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Invasion 1944 Info Thread

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joy and pleasure surges forth,

a pixel, a vertex, the final byte tamed.

Sending the addon free to all,

moments of pleasure, thousand thanks gained.

The light of life may be snuffed,

but memories of happiness he gave will be enough,

for immortality lives in the addon and fun shared,

a comrade,an inspiration, farewell, to heaven, take care....

My condolences to Jowa and his family.

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Don't know how to say it correct but,

i feel sad that an ofp player and a addon maker has left the world of the alive people.It's very sad. sad_o.gif

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i think we should do some thing for him. Like dedicate the invasion 44 mod to him?

Sorry for going off-topic a tiny bit here, but would a memorial day be a good idea (I received this idea from someone through my @ofp.info email...)...?

Quote from the e-mail:

Quote[/b] ]pps. i know a couple of Flashpoint players (every day gamers) who have died in the past 2 years Maybe we should have some kind of Rememberance day thing for Lost Players as we have a Strong community.

Wouldn't be a bad idea I suppose...placing their nicknames in some kind of memorial list on a special page.....

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making a memorial statue island makers can use in their islands? or mission makers can put that in a mission?

Maybe a tree with the names of people who died?


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making a memorial statue island makers can use in their islands? or mission makers can put that in a mission?

Wouldn't work, objects like that are hardly ever used.

I'll start cranking on a page. I'll make a new dedicated topic when I have some results.

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Well, i for one was just speechless when i heard of this, i couldnt even bring myself to post until now as the words are just not there to describe how i feel.

I would like to thank you all for your show of support to the I44 mod, yes we feel this loss deeply but we continue to move forward and keep working.

You think you would know how you would react to hearing of someones death until it touches you personally, and when hearing of a young person dying in such a tragic way just makes it even harder to deal with.

My hopes go out to all the families affected by this tragedy to find peace and to move on.

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Hey let's make a memorial island! Every dead player would have a grave there. rock.gif

edit* this will sound weird ,but i will say it anyway.

And on the memorial island we could have those multuiplayer things

everyone salute and shoot into the air 3 shots or something.Dont't remember the english word but was it a funeral? rock.gif

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It's such an odd thing, this world. Can you imagine, thousands of people are dying every day all over Africa. But that happens on long terms, I'm not saying it's not bad, not at all, but it's a great difference from this Tsunami. In a couple of days, or even just one day, a great number of humans died, I couldn't believe it when I heard it. First you hear the news saying that 1.000 have lost their lives, at this moment you think; "Wow, that's sad, 1.000 people died!". The next moment, and that would be a couple of hours later, you hear the news say, that already more than 120.000 people have lost their lives. It's just incredible, what nature can do to human and what human kind could do to themselves. I have no idea why I'm saying this, but I just had to post it somewhere.

Rest In Peace, Jowo adn the rest of the Tsunami victims!

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Watching this pictures made me feel like when I first played Operation Flashpoint.I was part of the few who enjoyed just wondering around touring the island,admiring the landscapes and by God when this mod is released I will enjoy it once again.

At least in my mind when the full mod is released it will give a huge slap to the gaming industry.

Invasion44-a modification created by a few dedicated people will offers us outstanding recreations of Market Garden,Tobruk,Normandy and the Eastern Front all for free.Let's put it in front with the million dollars bugget severly limitated and linear WW2 games of the last few years and those awaiting release it's simply outrageus when you think that one of best selled is using Quake 3 engine.

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Those grasses look damned good.

Now if only the buildings and bigger foilage were of that quality!

And the trees on the [river?] screenshot looks really blurry but otherwise it looks pretty promising - so long as my frames per second remains decent...

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that last pic of the signs look really sexy smile_o.gif Was it only the campaign that needed to be finshed if so how many missions have ya done rock.gif

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incredible work.

womder why such folilage and grass ain't in ofp? looks so good and removes the 'barren' look that is one of ofp's main failings.

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that last pic of the signs look really sexy  smile_o.gif  Was it only the campaign that needed to be finshed if so how many missions have ya done  rock.gif

Without giving too much away, we have outlined the campaign and from the first three days only we have 17 missions.

I would put the total amount of missions that will be in the campaign to be around 30.

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My god i am amazed with the looks of those pics. Either you guys invented a new way to use high quality vegetation and therefore became very respectfull people in the ofp community and moved the limitations of ofp once more, or this will be a lag fest to end all lag fests. I sure hope it's the first one. I have seen some islands with dense vegetation and stuff and they lagged and i have a AMD 3000. But man those pics look sexeh!!! And i am sure (almost) that it won't lag (i hope). Big respect for the people that worked on those landscapes. They almost look real.

Keep up the good work. smile_o.gif

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cool i just read on their open forums that they need texturers! come on guys! support 'em!

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I really wish there was more Island makers like you guys

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well, they got plenty good island makers in their team. i think there is reinhard, who wokrs on ardennes and made some towns for arnhem map, john, who is finishing his bastogne map, and maatz, who worked together with reinhard and jojimbo on the arnhem map aswell.... he is know working on the tobruk map, i think...

or did i get you wrong?

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Small quote from Jojimbo:

Quote[/b] ]as optimized as i could,stripping it down,rebuilding it,and now i done this,and took out the kegety reflection tool my fields of 40 fps grass are now 50

His system is fairly modern but not top of the range, so it is unlikely that it will be a lagfest wink_o.gif

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Well the true test for this island will be in multiplayer..Keeping fingers crossed on the lag.

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Well the true test for this island will be in multiplayer..Keeping fingers crossed on the lag.

And thats a good point there, we will be testing that as soon as possible

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The team members systems run from top of the line to bare bones so when we are testing we can get a good idea of the hit people take to their PC's performance levels.

"Invasion 1944: Building a mod with the people in mind"

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Just one question (sorry if it has been asked before)

Can you use those fields and all other stuff like that as cover?

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