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DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

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It's a graphics addon, perhaps it would help if you told us what graphics card you have and what drivers you're using? Just a thought wink_o.gif

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errrm yes the graphics card i have is a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 i installed it the same way the readme said to   sad_o.gif

oh and it has 2.40 GHz and 512 MB of RAM

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So is that why it will not work? Aww thats really crappy man!

Yes thats why I had a Geforce MX440 too and black water so I hoped to the store buyed a Geforce GT6800 and whoila it worked.

Think Geforce FX5700 works too wink_o.gif

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Yes that's correct

DXDLL needs for the wather reflections minimum a GFX Card with DirectX8 Hardware Support

GFMX Cards has only DirectX7 Hardware Support

I have a GFTI4200 and i can use these Settings but it will lag with all Forceware Driver above 56.72...

I hope Kegetys or Nvidia fix this Bug in the near future wink_o.gif

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i have a P4 2.3ghz, ATI Radeon 9600 SE 128mb, 512MB Ram and i havent experienced any lag or problems at all with dxdll and my graphics r set up kinda high.

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I have a GForce FX5700 and works fine, now I have a question what is the sky tha appears on the first screenshots from Kegetys DXDLL, I can't find it anywhere, I use Llaumax sky, and from what island are those pictures??. Salute smile_o.gif

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Topic title edited cos frankly it's getting boring wink_o.gif

One would guess that Kegetys is using his own Hisky?

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dxdll doesn't work with my ofp 1.96.

there is a very small screen of the game and a few seconds later I'm back at the desktop again. I tried every configuration possible in the dxdll configurator.

My hardware:

xp 3200+

1 gb ram

Radeon 9800 Pro@Catalyst 4.12

Win XP Prof SP2

Can somebody help me?

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I tried anything mentioned in this topic (e.g. Postprocessing, nomap). Nothing helped.

Last time i've heard of such a problem as yours it was the AGP aperture size. Try to lower it one notch down.

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Try 32 mb aperature. That worked for me when I had a radeon. It sounds stupid and some other games might lose a frame or 2, but it worked for OfP and that's all that matters.

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Hi everyone! smile_o.gif

I have a question! Kegetys You are GREAT, INCREDIBLE ADDONMAKER! :)Please answer: Whether will be a new version of DXDLL, and if will be - when? Thanks! smile_o.gif

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I don't think there will be an update. There's no bugs in it. I vaguly remmember something that said no update planned, not 100% sure though.

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There are no bugs, only features. tounge_o.gif

But seriously, I was surprised how well the first version of DXDLL worked considering the less than orthodox method of implementing it. smile_o.gif

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I don't think there will be an update. There's no bugs in it. I vaguly remmember something that said no update planned, not 100% sure though.

Yes, but Kegetys could make an update of the tool for Geforce MX Cards?

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@ Jan. 03 2005,17:36)]
I don't think there will be an update. There's no bugs in it. I vaguly remmember something that said no update planned, not 100% sure though.

Yes, but Kegetys could make an update of the tool for Geforce MX Cards?

No, not possible. (Basicly GF4 MX is an overcloced GF2)

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