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DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

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Kegetys, Master of OFP environment!!! Pushing OFP pleasure to the limits!!! THX!!!


Oh and just one question... could this dll thing be made so that it takes jpg images instead of tgas? It would involve less editing to post them pix in the forum etc... (dang 100 kb limit! tounge_o.gif ).

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I see the effects, but I don't see the reflective water. I see other users are having this problem...

Here's my specs - 2400 MHZ Pentium 4, GeforceFX 5900, 512 RAM.

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T_D @ July 12 2004,18:01)]Here is my problem:


Error Picture

now thats an error blues.gif

had to link it cuz apperently .jpg is an invalid format in the forums


== C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE


Exe version: Mon Jan 26 19:52:56 2004

graphics:  Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution:  1280x1024x32, w-buffer

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Pappy, goto www.nvidia.com and download the newest driver. You still probably won't get reflective water but atleast you won't have an oil spill for water.

EDIT: God I am such a noof. Can somone explain in plain english (That means no "root" or "archive") how to install and run this program? Step by step pictures would be nice.

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Awright, i removed my laumax folder and shortcut and extracted the DXDLL folder to my OPF directory, then opened the configurator, didnt touch nothing and saved and then i ran OPF and i dont think it recognised DXDLL, I tried the aplication+H to see if it recognised and nada. I have OPF golden+RES 1.96, P4 2.4+512ddr+MSI GF 4200ti 128 megs and i run OPF @1280x1024x32, HT&L and multitexturing is on and all resolutions from auto detect are way above 512 etc.

Am i missing something? Isnt there a install procedure other than placing the folder in my main OPF directory? Ofcourse i read the readme, i always do (sooner or later) wink_o.gif .

It does seem to look absolutly briliant, outstanding job Kegetys and Feer. Thanks in advance.

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Nevermind guys, I used auto detect on the settings in ofp, and it works now! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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Bah nevermind, it works now. A real shame it kills antialiasing though. It looks even more jagged than normal ofp without antialiasing.  crazy_o.gif

ON a good note: I am running 15fps steady on tonal with 2 squad battles! smile_o.gif

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can somone send me there data folder and data3d folder and hwtl folder please

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This is a wonderful addition to OFP. I was getting between 20-30 FPS.


AMD XP2600+


GFORCE FX5600 w/256DDR

2 80GB HDD (all I have on one is OFP and City Of Heroes)


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Everything else works except the reflective stuff HELP!

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graphics:  Direct3D HW T&L , Device: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution:  1280x1024x32, w-buffer

Here's your problem - GeforceX just does not have the hardware features needed to do this.

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Awright, i removed my laumax folder and shortcut and extracted the DXDLL folder to my OPF directory, then opened the configurator, didnt touch nothing and saved and then i ran OPF and i dont think it recognised DXDLL, I tried the aplication+H to see if it recognised and nada. I have OPF golden+RES 1.96, P4 2.4+512ddr+MSI GF 4200ti 128 megs and i run OPF @1280x1024x32, HT&L and multitexturing is on and all resolutions from auto detect are way above 512 etc.

Am i missing something? Isnt there a install procedure other than placing the folder in my main OPF directory? Ofcourse i read the readme, i always do (sooner or later) wink_o.gif .

It does seem to look absolutly briliant, outstanding job Kegetys and Feer. Thanks in advance.

OK, i went to my preferences and my special efects were at 64x64 crazy_o.gif , all other efects were at 4000+ something, i increased the special efects to 512x512 and it works now biggrin_o.gif , i also removed my addon folder just in case but thats problably not related, it is fantastic, thats the kinda stuff that should have come with resistance wink_o.gif.

Speachless right now...

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tried the suggestions in the readme, I guess my gfx 5200 can't handle reflective water sad_o.gif

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Just been playing and shaking my head in disbelief for half an hour. OFP looks like heaven!

Check out the BAS Tonal "Spec Ops" mission with the reflections in the swamp wow_o.gif

Cheers Kegetys & Feersum - incredible!

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trying everything but still wont work

keep on getting this error untitled.jpg

my pc stuff is

windows ME

graphics:  Direct3D HW T&L , Device: RADEON 7500, Driver:ATI3D1AG.DLL

resolution:  1024x768x32, w-buffer

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oh joy!

I have managed to get 20fps on Tonal with high-res sky, reflective water and no PP.

System Specs:

900Mhz AMD

AllInOneWonder 7500 (16mb)

512MB Ram

Get your settings right and this will run even on PCs as poor as mine tounge_o.gif

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Doesn't work on my geforce4mx, probably cause it doesn't have pixelshaders. It doesn't even start up, it just blinks and does nothing when i clikc the shortcut. sad_o.gif

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when I click on flashpoint resistance it restarts my comp it doesnt restart with FDF mod why?

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tried the suggestions in the readme, I guess my gfx 5200 can't handle reflective water  sad_o.gif

It should run, it runs on my ti4200 128megs rock.gif , did you read my post about setting all your textures in resistance preferences above 512x512 and are you sure your not using custom retextured water like the one from Llaumax rock.gif .

Now i need to find a way to install Lauma's hisky2 without Silesian's water textures, any sugestions?

And i think for now i wont use post processing has it is very demanding and increases jaggies and bluriness, maybe when i upgrade my VC biggrin_o.gif .

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Turn off post processing and try it with just reflective water

works, but on desert island the water looks like oil in the middle of the arctic...


Excellent work kegetys, I just wish I could afford an upgrade to my mx440...

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Wow, this is really beautiful, thanks Keg.

It's a bit of a shame the water doesn't reflect particles when you're trying to make shots like this:


But it's more than good enough.

The only problem I'm having is that when I exit the mission editor I sometimes get a CTD with an error message about 'bad .p3d' or something like that. Oh and the water was messed up when I was using Llamax (new water textures incompatable I guess)

Just need to sort out the settings that work best for me to minimise the aliasing. Any suggestions for a Gf4 Ti4600 (128MB), 512MB DDR400 RAM, 1.8 GHz Athlon XP 2200?

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OMFG! wow_o.gif

I just woke up to a 12 page thread on reflective water!

There is no way my hardware will accept this, but still...

OMFG! wow_o.gif

Thankyou Keg and Feer!. I'm giving up eating and paying bills til I have a new PC! smile_o.gif


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