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The best war movie ever

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What do you think is the best war movie ever? Is it some kind of unknown classic from your homeland, or a well known war movie from USA. Do you like patriotic movies or realism, where the last thing that the hero thinks on the field of battles is the homeland.

If you think that the movie is quite unknown, we'd like to know more about the movie. Like the year when it was done, which war does it take place, and something about what does it tell about (is it against the war and violence, is it about love in the middle of cruel history). I hope you understood.

Here are my favourites:

1. Band of Brothers.

Actually it isn't a movie, but it always has to be mentioned.

2. Cross of Iron.

I think this is more unknown, so i'll explain a little. It takes place on the eastern front, and in the german frontlines. Germany is losing the war, but there is a war in the middle of the german forces. Captain Stransky wants to get the Iron cross, and after a one victory he's about to get it, but corporal Steiner, a war hero who has the Iron cross, knows the truth, the battle was led by a man who was killed in battle... This is a cruel and dirty movie about the true war. Deaths in slow motion, mindless killing... The scene in the end, Demarcation! Seiner! is something that has never been seen in movies. You have to see this one.

3. Talvisota (The Winter War)

A Finnish war movie that takes place in a bloody war between Finland and Soviet Union in 1939 to 1940. It tells about the fear of that when the Russians are going to attack and where, and the desperate war itself. Fighting without a hope, hundreds of ruskies and few tanks attacing to finnish trenches and the finns don't have enough ammo to kill everyone. The only weapons against the tanks are molotov's coktails (the only real ones! Invented by finns in 1939 against soviet tanks) and against the soldiers only a hard will.

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Das Boot (The Boat)

Like Band of Brothers, not quite a movie, but powerfull enough stuff.

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That would also be the Band of Brothers mini series.. Its just awe inspiring tounge_o.gif

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2. Cross of Iron.

I think this is more unknown, so i'll explain a little. It takes place on the eastern front, and in the german frontlines. Germany is losing the war, but there is a war in the middle of the german forces. Captain Stransky wants to get the Iron cross, and after a one victory he's about to get it, but corporal Steiner, a war hero who has the Iron cross, knows the truth, the battle was led by a man who was killed in battle... This is a cruel and dirty movie about the true war. Deaths in slow motion, mindless killing... The scene in the end, Demarcation! Seiner! is something that has never been seen in movies. You have to see this one.

I didn't like Cross of Iron. It was just like every story in Commando and I've read a lot of it, so I was bored to death during the movie.

My all time favourite is Band of Brothers. smile_o.gif

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There are a lot of old ones that still works like the Bridge over River Kwai and The Guns At Mwhaghaskjgajkg sumthin. Right now I have to say Apocalypse Now cause I just saw the redux version some week ago and it was cool. smile_o.gif

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"Nothing new from western front"

Don't know if this is the real name I remember only the translation to finnish. Movie made in 1930, tells about 1st world war.

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Is it that time of the year again already? tounge_o.gif

Mine = Savior.


A film so powerful, moving and brutal, I wanted to cry but couldn't.

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"all quiet on the Western Front" was the name in English, I watched it in history class and it was pretty good. Espically when your young its good to watch a film that lets you see the other sides soldiers as people not just a faceless enemy.

The Thin Red Line is good, i like the way theres no special misson or any crap like that to justify a plot, its really just about soldiers at war.

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Behind Enemy Lines.

Every time I see it it makes me think of possible plots and mission ideas for OFP tounge_o.gif

The Beast of War as a good second.

It's about a russian tank-crew witha T-62 getting lost in Afghanistan.

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Well I would say Full Metal Jacket but there isn't much war in it, I really liked We Were Soldiers (so many hueys *drool*) Apocalpse Now has some good scenes too (Charlies don't Surf).

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Definitely 'All quiet on the Western Front'. Old b/w classic from 1930 but unsurpassed (the original book by Erich Maria Remarque is also very good), and followed closely by 'Das Boot' (by Wolfgang Petersen) and 'Path of Glory' (by Stanley Kubrick).

All three focus more on the people than the war action - without all the patriotic bullshit most modern war movies (incl. 'Saving Private Ryan', etc.) suffer from. Which is exactly what makes them so good.

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My favourite is Saving Private Ryan. I know it's full of US patriotic shit but it's beautifully directed and some of the performances are very good which makes it a good example of what a film should be in my opinion. I'm also a fan of Kelly's Heros smile_o.gif

A British TV channel called Channel 4 is running a poll exactly like this here http://www.channel4.com/film....te.html and the results will form a TV show next year.

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Band of Brothers

Hamburger Hill

We were Soldiers

did anybody ever see "Gods and Generals"? i rented it, but never got around to seeing it. is it any good?

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Dien Bien Phu by Pierre Schoendorfer.

Fantastic movie, you should all watch it tounge_o.gif

It's been filmed in vietnam in the Dien Bien Phu area for even more authenticity with the help of both the French and Vietnamese governments.

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Red Dawn

Best War Movie of all time. About a bunch of teenagers in the Rockies defending their town from a Soviet and Cuban take over. It basically shows how guerilla war works or atleast I thought it did.

I went to see Gods and Generals but the projector kind of broke or something. And seeing how the first 10 minutes of the movie is just showing flags I didn't like it. The movie was pretty much all boring and my brother (who loves Gettysburg) and I both hated it.

Anyone know of any good movies from the Falklands War? Ever since hearing about it I've loved to learn about it. Mainly because I didn't know it exsisted (Born in 88) until I heard about the mod.

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Behind Enemy Lines

and there are some others I really can't remember. I liked Blackhawk Down the first time I saw it (Surprised nobody even mentioned it), and it's a good movie as far as FX and music goes.

I started watching Red Dawn one night at about 3-4 AM. Then I fell asleep.

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Red Dawn

Best War Movie of all time. About a bunch of teenagers in the Rockies defending their town from a Soviet and Cuban take over. It basically shows how guerilla war works or atleast I thought it did.

Bunch of high school kids with hunting rifles annihilating VDV convoys and attacking their prison camps with seemingly non-existant casualties? unclesam.gif

Way way way too optimistic im afraid.

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My list:

Apocalypse Now - Coppola

Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Cubrick

Black Hawk down (cant guess why noone mentioned it yet)

Band of Brothers - Spielberg and Tom Hanks

Saving Private Ryan - Spielberg (althogh based on fictional grounds is still very good movie)

^Must have's ^

Hamburger Hill - dunno

We were Soldiers - dunno

Enemy at the gates - dunno

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