the availible enhancments for OFP1:


- llaumax, namsky

- EECP 0.4.4


- Sanctuary Anims 1.4

- top quality addons like BAS,CBT,HYK,DKM,SIG,RHS etc.

- And lot of Mods like FDF, BOH, CSLA, INV44 etc.

The bottom line is: If BIS really works on OFP2 they have to work very very hard to surpass the OFP1 quality of today.

I even fear that OFP2 when it comes out will not surpass OFP1 in every aspect. It will take years, until the community will bring OFP2 to a level beyond OFP1 of today!

BIS are you up to the challenge?

can i just say.. BIS does not create VBS1 thats BIA so if VBS2 was in development thats BIAs concern not BIS  smile_o.gif

and since they said OFP2 would be better than VBS1 which i have i would say ofp2 will be better than all of these


- llaumax, namsky

- EECP 0.4.4


- Sanctuary Anims 1.4

- top quality addons like BAS,CBT,HYK,DKM,SIG,RHS etc.

- And lot of Mods like FDF, BOH, CSLA, INV44 etc.

because if you have seen VBS1 vids 80% better than ofp..

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What i like about it is.. biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif on the BIS website it says

Quote[/b] ]Experience the intensity of modern-historical warfare

and since they still have nam pictures all over and modern pictures all over there website. i think it will be like getting 2 games in one lol.. modern-historical warfare biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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BIS has not been shy in the past of hiring highly skilled modders for its VBS development. I don't think too many of the revolutionary modders would be offended if BIS took their ideas so as to save time developing that aspect.

I would look forward to the inevitable features which modders cannot provide:


larger view distance esp. in aircraft

terrain LOD

more intricate localised terrain details (ie. not just a blatant grid when you view from a hilltop)

pixel shader shadows able to be projected on objects, units and terrain

weather affecting terrain (ie. rain making it muddy)

wind patterns (possibly visible as cloud, flag and tree motion)


improved vehicle simulation (not just gimmicks)

flowing water (not just visually)

AI CQB ability and more natural reactions

improved collision detection and destruction

Some of these are implemented on the XBox version so a super computer shouldn't be necessary, just lots of hard work and time - which is what they have.

BIS is very mathematically inclined as shown by their night skies and the motion of heavenly bodies. Many solutions to the above problems are certainly not beyond them, in fact are unlikely to be properly implemented by other companies.

I don't expect all of the above but trust BIS enough that most will exist in the sequel.

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Well, now it's been 2 months since I started this thread, and we're none the wiser.

At least, we will get the answer to my first question in a months time or so (the question being if OFP 2 will be shown at this years E3).

Waiting for OFP 2 and any information about it, is turning into a long, dark (blind?) alley.

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I'm not really a skeptic, but was listening to John Lennon and was inspired:

Quote[/b] ]

Apologies to John Lemon & Yolko Oh Know smile_o.gif

Imagine there's no OFP2

A shocking thought I know

No new game to play with

It would really be a blow

Imagine all the people

Playing OFP1...

Imagine there's no addons

It isn't hard to do

Nothing new for our game

And no scripting too

Imagine all the people

Playing on MP...

You may say I'm a skeptic

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And we will play OFP as one

Imagine no cheats online

Everyone the same

No need to try to win

All comrades of the game

Imagine all the people

Playing OFP around the world...


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