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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 Version 7.3

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it installs another mod folder called @ECP and 3 script files that need to go in it.

unfortunitly i tried my best to eliminte the need for those 3 files but the @ECP mod folder files are the spawn of satan and refuse to rid thier presence in my mod. so... you need it.

dont forget to keep an eye on this topic for the 7.1 Final Patch (requires 7.0) that will come as soon as locke finalizes his animations. or on page 23-24 of this topic is the 7.1 Beta patch and an updated config file with lockes new animations.

also if you encounter an error message that says something like "cannot load data3d\uralt.p3d" then check the Y2K3 site for its "Enviroment pack" which is the Y2K3 skypack that will resolve that error.

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I have an announcment that i know will please alot of people

upon 7.1 Final Patch release not only will i ofer an "exploding bodies" and "non-exloding bodies" config variants like before...

i will be ofering a pure Unit Replacment Config. with nothing but units, sounds, and animations replaced. no special fx, no scripts, nothing like that. just replaced units. for those of you that dont like fx or experiance alot of lag  smile_o.gif

edit: and thanks to thunderbird84, the Y2K3-FFUR mod partner, i have decided to use the "play dead" script that allows you to pretend your dead when your seriously injured, giving you the ability to hide from enemy patrols and then ambushing them as they walk by. this feature is granted to all 4 sides (civ,east,west,res)

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Ah, damn you Pappy, just after I put the first hours into my own pure unit replacement config mad_o.gif




Nah, just kidding tounge_o.gif

That`s great news, I`ll just have to make some changes. Thanks a lot smile_o.gif

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What is the difference between the two replacement packs?rock.gifrock.gif..FX and Y2k...I mean?

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well we both use approx the same ammount of units.

the 2 major differnces is, his is a Cold War Crisis (1985) era replacment, and Y2K3 is a Modern Combat Mod. (the new slogan smile_o.gif ) where as thunderbird84 has kept the 1985 feeling and ive brought the game up to a more modern era of combat.. namly Year 2003

and the other is FFUR uses the effects from Flash FX mod, where as i use a combination of effects from GMR, ECP, and much more. smile_o.gif

oh yea and i have my own custom combo skypack tounge_o.gif

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once again thanks to my parter thunderbird84 and his ingenious way of finding a way to make the GUI 1 single image i was able to create a new GUI for version 7.1 that looks much nicer then the orginal one  smile_o.gif and as much as i would unvail it upon release.... i just cant keep a good thing like this under wraps for long. so here it is.. the new GUI for version 7.1 Final (still Work In Progress)



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its been reported that the 7.0 installer main mirror is down, i dont know why, i havnt checked ill take his word for it.

but it did remind me that i think i might re-do the full installer without the data and data3d.pbo files... which means it will be 200 megs lighter. since those 2 files seem to have caused the most problems. so the 7.1 full installer will be around 300 to 350 megs rather then 500.

and remember the full installer is only for new comers. people wiht the 7.0 install can very easily install the patch without problem. for the files that you wont need in 7.1 ive edited the pbo files with an enclosed text file that says simply "delete me" or if you dont want to mess with it then dont worry about it OFP wont load those files and your addons folder size will be adjusted as nessacary.

as it stands right now the 7.1 Patch is 53 megs.

7.1 is waiting 1 or 2 things. locke's updated animation mod.. and i might go ahead and wait on marcopolos AH64 pack second update.. all things depending.

is there any other changes yall want me to look into?

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just a quick update.. i know ive received numerous complaints about unable to shoot down helos with Stingers and Strelas

well guess what! wow_o.gif

with a lil script-borrowing from hudsons proximity fuxed missles.. i edited the ECM scripts to detonate the missle within 60m of the helo.

basicly what this script now does is creates a second AA missle 0.1m infront of the fired missle.. the coupled explosion will do one of 3 things:

1: scare the hell out of the occupants of the helo

2: Jar or Dammage the helo

3: Destroy the helo

other advantages is.. with a little bit of skill you can actualy hit the helo with a missle.

AI pilots have much to worry about when AI is shooting at them

player pilots have little to worry about, because with a little skill you can dodge missles smile_o.gif

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you ever get the feeling that your spaming your own topic.. even thou your posts are days apart? rock.gif

ok althou people have neglected to comment on the updates and such and answer questions in terms of the updates.. im gonna continue talking to myself.

another new feature for 7.1 will be, if you notice the AH64 when its shot down.. a wrecked model is placed where the helo crashs... well that wrecked model will have 1 stinger launcher.. and 1 missle in it. so if you get shot down by something.. you have one last chance to avenge your helo smile_o.gif an idea that came to me after i was thinking about the movie "Firebirds" where tommy lee jones was traped in the shot down AH64.. and he had (whats her name?) take a stinger out of the tube.. and construct the launcher from parts in the transport-cargo box. i thought that might be a nice feature in OFP after you get shot down in an AH64.

if anyone else is reading this besides myself, some comments on the upcoming patch would be apprecated... becuz after i release it.. if even one person says "why did you change this" or "how come you didnt do that" im gonna seirously flip out. because this is the time people. this is the time to say "no i dont want the AH1W" or "i would like to see the AA missles be more effective on helos" which even thou i already have done.. the fact remains this is the time to tell me this stuff. right here and right now.

other suggestions was differnt animations for east, west, and resistance. ive declined this idea due to people really like thier custom animation packs, and its not fair if your fav unit is a russian soldier.. and only the west have your custom animation pack.

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I've decided to stop talking about Y2K3 until the new version is downloaded onto my computer and totally kicks ass. xmas_o.gif

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I read this topic every day,and i still play with your mod every day! Speaking for myself this mods great and is going to get better,it doesn't need commenting on!Nice to see yourself still as interested as i am, keep up the great work it's very much apprecaited

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personaly.. i like the SOAR Crew as the "tank crew" but apperntly alot of people, including INQ/KH feel that APC crews look better in main batle tanks. now upon release of the first CBT addon with those crew it was said 90000x over that these are not "main battle Tank crew" but people still use them as such.. so if noone has any complaints (aside from my own) then im gonna go ahead and make the "crew" the cbt crew member

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Is it ok to run the 7.1 patch rock.gif...and if so...just how does the new "look from behind trees" thing work?? rock.gif....btw...the patch i downloaded was 43 mbs...yet you say its 53 on the page before in this thread?...which is correct?

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the patch you downloaded is beta. go to locke's animation thread with his pack... in his latest release has a Y2K3 config in it. use that config on top of the beta patch u just installed.

the leaning and rolling features are controled by your sprint key and your left and right movment keys.

for me thats Shift + (l-arrow or r-arrow)

its not the W sprint key.. its the "turbo" sprint key. check your controls dialog to find out which one it is.

and while im here i just wanted to mention a few new things for the 7.1 final patch.. first off i give up trying to call this mod "Final" the only "final"s from now on will be patchs  tounge_o.gif  second off, i had this request before and i just not realized how i can do it. i will be mentioning which version of Y2K3 you are running at the main menu. like right now it says " *OFP : Y2K3* " (you will notice on the other page where i posted a pic of the new GUI. where that text is) i changed it to Y2K3 Modern Combat Mod v7.1 and this will sway any doubt of which version you are running.  smile_o.gif

oh and Y2K3 will have a new installer too. the new installer doesnt have the same compression has the old one does... so it will be 600 MB for a full install.... any complaints? otherwise i can revert back to the orginal installer which has a much higher compression value

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How about implementing Suchey & Earl's gun-smoke script to the base of the guns? I did it and it works awesome. To tell if its a missile, bullet, etc I just checked the speed of the ammo fired. It's a great effect.

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Pappy, I have a question, a complaint, and a compliment.

First, the question. Forgive me for having not read the entire thread, but will Y2K3 7.1 Final have the latest effects of ECP? I'm asking this because the extra file installer installs config options of an older version of ECP, and I run the latest ECP (1.071 I think) from time to time. I'm afraid that the settings in your Extra File installer might not be compatible with the new ECP.

I have just one teeny-tiny complaint about both this mod and FFUR. It's nice that you include the addons, but I'm not to keen about the fact that they're usually modified or outdated. The modified BAS addons in FlashFX, for example, caused my BAS units to stop working altogether. I hope you two can find a way to keep all the addons you use updated and unmodified, for compatibility's sake. I know nothing about total conversion mods and I don't know why the modification of these addons is needed, but if ever you find a way...  smile_o.gif  Right now all I do is to move all conflicting addons to separate mod folders, but if I could just have them in Res\Addons, the hassle would be minimized.

And as for the compliment, this mod rocks. I recently finished the 1985 campaign with your mod just for kicks, and it was quite enjoyable.  biggrin_o.gif

Thanks and keep up the good work! Hope to see 7.1 Final soon!

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actualy the only modifed addon Y2K3 will have is marco polo's AH64.. modified ONLY to keep the install size to a minimal. however feel free to reinstall the full addon later if you want.

all the rest of Y2K3 addons are unmodifed "out of the box" condition.. the reason being is missions and whatnot that use these addons.. will still work. so lets say you downooad a mission that requires the HYK solider... then you already have it. no need to have twice of it.

oh wait.. no 7.1 will also have a slightly modified bas_mah60.. i fear i will be shot for exposing this truth but just to give you a heads up. its modified in the fact athat A: i compressed it, again to save space, as most modders think uncompressed addons is the way to go, when in fact it isnt.. compressed or un compressed my ofp and missions take the exact same time, down to the milisecond to load.. anyway its compressed and has the modified ECM script in it. becuz i didnt want to go around changing about 14 differnt eventhandlers that used it.. so i changed the script tounge_o.gif but thats it. all other addons are unmodified. so you wont have to worry about that.

in terms of ECP.. the "Extra file installer" will be eliminated for less confusin.. however the primary installer WILL be installing that folder..

the only reason i have that is when you eject the stupid thing is looking for the ECP settings script, and ive gone over Y2K3 8million times and not once is there an ECP referance in there. yet it wants that script. anyway you can use your updatd EP stuff in that folder it doesnt matter.

and no Y2K3 will not be making use of the updatd ECP stuff as, im guessing you missed the whole fiasco, but long story short: i hate some of the ECP members.. and granted i am using some ECP effects.. i wont be making use of the updated ECP cuz its too much trouble, takes too much time, and i just dont like them. and lets not let this get into another fight. i hate them, they hate me. i know they hate me, they know i hate them. so it all works out. lets just let that go. blues.gif

on the subject of up to date addons.. its actualy this adon updating that prompts me to make patchs and new versions all the time. 7.1 was spawned basicly on the updated AH64 and updated M1A2-SEP, it got a new version number when i put locke's animations in it. if a model or script path changes then i immediatly update Y2K3.. usualy releasing a "qucik fix" or "patch" for the updated addon within hours of its release.

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Right now all I do is to move all conflicting addons to separate mod folders, but if I could just have them in Res\Addons, the hassle would be minimized.

but ppl like me have a clean addons and res addons folder (all done via mod folders), so these ppl would have to download all the needed addons by themselves which would make a damn amount of time (often links don't work either)

there is always a conflict if you have addons in the res\addons folder and loading replacement mods at the same time, cause you're loading this addons twice (ofp doesn't really like that)

and for ffur we need to do it so that all the effects work wink_o.gif

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Right now all I do is to move all conflicting addons to separate mod folders, but if I could just have them in Res\Addons, the hassle would be minimized.

but ppl like me have a clean addons and res addons folder (all done via mod folders), so these ppl would have to download all the needed addons by themselves which would make a damn amount of time (often links don't work either)

there is always a conflict if you have addons in the res\addons folder and loading replacement mods at the same time, cause you're loading this addons twice (ofp doesn't really like that)

and for ffur we need to do it so that all the effects work  wink_o.gif

actualy OFP doesnt give a rats ass if u run the addon twice..

for instance. Y2K3 uses customized vulcan, su25, humr, and other modified BIS addons.. OFP will load the "most recent" addon first.

so if your shortcut is like this -Mod="BIAddons;Y2K3" then the ones in the last mentinoed mod folder (in this case Y2K3) will be loaded in place of the orginal one in BIAddons (if you have a folder like that, i dont but jsut for example purposes)

basicly what im saying is OFP doesnt load it tiwce.. it checks one folder, if folder 2 has the same file it will assume folder 2 is the most recent file and load that instead.

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Is this mod still replacing original files in the addon folder or have you managed it as the same as the guys from FFUR where none of the original addon files is replaced? Then i would give it a try again. I played it in version 4.0 or something and liked it but i hated it when i tried to play it on multiplayer. So it had been kicked from my HD.

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