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The best war movie ever

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For me it has to be the classics

1. The Great Escape

2. A Bridge too Far

3. Battle of Britain

4. Das Boot

5. The Longest Day

6. 633 Squadron

7. Dambusters

8. Stalingrad

9. Guns of Navarone

10. Where Eagles Dare

11. Bridge on the River Kwai

12. The Eagle has Landed

13. The Pianist

14. Schindler's List

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I like most 300 from modern warfare would be Das Boot with real charactes not the heroic super humman who kills all. Black Hawk Down was fine although it was just based on the facts and if it didnt have those patriotic stupidity. Finnaly the worst was saving private rayan were 5 americans eradicate a whole german division lol, it just feels retarded the way the germans are evil and the americans are presented as good lawful and always defending humanity.[/b]

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Bah, Saving Private Ryan was so full of crap. There are tons way better war movies out there than that.

Spokesperson I think we actually found a place where we agree for once. Stalingrad is an excellent movie. Enemy At The Gates just blew. A Bridge Too Far, great one there.

I find The Thin Red Line nice too.

Platoon and Apoc Now Redux are great too.

War Photographer.

I found Jarhead fun.

And there are tons other I watched but can't remember the title. There's an awsome Korean movie and another Polish movie.

Lepa Sela Lepo Gore(english Pretty Village, Pretty Flame). Great movie. Deals with the balkan wars.

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Quote[/b] ]My favourite part from the movie (or most afflicting) is the part where private James gets back from Bosnia, and goes to a mall, and sees a girl crying cause she doesnt get any sweets from mommy. That kind of sends him over the edge.

"What are you crying for?... I've seen kids who really had a reason to cry! You still got all your arms and legs, your head hasnt been shot off! And you's! *points at other people in the mall* None of you's knows! None of you know how lucky you are! *then he's quiet for a bit, his eyes get distant and watery, and then continues* I've seen people on fire..."

It makes me flinch every time.

That´s why I like that movie so much. It shows the consequences noone really thinks about when talking about war.

I remember returning home from a mission when I met girls of my age that had the usual girl-problems. While I was happily grinning to have a toilet with water and I didn´t have to burn my own shit in a barrel with diesel and a beer without sand they had their usual meaningless chitchat. I buzzed in and told them to be happy to be german citizens and value their education and their freedom. I also told them that it´s quite good for them not to be "castrated" and sold along with an ashtray on a market or thrown into a barbed wire fence and walked over by their relatives who would use them as living bridges as females simply are not worth anythig in some countries.

Well, you can guess the reactions.

I stopped doing such and stopped trying to open some eyes. It´s simply not working. You get used to it at some point. You go abroad - different reality - you come home - different reality. You can´t transport impressions from one place to another. It´s like visiting a different planet. You know how the planet looks, feels, smells and sounds, but when you return home you decide not to tell anyone as such simply is not wanted and most of the people wouldn´t believe it anyway.

They feel great when collecting money or waving some transparents but they neither want to get their hands dirty nor do they want to know what is really going on. TV channels have replaced the sense for guilt and responsibility.

This has nothing to do with bullshit rhetorics like "We need to get the job done". In fact I could puke if I hear such as it´s a blatant lie in most of the cases and is mostly used by politicians who are sending out men for their very monetary reasons.

In my opinion this is portrayed in the movie Warriors very, very well. BBC has done their homework when making this movie. If you are really interested in a military career you should watch it first. Maybe you will have a second thought on your plans after watching it.

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My answer's the same as the identical threads that are even older than this one wink_o.gif

Savior and Warriors joint first, everything else comes after.


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For TV/Mini - Warriors.



Plot Outline: After seeing devastating results of ethnic war in former Yugoslavia soldiers from UNPROFOR peace units find it impossible to return back to their civil lives in the UK.

Quote[/b] ]It is the darkening spiral that the five are sent on by these events and the relationships they form throughout them that forms the crux of the film, never demonstrated more clearly than by the return to the friends and families who see them as heroes. Bloody and sickening in parts, Warriors is given extra poignancy by the fact that it is based on the real-life testimony of British soldiers. A million miles away from the Rambos of this world this is the war film coming of age. --Phil Udell

Harrowing, moving and powerful, watching this and Savior side by side would leave anyone drained of emotion smile_o.gif

Same answer as 3 and a half years ago I see wink_o.gif

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Mine have got to be:


Full Metal Jacket

Enemy at the Gates


Apacolypse Now

and Tour of Duty (it's not a film but it was a brilliant and emotional TV series).

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Yesterday I saw John Rambo movie. I`m glad that John decided to return to his home in Arizona and settle down. It`s really good action movie because nowdays most of action movies remind more science ficton (Die Hard IV, Mission Impossible, Jason Bourne).

Anyway this is my fav list:

Talvisota - Winter war,

Apocalypse Now,


Full Metal Jacket,

9th Company,

Flag of our fathers,

TAEGUKGI - the brotherhood of war (Korean War, MUST SEE),

Three Kings,


Das Boot,


The Fourth War (CwC movie, private war between russian and usa general! must see!wink_o.gif,

Zvezda (very good russian ww2 movie!wink_o.gif,

The Pianist

I`m also a huuuuge fan of a classic war movies from 50s-70s with most talented british and american actors (like Bridge over the river kwai, the longest day, a bridge too far, kellys heroes, great escape, tora tora etc etc ...)

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Apocalypse Now!

Band of Brothers (Series)

Black Hawk Down

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Enemy at the Gates

Full Metal Jacket

Generation Kill

Guns of Navarone

Heartbreak Ridge


Red Dawn

Rome (series)

Saving Private Ryan

Schindler's List

Three Kings

There's really a big problem for me picking out ONE favorite as there are so many good ones. Some days I feel for the long dramatic war story, and other times I just feel like watching the body count climb.

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Apocalypse Now!

Band of Brothers (Series)

Black Hawk Down

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Enemy at the Gates

Full Metal Jacket

Generation Kill

Guns of Navarone

Heartbreak Ridge


Red Dawn

Rome (series)

Saving Private Ryan

Schindler's List

Three Kings

There's really a big problem for me picking out ONE favorite as there are so many good ones. Some days I feel for the long dramatic war story, and other times I just feel like watching the body count climb.

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