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CIA Operator Teaser Pack

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Played a bit with these guys,simply put they rock. blues.gif

Just a suggestion,perhaps in the final pack maybe you can make the beard and the moustache random,it's a bit wierd to walk around with 7 bearded men(I use the guy with the camera a lot).Heh,and with the special forces in the final pack I'll be busy again.

Sorry for the off-topic but im interested what kind of SUVs,security contractors are using in Iraq??I only know of Mithsubishi Pajero and that's it.And did anyone made some SUVs for Ofp??

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The usual SUV's used are Ford Expeditions.  At least thats what I see most often on TV. They were actually made in OFP but some of the Ford SUV addons I found were in real poor shape and need fixing while some had download links that no longer worked.  sad_o.gif

There's this Ford Expedition addon that might work, but it needs to be white or black and with tinted windows to look like the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hmm,thx for answer Miles Teg,pretty bad not having a decent suv in Ofp.All I could find on a cd stuffed with older ofp add-ons,was an Ford Expedition by Mehanic but it's missing sounds and the textures are very low quality.

Oh well,at least I have CBT and Fischkopp's Humvee packs.

Yes,that was the one I have but like I said,apart form the low textures it's sound doesn't work for me. sad_o.gif

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yeah same here.  I may try to fix the sound issue on it, and maybe see if I can modify the textures to make it black or white without making it look any worse.  smile_o.gif

Hmm.... I wonder if its in the Vilas car pack...  smile_o.gif

Edit- Never mind, its not in there.

Time to DePbo this expedition and see what I can fix.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Well was working on some civi cars that have military aplications like highluks toyotas, and Ferd King cabs. Have extraxction give me a hollar about ramping em back up.

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Cool!  I'm also working on fixing up Mechanics Ford Explorer right now.  I could only find an old 1.46 OFP version but I just had to change out the lights with the ones from his Ford Expedition.  I thought about using that but updating the textures would be a pain in the ass and the Ford Explorer is already textured white and is also used by contractors and others in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The sound bug was on it also but easy to fix.

I'm also sticking a little anti-remote IED device jammer on it as well.  Although I'm not sure if there's any scripts I could put it to make it work as their aren't any IED addons other then the BIS satchel charge.  Anyways it looks cool...like a little sputnik thingy on the roof.  lol

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>


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Setting satchel charges as IEDs in OFP kicks sandwich.

I find a hiding place, wait for an enemy convoy to pass

and BOOM! Then order my men to fire on any survivers or retreat if there are too many.

Sweat game.. if only I had a decent Iraq/Sunni Triangle map.

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@ Miles Teg & Bobcatt666 thanks for the ride for my guys wink_o.gif

Bobcatt666 of course some rides for the CIA units would be cool if you and Miles Teg make it wink_o.gif

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FireflyPL watch your filesizes please smile_o.gif

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Could be SAS, KSK, GIGN, JTF2, DIA, NSA, or civilian contractors..... could be REAL hard core journalists.

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Well from those black and grey jackets, they are definitely American unless some SAS guys decided to borrow some of the American gear.  The problem is that some of the Special Forces and Delta Force guys wear those black and grey jackets as well on occassion so it is possible that they are not CIA.  However I've never heard of US Army Special Forces using land rovers so indeed, these may be specially designed CIA landrovers.  That big thing on the roof by the way I believe is a MG mount as it has a ammo can basket on it by the looks of it.  I'm not sure why the M240 gunner doen't have it mounted however so maybe its something else.

Also it looks like the sides of the landrovers are possibly armored.  At any rate they look pretty cool. There are various land rover addons in OFP but they would take alot of heavy modification to make them look like the ones in those pics.

I think Mechanic made some minivans in OFP like the ones in the pics also.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Great units, was eagerly awaiting them since you showed the first pics smile_o.gif

But: I found one slight modeling error: under the agent with the camera (was it darrel?) there is a slight modeled piece. You normally wouldn't notice it because it's under the ground. You only notice it when you jump from houses or out of a plane or helicopter smile_o.gif

just nitpicking actually because I love these units biggrin_o.gif

Edit: Great! biggrin_o.gif

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Great units, was eagerly awaiting them since you showed the first pics smile_o.gif

But: I found one slight modeling error: under the agent with the camera (was it darrel?) there is a slight modeled piece. You normally wouldn't notice it because it's under the ground. You only notice it when you jump from houses or out of a plane or helicopter smile_o.gif

just nitpicking actually because I love these units biggrin_o.gif

I discovered it last night and fixed it for final version it is the pistol holster that is not defined wink_o.gif

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However I've never heard of US Army Special Forces using land rovers so indeed, these may be specially designed CIA landrovers.

Don't Rangers use the land rover, since they can't fit the Hummvee in a Chinook rock.gif


Ranger Land Rover


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I thought that only SF uses that special variant of the land rover rock.gif

Rangers are SF since they are under SOCOM command wink_o.gif

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Oh wow! I never seen one of those. I guess you're right. Normally I've only seen SF (aka-Green Berets) units operating in Humvees, but yeah, thats definitely a land rover. Very interesting. Sometimes SF and Rangers use the same vehicles, sometimes they don't but still thats very interesting. Its too bad its difficult to tell what the weapon on top is..apparently it has a scope on it. Maybe an M2 judging by the length.

I'm also guess that the reason those aren't seen too much in the media is because you'd have to be insane to drive one of those through Baghdad. That would be a total bullet magnet.

Those types of vehicles (FAV's) are better suited for open desert recon and patrolling and not urban combat.

Anyhoo...very interesting pic.

Unfortunately my addon making skills are such that I probably couldn't make one of those CIA Land Rovers, but I hope someone else will as I continue work on the AK's and Ford Explorer.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I thought that only SF uses that special variant of the land rover rock.gif

Rangers are SF since they are under SOCOM command  wink_o.gif

AAARGGGGG!    Rangers are NOT Special Forces.  They are Special Operations.  Special Forces is a generic term applied to the Spec Ops of other countries but in the US Army, they apply specifically to one branch of US Army Special Operations that operate in small teams. Special Forces are also known as "Green Berets".  

Ranger are Rangers and are under SOCOM which is the US Special Operations Command that oversees all of the US military's Special Operations departments (Navy, Airforce, Army, Marines). Rangers are basically the US Army's shock troops. They operate generally in large units but are very heavily armed and trained to a higher level and better equipped then regular infantry. Generally they are used for high risk missions. Although in literature they are refered to as lightly equipped, in practice they are used more like heavy infantry.

This page has tons of links to SF info if you don't believe me.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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AAARGGGGG! Rangers are NOT Special Forces. They are Special Operations. Special Forces is a generic term applied to the Spec Ops of other countries but in the US Army, they apply specifically to one branch of US Army Special Operations that operate in small teams. Special Forces are also known as "Green Berets".

If you say so wink_o.gif

Anyway I am woking on a land rover like in the pic, I totally missed the part of the CIA Land Rovers but anyway, I thought you guys were referring to spec ops Land rovers like the pic I showed. Here is a pic of it:


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