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Nogovan Armed Forces Project

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Progress made scripting the MiG's by sole


Added were:

- Centerline Fuel tank

- New Afterburner

- New muzzle flash


Added were:

- New Afterburner

- Some model refinements

Finally, just because it looked so pretty:


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Yup the models are becoming real works of art.

We had great models too begin with biggrin_o.gif Kudo's to FDF mod for a great MiG-21 and footmunch for his great MiG-23/27smile_o.gif

1. armáda, vojsko

Apparently both of them mean army in czech. Which one would an army use on its vehicles however? smile_o.gif Hope someone can help.

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How about we make up our own language?

Armija Nogowa.

Armey Nogova

Bataljion Maldeny

1a Kompanje, Nogowa Lishtroyfles

et cetera...

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How about we make up our own language?

Armija Nogowa.

Armey Nogova

Bataljion Maldeny

1a Kompanje, Nogowa Lishtroyfles

et cetera...

English it is! wink_o.gif

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yeah supah I agree with u english..they spoke english in the original resistance campaign why change it..  biggrin_o.gif

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I believe the "A" in CSLA stands for "Armada".

So that's probably the one you'd want to go with if you are going to pick between those two.

CSLA is the Czech army btw for those that didn't know the acronym.

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CSLA (CSLA) = Ceskoslovenská lidová armáda (Czechoslovakian peoples army)

One thing: Why do you think, that new Nogova government would choose western equipment? They would use what they already have (former eqip and captured) and then they would go for the best price. On the other hand they would not want to make another dependancy, even on US or UK. So most probably they would choose some different weapons (sweden, swiss, france...). This is common for countries which succeeded to change their regime and which a strong enough not to depend on superpowers.

Like now, Czechs refused to buy old used F-16 (althought they were under pressure of US gov) and decided to buy nice brand new Grippens for the same price. Thanks to Sweden ;).

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CSLA (CSLA) = Ceskoslovenská lidová armáda (Czechoslovakian peoples army)

One thing: Why do you think, that new Nogova government would choose western equipment? They would use what they already have (former eqip and captured) and then they would go for the best price. On the other hand they would not want to make another dependancy, even on US or UK. So most probably they would choose some different weapons (sweden, swiss, france...). This is common for countries which succeeded to change their regime and which a strong enough not to depend on superpowers.

Like now, Czechs refused to buy old used F-16 (althought they were under pressure of US gov) and decided to buy nice brand new Grippens for the same price. Thanks to Sweden ;).

Old armor and old ground support vehicles (like the afformentioned jeeps, trucks, light armor) can often be cheap to buy from the US. They sell not-working trucks on a government auction site for $35. Yes, thats right, non-working 5 ton trucks for $35.

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Czech island name, Czech town names, Czech names, Czech accents, Czech cars, Czech assault rifles...yep, that's English alright. :rolleyes:

Of course, do you remember that Everon and Malden have French town names? rock.gif  wink_o.gif

Everyone on the islands should know English and Czech, and the Everonians and Maldenians should also speak French. smile_o.gif

And I support Bobby's idea!

BTW that should be easy, I'm 17 and speak 4 languages.

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Yes, that's good remark, Gollum1, about french names on OFP islands... can this show contacts with France? What about adopt Mirages for modern NAF (Nogova air force)?

Concerning trucks - Jirkus made Czech light truck Avia - which is made in licence with France.....:) may be would be good to make it in cammo version....

Personally, I am against US or UK influence on Nogova, there are too many of pawehawks, blackhawks, ******hawks, hummers, abramses.... This is for US/UK army mods. Let's make addon of independent neutral small country. This is not rule, that small country must be dependant on big uncles. Think, if you break one collar, why to put your neck into another one (even into gold one)...?

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Like now, Czechs refused to buy old used F-16 (althought they were under pressure of US gov) and decided to buy nice brand new Grippens for the same price. Thanks to Sweden ;).

Thanks to the UK wink_o.gif

( BAE Systems are in charge of marketing the Gripen )

Would have been cool if the CzAF had gone for the Tornado smile_o.gif They were offered ex-AMI Tornados.

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CSLA (CSLA) = Ceskoslovenská lidová armáda (Czechoslovakian peoples army)

Thanks bobby smile_o.gif I wanted it to look real ... important to get stuff like that right smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Czech island name, Czech town names, Czech names, Czech accents, Czech cars, Czech assault rifles...yep, that's English alright. :rolleyes:

Of course, do you remember that Everon and Malden have French town names?

Everyone on the islands should know English and Czech, and the Everonians and Maldenians should also speak French.

And I support Bobby's idea!

BTW that should be easy, I'm 17 and speak 4 languages.

Dont worry that remark was just a joke with hellfish6. All though for playabillity sake i think certain things are still best kept in english. Once we have every thing done i will be glad to help if some one wants to translate it all to czech, french, german or swahilli though smile_o.gif

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Please note that big C in beggining of

*C*SLA (CSLA) = *C*eskoslovenská lidová armáda (Czechoslovakian peoples army)

Marked with **, has chevron above it:  Č

Use some CE font....

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Please note that big C in beggining of

*C*SLA (CSLA) = *C*eskoslovenská lidová armáda (Czechoslovakian peoples army)

Marked with **, has chevron above it:  Č

Use some CE font....

Or just skip the chevron, i doubt they use it in stencilling on Aircraft and vehicles.

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The G3 is german, thats a pretty third party piece of equipment, the G36 and Variants might be a nice touch for the SFs.

The Backfire and Blinder are strategic bombers, countries like france can't afford to maintain this class of aircraft what chance would Nogova have.

Supah has there been any discussion of artillery and cavalry?

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The G3 is german, thats a pretty third party piece of equipment, the G36 and Variants might be a nice touch for the SFs.

The Backfire and Blinder are strategic bombers, countries like france can't afford to maintain this class of aircraft what chance would Nogova have.

Supah has there been any discussion of artillery and cavalry?

Artillery: Older non self propelled equipment, russian produced.

Cavalry: Not much discussion, when we will it wont be in public as this section tends to draw out the "my equipment is better then yours" arguments pretty quick. If you use MSN feel free to add me ( [email protected] )

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The Backfire and Blinder are strategic bombers, countries like france can't afford to maintain this class of aircraft what chance would Nogova have.

Heh. I agree. DOn't give it things like that. Even the current discussion will make Nogova a real military superpower for such a tiny Island (group). But the game has to be fun too ;)

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supa how about a token tu-22m  

That wouldn't be very realistic at all, I mean Russia isn't even willing to sell any of those to China smile_o.gif.

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