Baff1 0 Posted June 22, 2011 (edited) Yes, but they are idiots, if they get control of their country they will get instantly much poorer becuase they are all about the self-intrest and less about the big picture. The rise in politicians wages pisses them all off, but it is the fall in their own wages they really care about, and if they get control over their taxes they will vote themselves more wages just like the politicians do. Only there is far too many of them to be able to pay and the system will collapse, ultimately resulting in no one at all getting paid. Too many cooks spoil the broth. It's better to have 500 shithead politicians than it is to have 50 million shithead politiicans. Other people should not decide how to spend the budget. In my country, only I should, and in your country, only you should. Who else can we trust? Edited June 22, 2011 by Baff1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 22, 2011 i absolutly disagree if i spoil my life - okay, my fault if someone - i cannot agree so : if 50 milions will spoil their lives - its their decision but not 500 men who spoil lives of 50 milions cause maybe those 50 milions will beter rule than those 500 their fight for their not respected interest - let they fight and win own interest not that someone spoils their life people can spoil their lives - when they do it themselves it is about "freedom" west loves word "freedom" so much so freedom is right to decide - i can spoil my life, but not shithead for 20 000 PLN monthly deciding to spend (without referendum) my tax on rocket for F16 or museum for artists while i need tomography in our hospital i heard that Swiss people often have referendums - thats what i would like to see here (problem is only free media, free in term not corrupted, with journalists representing different parties and policiians from different parties, not media like .... one radiostation in which everyday i here "priminister is wise guy, oposition are dumb ass, oposition are liars, we are rich, there is no corruption, there is no unemployment, people do not allow to lie that we have problems, we are rich country only work harder and work harder and do not want to earn more, cause you must work harder" ) Other people should not decide how to spend the budget. In my country, only I should, and in your country, only you should.Who else can we trust? yes, problem is that EU decides too much how you spend your budget and how we spend ours (in ideal situation when there is no bribes and we decide not payed marionettes ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted June 22, 2011 (edited) Bank(-er)s run the show in Greece . . . With all due respect, but bank(-er')s run the show worldwide and not only in Greece. Europe has been fucked up with the introduction of the Euro. The middle class is going to disappear everywhere in not a long time to come. A peaceful change is never about to come for nations. Remember that your worst enemy is your own Government. Or you try a hostile takeover which will only happen when people will suffer hunger or it will never happen. As long as people will have something to eat they won't care for a change. They are not interested in. They get dumbed down by idiotic TV shows so they don't think. My bosses wife is working for Transparency International, which is an organization that tries to fight corruption worldwide. They are fighting a war which is lost from the beginning. As long as we live with a monetary system and an economy based on profit we are doomed. you can't fight corruption because everyone in power is corrupt. We are considered f*cking animals to them. It is really amazing that our world economy elite (Bilderberg group) are only a few thousands of people. We are six billions on this planet and we are unable to get rid of them. Economy is about to collapse in the near future which will most probably result in WW III. Mankind has never . . . ever learned from their mistakes. We are just too stupid. Sorry for this rant but I'm suffering an anger problem from my teenager years that is always growing stronger.:mad: kind regards Edited June 22, 2011 by nettrucker spelling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prydain 1 Posted June 22, 2011 You explain to us, how exactly do you intend to do it. Do you know what exponential growth on a finite world/system is? Do you realise all of the major wars were brought about due to a sovereign default/bond market collapse being the main cause? Apparently, you don't. Knowledgeable people are getting fed up with these logical fallacies, that most of the sheeple perpetrate upon society - you don't even realise how your own bullshit delusions will bring about a new world war. I can explain to you how to bring down a sovereign nation with a welfare program and/or ZIRP loans for the general populace, but I can not do the math on the sustainability of a 100k pension 4 lyfe of some dipshit, who hasn't done anything but manual labour in his life. What are you going on about you spacker? You can fund welfare, it's cost isn't defined by a numerical boundary.I don't think you understand how conversation works, let alone social programs. So, no, I won't be taking heed of anything said from someone who strays off the point and rambles on about some irrelevant ideology that only Glen Beck would take him seriously. Your limited scope of history, inability to read and blind sense that you know anything at all along with your constant tangents that seem to be more of a self-affirmation tirade than meaningful input have me thinking that your worthy of condescension only. If you wanted to discuss something you cared about such as numbers, opinions or anything else you wouldn't have cried and started your declamation and, instead would have been calm and tried to lay out the facts and tell me your interpretations instead of barraging your opinions at me as if this is some South Carolina town hall meeting where it is customary to think that your the centre of the universe. If you don't want to be calm and have a discussion then fuck off to the American politics thread where you can post all the zerohedge shit you like and have plenty of swallowing mouthbreathers ready to agree that Europe has only existed for the fiscal year 2007 onwards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 22, 2011 of course welfare can be fund by: - stealing money from other countries (slavery, wars and invasions for raw materials, economical problems bombs made to destroy production in other country for example by corrupting foreign politicians to destroy foreign economy and come here with own sales) - good planing industry (education, helping developing technologies, even so called free education make more wide group of people to become engineer , constructor) - not wasting taxes but wise spending them, supporting actions that will give big profits, welfare comes from whole politic of country (in many times very not moral and thats why hated + terrorism which someone deserved ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted June 23, 2011 (edited) All I can say is your either very excited about your information source and want to save everyone and get so frustrated people dont see it like you that you look down at them. You do realise people who are un informed dont need someone talking in those terms, as it reads that this is your view of those people even if you dont mean it that way. We're communicating, right now, this instance via the Internet - you and me equal. My "source" is basic math plus high school math like the exponential function of GDP, interest rate on the gov't & revolving private credit card debt etc; something growing at 7% annually, doubles in just 10 years - good thing ZIRP is in effect right now. You have spoken in other areas about depopulation of people who are not being responsible, also stating your point about anything going down and the millions left that suffer should be almost put out of their misery (so to speak), you quote alot of NWO depopulation information, you then state your views on those who do and dont contribute and so on. Exactly that. The beauty of the current situation is that the bankers showed everyone on this planet that national sovereignty doesn't work anymore. They've taken down a continent-spanning nation, which had been founded on the most Utopian concepts of Liberty, Life & The Pursuit of Happiness up-to date. Not a single shot was fired. Don't worry, if the people in a "democracy" don't want to take responsibility, knowledgeable people will step in and take care of this transitory mess. You dont have a right to put yourself in a box away from "those others" that are lesser, or dont contribute as YOU see it, you are also not exempt you are part of this system also, information or not. I do, I'm self-sufficient. If I'm doing business in a place, where tax is levied for some bullshit welfare programmes, then I just write it off as operating costs of doing said work in that particular country. I diligently pay my VAT tax, though. ;) You want to really inform people, maybe you should chill on the sheeple side of things, and give up on the self appointed saviour aspects, and just inform when needed? I tried to, as you say, inform people many moon ago - it's a fruitless affair, and an unrewarding one at that. Sheeple... you think I was born into the things that I have become? Ha. People can make their own mind up, you post the information its up for people to read that's the best way. If your batting for a "truth" team, currently your becoming the exact reason people turn away and shut down on it, unless of course in some way that's your aim. In a way, it can be viewed as my subconscious 'goal', knowing full well that their shut down to the process of thinking is due to an overdose on Prozac, or whatever anti-depressant is in style nowadays. I'd appreciate, if you attacked my love of the NWO through specific issues and not go for ad hominem angle. ;) ---------- Post added at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:44 PM ---------- Your limited scope of history, inability to read and blind sense that you know anything at all along with your constant tangents that seem to be more of a self-affirmation tirade than meaningful input have me thinking that your worthy of condescension only. If you wanted to discuss something you cared about such as numbers, opinions or anything else you wouldn't have cried and started your declamation and, instead would have been calm and tried to lay out the facts and tell me your interpretations instead of barraging your opinions at me as if this is some South Carolina town hall meeting where it is customary to think that your the centre of the universe. History, history, you say? Chart by Karl Denninger, who most certainly existed in the world prior to 2007. USD will be history alright. If you can't provide any numbers for whatever reason, explain in your layman's terms how does the system work with regards to public employees' benefits, pensions and the like. Appreciated. Edited June 22, 2011 by Iroquois Pliskin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prydain 1 Posted June 23, 2011 (edited) You are hopeless, you didn't read what I said to you about your tangents and just threw another floating issue at me. Now I know that you can't read, I'd put it in different colours to entertain your ADD while you read what I am actually saying but it is the proverbial 'wall of text' so I'll say this instead: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GDP If that isn't a big enough clue, save me the next game of run-around, the next spreadsheet of no relevance and the link to a conspiracy theory website and just kill yourself. Edited June 23, 2011 by Prydain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hans Ludwig 0 Posted June 23, 2011 (edited) The U.S. banking crisis most certainly was my crisis.My life savings are kept in a bank and my pension involves a lot of bank shares. Nor am I alone in this. You are from England, correct? If so, thank you for your John Maynard Keynes who created the world's most absurd economic theory that was emulated all throughout the world. Since we know the U.S. Federal Reserve (a non-government agency) is full of Keynesian fanboys, why would we have been surprised they created another balloon that ended up popping because of over-investment due to low interest rate? Now I know that you can't read, I'd put it in different colours to entertain your ADD while you read what I am actually saying but it is the proverbial 'wall of text' so I'll say this instead: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GDP If you don't understand or care about "GDP", then are you going to understand how the world works? Or, are you one of those that actually think what the government provides is free? If you wanted to discuss something you cared about such as numbers, opinions or anything else you wouldn't have cried and started your declamation and, instead would have been calm and tried to lay out the facts and tell me your interpretations instead of barraging your opinions at me as if this is some South Carolina town hall meeting where it is customary to think that your the centre of the universe. Not only shouldn't you write when you are pissed off, but you should learn how to NOT write a run-on sentence. It's customary in South Carolina to think you are the center of the universe? You just randomly picked some state, huh? lol Edited June 23, 2011 by Hans Ludwig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 23, 2011 (edited) is GDP important when talking about welfare of people ? GPD talks about money in one currency one country can have 1000, other can have 5000 per capita but if one country has very low prices and second very high than people in first can be more "rich" (have own flat, have car, eating everyday good dinner and 3 weeks holidays in mountains) while people in other country do not have flat, car, and eat small and have no holidays, the same bullshit is "productivity of workers" they measure it in currency and say "workers in your country are not effective cause bring only XXX USD per hour" it also depend of prices of products, not do they work hard or they sleep at job, you can be extremly poor in UK having 1000 USD and you can be very rich in Belarus having 500 USD per month GDP says nothing before 1989 we had very low GDP according to US dollar but there was no homeless, there was no hungry people, there were no people begging for medicals/drugs on street even GDP in 2 cities can be misleading in my city 30 square metter flat cost 100 000 USD (+monthly rent ca. 500), in other city 50 square metter flat cost 50 000 USD (+with monthly rent 200) while i earn only 30% more than people in other cities, they earn 1700PLN and have flat, i earn 2300PLN and cannot afford any own flat or own car, GDP is empty bullshit if you not compare prices and cost of living if you are so educated in economy, than why you talk about welfare taking under account GDP without prices ? or they do not teach you in US that McBurger can cost 0.5 USD or 5.0 USD in 2 different countries ??? who will be more rich and can buy more ? man who spends on food and rent for flat 10% of his wage (and spend or save 90% for car, camera, holidays) or man who spend 80% of it ??? cause in my city you can spend 70% of wage for RENT and rest 30% for junk FOOD without any "extra" things like clothes/cameras/holidays/car, GDP comparision is bullshit I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GDP very true, me too, cause it not show local prices and rent for flat btw Prydain my ount lives 5 streets from me she lives in "Targowek" district, i live in "Praga" (on google map you can see how close it is to each other) she pays 250 PLN for 42 meters flat, i ... 450 for lower surface flat , and it is just empty rent difference , we have to each other 2-3 kliometers when i was in Wroclaw city i ate good dinner for 20 PLN, in Warsaw in restaurant i would pay 35 for the same dinner Edited June 23, 2011 by vilas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hans Ludwig 0 Posted June 23, 2011 (edited) I'm not going to bother and educate you both on what a Gross Domestic Product is. If you want to learn more, then please take some courses in economics, finance at your local community college. But both of you are showing high levels of ignorance on the matter and, quit frankly, its destroying any level of credibility you both might have had. And with ever increasing calls from both sides of the political spectrum in the United States to end taxpayer subsidized military defense of Europe (including South Korea, Japan, Qatar, Okinawa), would the EU still be able to afford their entitlement programs? Would they keep their military underfunded in order to keep them going? It will be interesting to see how that all works out. Meanwhile, in Ireland... Greek, Irish Incomes Take Hit BY PAUL HANNON LONDON—Greece and Ireland were the European Union's big losers in terms of income generated in 2010, although the U.K. was also surprisingly badly hit in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Relative to the European Union average, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Finland all saw significant increases in gross domestic product per person, which over the long term should closely correspond ... SOURCE: Edited June 23, 2011 by Hans Ludwig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted June 23, 2011 LOL @ T-shirts, I often think these 'ministers' & PMs do such outrageous things to incite a revolt, but man, the general population is so passive. Check this out, Greek civil servants would be willing to go to war over major changes in the 14th salary, the leader of Greece's largest labor union, Yiannis Panagopoulos, has reportedly said. And while holiday bonuses certainly sound like excess spending, they aren't necessarily.The 14th salary works like this: Greek workers get their annual salary in roughly 14 installments. On top of 12 monthly payments, employees receive double their paychecks in December, right in time for Christmas consumerism. They also receive half of their monthly spending in the spring to shell out on goods for Easter. Then they get another half-salary boost in July, before their traditional summer vacation. If that was my money these workers were spending, and if I encountered one of them on the street 'protesting', said worker would be left with a speech defect disability for the rest of his life. ---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ---------- You are from England, correct? If so, thank you for your John Maynard Keynes who created the world's most absurd economic theory that was emulated all throughout the world. Since we know the U.S. Federal Reserve (a non-government agency) is full of Keynesian fanboys, why would we have been surprised they created another balloon that ended up popping because of over-investment due to low interest rate? I think it's safe to assume at this point in world's history, that such illogical theories would be drawn up to bring various nations-countries down over the course of several decades. It was quite easy to seed it in the Academia circles back then. For what purpose? Yet to be seen. ---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ---------- GDP says nothing don't give fuuuuuuu about GDP!! You didn't understand the chart. All of the 'prosperity' and public jobs were possible only due to ever-increasing mountain of debt, courtesy of yours truly - the Federal government of the United States in this case. Contrary to popular belief, 'private' citisens (excluding business/corporations) don't fully fund the public leeches: how could you, when tax revenues amounts only to $2 trillion in the U.S.? You go to the bond market, you play this game for a half of a generation and then you get burned to the point of having to start a world war to kill of the surplus, unemployed population due to the fact that there is no way to fund the liabilities (which include pensions) that you've accumulated over the decades. LaLaLa land ends in tears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prydain 1 Posted June 23, 2011 Wow Hans Ludwig, your equally as obsessed with posting lists of trivia. Obviously I have to spell it out for you both because your so blinded by your rage against socialism (or whatever you seem to be raging against, I care not) that you can't just engage a guy on a single point. I don't give a fuck about GDP, I didn't bring it up in this debate, I don't want to talk about it, I never did. Read my first post that led to this string of discussion, at no point did I mention it. Not exactly the same. There are many more routes out of the problem of financing welfare than you have mentioned, they just aren't being discussed because you don't have a party willing to stray into the realm of sanity yet.Now, understand this (and I know that might be a bit hard for you both but have a go) I didn't mention anything that Iroquois Pliskin proceeded to talk about so I was a bit annoyed that he said anything he said at all. This was before I realised he had a mental issue that would lead to swaying from tangent to tangent about unconnected issues.You two can continue to be case studies for ignorance for all I care, I didn't want to discuss anything ideological in nature because opinions are personal and thats sacred. So I offered to put my harking hat on if a discussion was boiling to get under way because, and I know right-wing people don't understand this, I would like to listen to your arguments for things related to the point of discussion. If you wanted to discuss something you cared about such as numbers, opinions or anything else you wouldn't have cried and started your declamation and, instead would have been calm and tried to lay out the facts and tell me your interpretations instead of barraging your opinions at me as if this is some South Carolina town hall meeting where it is customary to think that your the centre of the universe. [The South Carolina town hall is a cultural reference but that type of reference seems to be a little too high-brow for you both so just ignore that bit]But no, both of you displayed your inability to read, you carried on straying into discussions of no relevance and still don't seem to understand that I haven't even entered your crazy discussions and conspiracy theorys. Just please read my posts for what they are, not what you want them to be or let me off the bus, you can keep spewing randomness all the way to ignorance central. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
st_dux 26 Posted June 23, 2011 @Prydain: How do you fund welfare? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
big 0 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) @Iroquois Pliskin: what's the problem there? In Spain it is many times the same. You can get, for better understanding, 12000€ in two ways: 12000/12=1000 €/month for months 1-12 12000/14=857 €/month in months 1-5 and 7-11 and 2x857=1714€/month in months 6 and 12 As you see the amount of money it is the same, it's only how you want it to be distributed. NOTE: if you get sacked in October, for example, you get also 3/6 of the wage cause it is the proportional part you have earned of that "14" wage (it corresponds to July, August, September). Edited June 24, 2011 by Big Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hans Ludwig 0 Posted June 24, 2011 Why The Eurozone And The Euro Are Both Doomed Why the Eurozone and the Euro Are Both Doomed Papering over the structural imbalances in the Eurozone with endless bailouts will not resolve the fundamental asymmetries. Beneath the endless announcements of Greece's "rescue" lie fundamental asymmetries that doom the euro, the joint currency that has been the centerpiece of European unity since its introduction in 1999. The key imbalance is between export powerhouse Germany, which generates huge trade surpluses, and its trading partners, which run large trade and budget deficits, particularly Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain. Those outside of Europe may be surprised to learn that Germany's exports are roughly equal to those of China ($1.2 trillion), even though Germany's population of 82 million is a mere 6% of China's 1.3 billion. Germany and China are the world's top exporters, while the U.S. trails as a distant third. Read more: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted June 24, 2011 So Croatia is going into the EU, what do you think? Good or bad thing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted June 24, 2011 So Croatia is going into the EU, what do you think? Good or bad thing? Good thing. Troubles are actually in the Euro zone, not in the EU. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rovka 14 Posted June 24, 2011 So Croatia is going into the EU, what do you think? Good or bad thing? Bad thing, as the "ordinary" Croatian citizens are not asked for their opinion via means of referenda, thus not a democratic entry into the EU. It is known only to be favored by Croatian politicians who smell the money-flow coming their way, and it's not being backed by the "ordinary" citizens on the street. Thus bad. This pattern is the same all over the EU when it comes to countries wanting to be member of EU.. The bigger it gets, the worse it is to keep it under control.. With Croatia etcetera being added into the fray, within a couple of years, up to a decade at large, I fear we get a Greece-II situation all over again.. All this expansion isn't good, when the base isn't rocksolid. If EU cannot provide single-block policy with its original 15 member-states, how can anybody expect it to work properly with more diverse cultures and nations being added up, only to increase the problem ever more as they enlarge the EU? But the basic reason people say no to enlarging of EU, is because they know they got to bleed EU-tax, to mop up corruption-spills here and there, aka seeing the money go elsewhere then used for your own country. That's why it'll never work. Everybody knows that, apart from those prestige-horny EU bastards. One simply cannot brush aside local culture and tradition, to see a huge lumbering thing rule for you. Local problems needs local solutions by local people, and not from some 1000+ miles away, with all orders taken from a city called Brussels.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iroquois Pliskin 0 Posted June 24, 2011 (edited) @Iroquois Pliskin: what's the problem there?In Spain it is many times the same. You can get, for better understanding, 12000€ in two ways: 12000/12=1000 €/month for months 1-12 12000/14=857 €/month in months 1-5 and 7-11 and 2x857=1714€/month in months 6 and 12 As you see the amount of money it is the same, it's only how you want it to be distributed. And you missed the part where I mentioned protesting. If you take my money and then throw a denial of service for no reason, you'll be out of a 'job'. P.S. Only applies to the aforementioned 'workers' & their type. I can understand why youth might be protesting in Greece, Spain & other countries. Their deadbeat parents fucked up the world they are forced to live in now, a delusional world, in which they, forcefully, came into existence. Condoms, people. Condoms. ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ---------- Speaking of Keynes, BEIJING (MNI) - China doesn't want to see a eurozone debt restructuring (default on debt, *my edit) and is making efforts with the International Monetary Fund and countries related to the sovereign crisis on avoiding it (pumping more new, good debt after bad, maturing debt) a government researcher said Friday. "China, the IMF and related countries are all making efforts...we don't want to see a debt restructuring," Qu Xing, director of the China Institute of International Studies, a Foreign Ministry think tank, told reporters at a briefing here Friday. This is why Greece stays where it is, this is how MAJOR KINETIC ACTION gets initiated: slowly, over the course of several decades using fraudulent economic mechanics you corner the enemy with whom you wish to engage in combat for whatever reasons. Edited June 24, 2011 by Iroquois Pliskin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted June 25, 2011 Bad thing' date=' as the "ordinary" Croatian citizens are not asked for their opinion via means of referenda, thus not a democratic entry into the EU. It is known only to be favored by Croatian politicians who smell the money-flow coming their way, and it's not being backed by the "ordinary" citizens on the street. Thus bad. This pattern is the same all over the EU when it comes to countries wanting to be member of EU.. The bigger it gets, the worse it is to keep it under control.. With Croatia etcetera being added into the fray, within a couple of years, up to a decade at large, I fear we get a Greece-II situation all over again.. All this expansion isn't good, when the base isn't rocksolid. If EU cannot provide single-block policy with its original 15 member-states, how can anybody expect it to work properly with more diverse cultures and nations being added up, only to increase the problem ever more as they enlarge the EU? But the basic reason people say no to enlarging of EU, is because they know they got to bleed EU-tax, to mop up corruption-spills here and there, aka seeing the money go elsewhere then used for your own country. That's why it'll never work. Everybody knows that, apart from those prestige-horny EU bastards. One simply cannot brush aside local culture and tradition, to see a huge lumbering thing rule for you. Local problems needs local solutions by local people, and not from some 1000+ miles away, with all orders taken from a city called Brussels..[/quote'] ^this I´m a croatian citizen that lives in germany. As far as I know there will be a referendum in Croatia, but the TV channels are already flooded with pro EU advertisement. They really want to make people belive that ther will be a giant cashflow as soon as croatia enters the EU. :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparky 0 Posted June 28, 2011 Let me give you a clue about what is happeing in GReece nowdays... "I went for a job interview for the position of web designer, after i get the 1st interview pass, i get to the 2nd one which i made a demo to present my skills to them, i also passed that interview and i arrange a meeting in order to talk about payment and workhours. Well in that meeting the company owner told me that he wants to take me but my monthly salary was going to be 700 euros for 8,5 hours per day 5 days per week." So tell me what would you do? btw unempolyment is around 17-20% All these are bullshit. 1.From one hand we have to pay our fucking assholes politicians and their corruption over the past 30 years (after the end of the dictation of 1974). 2.The loans which actually was the money in order to buy form our friends things link tanks, cars, airplanes, weapons etc... and which btw we have paid them.... EU isn't the thing you imagine, is a union in which Germany and other industrial countries can sell chepaer their shit to poor unindustrial countries.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baff1 0 Posted June 28, 2011 (edited) That's over £10 an hour for sitting on your arse all day in an intermediate skilled 9-5 job. Expect little sympathy. And I agree about the EU. Free trade zones benefit the industrialised powers and harm the weaker economies, who should instead be forming protectionist cartels amongt themselves. But the lure of cheap goods is a strong one. Edited June 28, 2011 by Baff1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 28, 2011 (edited) re-read, he told MONTHLY salary, not weekly he told about 42,5 hours of work in week , but salary was prescribed monthly divide yourself for 4.5, it is not over 10 pounds per h Edited June 28, 2011 by vilas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baff1 0 Posted June 28, 2011 re-read, he told MONTHLY salary, not weeklyhe told about 42,5 hours of work in week , but salary was prescribed monthly divide yourself for 4.5, it is not over 10 pounds per h Oops. Thanks for the correction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted June 28, 2011 as i heard in some countries salary is weekly, therefore you probably thought so (i heard such thing about USA, i don't know if it is true that salary is weekly paid) in our countries wage is always given monthly and when you sign contract it is GROSS (shown without tax , without tax it is muuuuch lower) but work hours are counted weekly (usually 8 per day) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites