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Flashpoint2.com updated?

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And you might as well call New York the City of Snow, since...it does snow both there and in Stockholm in the winter. rock.gif  tounge_o.gif

I always regarded NY as the city of slush.

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hmm, i have a feeling it would be a bad move to do a war on terror style game, especially if able to play the OPFOR, it will get shunned and uptight politicians will whinge and everything will get a bit sticky.

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Quote[/b] ]hmm, i have a feeling it would be a bad move to do a war on terror style game, especially if able to play the OPFOR, it will get shunned and uptight politicians will whinge and everything will get a bit sticky.

Well, perhaps a mod where you can play as the OPFOR. I will leave my political tendencies behind to enjoy a fun game of blowing American Humvees through the air like corks out of champagne bottles biggrin_o.gifunclesam.gifblues.gif .

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You can watch the telly if you wan't 'WoT'.

It's the same as reality shows, Jeesus! I hate them, I truly hate them. Call me a recluse without the will to change, but that's all you see nowadays. What happened to the old fashioned 100% fabricated series?! On to topic... Well same goes. We might be looking at a game where the gun will shoot for the person holding the gun, electronics decide what will be shot, aid you to shoot the helpless person, fighting honorably for his country, from 500m in the dark night with perfect clarity. Disgusting.

The only thing that tastes like war is when you yourself have a part to say in it. You have a simple ironsight, co behind you screaming orders when some hundred enemy soldiers creep towards you. F**k I'd take on any US spec op with a ukkopekka and mow them down. All I need to do is to be freaking friends with Scotty so he can beam me behind the guy.

Old fashioned warfare is what I wan't to see, it's a way to shed light and educate... Oh and you can go to your nations defence forces/army to play with the modern stuff, if your lucky. No need to make a game out of it.

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What would you guys think of something like 5 different small campaigns?

One campaign would be a Russian invasion of Norway, with you participating in a battle in the arctic, another one in a small Norweigan town, and another one in a fjord.

Next campaign could be a Pakistani-Indian battle in Kashmir. One battle would be a tank action on a himalayam plain, another a guerilla hunt in the mountains, the third a trench-warfare type battle.

And so on

In each campaign, you'd only need a handful of units.

I like this idea because it provides a skeleton for modding. So in the Norweigan campaign, we'll get maybe 5 different Norweigan soldier models, all the basic Norweigan small arms, maybe a Leopard 1 in Norweigan markings and a Norweigan UH-1. You'd also get a couple of Russian winter soldiers, a winterized BMP-2, a winterized T-80U, maybe Russian naval infantry models, etc. Addon makers can later go into all other kinds of detail, but from the start you'd have a way to fight in an exotic location with relatively authentic vehicles and weapons. We wouldn't have to wait a year or two for the modding tools to be released before we got a quality map that is unique. We'd have a winter map, we'd have an island map, we'd have a desert map, we'd have a mountain map, a city map, etc. And since it's OFP, they'd all probably be really really big maps too.

Essentially, you'd get a survey of places and countries built onto a detailed combat simulation. Addon makers and mission makers can create the detail later on.

I had this idea while reading a book about a hypothetical NATO-Pact war that focused on everywhere but central Europe. So one chapter would be the war in Thrace and I thought it would be fun to fight in Greece among the limestone hills and whitewashed villages. The next chapter would be in Norway, and I thought it would be fun to fight in the alpine tundra, fjords and seaside villages.

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That would be more interesting, they would have to be scenerios in which there is some balance. I'd still prefer the cold war though. But I'll wait and see, I just hope it is not a situation where we have to listen to Geo Bush speaches and fight under armed guerillas.

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i like hellfish's idea, and i hope something similar to that will be implemented. i also hope this does not turn into a war on terror type game, although i DO hope it will have modern units as opposed to the vietnam era. the whole war on terror is so real and devastating, and the fact that it is still occuring would make it weird to play a game based on it, especially if able to play as the opfor.

i think what made the original flashpoint great is that it was a "what-if" scenario. while based on the cold war, there was never an actual war that broke out between the USSR and the USA, and i think that is why nobody has a problem playing the game. however, when games start becoming real current events that involve real casualties on both sides, i think it gets hard to play them without thinking of the real people who are losing lives. i much rather prefer the "what if" scenarios. besides, it lets you come up with your own story biggrin_o.gif

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I totally agree with you, NavyEEL !

I also like the idea of exotic places, that would be very interesting, while in OFP the islands are quite similar to each other

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Even with modern weapons, a fight with North Korea would still be devastating.  The koreas have decent weapontry and are less afraid of death than the Americans.  The soldiers are trained and can deal heavy casualties if a war broke out.  Sure more North Koreans be absolutely slaughtered but their ability to effectively swarm a position as shown in the earlier war cause extreme pain.  If you like mechanized infrantry attacks, North Korea seems to be spending tons of money into many military sectors.

Special Ops talk about the deadlyness of being surrounded.  How about when your enemies can actually shoot and have artillery support wow_o.gif

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Even with modern weapons, a fight with North Korea would still be devastating.  The koreas have decent weapontry and are less afraid of death than the Americans.  The soldiers are trained and can deal heavy casualties if a war broke out.  Sure more North Koreans be absolutely slaughtered but their ability to effectively swarm a position as shown in the earlier war cause extreme pain.  If you like mechanized infrantry attacks, North Korea seems to be spending tons of money into many military sectors.

Special Ops talk about the deadlyness of being surrounded.  How about when your enemies can actually shoot and have artillery support wow_o.gif

They don't have decent weaponry. They don't even have many BMP-1s. They have a handful of T-72s, but most of their tanks are still T-62s and T-55s. I think they have 12 MiG-29s, with the rest of their air force composed of MiG-19s, MiG-21s and some MiG-23s. North Korea doesn't have tons of money to spend on feeding their people, let alone buying the newest and greatest weaponry. Hell, did you know that the US spends more money on providing food and medical support to North Korea than any other country in Asia?

The problem with the North Koreans is that there are so many of them (one million sitting right on the DMZ plus about three million more reservists), they are very fanatical (having been effectively brainwashed their whole lives to believe that the US soldier eat Korean children and uses the South for slaves, etc.) and they have lots and lots of artillery. Lots of it. With many millions of rounds of ammunition.

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Quote[/b] ]The problem with the North Koreans is that there are so many of them (one million sitting right on the DMZ plus about three million more reservists), they are very fanatical (having been effectively brainwashed their whole lives to believe that the US soldier eat Korean children and uses the South for slaves, etc.) and they have lots and lots of artillery. Lots of it. With many millions of rounds of ammunition.

And there's no way to take out that artillery without some/a lot of it being fired first (And civilians getting slaughtered by the shelling).

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sad_o.gif whoops, sorry.  I suck. crazy_o.gif

Looks like you guys know more than I do.  I kinda formed my opinions from a National Geographic article on the DMZ (but I thought I saw a picture of a parade). Edit: Doh! it was China sad_o.gif

ghostface.gif I shall procede to eat my humble pie along with the tin that comes with it.

Edit2:: thinking back I should eat the oven too wow_o.gif

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I don't remember any brainwashing effects written in the article. I have it on my desk, but I don't remember anything on the North Koreans being brainwashed.

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Reading the article, it seemed the brainwashing is half-way.

North Koreans show a little pride in their country but most of thier bias comes from their dislike of being called evil themselves.

I think the worst problem is that they trust democratic countries 0% of the time.

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umm...did I miss something? For 20 mins now I've been reading a bit here, and all I see is people talking about ofp2 won't be nam because they've seen a picture "from" OFP2 which was of a ranger, or that they read something at flashpoint2.com saying that OFP2 will have all the newest weapons etc...last I heard OFP2 will have 3 theatres or what they called it.. tounge_o.gif and the main one would be nam...so, that means that there still are 2 theatres which can be about anything...so...am I wrong, or are there ANY proof at all that OFP2 won't be nam?


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My bet is that there will still be three individual theatres of operations. Note that on the TV set there are three empty channels. Perhaps these are to be based like channel one, as a news broadcast, with each of the empty channels devoted to a theatre. rock.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Maybe they threw in Independence Lost in.

"Delayed until after OFP2", remember? But maybe they changed their minds...

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I think to simulate the CWC feeling you should have a "what if" scenario. If Communist russia had survived then invaded in 1995 for some reason

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or what about what if isreal had joined in the gulf war?

apparently they were gonna do something that I cant remember if they were hit by scuds, I think it had smething to do with them nearl;y starting WW3 between the west and all of the middle east crazy_o.gif

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or what about what if isreal had joined in the gulf war?

apparently they were gonna do something that I cant remember if they were hit by scuds, I think it had smething to do with them nearl;y starting WW3 between the west and all of the middle east  crazy_o.gif

Naughty boy! You haven't been taking your ginkogin supplents lately.

Had Israel joined the 1991 Gulf War, the Arab members of the coalition would have withdrawn their support.

Israel threatened to respond should the scuds turn out to be non-coventional. None of them were.

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