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CIA Operator Teaser Pack

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Wow! Very nice! I love the new head, face, and also the sweater. The sweater he's wearing looks like the USMC issue commando sweaters. Some Army guys wear them sometimes because they're very comfortable, warm, and they look sharp. However the only difference between them and the ones on your boys is that on the elbows they have padding material. Here's some pics:



You can see the elbow padding. Overall they are very sharp looking sweaters. The British Army and Marines I believe wear a similar sweater. Anyways, if you can stick the elbow padding material, it would be perfect. The shoulder area doesn't matter cuz of coarse the body armor is covering it up.

But if its too much difficulty getting the padding on the elbows then don't worry about it. The unit still looks amazing regardless. I just thought it would add a nice touch of realism.

Keep up the amazing work!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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The sweather of my last guy isn't a commando sweather wink_o.gif

I make some units with commando sweather too wink_o.gif

Some units will have custom faces and others will be random ingame wink_o.gif

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Them sweaters are very comon actually, I was given one from a pal who was in the RAF and the only diference is that mine is green, but the rest is just like the ones in the pics by Miles Teg.

That mustache in Extractions pic is excelent. Looks more realistic than any others I seen in OFP. It would be excelente to be able to add an object texture ober another object texture, so the same face could have some different combinations.

Any month old beards yet?



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I wore a blue one with my dungerees while in the Navy. They are VERY common throughout the US military. My dad wore them with his blues while in the USAF. There's nothing "commando", or "elite" about them. They're just relatively warm and comfortable.

You should look at the current issue Improved ECWCS gear for an idea of what our people are likely to be wearing in the field. Other gear would include the anorak, and fleece pullovers.

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The mustache is not in the face texture it is a model attached to the new head model of Llauma.

The mustache textures use the face texture wink_o.gif

There will be plenty of units with sweathers, jackets and other stuff wink_o.gif

Everyone will be happy at the end wink_o.gif

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Awesome textures and use of the new head model Extrctn, those pictures show a real jump from your last teaser pack. Keep up the good work!

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