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M4A1 Pack

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Hi, i haven't touched the photoshop from the last post; i've a flat to fix that gonna take us some time, we'r not sure how many time it can take us, but not less than 2 weeks. Afther that a girl told us that she'll like us to paint a room in her house, so it could be 2 weeks and to or 3 more days; we'll speed up that damn shit if we'll waste the weekends (sunday afthernoon included) but i don't like to work the weekends. And in my free time... i like to clean the South Central in the SWAT-4 that "oh surprise" it works. But well, i ever check the M4 textures to know what gonna be next.

P.D: I'll like (we'll like) to have it in our HD's before than the OFP2 see the light; but the M4's pack it's beeing made in Spain, we don't know how long can take us to end it, but we try to make it as fast & good as we can. Let's cu

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Hi, a small progress in the M4's textures; now the barrel.

M4 Progress:m4_progress04.jpg

Let's cu

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Hi, we've some new barrel models where choose; the flash hider its holed, but the lower side haven't holes; only a black texture, isn't very noticeable... and... change the barrel of all the M4's, short M4's & CAR-15's, could take us much time (plus end the black textures & make the 60% of the CAR-15's textures) but the fact it's that they don't look bad at all. There go some pics to show u what im talking about...

New M4A1 Barrel:


New CAR-15 Barrel:


New Short M4's Barrel:


P.D: Hornet... ya make me look like a ******' eminency talkin' 'n tipin' in english; but thanksa 4 the possitive feedback mana >>;-) . Let's C ya

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im really impresed Wip, theese M4's looks ace and will surely be my choice of M4's in OFP ones released smile_o.gif

nice work

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Hi, we've a very important "existential doubt"; and we'll (me and the modeler that's making the hard job with the M4's/CAR-15 LODs & models) like to know how do u want the M4's, before we that we could shitted it badly. I don't know how this part of the gun it's called in english; we (the spanish) call it: "aro de la correa porta fusíl", i had the idea of change it in all the M4's to make it look like as it looks like in the CAR-15's until... ; until... i remembered that we've made M4's + M203 & M4's + MK (aka Master Key, the shotgoon) . The question is, what style we use?, 1St style or 2Nd style?.

It's important, we try to make the best M4's made until the date for the joy of all the OFP players; the users of the LSR units, the users of the HYK units & EVEN... the users of the BAS De/Ra units. Without forget the SJB_Seals, the Australian units based on the HYK units & the Blackblood Grunts (D) that are comming as late as our M4's; and basically... for every body. Tell us wich "belt strap...?" we should use in all the M4's, 1St way, or 2Nd way.

M4's A1 Belt Strap? :


P.D: It's a pride for me that a member of an addons team with so much graphic quality belives that our M4's are fanzy shit; thanks Cribban, we try our best. Let's cu

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i have to say first one to fit the M203 and MK right

It really doesn't matter, cause the m203 front mount is elsewhere.


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1st way, it's mounted like that to clear the 203, and really that's all I've seen on M4s, and even when nothing is mounted on the bottom, it's fairly standard in my unit:


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Question: What does Semper Fi(delis) mean?

The Motto of the United States Marine Corps. Latin for always faithful. Faithful to God, Country, Family and the Corps.

"Once a Marine, Always a Marine"

The motto of the Marine Corps League. Having earned the title of Marine it becomes a integral part of who and what we will become later in life.

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Hi, most of the ppl that have reply to the question of: "1St way or 2Nd way?" say (like our modeller) that we should keep the M4's in the 1St way. The question still opened, we'll keep 'em (i think) in the 1St way from now on; but some pics of M4's & a mod i guess... called M2A3/A4/A7 have that slinger in the 2Nd way, CAR-15 style; but again... most of the ppl included our modeller say that we should keep that as it's. Many thanks to those who've helped us, replying to the question asked to 'em as destinataryes of this weapons pack. Let's cu

P.D: "Infantería De Marina, la 1Ş... y LA MEJOR" I.D.M.

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Hi, i've ended the upper hadler/carrier/sight of the black M4's; 1 less to go, 1 LESS TO GO!!!.

M4 Progress:


Next thing to work on, the M203 texture or maybe the sights (ACOG, M68, Tasco) textures. Let's cu

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Damn Charles Wipman, this M4 is the greatest weapon I ever saw in OFP!!!

I cant wait until I can play with it in the game...

Too bad you dont join us at ofpec again but whatever if you dont want...you dont want!

Well continue with the great work and make "Spuin" proud of you!!

AH!! And dont drink so much that kills you!

Cya someday...maybe


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c'mon !! smile_o.gif lasers unit pack is just out .. i need these weapons to acompany their quality.

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If you're not gonna release this the next few days, could you at least post a picture of a new LSR desert Delta unit holding one of your desert M4's. Just so I can drool all over my keyboard tounge_o.gif

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If you're not gonna release this the next few days, could you at least post a picture of a new LSR desert Delta unit holding one of your desert M4's. Just so I can drool all over my keyboard tounge_o.gif

great idea smile_o.gif

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Hi, the only way that i've of see in game how the textures look like... it's by modding my INQ Weapons Pack 1.1 Paa, so i can't try all the textures; only the basic textures. And as i had to mod the lense textures to make 'em fit in they'r place in the new ACOG and M68 Mil-Spec Aimpoint both by Drill Sargeant, i can't try those over the INQ Weapons. But this is how my moded INQ Weapons 1.1 Paa look like with part of the textures of our M4's.

On a LSR-Delta Spotter:


On a LSR-Ranger Rifleman:


On a LSR-Delta M4:


That's how i moded my INQ Weapons, i haven't time rightnow to pack & unpack 3 times the weapons pack & swap the textures, sorry. Let's cu

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