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USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

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Indeed, especially if you live in a hunting or disaster area such as frequent tornadoes and thus require a shelter stocked with foods and weapons+ammo should survival call for it. That's not just infringing rights, that's infringing on common sense.

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I hear something about RP possibly winning in Maine? But can't find anthing on the web from an non-RP site...

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Hi all

Fox news has castrated all Libertarian voices in its broadcasts even Judge Napolitano has been axed always said the GOP were a bunch of commies and that Fox was Pravda.

Kind regards walker

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Hi all

Chairman Murdoch has decreed who will be the Soviet Republican party's presidential candidate the same as always. The decision was made by the GOP party Apparatchiks of the 1%ers who already crippled the US economy and sold it to the foreign bond holders who own the US economy. Americans are just debt slaves like the rest of the world.

Why else do you think they scuppered the Campaign Finance act which would have made foreign donations via shell companies illegal?

All the rest is just for show, the racist pandering is just to lock in the racist vote, ditto the tea party and every other fringe group that the GOP can fool into squandering their vote, there is no Republican party choice of candidate anymore it is just a dog and ponie show for the idiots; even Judge Napolitano and his colleagues realised it at the end as the Fox censors cut more and more of his show until they axed him.


The GOP has always and will always see voters as sheep to be herded through the voting machine.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker
damn predictive text doing word swaps

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And the liberals don't?

Maybe you'll wake up someday.

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All the rest is just for show, the racist pandering is just to lock in the racist vote,

This caught my eye. People can vote how they want, of course humanity isn't all intelligent, on the same level, more understanding to certain causes than others--hence why you'll always have disagreements. The skinheads can vote how they want, the Black Powers can vote how they want.




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Is walker some sort of Democrat/liberal shill? He seems to be doing their act well enough.

The left is in no position to mock the Tea Party after you had those OWS hipsters defecating on police cars like a bunch of animals.

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Hi all

It is conservative retreatism that has destroyed the world economy and turned nations like America into debt slaves.

It is not me who caused conservative to become a dirty word, parties like the GOP did that all on their own.

To be honnest ReconTeam you sound a lot like a conservative apologist in many of your posts, though I am not actually accusing you of it, I just think many of your posts have that character to them.

That the Republican party uses libertarians, and the remains of the tea party to heard sheep like voters into the voting machine is no surprise they did the same thing to the evangelical vote in the NeoConMen's era.

If people get fooled into voting for a Republican party that has consistently increased Government spending then they are beyond hope and are part of the Decline and Fall of Amerca that big government Reagan created. It was after all Reagan who started the whole debt enslavement of the USA. It was even admited by Dick Cheney with his statement that "Reagan proved that defecits do not matter". I do not think there is a person on the planet who agrees with that Reaganite big government philosophy now; as I said it was parties like the GOP that made conservative a dirty word.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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I do not think there is a person on the planet who agrees with that Reaganite big government philosophy now

I can think of one: Barack Obama.

You are right to criticize big government, but the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans when it comes to bloated government and deficit spending. Obama is on course to surpass Bush's deficit spending if he gets reelected.

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Meh, I wouldn't vote for him right now anyway after renewing homeland security and signing the National Defense Authorization act, not only did that bill waste a metric ton of money but it had a little stunt included that is unamerican in every sense.

Edited by NodUnit

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Hi all

It is conservative retreatism that has destroyed the world economy and turned nations like America into debt slaves.

It is not me who caused conservative to become a dirty word, parties like the GOP did that all on their own.

To be honnest ReconTeam you sound a lot like a conservative apologist in many of your posts, though I am not actually accusing you of it, I just think many of your posts have that character to them.

That the Republican party uses libertarians, and the remains of the tea party to heard sheep like voters into the voting machine is no surprise they did the same thing to the evangelical vote in the NeoConMen's era.

If people get fooled into voting for a Republican party that has consistently increased Government spending then they are beyond hope and are part of the Decline and Fall of Amerca that big government Reagan created. It was after all Reagan who started the whole debt enslavement of the USA. It was even admited by Dick Cheney with his statement that "Reagan proved that defecits do not matter". I do not think there is a person on the planet who agrees with that Reaganite big government philosophy now; as I said it was parties like the GOP that made conservative a dirty word.

Kind regards walker

I am a conservative and quite proud of it. It's only a dirty word in Hollywood and some other places where something has been put in the drinking water.

Of course I don't like everything the Republican party does, but you are a fool to think the Democrat party has done any better. They have continued to spend us trillions into debt at higher rates, they're more interested in pushing their liberal ideology at times than making decisions best for our country, they continue to get us involved in conflicts across the globe like Libya, Syria, and elsewhere. Many in their party want to seriously cut our military and through sequestration they will achieve that.

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YOu americans should start to understand that there is really no big difference between republicans and democrats. Buth partys are ruled by the industry. Having only two mayor partys is not very wise.

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Most of us DO know that actually. The majority of Americans are actually independent. The problem is that the parties are too strong so the independents swing vote instead of vote third party.

Two party system sucks though, I couldn't agree with you more on that one. It's one extreme or the other, and they both suck. I'm what I like to call a progressive conservative libertarian. Generally I'm quite conservative, but I hate the far right almost as much as I hate the left. Sucks. :(

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^^^ Yup, extremeism of both parties and the rancid vitriol is imo, the greatest threat to our Nation. Funny, I was watching a woman on Bill Maher last nite who grew up in the Reagan White House (her Father was the sole Democrat on staff) and she retold how back then, Republicans and Democrats were actually friendly who attended the same parties, affairs despite some major idealogical differences. Contrast that to now where if your even spotted with "the enemy", your gonna be labeled 'traitor' and have no shot at re-election. This is extremely harmful to America as it means we are weak at the seams and our 'Leaders' do not have our/the Nation's best interest at heart but MUST follow the party lines at all cost.

Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America by John Avlon is a good read concerning this.

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Most of us DO know that actually. The majority of Americans are actually independent. The problem is that the parties are too strong so the independents swing vote instead of vote third party.

Two party system sucks though, I couldn't agree with you more on that one. It's one extreme or the other, and they both suck. I'm what I like to call a progressive conservative libertarian. Generally I'm quite conservative, but I hate the far right almost as much as I hate the left. Sucks. :(

Funny thing is the extremes are quite different , yet the same. Democrats push for some sort of happy face progressive corporatism , where the republicans say "People, this is what we're going to do to you and there's nothing you can do about it". And they're right, because the democrats don't want to do anything. I was less cynical at the 2000 election, given how things were, but for 8 years nobody impeached, let alone censured bush for the hundreds of abuses of international law and civil liberties.

For anyone who thinks you should still vote for the lesser of two evils, you should see this:

Ralph Nader & Chuch Baldwin

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What international law abuses? The UN has become an incompetent morally corrupt organization whose mandates are only "suggestions". Meanwhile the trend of cracking down on civil liberties didn't start with him, and didn't end with him.

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What international law abuses? The UN has become an incompetent morally corrupt organization whose mandates are only "suggestions". Meanwhile the trend of cracking down on civil liberties didn't start with him, and didn't end with him.

Torture, war of aggression, etc. I don't dispute the UN's corruption though.

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What international law abuses? . . .

You must be kidding me!!!!!! America has brought hunger, misery, death and destruction to inumerous countries since after WWII violating constantly international laws. The USA is constantly involved in wars that have never been declared. The USA is destabilizing the Arab world and every country which tries to resist Americas hedgemony and seeks Independance. The whole mess in the middle east is due to the fact that several oilrich countries decided to trade oil against other currencies which is naturally bad for the US special interest and can't be allowed to happen. The worst is that we fools of Eurpeans are dragged, due to the morrons which are governing our countries, into conflicts that nobody wants here in Europe. I very much would welcome it, if America would stop policing the world because there are special interests involved.:mad:

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You must be kidding me!!!!!! America has brought hunger, misery, death and destruction to inumerous countries since after WWII violating constantly international laws. The USA is constantly involved in wars that have never been declared. The USA is destabilizing the Arab world and every country which tries to resist Americas hedgemony and seeks Independance. The whole mess in the middle east is due to the fact that several oilrich countries decided to trade oil against other currencies which is naturally bad for the US special interest and can't be allowed to happen. The worst is that we fools of Eurpeans are dragged, due to the morrons which are governing our countries, into conflicts that nobody wants here in Europe. I very much would welcome it, if America would stop policing the world because there are special interests involved.:mad:

The europeans were very happy to have the US during the cold war. And if by destabilizing you mean getting rid of dictators, then they can carry on. If they could I'd also have them play police in some other "nations" like the sudan, because the europeans are too much of cowards.

Now just let me say, I am aware of some ulterior motives and see them with growing unrest, but that rant was imo a little one sided.

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The europeans were very happy to have the US during the cold war. And if by destabilizing you mean getting rid of dictators, then they can carry on. If they could I'd also have them play police in some other "nations" like the sudan, because the europeans are too much of cowards.

Now just let me say, I am aware of some ulterior motives and see them with growing unrest, but that rant was imo a little one sided.

I'm talking about the present and the future. The past is history, and if you really think that it is about getting rid of some Dictator then you are completely off the track. The Americans could care less as long as the Dictator allows his land to be exploited in change of special interests. Yeah the USA is bringing Democracy to the Arab world and denying it to their own people at home. WTF.

The USA has shaped into something else after WW II. They started to create their empire on the expense of a lot Third world countries. Now their empire is declining due to their agressive foreign politics. Everyone who threatens American interests is threatened to get their ass kicked. Man wake up, this has nothing to do with favouring one nation or the other. It is about right and wrong. These concepts have no meaning anymore, whatsoever.

I'm concerned about the American people.

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The past is the past doesn't make good alliances.

I'm having difficulty following your argumentation. By the third world countries you mean countries like Korea, Vietnam, Grenada?

Everyone who threatens American interests is threatened to get their ass kicked.

Yea, that's not such a bad thing imo. I'd love my country to step up a little more...

Oh, I'm not so much into favoring one or another. I'm for arguments.

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And if by destabilizing you mean getting rid of dictators, then they can carry on.

We've propped up more dictators than we've deposed, and helped impose a bunch as well.

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And if by destabilizing you mean getting rid of dictators, then they can carry on.

We've propped up more dictators than we've deposed, and helped impose a bunch as well.

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