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Vdv pack v2.0 by orcs

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What about symbols on officers beret? It looks little stupid when it have modern russian flag, and USSR star(am i wrong?) at once.....

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That's a real symbols you can see in russian army... Army is a very conservative organization, many of old symbols left after USSR fall...

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These units are great..

Now if only we had a nice Ilyushin - 76 they could jump out of.


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OK, here they go. Place this in the soldier's init field:

For a left sleeve:

this setObjectTexture [0,"\LSR_vdv\<armpatch texture name>"]

For a right sleeve:

this setObjectTexture [1,"\LSR_vdv\<armpatch texture name>"]

Valid armpatch texture names are:


vdv_basic.paa - common VDV armpatch

















General Armed Forces Patches:



rus_vsr.paa - a standard Russian Armed Forces patch

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These look top, But Im having trouble downloading them. anyone have any other mirrors I can try?

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These units are super gucci, now all we need is some decent regular troops so the VDV can be put to one of their most likely modern uses, as a fire brigade to dig out embattled CIS troops

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i usually download russian troops just to shoot at but now... lol im gonna be making some Chechnya missions using these guys shooting at the chechens that came in the APC Pack. Alls i needs now is a Russian custom voice.

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dont get me wrong, i really like these units and weapons, but:

the weapons values must be wrong, they have no recoil whatsoever, and i just got shot by one of those infamous AI PK'ers at 700 metres when i shot a m21 round near it :\

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dont get me wrong, i really like these units and weapons, but:

the weapons values must be wrong, they have no recoil whatsoever, and i just got shot by one of those infamous AI PK'ers at 700 metres when i shot a m21 round near it  :\

Well assuming the gunner could see you at that range, it is possible to hit a man size target at 700 meters with a PK.  I've hit 800 meter targets with an M60 machine gun which has similar range and is of a similar caliber as the PK/PKM machine gun.

The PK or PKM machine guns are probably the weapons I'd fear most if I was a soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan...well at least after the infamous roadside bomb and the RPG-7.

Still I agree that there should be a more dispersion on the weapons which is why I like using the JAM HD ammo.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I got a pack of Russian voices (real ones not accented) that replace the red hammers ones I downloaded somewheres. If you guys are willing to host I am willing to send... These are not mine and there are some mistakes but hell they work much better than not having any.

repeat these are not mine and I downloaded them so long ago I cant find the site. Anybody want them? rock.gif

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What about symbols on officers beret? It looks little stupid when it have modern russian flag, and USSR star(am i wrong?) at once.....

Cocarde with a star (symbol of Soviet Army/Red Army) are the fact/symbol of a recognition of service in battle of paratroopers during WW2 and other conflicts. These are army traditions... it is the award at once to all parachuters.

Precisely also nobody took away banners/flags (red banners with the Soviet symbolics) of the deserved divisions.

Still I agree that there should be a more dispersion on the weapons which is why I like using the JAM HD ammo.

It is a first (public) attempts to use new weaponpak. Dispersion to correct it is possible. May be... May be...

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I got a pack of Russian voices (real ones not accented) that replace the red hammers ones I downloaded somewheres. If you guys are willing to host I am willing to send... These are not mine and there are some mistakes but hell they work much better than not having any.

repeat these are not mine and I downloaded them so long ago I cant find the site. Anybody want them? rock.gif

Interesting. How do they replace RH's voices? Is this a full replacement for file VoicesRH.pbo?

I might be willing to mirror a copy.

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dosent the Vss sniper rifle also have the ability to have 20 round clip instead of the 10 round clip because currnetly youll only get about 3 to four bursts on auto before the magazine is dry, other than that very impressive guys smile_o.gif

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Excellent work, guys! Love it to bits biggrin_o.gifblues.gif

Small quirk though: LSR_vdv.pbo needs a small fix to enable trouble-free operation when used in mod folders and/or on dedicated servers: an addon dependency declaration. Here it is:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

requiredAddons[]={BIS_Resistance, ICPrpg7, ICP_Weaponpack};

This should be added below requiredVersion in CfgPatches::LSR_vdv.


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Landwarrior87, if you need russian voice actor - contact me. will be glad to help you.

desantnik, what it's the fileize of these voices?

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Listen to Killswitch, he wise old man.

*rocks on rocking chair smoking pipe*

About helmets - When I see regulars without helmets I think that the troops must be so demoralised and apathetic about what they are doing that they cannot be arsed to have the bother of a hot and itchy helmet. They just go for comfort and if they die then they die, what the fuck we are all going to die anyway :/

As you see in Chechnya.

I think all should have helmets to show they are well disciplined and ready to go, not some lazy fatalist conscripts like the US regulars in Vietnam.

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Are other like Lsr_gru.pbo and Lsr_naval.pbo addons relatives to this addon?And if are,is there any conflicts with them?

They where in russian sf pack 1.0 if i remember right?

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Quote[/b] ]Parker Hale i love you!!! I dont love you as gay but i love what you are saying!!!

BLUSH!! I'm flattered LOL

Yesterday I tried (in vain) to make a banner/placard to place over a doorway to identify the building as a senior headquarters of my troops.

Used the nazg_messageboards addon and a picture from off the net. In PsP8 it looked stunning but in the game...crap!!

Gave up after 6 attempts mad_o.gif


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Listen to Killswitch, he wise old man.

*rocks on rocking chair smoking pipe*

About helmets - When I see regulars without helmets I think that the troops must be so demoralised and apathetic about what they are doing that they cannot be arsed to have the bother of a hot and itchy helmet. They just go for comfort and if they die then they die, what the fuck we are all going to die anyway :/

As you see in Chechnya.

I think all should have helmets to show they are well disciplined and ready to go, not some lazy fatalist conscripts like the US regulars in Vietnam.

What the hell are you talking about Jinef?  Didn't you bother to read the previous posts about the helmets?  It's not because that they are "lazy fatalist conscripts like the US regulars in Vietnam."     In case you didn't notice, US troops in Vietnam more often then not WORE helmets.  

The decision to wear a helmet or not depends on the mission situation.  But for the most part, helmets are designed to protect against shrapnel and not bullets.  If the soldiers expect mostly small arms fire, then they may elect not to wear helmets which constrain movement and are very heavy.

If you've ever had to do a long march in the military with a full combat load, you'd know what I mean.

In addition to that they screw up acoustics so that sound plays tricks on your ears with many types of helmets.  

This is a big problem with the PASGT style helmets.

So it really whether or not to use a helmet is situational and its a matter of deciding whether or the extra protection is worth the extra weight and other negative aspects of helmets during a particular mission.

Also wearing a helmet has NOTHING to do with whether a unit is disciplined or not or how professional they are.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Also wearing a helmet has NOTHING to do with whether a unit is disciplined or not or how professional they are.  

Yes indeed, look at the FFL. Some of the most disciplined troops around I'd venture to say.

Great pack guys! I really love the recon units and the new weapons for these units.

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Lets see now.... the whole file is 3.50 megs, seems low but it looks like one guy used his voice and just changed the pitch. It replaces the voicerh.pbo completely, but I what I was thinking was changing the original voicerh to the resistance side, so that the Russians will have Russian voices, the resistance will have Russian accents, and the west, hell whatever cowboy voice they want. smile_o.gif I just dont know how to do it. If anybody would like to figure it out how to change the original red hammers voices to the resistance side and replace the east voices with this pack.

Avon, how can I contact you so that you could host it? rock.gif

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Am I the only one who noticed missing faces on the knee section of these soldiers rock.gif

Overall still very nice soldiers with really good camo patterns. I love em!

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all they need is to have remove helmet in the action menu. then you could switch between the helmet and a beret/beene.

that would be cool rock.gif

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