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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

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Hey it would be cool if you would replace the BIS Blackhawks with either a Blackhawk or Pavehawk from BAS.

umm i did this back in 1.0

UH60MG replaced by BAS-UH60 with scripts and animations retained.

waiting for a suitable repalcment for the rocket version

personaly i wanted the pavehawks to take place of the UH60MG but yall wanted the UH60 so i changed it back

Edit: mirror for my mod smile_o.gif

@war Mirror

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hey pappy

don't know if you realized it or if it was said before.

for me the RU URAL (changed with CSLA one) has a missing texture. lie down and watch it from DOWN UNDER hehehe: WHITE like snow it is not a problem.... but perhaps someday there will be a final version of Y2K3 config... without any little bugs biggrin_o.gif that would be cool Y2k3 config project FINAL  sounds good.

what I wanted to ask: there is this wonderfull ECP effect AT BACKBLAST hm is there any change to bring it into your config.

oh man downloaded the full pack again...had some problems when staring then but now it works again... the new Animations included are nice.

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yea im workin n gettin that AT backblast back in. . . but unfortunitly ECP is hard at work on their own mod so it would be impossible to get any help from them at this time (not saying it in a bad way thou)

umm dont look underneath the truck tounge_o.gif i hadnt noticed it. . im pretty sure i got all the textures and whatnot right rock.gif hmm oh well then for the csla users they prolly dont have that problem tounge_o.gif

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@Pappy Boyington:

Some textures are shared between models for minimalizing PBO size. On trucks are mainly shared textures from T813.

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Hello Pappy,

I installed your mod but when i want to play with it i get an error saying "Circular Addon Dependency in RHS_T55Pack". Any idea on whats causing this? Am looking forward to trying it out smile_o.gif

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it ight be because you have the newest beta of the t-55 or your using 1.91 mate

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it ight be because you have the newest beta of the t-55 or your using 1.91 mate

hm dang smile_o.gif Using 1.96 btw

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Thank you pappy for bundling everything into one rar. It makes it so much easier to use smile_o.gif

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Thank you pappy for bundling everything into one rar. It makes it so much easier to use smile_o.gif

no prob

just make sure u use the balck barron corevette and not the one i put in there. my mistake puttin gin my pimped out one

oh and if i left the rpg in there (which i dont think i did) its a kamikaze watermelon launcher  biggrin_o.gif  which is rather comical watching resistance soldier kill vehicals with a watermelon  smile_o.gif  but if u want realizium use the one in the config.rar wink_o.gif

bout the T55 probem. its probable becuz you dont have the latest release or didnt put all the of needed pbos in.

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OFP: Y2K3 (No eXploding Bodies)

updated. Russian soldiers use the S&R rpg16

oh and itty bitty problem i noted was i used the M1A1 model instead of the M1A2. fixed that as well  smile_o.gif


5.0 coming soon. with AH64 replaced by helifreaks (hopefuly). and UH60 FFAR replaced with the oldie but goodie, TJP 'MH60DAP' that way we have a decent retextures UH60

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I getting a 'OFPY2K3.BIN/CfgWeapons.RPG29Launcher' error now, and the kegrpg7.pbo that came with the config is installed. Can somebody help me?

Quote[/b] ]updated. Russian soldiers use the S&R rpg16

S&R rpg16?  rock.gif

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rpg29 is a thrid party addon. means whoever made that screwed up thier addon and its giving you an error

S&R RPG16 = Suchy and Earl RPG16 from their russian pack

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Hey I just started playing the old Cold War Crisis campaign again.... I have a little problem though.  Everytime I try to load a saved game, it crashes to desktop.  I have experienced this problem before, I think it is because ECP has so many scripts running all at once, that OFP can't keep up with everything when you saved.  I think that BIS was informed of this problem, but it probably won't be resolved anytime soon, because they would probably have to create a patch that would completely overhaul the way that OFP saves games....

Also I have another cool update that makes OFP more modern...  a couple of months ago, I downloaded new Everon, and Kulgujev islands that have all the old low resolution vegitation replaced with the new Resistance style vegitation.  It makes a world of difference in the way these islands look.  However the guy who did the conversion didn't do a very good job.  He added a ton of new vegitation and some new buildings that really screwed up some of the original missions.  The worst problem was on Everon were the runway was blocked by tall trees, making takeoffs/landings very dangerous.  Also there were trees in all the clearings that forced the AI chopper pilots to land several km from their landing zones.  However I went in with WRPTool and removed all these problems, and know I am playing with the new updated Everon and Kulgujev.  I would send these updated islands to you, but Everon alone is 7 megs.  Way too big for me to E-mail, although I might be able to compress it.  Let me know if your interested.  All you do is replace the eden.wrp and cain.wrp files in the OFP/worlds folder with the updated files that you download

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However the guy who did the conversion didn't do a very good job.  He added a ton of new vegitation and some new buildings that really screwed up some of the original missions.  The worst problem was on Everon were the runway was blocked by tall trees, making takeoffs/landings very dangerous.  Also there were trees in all the clearings that forced the AI chopper pilots to land several km from their landing zones.  

So that's why I had to chase a Blackhawk about 2 miles to get extracted from one mission! I would love to get my hands on that "fixed" high-res Everon somehow.

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@unhappy customer

To solve problem with saves you have to somehow turn off most of ECP effect. I clear all the .sqs files(delete all text in them, leave only blank file)  from ecpeffects pbo and it works for me. About island... I woud like to download it, but i have no idea how, i dont have ftp serwer....

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Hey there,

I recently installed Y2K3, but i cant get it to work completely;

The sounds and explosions work, as do the replacement addons like the bmp2 and the frogfoot. What i havent been able to do is replacing the other addons: the De/Ra's, the blackhawks, the HYK's etc. Where do these addons go in order to get them activated? So far i've tried the ECP addons folder and the RES addons folder, both to no avail.

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Hey there,

I recently installed YK3, but i cant get it to work completely;

The sounds and explosions work, as do the replacement addons like the bmp2 and the frogfoot. What i havent been able to do is replacing the other addons: the De/Ra's, the blackhawks, the HYK's etc. Where do these addons go in order to get them activated? So far i've tried the ECP addons folder and the RES addons folder, both to no avail.

well i personaly have my own mod folder for . my own mod heh





you could try this mabe?

on the subject of updates:

UH60 with rockets replaced by TJP retextured one (black)


drumroll please~!


AH64 changed to AH64D Longbow with helifreaks AH64 textures!!! (note: map function doesnt work)

helifreaks AH64 included, edited to use BAS soar pilots and renamed in editor. (included in the rar with the config)

Editor names:

AH-64D Longbow


the longbow one is the 'default' Apache

Redownload the following:

Replacment Pbos


OFP: Y2K3 (No eXploding Bodies)

current version 4.0 no more updates until rudedogs bradly release. after which point this mod will go strictly trouble shooting (no more updates)

Download ready in 20 minutes for all files smile_o.gif

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Pappy, why dont you use ORCS Airborne as defaul Russians soldiers? They are definilty better than Suech ones. Another idea, how about change american crew, with BAS SOAR crew?

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downloaded the whole pack and saw that i still missed some bin and DTA thingies; its solved now-> fresh new russians in the intro! thanks for Y2K3!

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Pappy, why dont you use ORCS Airborne as defaul Russians soldiers? They are definilty better than Suech ones. Another idea, how about change american crew, with BAS SOAR crew?

VDV aren't regular grunts, so I reckon it's a bad idea to replace Sucheys N.I. units with these.

I would however like to see more of the BIS weapons replaced by the ones from the MAP pack (like the XMS etc...)

I would also like to se the handguns replaced. May I suggest SJB's handguns. He has the Colts (I prefer his Colt from the EC onealready included.) and beretta's in seperate pbo's, so that you don't have to DL a whole pack to replace these. The glocks could be temporarily replaced by his USP's, until he releases his Glocks.

Unfortunately there aren't any good handguns for the Russians that I know of.

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To be fair, since when are Naval infantry "grunts"?

Suchey's are basically russian marines.


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Nobody has made regular Russian army. I say VDV because they look more... regular?

Maybe keep NI in with MARPAT Marines under Marines in Men, or just exclude them altogether.

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xms: frack i forgot to include that in the pack too. sorry. yea tis replaced by INQ's M4 ill update the replacmentpbo file in a few

handguns: are untouchable. even if i could you would need to downlaod the entire o.pbo. 1gb. you 56kers will kill me

the colt 45 in this is based on sjb, 45 but improved by WWIIEC's fab.

@ the russians. im thinking about using RHS' units when thier released. i used the rni for several reasons

1) to reduce the number of addons needed

2) they were the best out of all the options currently availble

3) try the campain. do you have any idea how hard it is to spot these feckers agasint a green background (ie: bis 'grass')? makes it challenging.

Edit: replacementpbo.rar @ 9mb is uploading now with the xms changed to inq M4

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