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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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ok buds , you wanted it then we've done it smile_o.gif

Here's the new desert island wich would be included in the FFUR 5.0 :





Big thanks to our talented Island maker

Best Regards


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Actually, desert has grass (patches), which helps keep the top layer down.

Btw- I tested the grass online (somewhat) and it causes major bugs, if one person has it and the other doesnt... and regarding textures, the grass is not made by us, it is created by another addonmaker...and that is not really fixable, with out changing the model drasticlly. wink_o.gif

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Of course, the desert has vegetation, but no way does it have that kind of trees. From the 3rd picture you can clearly see trees that grow mostly in mountain areas, and no way in the desert. Some vegetation fits, but a lot doesn't. Its better not to add vegatation at all then add a vegetation that doesn't belong there, and its really obvious to see that.

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Of course, but notice that the ground textures are new, and only parts of it will have actually "desert" (sand)...the rest will be different, and desert island will look totally different. BTW- Some trees, etc will be changed its not quite done yet. wink_o.gif

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dude, i live in arizona, the biggist desert in USA, i think.

Theres pine trees, and tropicle trees, and theres berrly any rain...

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Quote[/b] ]dude, i live in arizona, the biggist desert in USA, i think.

Theres pine trees, and tropicle trees, and theres berrly any rain...

Dude, those kind of pine trees are not found in the desert period. Maybe you should go learn something about plants and how they grow. There are about 115 species of pine trees out there. Your right that some do grow in the desert, but not that kind. That kind grows in a mountain area, trust me. I used to live around in a mountain area so I know.

Pines grow well in acid soils, some also on calcareous soils; most require good soil drainage, preferring sandy soils, but a few, e.g. Lodgepole Pine, will tolerate poorly drained wet soils[/quote The desert is very dry.

The pines in the 3rd picture look exactly like those pines:



So just because its a pine, doesn't mean its the right pine for the climate.

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Ok mates, new changes; the desert island will still be as it is now but our talented island maker will replace the textures by new ones fit to the hot weather in the area with suited plants too .

this will also avoid some problems of lag smile_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]dude, i live in arizona, the biggist desert in USA, i think.

Theres pine trees, and tropicle trees, and theres berrly any rain...

       Dude, those kind of pine trees are not found in the desert period.  Maybe you should go learn something about plants and how they grow.  There are about 115 species of pine trees out there.  Your right that some do grow in the desert, but not that kind.  That kind grows in a mountain area, trust me.  I used to live around in a mountain area so I know.

Pines grow well in acid soils, some also on calcareous soils; most require good soil drainage, preferring sandy soils, but a few, e.g. Lodgepole Pine, will tolerate poorly drained wet soils[/quote  The desert is very dry.

The pines in the 3rd picture look exactly like those pines:



So just because its a pine, doesn't mean its the right pine for the climate.

pine trees can grow just about anywhere. those pines are the only ones we have in flashpoint, so quit trying to be a know it all & go back up to your mountain and shove it. it's just a game.

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your DL is corrupt on OFPFILES.com or where ever you DL link points to

after i DL it and run the installer it freezes my system is there and mirrors around for it ?

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Why are you people turning this thread into a friggin discussion about pine trees?

Go have a lay down and a juice and get over it.


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Hi rusin ,

please don't download the FFUR 3.5 and its patch 4.5 cuz we'll release the FFUR 5.0 very soon . smile_o.gif




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Stealth3 just likes to start arguments about the most pointless things. Just ignore the attention seeking kid. I mean, what the hell is up with his signiture??

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A feedback's a feedback, but if you want to call it an arguement then thats sad.

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So, is it ready rock.gif? please tell me yes

yeah bud the main pack's ready but we still have few things which need to get fixed. smile_o.gif

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OH YAY.... Um ok, im not like 12 or anything, im 16.

but umm, this is a great moment

i mean, i love ofp1 but, its not been improving much for me..

this will help,


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Cue for stealth to say: "Like oh my goood, is like operation flashpoint youuuur whoole life like??? YOU ARE SOOOO SAD! Like...OH MY GOD!!!!  wow_o.gif "

@ EvEnLeaSe44 i think he means another 2 weeks  smile_o.gif

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hey thunder, will you please tell me that it is going to come out

soon, like in the next hour or 2 smile_o.gif

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come on dont make them rush it let them do as much testing as they can so when you download it your not dissapointed by aload of bugs, it wuld be nice to have it now bt if thatmeans having some bugs that may be found later on in that week its better to wait be patient

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Great news , all bugs have been fixed and all configs have been done smile_o.gif

Just wait a bit mates , we still have to improve and to finish some few things.

Best Regards


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Yay sounds good if its to late no need but the black op day shouldnt really use the MP5 SD6 other words the Hk it should use something else i cant really think of what but maybe you can

How about some more sreenshots to keep us in more suspense?

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