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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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Yeah, but saying a "real soldier respects his enemy" as if it means to be polite and see them as a honourable opponent is complete crap. It means "don't underestimate your enemies capabilities". It would be annoying to hear constant yelling out though.

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well a bit wouldnt be to bad but constant would just make me turn of the game after a while lol.

But some owuld be alright

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Yeah id prolly get annoyed if there was constant yelling. (maybe screaming and shouting, but not swearing etc)

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The only "respect" i would think of giving to the enemy is if I were a rookie and i'd just killed someone for the first time, and it would be after the battle and it would be a "What have I done!" kind of respect.

Apart from that I can imagine someone saying "You like that!?" AFTER the battle or AFTER killing the enemy.

But with everything I just said it depends on who the enemy is.

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Oh, look who's talking. A bunch of know it all gamers.

I had the chance to talk to many veterans that served in war and I based what I said from war veterans and soldiers, not hollywood, or games. If you dont believe what I said, good for you, but your missing the truth. Of course there are exceptions, but those who don't respect their enemies in terms of capabilities, are the ones ending up dead. A war is a war like you said. Each side has difficulties and soldiers respect one another because both sides face the same thing. Like I said, there are exceptions, but those are a bunch of immature brats.

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Oh, look who's talking.  A bunch of know it all gamers.  

I had the chance to talk to many veterans that served in war and I based what I said from war veterans and soldiers, not hollywood, or games.  If you dont believe what I said, good for you, but your missing the truth.  Of course there are exceptions, but those who don't respect their enemies in terms of capabilities, are the ones ending up dead.  A war is a war like you said.  Each side has difficulties and soldiers respect one another because both sides face the same thing.  Like I said, there are exceptions, but those are a bunch of immature brats.

What?? You just changed it around! You said respect your enemy in such a way as to show a teacher respect and not to be rude, but now you are saying capabilities just like i said.

And don't give me that "I had the chance to talk to many veterans that served in war" bull-sh*t because you don't know me. Do you understand what a hypocrite is? Don't google it, ask ya mum.

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hey this thread aint hear for arguing on but it does liven it up a bit lol. anyway just get back on topic (i sounds like a moderator lol)

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Hi smile_o.gif

And how about fix the fire-range for some sniper riffles? I was looking inside FlashFx Units Replacement pack's config.bin file and found out the max range was 900 meters  rock.gif

I hope the new pack will set back the default range for sniping smile_o.gif Remember, the Barrett M82A1 .50 cal BMG(12.7x99mm) Sniper Rifle has a effective range of 1830 meters  biggrin_o.gif

In one case, the crews of two Iraqi BMPs surrendered after an USMC sniper destroyed a third BMP w/ two shots from his Barrett at approximately 2 kilometers. tounge_o.gif

And lots of other rifles to smile_o.gif

The SVD is optimistically credited with a maximum effective range of 1300 meter.

Thanks smile_o.gif

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or you can get that sniper rifle cant remember the name but it can fire upto 2 miles bloody good eh shame its only a prototype saw it on an army program on tv. Anyway Maximus-Sniper your name reminded me of something the snipers in Ffur please change them i hate them so much the ghillie suit is far to brown, the m21 just looks ugly and also with the snipers ghilie suit when your in choppers you cant see and when your parachuting you cant see either.

I would recomend something like a half ghillie sniper wich is just hed to torso wich is more gree with an m24 sniper rifle. but i dont know if you could find an addon like that but its something to look out for

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So, how about the new FlashFX 2.0 Effects?

Will they be implemented?

we use our own ones smile_o.gif

bug report of the first beta was sent to Thunderbird, hoping for a patch soon. so it should not take that long.

still hoping for locke

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"Very well sir, I am going to shoot you now, please be kind enough to not duck as I would really hate to waste two bullets instead of one."

Just... just no...

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So, how about the new FlashFX 2.0 Effects?

Will they be implemented?

we use our own ones smile_o.gif

bug report of the first beta was sent to Thunderbird, hoping for a patch soon. so it should not take that long.

still hoping for locke

...but i thought the purpose of this was to be flashfx unit replacement?

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the ones we have done are similiar to the ones to FlashFX 2.0, so from my point of view we can keep our ones, though i'll take a look at FlashFX 2.0 if there is a hidden addition, cause as you said it is FlashFxUR smile_o.gif

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About the sniper rifles, would it be possible to create a bipod system to increase accuracy when prone? This could also count for MGs.

Don't even consider it though if it'll postpone the next release.

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Sorry, I'm really a bit concerned, that this surrendering thing and the changes to balancing might ruin the existing campaigns and missions.

I am currently replaying the original 1985 with FFUR, and there are some

missions in it, which can not be completed with FFUR.

E.g., in the misssion where you have to stop a tank convoy with mines, the incoming tanks kill the M113, which is supposed to pick you up at the end of the mission.

The tanks simply 'see' to far now.

So please, gfx and fx improvements are great, but be cautious when playing with balancing and AI.

I also think I would not like yelling, cursing etc. too much. i like the 'professional' behavior of the AI right now. Ok, it's a bit annoying to hear the same radio phrases again and again...

Just to make that clear, I love FFUR!



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also that thing where ai in aware mode crouch when still so in some cases where your meant to have a scene of the persons face you just see behind them because there crouching underneath the camera plus it looks kind of sad at some points when they do

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The resistance campaign 1st level when the eastern troops land on the island, for some reason I get sent to a deserted island in the middle of nowhere and unable to escape rock.gif

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For those of you concerned about the original missions being ruined, why dont you just not enable the mod when playing those missions? Most mods that edit the config aren't meant to be played on old missions, but rather to be played on new missions or for fun in the mission editor. I really hope these suggestions dont mean that the pack will be delayed or those awesome features (surrender, arresting, etc.) will be taken out!

Cant wait for the new version,

Sniper_Kyle wink_o.gif

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ok, here a kinda proclamation:

we thought about adding 10 extra addons from the community to the mission editor.

so we would like to hear what you guys want to have.

but these addons have to be from the time around 1985.

so guys start suggesting smile_o.gif

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BTR-80 from the VIT_APC pack

EDIT: And more FIA stuff of some kind...CSLA 2 update has a lot of very good armour/vehicles coming up.

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i have to say all COMBAT addons.....







and what more they have made

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i think you should scrap that idea and leave the eeditor spotless becuase those extra addons many people may not even use will just slow down ffur and since your including desert and winter addons it will slow it down too and ffur v5 was so laggy for me and i have a 1.8ghz computer and thats all i know about it

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i think you should scrap that idea and leave the eeditor spotless becuase those extra addons many people may not even use will just slow down ffur and since your including desert and winter addons it will slow it down too and ffur v5 was so laggy for me and i have a 1.8ghz computer and thats all i know about it

we will divide woodland winter and desert stuff in three different downloads

so it won't lag wink_o.gif

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