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Things banned from Frenchman's use.


Finnish APC


Thanks for the kicking.

*Sniff* sad_o.gif

You didn't listen to what we said so I kicked you to show that what we said was worth listening to. Sorry that you didn't rejoin but I guess you felt we had a reason to kick you.

We didn't kick you because you drove the APC straight into enemy base right after we said that we shouldn't do that cause that would get you killed.

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Frenchman, that explosion also wounded me and probably got all of us killed, when we tried it a second time without you we lost just 2 men. crazy_o.gif I hope you learn from this! *shakes fist*

Anyway, I thought it was an even better night than usual overall. smile_o.gif

Picage, hope these work btw, I switched the host to Photobucket.

Winters has a close encounter with a T80


Lobanak teases it with his Suomi SMG


Next mission:

Albert looking suitably bored


FUP at airfield


Leo supports the infantry


I thought Bals dropped this V-80, but apparently it was the Leo gunner (snake?). wow_o.gif Bals still expertly hit it simultaneously.


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I don´t want to sound boring, but as there was some lack in this yesterday night I will post it.

We are a coop server. Sometimes people join us who don´t like to move with the team and do their solo stunts whenever they can only to improve their killcount.

This takes the whole team into trouble over and over again.

A lot of people died yesterday as a result of this solo-actions.

I´ll make it short and simple now:

If anyone doesn´t want to play as a team, stay away.

If anyone thinks he can´t follow orders, stay away.

If anyone thinks it´s funny to ruin gameplay for others because of individual actions, stay away.

We don´t want guys like that on our COOP server.

So make up your mind before you join the server.

If you don´t like the way we play, stay away and search for a frag-server or go play singleplayer.

You just waste our time and patience.

I think all regular gamers at our server agree to this.

Don´t be surprised if you get kicked without further explanation next time. We´re just fed up with these guys who ruin fun for anyone who wants to play OFP the way it is supposed to be played in COOP mode.

It´s just annoying to discuss leadership issues again and again and again and still some do their own shit any time they can.

Besided this it was a nice evening yesterday. Keep it up guys biggrin_o.gif

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Balschoiw, I feel your pain...nearly every time I play coop online (not on your server), some Rambo mofo ruins the mission for everyone else, usually by starting the fireworks waaay before anyone else is ready...

...one particular mission springs to mind: Bridge to Freedom. I can't remember the last time I played it that some genius didn't start blasting away with his rifle while the bus full of soldiers is too far away for everyone with pistols to engage. It doesn't matter if you ask them not to; it doesn't matter if you give a "Hold Fire" order; someone will always start firing before everyone else is ready.  sad_o.gif

P.S. I wish your server wasn't so hard for me to play on due to the time difference...

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You know we even use a password to restrict acess for these nights. You should think people know what server they join...

But still...

I guess we will give it a hard approach the next games and sort those out who don´t want to be part of a team.

Most efficient way to have some good coops.

Of course there are accidents, like firing a single shot because the finger is nervous, but noone will get kicked for such.

I hope we get those things sorted next time without having to kick one or ban player ID´s.

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i remember a little friendly fire massacre some day ago... biggrin_o.gif

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Of course there are accidents, like firing a single shot because the finger is nervous, but noone will get kicked for such.

I am just glad it happened shortly after we started and not when we were about to engage the enemy.

I am also glad i wasnt pointing my rifle at anyone at the time, guess all that yelling my DS did at boot stuck with me wink_o.gif

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i remember a little friendly fire massacre some day ago...  biggrin_o.gif

I think that was the result of a miscommunication - specifically, people thought we were restarting and so they decided to go full auto...

Like me. crazy_o.gif

I, however, was not the first. wink_o.gif

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i remember a little friendly fire massacre some day ago... biggrin_o.gif

I think that was the result of a miscommunication - specifically, people thought we were restarting and so they decided to go full auto...

Like me. crazy_o.gif

I, however, was not the first. wink_o.gif

sure. i think the fact that everybody thought that we restart was why nobody got banned.

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Rambo is so 20th century wink_o.gif

but seriously, I don't understand why people would play this way. If you are playing coop, it isn't to much to ask to cooperate, is it?

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I was quite happy about a little Lag. It is nothing new when I say that I need more time to act. I am kind of slow: I am the last to see the tanks, I am the last to be in position and I am the last to notice that everyone has already got out of the truck. And I am the last to understand that I got killed by a friendly fire orgy.

"damn who hit me?" ...

"Albert you still dont know what happened"

"NO! Who hit me, where did they come from"

"I shot Bals by accident"

"Yes, but who killed me?"

"You still dont know what happened!"

"No, still didnt get the wisdom-flash"

"oh Albert"!

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Hehe, yeah, you were desperately trying to figure out where that enemy soldier that supposedly shot you was hiding. Scrolling back in the ingame chat might have revealed the cruel truth to you, tho...


Anyways - these things happen and if everyone agrees to go for a mass suicide/TK spree it's ok. If there's just one player repeatedly going rambo or TK'ing and thus ruining the game for everyone it simply sucks.

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I got killed by grin when I was behind you albert. Then grin got shot and everyone killed each other. I would have kicked everyone who shot a team mate but that would have left me alone on the server. tounge_o.gif

Friendly fire happens when you have lots of players running around, but killing someone because of friendly fire will result in a ban. Keep playing the game until we agree on a restart.

The most annoying thing is that some of the people who goes rambo have previously complained about our lack of co-op. mad_o.gif

It's not fun to keep telling how we play over and over again so perhaps a long list of rules is needed.

One other thing that all should do. Remove all your custom sounds before joining. It can take ages to join a server if theres alot of people with custom files. I can't check that you don't have them so the only way to be sure you don't is by forbidding any use of custom sounds. Any use will result in an instant ban. That's fair 'cause that would mean that you first didn't follow the rule of custom files and then you used them.

Sounds can be funny but if all used them it wouldn't. Also I think it's crazy that everyone should have to download them when joining. If we have 15 people on the server with 100kb of sounds it would mean that you need to download 1,5mb just to join. If the connection to the server isn't the best it will take some time.

Enough of this.. It was a great evening as usual but I hope everyone will know the drill in the future.

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No, I was seething over the Frenchman explosion and wounded pretty bad, but then I and the other survivors conquered the base!

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Wha, I didn't notice any friendly fire orgy. wow_o.gif

Because it wasn't yesterday.. biggrin_o.gif

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The most annoying thing is that some of the people who goes rambo have previously complained about our lack of co-op. mad_o.gif

It's not fun to keep telling how we play over and over again so perhaps a long list of rules is needed.

i had no other chance... i shot the guy who killed about 2-3 of us before!


but i'll be back on your server this weekend. smile_o.gif

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You mean to shoot Balschoiw before we approach the enemy was a good idea in order for all of us to survive the mission?

Yes, well thats what I call an argument! biggrin_o.gif

IP:554.333.222.1.2. (Albert Schweizer) you have been banned from the CIA server due to insult of its members.

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I'm thinking of popping in every few games..... Hey, where'd you guys go...?


Anyway, how exactly do I join the hosting server? Use the OFP ingame multiplayer screen? The All-Seeing Eye? What?

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Anyway, how exactly do I join the hosting server? Use the OFP ingame multiplayer screen? The All-Seeing Eye? What?

Just put the letters CiA into the filter and there you go. smile_o.gif

Edit:At least thats what I do. biggrin_o.gif

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