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Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

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Laser's Rangers - Good looking units btw.

Vit's APC pack

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that shot of him approching the carrier is beautiful smile_o.gif



cross posting this because they were ment as wallpapers but are suitable for the combat photo thread as well

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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>PICS ONLY! ALL POSTS WITHOUT PICS WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT NOTICE.</span></span>

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F14 waitin' till Sandstorm is over


Addons: BAS Tonal, Footmunchs F14B Tomcat

<span style='font-size:7.1pt;line-height:100%'>Pic edited by ShadowNX</span>

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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>PICS ONLY! ALL POSTS WITHOUT PICS WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT NOTICE.</span></span>

took who's talking! tounge_o.gif

allright, one pic of my own and one to make up for Hellfish:

FDF 1.2 era! biggrin_o.gif , some guy got dispersion / rounds mixed up again... mad_o.giftounge_o.gif



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A New Day


I sometimes forget how good this engine is.

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Compression screwed it up a little...


Addons: ORCS VDV, VITAPC chechens, the chechen latha island released ages ago, DXDLL and the UNSUNG-LLAUMA-etc. sky smile_o.gif

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So this is my first post in here. You guys all made awesome pictures, so I tried to take some myself

Here is one of my first pics after dxdll came out, Y2K3 used, should be CSLA Hind


The second one was made on Newland, with an BAS Pavehawk


And the last one shows a Hind in Action, this is the only one edited (cropped and brightness)


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