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Vdv pack v2.0 by orcs

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@ June 04 2004,08:01)]Chris, m.b. you are not absolutely right? Modern fight (with application of the automatic weapon) occurs on distances about 1000m (on depth of a battlefield). Therefore the soldier is simply obliged to be able to kill the enemy on such distances the regular weapon. Anyway so is in our army (RF Army). Otherwise it not the professional (IMO). 300m with an optical sight - children's pranks. I do not believe, that the american professional soldiers cannot kill on a distance 300m from a usual rifle. M.b. it is necessary to arm them AK? smile_o.gif

You must be kidding us. Hitting anything (a man, I mean) at over 500 meters with assault rifle equiped using ironsights only is damn near impossible. If you say otherwise, you probably haven't tried to do it yourself.

I completly agree with Miles Teg on this one.

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I changed a few things myself in this pack. I replaced their RPG-16 with the one that came with marines pack. I also replaced their other weapons with marine pack weapons, JAM weapons and DKM mod weapons.

Now they are not über killing machines and are much more compatible with other troops. biggrin_o.gif

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There can be I and have joked it is a little. But only a little. Do not take offence.

I served in army. For ten years of service I have tried much. To learn me it is already useless. ;) Last post - the ind. tech. company commander.  Therefore I can allow myself some "liberties". Because i know abilities of the weapon and tactics of his application. My opinion - on distance 300m for target destruction it is possible to do without optical systems.

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you hear the word from proffessional? then stop discussing characteristics of the weapons. And dont even think to replace all regular troops with VDV.

I dont remember exactly but some mod replaced rugular russian troops with Naval Infantry. I would advice that man to go to Naval base and shout out loud that Naval troops are the same infantry. Then lets see if he manages to escape alive. BTW it is the reason i dont play this mod. ORCS made their characteristics right. Use not more than one squad of thier units in your mission. wink_o.gif

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I dont remember exactly but some mod replaced rugular russian troops with Naval Infantry. I would advice that man to go to Naval base and shout out loud that Naval troops are the same infantry. Then lets see if he manages to escape alive.

If he was 500 meters away from them, I bet he would. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I dont remember exactly but some mod replaced rugular russian troops with Naval Infantry. I would advice that man to go to Naval base and shout out loud that Naval troops are the same infantry. Then lets see if he manages to escape alive.

Some one said the same thing to Parvus and that sounded really cool. glad people still say it. smile_o.gif

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Well rifles like the SMLE MK IV were fired at practice ranges of up to 600m but the reasoning behind the adoption of small calibre weapons was that most contacts took place at 200m or less.

I've had time with the AK-74 and AK-47 and while ex servicemen who used them swear by their accuracy they didn't make a good impression on me, I could see the possibility of a good shot (Which most russians Ive met are) getting hits out to 500m with the 74 but not in battle conditions.

The weapon is very muzzle heavy with the sights situated very far forward by western standards (except maybe on a target rifle) with a very slim butt (And an absurdly small pistol grip) I could see these being condusive to good range shooting but in a manouvre situation I believe that they would work against the user.

So ingame I wouldnt really see why they should be that accurate, on the other hand it can be pretty good fun to have some super hard paras dropping into a battle and making your life hell.

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I must say that I really like the animations in the new additional pack, check out the pictures I put on ofp.At (sorry, not with the VDV units yet)

am I correct that AI units are still unable to fire when sitting/standing in one of those new animations?

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Those ICP anims are not only great for OFP photography , but also for missions. AI is not able to shoot and turn with every animation in the pack , but it works with most of the  crouching, standing and prone anims. It's a pity they can't reload but thats solveable in a script. Also the guard anims are very cool and usefull in missions

I had lots of fun with it. I make them start in a safe behaviour and I run and easy script on them.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_unit = _this select 0

@behaviour _unit != "SAFE"

_unit switchmove "standtocombat"


When you run this script in a unit that use the ICPstand1 anim for example, the animation will stop when he spots the enemy. And that occurs pretty smooth.

To stop a unit with the ICPAim1, which is a crouching animation ,you can pop him up with a switchmove "crouchtocombat" command.

I see lots of possibilties...

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