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Political correctness gone absolute bonkers

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I remember those being called 'negerinnentetten' over here in dialect. biggrin_o.gif

(negro breasts)

Mainly older people called them that,this generation calls them melocakes or whatever the product name is. smile_o.gif

Political correctness is fun tounge_o.gif

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does anyone remember the thread from A&M:D ´bout Berlin 1945 Mod´s  "Neger" Midget Sub ?

originally it was a thread about some nice submarine..until someone (might´ve been a german) came up with the idea of the name Neger being inappropriate for this addon.

i think the discussion was left uncleared...but i have still the opinion that words which my grandma´s still use (w/o any bad thought in mind) cannot be that inappropriate at all.

imo these words are just the loosers of our vocabulars evolution.

hard to describe...probably it´s similar to the style that Shakespeare wrote, i mean even the days of these nice and charming words are over sometime.  another example would be rarely spoken dialects that vanish more and more  sad_o.gif

edit: to stay with the political correctness topic...what´s your favourite worst pc-word ?

mine is surely "Friendly Fire" ..

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Quote[/b] ]The term "brainstorming" has become the latest target of political correctness, according to a charity.

Trainee teachers are being told to avoid the word for fear of offending pupils with epilepsy. Instead they are being advised to use "word storm" or "thought shower".

If that isnt the dumbest POS I ever heard. mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Why does this not suprise me? Haha... Thats one thing some Americans are good at coming up with, stupid lawsuits ; )

Did all Americans come up with this? No, it was ONE (probably very lonely and socially outcast) American that did this.

The UK has a similarly hideous, if not worse, track record when it comes to PC decisions. rock.gif

Need I say "Ba baa baa" or "blackboard"? rock.gif

such as..?

Another one I heard recently, whilst talking to some RAF technicians I said "Fly-By-Wire" (talking about the new Eurofailiure... err.. I mean fighter) and apparently, thats not PC either... it has to be called "Computer controlled"...

C'mon people, lets have a bit of common sense here... wtf is the world coming to??

("words" like wtf and n00b will probably be made non-PC in the next few years too...)

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Why does this not suprise me? Haha... Thats one thing some Americans are good at coming up with, stupid lawsuits ; )

Did all Americans come up with this? No, it was ONE (probably very lonely and socially outcast) American that did this.

The UK has a similarly hideous, if not worse, track record when it comes to PC decisions. rock.gif

Need I say "Ba baa baa" or "blackboard"? rock.gif

such as..?

Blackboard must now be chalkboard, and it has to be "baa baa shee-eep" because it might offend black people. Stupid, huh?

I love the way they change the 'blackboard' name and yet leave the 'whiteboard', can anyone say double-standards?

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I once played the bass guitar in a punk band called Retarded Elephant and used to wear one of our T-shirts in public, and I was never ever accused to being un-PC, which amazed me. However, I wrote a song for my new band that had a line that was something like "I'm feeling so black again" and I was accused of being a filthy pinko-commie racist.

Ooh, and you can't say "single mothers" in the UK nowadays, as that implies that they live a single's lifestyle, so now you have to call them "lone parents."

Is it just me that's got the theme tune from The Long Ranger in mind now?

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Is it just me that's got the theme tune from The Long Ranger in mind now?

nope..never heard that, my head plays Bonanza theme instead smile_o.gif

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Is it just me that's got the theme tune from The Long Ranger in mind now?

nope..never heard that

That would be the William Tell Overture.

Hi ho, Silver, and away! blues.gif

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While it's more a question of me not knowing where to post this, I'm sure that there are several politically incorrect things in this flash cartoon and it's too good not to post. smile_o.gif

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I love the way they change the 'blackboard' name and yet leave the 'whiteboard', can anyone say double-standards?

Yeah I don't know man, seems like blackboard and whiteboard would be something to take as a positive, not negative... I mean, research and education isn't bad is it, and that's what's associated with those boards. rock.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Don't laugh. Next will be "male" and "female" sockets...

Good god your are right! crazy_o.gif

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Don't laugh. Next will be "male" and "female" sockets...

Good god your are right! crazy_o.gif

That would prolly be sexist or something. tounge_o.gif

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Political correctness blows. In Finland there was some ruckus about dividers made of concrete (for traffic) that we call "Concrete Pigs" and some artist had the idea of making them actually look like pigs. Well no-go, the muslim inva.. err.. immigrants complained and said it was offensive to their religion. Pretty lame if you ask me. Still not as bad as in sweden where you get supsected of being a racist neo-nazi if you have a swedish flag in your room.

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Why does this not suprise me? Haha... Thats one thing some Americans are good at coming up with, stupid lawsuits ; )

Did all Americans come up with this? No, it was ONE (probably very lonely and socially outcast) American that did this.

The UK has a similarly hideous, if not worse, track record when it comes to PC decisions. rock.gif

Need I say "Ba baa baa" or "blackboard"? rock.gif

such as..?

Blackboard must now be chalkboard, and it has to be "baa baa shee-eep" because it might offend black people. Stupid, huh?

Which is my point. Because of a handful of stupid, lonely, deprived and lifeless people, we should not have the same bad picture of the whole country and its people

And let's not forget the good old argument a few years back when all this really started geting shoved in peoples' faces: "you cannot call Britain GREAT britian becuase it refers to the colonies, and the slavery. Calling it GREAT britain may offend someone..somewhere"

That was when this stuff started getting overly stupid.

I mean, there's people writing into TV shows if they don't have at least one person of an ethnic minority on it. (Notice how there is at least one person from such a background in every program?) Like it's discriminatory if there is no black/asian people on a program?

But it's getting funny in many ways, as they now choose people to be in shows becuase they fill this requirement, which means they are being treated diferently becuase of thier ethnicity..  and the act of discrimination is being treated diferently (in this case) by the tone of your skin. So I guess that's a backfire..  biggrin_o.gif

Hohum.. feel free to ignore me and my ignorant ramblings.Anyway, I'll probably be labelled a Racist now, becuase I call my country Great Britain and I find it funny that people are in denial about how stupid the situation is, and instead of treating everyone normally we go out of our way to treat them specially, which is just as bad as people being treated badly in the first place.. Jesus the world is a mess.

And then they'll get bored of this stuff and move on to the next minority group to defend.. I'll guess that Greig will have to rename his classical music song: March of the Drawfs. He won't be happy.  tounge_o.gif

Oh, notice how no one can argue with these people without looking like racists? It's a very clever way of being 'right' I think.

And this may be false, but I think I heard that somewhere up north they made ice cream vans cary deep fat friers so they could cook a special ice-cream equivilant of an ethnic minority becuase they thought they were being discriminated against by not being able to have them while other's had thier ice cream... or something like that.

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I hereby ban the phrase "Turn on the TV will you" as it might constituted being turned on by the TV. Or any other apparatus. I also ban the words "black" and "white" I also ban hammers, nails, stones and drills. As they may imply that someone has been taking drugs or having sex wich we certainly can't have!

Also that flash comic was not funny at all, we have to make everything politically correct then we can laugh. But we have to do it the same way or else someone might feel left out.

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Anybody heard of this one?...

An MP (who had an Arabic name) proposed to add a black cross to the Union Jack a while ago to "reflect the ethnic diversity of today's Britain" rock.gif

Consigliere hails a cab

While you're at it, Mr.MP, why don't you add a crescent to the Union Jack, or remove the crosses altogether and replace them with a few circles, or perhaps squares, yeah I don't think squares or circles could be considered politically incorrect. I mean I'm sure there are some Muslims in the country who must be enfuriated by this. It's outrageous that the flag doesn't reflect their culture and religion.* rock.gif

* Note that the above paragraph is to be read in a sarcastic tone of voice.**

** Note that the above note was added so as not to offend anyone who could be offended.***

***Note that it would be considered politically incorrect to omit these notes.

This is ridiculous... biggrin_o.gif

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While it's more a question of me not knowing where to post this, I'm sure that there are several politically incorrect things in this flash cartoon and it's too good not to post.  smile_o.gif

Great! Sums it all up!!! biggrin_o.gif

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Just another example of how stupid the PC movement can be...

And yes, I find it funny that they want to change the names from master and slave to primary and secondary (which is already used for IDE channels)...a solution obviously propsed by someone who knows nothing about IT... rock.gif

How about billiards? Is that racist - I mean, you DO have a white ball controlling all the coloured balls...the evil cue ball takes out all the coloured balls, one by one, until he final gets a chance to destroy his ultimate enemy...the black ball! Oh, the humanity! tounge_o.gif

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The term "white" board offends me.

I'm filing suit!

And I'm filing a suit against you until you change your name to Pigmentation-Enhanced Canine! crazy_o.gifrock.gifwink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Remember the flap over the school administrator who was browbeaten into apologising for using the word "niggardly".

No spine enough to say, "Bugger off, they're two different words"

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How about billiards? Is that racist - I mean, you DO have a white ball controlling all the coloured balls...the evil cue ball takes out all the coloured balls, one by one, until he final gets a chance to destroy his ultimate enemy...the black ball! Oh, the humanity!  tounge_o.gif

Hahaha! biggrin_o.gif That just brightened up my crappy day! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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How about billiards? Is that racist - I mean, you DO have a white ball controlling all the coloured balls...the evil cue ball takes out all the coloured balls, one by one, until he final gets a chance to destroy his ultimate enemy...the black ball! Oh, the humanity!  tounge_o.gif

Hahaha! biggrin_o.gif That just brightened up my crappy day! biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

My favorite is bowling: you got that big black ball, and all those white pins with red necks... tounge_o.gif

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@ Nov. 28 2003,05:15)]
How about billiards? Is that racist - I mean, you DO have a white ball controlling all the coloured balls...the evil cue ball takes out all the coloured balls, one by one, until he final gets a chance to destroy his ultimate enemy...the black ball! Oh, the humanity!  tounge_o.gif

Hahaha! biggrin_o.gif That just brightened up my crappy day! biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

My favorite is bowling: you got that big black ball, and all those white pins with red necks...  tounge_o.gif

OMG biggrin_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gifunclesam.gif

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Today my pyschology teacher said White board and brainstorm.. and there was a BIG fuss made about it.

I'm sick of this to be honest...

Oh, that cartoon thing is really cool. but the ending is kinda depressing. biggrin_o.gif

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