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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 Version 7.3

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my little criticism should lower the respect they deserve for all this work!

wow you're mean wink_o.gif

yea dont worry we had him killed for that smile_o.gif

bout the rpg bug.. thats.. odd crazy_o.gif

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my little criticism should lower the respect they deserve for all this work!

wow you're mean wink_o.gif

sorry sorry sorry, I meant to say shouldnt" sad_o.gif

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Just grabbed this pack, very nice! smile_o.gif One question, is there a way to get the Bradley and BMP2 to produce the muzzle flash/tracer effects when firing their cannon? Looks very odd when the MG lights up the night, but the 25/30mm fires in pitch black. (Or do they and I've managed to break it somehow?)

Thanks for any pointers.

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no i never thought to add the tracer effects to the bmp2 and M2A2. that would require you to edit their configs inside their pbo files (bmp2.pbo & m2a2.pbo) which hoesntly would be very simple to do and id be happy to explain it to you if u want to do it yourself?

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Yes please. smile_o.gif Already have them broken down, but not familiar with the syntax used within a config file opposed to the ingame editor init for the tracers. Assuming it is done in the event handler section?

Also can the muzzle flash be added in the same way?

Thanks for taking the time to get me squared away!

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muzzle flash is done via modling, sorry.

but yes the stuff you need to know is in the eventhandlers section. just look at the event handlers section of the Class M2Static. theres only one there. a fired eventhandler. you will need to add that to the current fired eventhandler (if any) for the bmp2 and m2a2.

and if there is a current one it ends with "; (sometimes ";";)

so for instances:

fired="_this exec ""blahblah.sqs script if this that and the other thing""";

then you add it in ""<here>";

if its like fired="_this exec ""blahblah.sqs script if this that and the other thing"";"; then you add it in "";<here>";

the action is defined between the first and last " " and scripts are defined between twin " so its like ""script.sqs"" so if the line ends with 3 """ then you want to insert your script with a ; ending the first, after the first 2 "".

if i confused you i applogise and will be more specific for you if nessacary

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Worked like a charm. No worry on the muzzle flashes, just looking for the best visuals. smile_o.gif With a tracer stream now they won't be ghosts in the night.

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I have solution on restore flies effect sounds in Y2K3 smile_o.gif

If anyone wants flies, can edit Y2K3 Config so :

1. Open [Y2K3 Custom-PE-XB-TR.cpp] - with blood or not.

2. Press [Ctrl+F] and find [flies] word, now you see one [class EventHandlers] with flies effects.

3. You must add one thing in [init] line, this is: "is _this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs""";

this is [init] line before edit: init="[(_this select 0),1,1,2,{white},3,0.3] exec {\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs}";

this is [init] line [proper] after edit: init="[(_this select 0),1,1,2,{white},3,0.3] exec {\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs};_this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs""";

4. If you add, or reaplace this line, you should to repeat this step 3 with all [class eventhandlers] WHICH CONTAINS [flies] WORD, that is five times.

5. And use [cpp2bin] to compile you [Y2K3 Custom-PE-XB-TR.cpp] to bin, and throw in right place.

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Quote[/b] ]3. You must add one thing in [init] line, this is: "is _this exec ""\ECP_Effects\init.sqs""";

this will reenable all ECP effects causing undesired lag just so you know.

right now the flies work but they take awhile to be "attracted" which honestly i find a lil more realistic then flys on a dead body 8 seconds after he dies.

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this will reenable all ECP effects causing undesired lag just so you know.

right now the flies work but they take awhile to be "attracted" which honestly i find a lil more realistic then flys on a dead body 8 seconds after he dies.

Yes i know smile_o.gif i like ECP effects in Y2K3

I have flies always exactly after this tolerance: 120-180 sec, and performance without any lag or problem rock.gif

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120 to 180 sounds about right for how it is in Y2K3.

back when i .. lets just say back when i was younger, i tried ECP cuz it was the 00ber-l337 aw3s0m3. and between 3 and 5 seconds from teh time the dead person hit the ground. the flies script kicked in

and you probably dont have a performance hit due to a stronger or faster computer. but most of the Y2K3 users dont have a strong or super fast computer. thus i was letting those that dont understnd the schematics of how these things work that if they try your suggestion there may be consiqensual lag from the unessacary effects and scripts that the full ECP mod runs. whereas i used some of their scripts, but only the ones i felt were nessacary.

so basicly i was just telling everyone else if they do this, then they have a good possibility at dealing with substancial lag on thier systems. (again this due to Y2K3 is a universial mod for mid range to high range computers) smile_o.gif i wasnt trying to say you were right or wrong.

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I must say it's a very sweet addon.

My only gripe is that performance is odd. For some reason some missions play better then others when really it should be the other way round.

Example. The 1st mission on Everon in the CWC the mission lags like a civ yet on some more complex missions BIS Battlefield etc the games runs pretty dam well.

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Min if you've got so many modern addons running around on the screen plus all the other effects performance will take a hit. Y2K3 lags for me too , i gave up on it sometime ago een though it was good enough.

@pappy: What about the new ECP? Will you bother implementing it or not? I am testing it and i dont see any lag whatsoever from IT. If there is lag on my pc then its due to other things but never ECP.

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nope. no plans on implementing ECP ever again. made the mistake once, learned my lesson, never again.

by the way having upgraded my system fo 1.8 ghz amd and 512 ram Y2K3 plays like a true dream on my system.

played airassult on everon form the campaign. arrived a lil to late to find the nato tanks all destroyed. proceeded to then destroy all the russian tanks, 5 minutes later every tank within my 1600m view distance was burning and smoking like a mofo and i was running a cool 10 fps, whereas with 256 ram i was lagging a bit around 5 fps. once i left the area and was over barron land heading back to base she shot up to 30.

now having taken 4 years to be able to upgrade to 512 ram i know that not everyone can run out tomorrow and buy some, but if you have at least 512 you shouldnt be experincing any lag with Y2K3.

and i suppose the full ecp mod might run better on my new system as well but without starting another war, im sure most of you already know my feelings about them.

by the way i know some of you complain of lag, and i think we should be a lil more specific too with any mod or addon. for instance i saw someone complain about an addon recently that it "laged him to hell" when he went on to complain further that he only got "20fps" with that addon in play rather then his normal "80fps". now in my experiance, and opinion you cannot claim something is "laggy" until you get 8 fps or lower. at 8fps is when things get jumpy and slow. 9fps and above is playable without any effect on visual performance. now im not calling anyone a liar here im jsut saying that if you are getting at least 10fps while playing a mission, then please do not say that you are "lagging" becuz your not.

you need to understand that BIS used low quality models for people on 128 meg systems to be able to play. so thier models are very low quality and very low textures. as total conversions like FFXUR and Y2K3 use newer more advanced modles and textures things are gonna slow down. if you play a BIS mission and get 900 fps. thats cuz you only have like 50 polygons worth of models on your screen. play with a total conversion now you have more detailed models. so there will be a little bit of a performance hit. for some of us that means goin from 30 to 20 fps. others it means goin from 90 to 50.

which is why mods like ECP and FFX play better compared to the unit replacments. cuz they add on scripts that do cause slowdown, but its unnoticable due to low quality models. now you add those scripts to a high quality modle like hyk soldiers or combat humvees and the results arent pretty. so basicly you cant have your cake and eat it to. with Y2K3 i used some scripts here and there, the least laggy scripts that i felt OFP should not be without (like blow and at back blast) and left out others that i saw no point too like halo and ai join player. sure they are nifty scripts but theres no need to run them if they are only gonna cause slowdown in a mod that already uses high quality models. there had to be some sacrifices.

back when i opend the box for OFP i played thru it and missions like Vulcan and Battlefields laged me. but i still played them. whilst other missions like steal the car and airborne played beautifuly. with the game there are good areas and bad. with Y2K3, like you said some misisons play better then others. im here to tell you with OFP some missions play better then others, addons or no.

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Min if you've got so many modern addons running around on the screen plus all the other effects performance will take a hit. Y2K3 lags for me too , i gave up on it sometime ago een though it was good enough.

Thats not the problem Ace. I can run very large missions like the tank battle in Nogova, Battlefield in Everon from the campaigns yet the 1st mission from the campaign becomes unplayable.

You could say it's doing the reverse of when you have heaps of units it experiances "speed up" hardley any units "slow down" and I mean "slow down"

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you just installing it? or have you edited something in the config?

cuz that error sounds like something from an edited config if its bined wrong. but if its a fresh install then it makes no sense crazy_o.gif

by the way test using the premade executable files in the Y2K3\Bin\OFPY2K3 folder. cuz i had some error when i tried to use my own exe file after reinstall of OFP and it didnt like it. now i use the premade exe file and it works fine. so mabe try that?

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I know already and understand what you said pappy its all been said before. But i dont see ECP causing that big a lag issue as you make it out to be. I am saying this from a very objective POV been testing it with a few missions like Dynamic afghanistan and all , and it doesnt add to any form of lag. And i dont understand your point of scripts causing lag , efficient scripters know how to avoid it. If the scripting is done properly there wont be any lag , so your cutting out HALO and AI joining scripts is a bit foolish , when you leave the AT back blast and others in. They never take up that much cpu resources to generate fps downfall.

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well i didnt take those out specificly due to lag. first off "Every little bit helps", like my messenger logs all my convos, each file is between 1 and 10 kb of text. the folder containing them all is 38 megs. every little bit adds up to alot. but anyway i took those out cuz i found them pointless and unrealistic as well.

HALO is a special techniqe that not many combat operatives can successfuly do. as per thier script, anyone and everyone could do it. pilots, soldiers, civilians.

AI join script was nice except that in combat you dont just go up to someone and say "hey you, umm im in charge and u do what i say" althou in extreme circumstances when several survivors of a large conflict meet post battle and need to re-group but in OFP the only time those situations are actualy played out.. the mission themselves were designed to do that and already regroup you via script or via new mission (if its a campaign).

things like AT back blast and blood however is realistic and imperitive in a mission. follow the ai blood trail, dont stand behind at weapons, realistic and in my eyes "Required" for total imerson into the game.

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Pappy, in one of my configs i downloaded a while back you had replaced the bis abrams tank with inq and king homers M1A2. Now they have released a new version v.2.0.Do i just replace the old pbo addon or is their more to it because of new scrips ect.Please can you give me you're expert advice! Thanks

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you can replace the old pbo, from my quick testing it seems to work fine.

if it doesnt all you would need to do is copy the "Class eventhandlers" from his config and replace those from the M1 Abrams in the editable config found in the Y2K3\Bin\OFPY2K3\Configs folder, rebin it and that would be it. but as far as i can tell no edit is needed

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