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CIA Operator Teaser Pack

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why not just ask permissions from UKF mod they hav a cracking land rover pack so why not just use theres

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Looks good Ironsight m8 wink_o.gif

It's starting to look better and better, but I still have to ask permission from the author of the original Aussie land rover. But keep an eye on the AM:D thread wink_o.gif

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Actually, i believe the guys in the white landies are Brit special forces. This is not for reasons of personal expertise tounge_o.gif but more due to the fact that every major British newspaper published these pictures at the time of the seige at Mazar-e-Sharif (which is where the photos were taken) saying that these guys were SAS/SBS, as did the subsequent news footage.

Hoever since i am an armchair expert biggrin_o.gif, there are some other points to be made. There are obviosly US SF in the pics, like the guy standing by the wall at the side of the road with the beige jacket, but this doesnt mean the guys on the landies are. The M240 is not in fact an M240 but GPMG and, although i'm not sure on this one, the vehicle appears to be right hand drive, although this might not mean anything.

I also heard a rumour that Brit SF wanted to travel covertly around the more remote areas of Afghanistan, so didn't go streaming in in DPM's and the tooled up Landrovers. However, unofficially, according to someone who has contact with those in the know, they were also doing everything they could to not look like a military convoy to friendly air callsigns, even to the point of painting their land rovers white in the guise of jouno's/aid workers. This could of course be bullshit but it seems logical.

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Yeah, I think you're right. The M240 and GPMG as I'm sure you know, are basically the same thing, but with different configurations. In those pics they don't have the usual plastic handguards on the barrel like the M240 has. Some M240's don't have them, but normally they do. Plus the gunners are dressed different then the CIA guys now that I look at them more closely. Of coarse there's not mistaking them for journalists. lol But yeah, you're probably right...SAS or MI-6 maybe?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Like I said, could be anyone. Hell, it could be a federal organization posing as another federal unit, a privately contracted group, or even a foreign organization.

SO MUCH takes place under the radar, that we simply could not guess as to the true nature of anything, and could only speculate about it's obvious appearance on the surface. This is SOP in covert actions, and it's done that way for a reason. It's been going on in A-stan for decades, ever since the Russians decided to take the 'stan for themselves, and the US government moved to oppose them.

My little brother has dropped so much men, and material over Afghanistan that he's lost count of the sorties he's flown on, and it's a sure bet ( he's told me ) that there's much he has been officially told to forget.

One thing people might not realize, is that our AFSOC Herky birds are acting as a battle taxi for foriegn government unit's as well as our own, including SAS, SASR, JTF2, Comsubin, etc. He has NOT confirmed or denied non-military units like CIA, NSA, FBI, jumping off the ramp, but this is probably territory he couldn't talk to me about over the phone, and I wouldn't talk about it here, either.

I'll just say that as far as the global war on terror, and covert ops are concerned, it's all speculation, heresay, and probably best left to the imagination, for the good of all involved.

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I'm a member of the German KSK ... tounge_o.gif

No way biggrin_o.gif

But you're right Ferret,

somebody could be a member of the CIA, NSA, BKA, or something, but I don't belive that the german BKA plays OFP tounge_o.gif

"only joking!"

He Extraction any progress rock.gif

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Well unless all OFP addons work with VBS1, I think they'd be stupid NOT to play OFP with the range of mods existing.

Heck, I bet a bunch of terrorists and a few IDF units are probably using my teams Lost Brothers mods for training. Its a cheap and easy way to learn the basics of warfare especially if you have a multiplayer team well organized for training, and a good trainining mission with good voice com software. If a unit has some mission makers they can even customize missions to practice specific missions before going to a mock up training area to do actual drills.

Anyhoo...its true...those guys could be anybody, but trust me, special ops and intel services aren't always that bright. Often their operatives enjoy distinguishing themselves with certain types of gear and clothing. At least the CIA guys were riding around in minivans like most of the other NGO's in Afghanistan and not with MG's mounted on their roofs. lol

But in an area where NGO's are attacked an GPMG on the roof ain't a bad thing even if it does draw attention. LOL.

Regardless I'm looking forward to that landrover Ironsight is making. It would go well at least with the BAS and WYK Rangers.

The stuff I'm working on is taking a little time cuz my .cpp config scripting wizard (Calm Terror) is having some computer problems. But once he's got things sorted out the updated CIA Ford explorer/expedition variants should be out and running.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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the IDF have their own module for training its highly unlikey they are useing any parts of your mod  smile_o.gif

and about the Landrover, the British use that particular type to, its a 110XD with a WMIK kit fitted (meaning the mounting of a 50 cal or a 40mm grenade launcher is possible)

110 XD with WMIK fitted

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Do you have a link to this article in the forums about the IDF having their own pack? If you can PM me with the info as I don't want to hog up this thread as its offtopic.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I would also like to get this link to article. Is there any good vbs1 forum like this one?

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I'm a member of the German KSK ...  tounge_o.gif

No way biggrin_o.gif

But you're right Ferret,

somebody could be a member of the CIA, NSA, BKA, or something, but I don't belive that the german BKA plays OFP tounge_o.gif

"only joking!"

He Extraction any progress rock.gif

Slowly progress is processing but it seems I get some help to boost the project wink_o.gif

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As many addon makers know finding and making the textures is the hardest work  sad_o.gif

But thanks to this great community allmost everyone that can help send me pictures and links to some great and helpfull pictures wink_o.gif

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great units. nice to use them agains generic opfor.

i've found small bug:



different hand textures in pilotview maybe

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Very smart units these. Can't wait for the final version. AFAIK, certain US army units have used the landrover for a while because the Humvee's bulk and limited top speed make it less suitable for being inserted by helicopter, making a swift getaway etc.

Ade biggrin_o.gif

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As many addon makers know finding and making the textures is the hardest work  sad_o.gif

But thanks to this great community allmost everyone that can help send me pictures and links to some great and helpfull pictures wink_o.gif

Feel free to ask for Textures, Photos or plans.

Maybe we have something you need smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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how are these guys doing?

quest. are you planning to inculde some sort of woodland and urban type ops (not only the desert types) ?

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The project is paused cause of RL isseus and while I am the only man working on these it takes alot of time and real life is allways on first place for me.

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well thats true RL comes first (most of us do that smile_o.gif )

well good luck with RL and hope to have you back working on them soon

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hi! these soldiers look really great!

i wanna use these guys on my OFP.

i have a question:will these soldiers be released within this year? smile_o.gif

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