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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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il go right ahead and test ALL the aa units...

even the vehicles..

and one more thing, i get a "missing xm177e2_proxy.p3d" error on the UA units... is that becouse of the sky installer to?

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I finally managed to play it a little bit. Since there are no missions available, I was left with is to mess with the new things in the editor.

1. First of all the deployable mortar bug is kinda annoying.

2. Second of all when I deploy AGS-17 launcher and load it with grenades, when I get in as a gunner I cannot shoot. For some reason it displays loadout in red and stays like that forever.

3. How do you get extra ammo for Strela from Assistant AntiAir Gunner? I placed heaps of AA teams around and they can only shoot once. I couldn't find a way to grab extra missiles from the backpack.

4. Kiowa with WP FFAR doesn't engage infantray and light armour targets with Wp, but instead engages them with standard FFAR which is pretty useless.

5. Vulcan and Shilka gun effects are cool, but nothing like what can be seen on the first screenshot in this topic.

6. When you shoot grenade from GP-25 or M203 and it doesn't fly for 10 metres or more it doesn't explode. Which is what it suppose to do. The problem is when you shoot any consecutive grenades at any distance they never explode either.

7. There are no armoured and air groups for Soviet forces.

8. For some reason BTR-80 doesn't include animations to ride on the armour. Is it because older version of AKM addon was used or you removed that option on purpose?

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  (Antichrist @ April 02 2004,18:55) said:
I finally managed to play it a little bit. Since there are no missions available, I was left with is to mess with the new things in the editor.

1. First of all the deployable mortar bug is kinda annoying.

2. Second of all when I deploy AGS-17 launcher and load it with grenades, when I get in as a gunner I cannot shoot. For some reason it displays loadout in red and stays like that forever.

3. How do you get extra ammo for Strela from Assistant AntiAir Gunner? I placed heaps of AA teams around and they can only shoot once. I couldn't find a way to grab extra missiles from the backpack.

4. Kiowa with WP FFAR doesn't engage infantray and light armour targets with Wp, but instead engages them with standard FFAR which is pretty useless.

5. Vulcan and Shilka gun effects are cool, but nothing like what can be seen on the first screenshot in this topic.

6. When you shoot grenade from GP-25 or M203 and it doesn't fly for 10 metres or more it doesn't explode. Which is what it suppose to do. The problem is when you shoot any consecutive grenades at any distance they never explode either.

7. There are no armoured and air groups for Soviet forces.

8. For some reason BTR-80 doesn't include animations to ride on the armour. Is it because older version of AKM addon was used or you removed that option on purpose?

There's a wealth of MP missions for WG available at squadengine.com's forums. The precise link is somewhere in this thread on the first few pages. I'll address your comments in the order which ya made them. Hope this answers some of your points....

1. Read the FAQ, you didn't setup the mortar correctly in the mission.

2. The AGS will eventually load, it takes around 40 seconds the first time you load it, but rest assured, if it has a number in red (like 29 in red) then the ammo will load. This is also addressed in the FAQ I believe, but if not I will add it.

3. Extra ammo from the assistants is a matter of using a simple script. Sadly the script seems to have slightly mangled just before release. We have already fixed the script in the next release and will be including an action that is automatically added to AI to allow you to command them to drop stuff (so you can pick it up or tell them to pick it up). Sorry about that.

4. We will try to adjust the WP so that Kiowa's engage infantry with it. Bare in mind that Kiowa's are scout helicopters and not attack helicopters which means that, overall, they shouldn't really be engaging armor. However, we can probably tweak that slightly so it plays a little better.

5. The screenshot was taken with the units from 4.0. The view distance was set on 2000 and the screenshot was taken looking through binoculars. It was also the combined effects of 2 vulcans firing at the same target.

6. I just tested the M203 and GP25 and they work without issue. Screenshot included below. You can see 2 grenades that were shot too close, and in the distance, 2 grenades that were shot and exploded afterwards.

7. Armored and Air groups were left out because they are extremely basic and for most missions people will add armor to another group or will make it custom. We could include it easy enough if there's a demand for it.

8. It's an older version of the VITAPC addons before he included the proxy locations for riding on top of the armor. I'd like to add top-side animations to all vehicles in the future for consistancy and it is on the list of "things to do, eventually".

Thanks for the comments! Hope the points above address anything of real concern. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask away!


EDIT: Oops, forgot the pic....


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ok, here we go.... i´ve tried all the AA units now (i think) and all causes CTD and a "bad fileformat p3d" error... well, not the AA vehicles but the soldiers... get this with a few oter mods/addons too.... will se what happens with my new comp in a couple of weeks (maybe next weekend)

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hm i dont have this problem the_shadow

do u start wargames with just wargames addons and nothin else? maybe another clean ofp-installation would help.

or post your pc specs

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i think it´s my PC specs, thats why i´ll test it with my newly ordered PC hopefully i´ll have it before next weekend smile_o.gif

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I just wanted to say that we are extremely grateful that you have all taken the time to post your input. We are glad to hear that you enjoy the MOD and are working furiously to fix the errors that were released.

We have figured out a lot of the errors, and have them ready to be patched very soon.

We are also almost finished with the Technical Manual that will list all the vehicle names (for mission makers), as well as other relavent information (for everyone).

We have people working on missions and will have those ready very soon as well.

Again, thanks for your feedback.

Semper Fi

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Does anyone else just see "1" when a tank commander tells the gunner to change weapons?  As far as I can tell, it doesn't keep anything from working, but it is an inconvenience.  I want to say it has something to do with using a custom stringtable.csv, but I dont know why, or what can be done about it.  crazy_o.gif

Overall, I love the pack though. I hate playing with the default map grid now smile_o.gif

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Well I played around with it for a while and I must say I find the FX on the explosions pretty good and everything else is pretty neat but 1 thingy:

On your comment @ Antichrist on the first screenshot of the 2 vulcans firing;Well,I set it exactly as you said:as in 2000 viewdistance (and up to 3500) and viewing through binoculars.

With the chopper on multiple heights and the vulcans on different distances from the chopper I still get no such FX?? rock.gif

At some point the chopper was out of range from the vulcans and they kept on firing but to no effect.

Even the playerunit was at different distances from the chopper but still no luck...

Wanted to check those fx but well guess it doesn't work for me.


BTW Keep an eye out for ECP updates for those interested


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I actually feel ok to post bugs, the WG guys are very realistic about addressing bugs and I get no sense of "Go away we don't want to hear bad, only good!" that some other prominent addon teams tend to act like.

Annnyway, some bugs to squash:

Sound disappears, seems to be after you die sometimes. Sound is returned if you die again, sometimes, not always.

Actually thats the only real bad one I can think of.... ;)

I did need to have a description.ext that included the firecontrol dialog AND revive+spectate dialog but I think the revive+spectate script all-in-one is something we developed inhouse at OGN so we'll tackle that..

One last thing, how do you add NVGoggles to units that don't have them?


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edit- Once the ITOW has fired it's few rounds, is it possible to reload it from the HMMVV or something because once it's shot 4 or 5 rounds thats it, it's useless..

One last thing..

the "OK I'm Good to Go" replacement for "I'm Ready" is longer than the screen so maybe just "Good to Go" or even "Go" is suffcient.

And "Manual Fire" Replaced by "Engage Pilot Manual Override" or something can be something shorter such as "Pilot Weapons Override"


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Loss of sound on death is fixed for next version, also the instant respawn after being in an armored vehicle that was destroyed. We'll also probably redo the stringtable entirely because special characters were converted to ? somewhere along the way, and we don't want to alienate foreigners ;)

We're also reorganizing and redoing some things within the pbos and configs, and in the process finding all kinds of nasty little inconsistencies. Hopefully this will fix many little buggers you may or may not have noticed.

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Thanks the hard work is appreciated and I love the attitude the WG guys have towards fixing things smile_o.gif

One question, how do you add the WG NVGoggles to WG troops who don't have them?


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Will I be able to use my NZDF SAS soldiers with this mod? I cant find a list of classnames to arm them with your great weapons...

Are you planning on making any Modern West European Weapons for this Mod? ie: G-36, FN F2000 etc?

I think very modern units would be great on the resistance side, because you never know who could get ahold of these weapons. HK, Bofors and FN sell to anybody really you know?

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I think WGL units use the OFP NVGoggles, "NVGoggles". this addWeapon "NVGoggles". Sorry that I can't check that right now. If it's not "NVGoggles" it's probably something like "WGL_NVG" or "WGL_NVGoggles".

I'll let you in on a little secret, killagee.. we don't make very many custom models ourselves, we just use things others have made. Angus whipped up some things like deployable weapon components, the new M2 on tripod, the mortars, and some others, but making our own new soldiers and weapons is not on our agenda. And besides that, we only plan on representing American and Soviet military equipment in the 1992ish era. So you won't see west-euro weapons, even for resistance, until we don't have anything better to do (it'll be awhile!)

Phaeden is almost done with the technical manual, which lists classnames for pretty much everything in WGL.

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Oh I see WG actually modifies the standard NVGoggles instead of introducing their own, should of realised since last I heard there was no way to introduce your own nvgoggles addon.


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how do i get the m82a1 as a weapon in the classic bis mission "sniper team"? i tried playing around for it a little bit trying to get it to work, and looking briefly at tutorials as OFPEC, but i couldnt make it happen. sad_o.gif if anyone could spare the time to help a stupid newbie, i would be thankful; if not, please ignore.

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I will be releasing a technical manual which will, hopefully, answer all your questions. It should be ready soon (hopefully within a week). The reason it is taking so long as there are thousands of lines of code that I have to "translate" for the general user. I also want to make sure that when it is released it will be worth the download and your time. It has sections that will be useful for both the novice and the advanced mission makers. Again, sorry for the delay - I just want it to be right.

Semper Fi

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Currently if a hummer that's carrying a TOW pulls up to an empty TOW you can load the ammo, but the chances of that are farely slim since that hummer would probably want the ammo for itself. We're looking into the best way to get around the reload issue in the future. Like all things it's proving more difficult than it should be in a perfect world. Haha!

Nightvision is indeed NVGoggles.

The barret is "WGL_M82A1" and "WGL_M82A1Mag". If you can open up the mission you can change the init line in the sniper, or just change the sniper to a WGL heavy sniper.

Phaeden's tech manual is insanely detailed and should cover all the bases. He's a maniac.

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What would be the ETA for the update that fixes sound? The guys on my server pretty much refuse to play WGL until it's fixed.. understandable I guess but i'm missing out on WGL goodness sad_o.gif

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  (mrturncoat @ April 04 2004,00:42) said:
how do i get the m82a1 as a weapon in the classic bis mission "sniper team"? i tried playing around for it a little bit trying to get it to work, and looking briefly at tutorials as OFPEC, but i couldnt make it happen. sad_o.gif if anyone could spare the time to help a stupid newbie, i would be thankful; if not, please ignore.

well, to hold you over until the technical manual is complete, you add weapons to a unit by typing in the init line (in the editor when you select "insert")...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

removeallweapons this; -removes standard weapon-

this addmagazine "magazine_name"; -makes sure gun starts loaded-

this addweapon "weapon_name"; -this will be in the technical manual when it is released-

this addmagazine "magazine_name"; -repeat for each magazine- -this would be the second; max is 10-

this addweapon "binoculars" -sniper needs binocs-

Good luck, and welcome to the community!

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Phaden et al -

I was posting over at squad engine, but as most people use this I will post here for the benefit of more:

1. Is it possible to use USMC or BAS soliders and just replace the weapons ( noting that you would have to add PUT and THROW to them )? I tried this but it seemed that certin effects didnt work like M433HEDP or trying to use the 81MM Mortar ( take the base and it disappeared from inventory )

I know you guys did you soliders to help the frame rate challenged but my guys have gotten VERY use to cat eyes on the helmets for night patrols.

2. the CAS magazine <G> Does this show for ALL "side" pilots AI and HUMAN?

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My compliments to the makers. Very nicely done. Plus its good to see makers who don't just release and say screw you if it doesn't work for you. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to the bug fixes!

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