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Bas tonal-tango pack

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Quote[/b] ]if they were, pls dont  make them respawn, i believe respawning is only good  for coop missions

What's wrong with respawning, combined with a body deletion script it can make for very realistic battles without the lag problems caused by having 150 soldiers hanging around in a city. I think that the fourth mission had about 20 real soldiers, and the rest were just respawns. As long as the respawning cuts out after a certain number of respawns, it's perfect for city missions.

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I'm having a "Cannnot Memory Map BAS_O.pbo" Problem..

I don't think that i have a mahor Problem with nolt enough Ram

But If need be i may to Create a mod folder -_-...

Well any Advice how to Fix my Problem... Cause i really want to use this.

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I have a problem

It just wont add the new weapons RPD, SKS, M79 etc. but i have the "old" weapons, such as the RPG-7, M136 etc. I dunno why, the JAM_Magazines and JAM_Sound pbo files are in the addons folder, tried to unpack it, the weapons are in config, but it just doesnt add them, I dunno why...

I tried moving it the Res\addons folder, and the FDF mod folder, it just wont add the weapons

Also tried moving the two files, then run ofp, then shut down, put the files pack in the addons folder, and then run ofp again... But no luck

Anyone else have this problem?

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Excellent island, congratulations to Bas team.

It lags a bit more than nogova for me but its a quality addon.

I´m playing the campaign and in the third mission when i blow up with satchel charges the ammo depots the objective is not completed.

How do i have to blow´em to complete the mission??

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well...after 8 hours I had it almost all the way downloaded from the BAS site last night (108 of 115mb)...when I got kicked off.

Why in gods name such a large download in one package?

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What? where are these? I don't have time to search like I used to!  And I can't find nothin in the mission editor in CJ29.  Is it there? or in the campaign?rock.gif  wow_o.gif  unclesam.gif

Typo wink_o.gif . Try CJ21 for the hidden complex. Look for a fuel station, some walls, and a concrete-type texture in the editor, It should be there.

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Mirror (Auto-Addon)

For you Auto-Addon server guys I made a ready to use addon package. I'm probably not going to mirror this file for more than a week so download it soon. Since Auto-Addon only works with Zip files (for now) it's larger than the original Rar.

BAS tonal-tango Auto-Addon pack (Server located in Stockholm northern Europe)

The auto-addon.txt scripts installation of the addons (makes them required) and extracts all the other files.

For the technically interested, I renamed the ResAddons folder to Res/Addons. The auto-addon.txt looks like:


package "BAS Tonal V1.0 & OFPFOR V1.0"

infourl "http://www.ballistic-studios.com"

extractpath Res/AddOns/BAS_Isle_Anim/*

installpath Res/*

extractpath Campaigns/*

extractpath Missions/*

extractpath MPMissions/*

extract * Res/AddOns/


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Why in gods name such a large download in one package?

Why don't you use a download manager, so you can resume the download? rock.gif

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somebody get this on Bit Torrent! It will save a ton of server bandwith and will make the downloading go much much faster!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm having a "Cannnot Memory Map BAS_O.pbo" Problem..

I don't think that i have a mahor Problem with nolt enough Ram

But If need be i may to Create a mod folder -_-...

Well any Advice how to Fix my Problem... Cause i really want to use this.

i had the same problem too , you have to download the 1.92 patch and run ofp under 1.92. Now the wonderful island works

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Why in gods name such a large download in one package?

Why don't you use a download manager, so you can resume the download?  rock.gif

I did use a download manager,...but the BAS site wont let me get back on to resume downloading.

If I go to another mirror, it starts over again at 0 kb.

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well the bas site is down.. so ull have to go and use a mirrir or wait till the site is back up

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just took some time out of playing to say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you BAS!

got Madden 2004 this week and then this comes out.. think ill play this campaign a little more.. O and nagual im on to you about who the skout is and where hes from.. hehe you didnt do that second insurgency video for nothing *hint* *hint*

and I guess hes just paving the way for the rest of his friends provided by the united states army... :-)

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EDC, that reminds me of one of the single player missions: there is a billboard sign in the background, that was rocking back and forth. I eventually worked out it was from stray gunfire hitting it  tounge_o.gif

No, its not like that... Its kinda hard to explain, the parts of the bush starts jumping all over the place(this only happens in first person), up, down, and along the ground(lol, that rhymes). I got a Radeo 9000 w/ Catalyst 3.7 drivers(not overclocked)

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Any ideas on what might keep OFP from loading? I installed the PBOs into the correct place, OFP loads but when it gets to the menu screen... no options, and a green sky with some terrain visible. If i remove the PBOs, OFP starts fine. Im lost..........

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Excellent work, BAS!

I found some quirks/bugs in the config.cpp of bas_opcpp.pbo. In time, I'll check the bug report page if these are known bugs, but at the moment the whole BAS homepage is, unsurprisingly overloaded.


<ul>[*] In units[], there's a missing comma sign between "BAS_RebelMedic" and "BAS_GovernmentOfficerHD".

[*] units[] has only the soldiers and not the vehicles listed.

[*] requiredAddons[] needs fillings, as benu noted before.

[*] BAS_ZU23 uses the old "irScanRange" property in stead of the new irScanRangeMin and irScanRangeMax

Units list

Some ways down the huge list of units listed in the units[] property of class BAS_OPFOR we find:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


which has a missing comma sign and should read

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


Also, that list lacks all the vehicles the addon has. I suppose they should be listed there, so my suggestion is to add

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



"BAS_AUral", "BAS_AUral2", "BAS_GUral", "BAS_KLR",


"BAS_RebelBRDMPK", "BAS_GovBMP", "BAS_RebelBMP",

"BAS_AT55", "BAS_GT55", "BAS_GZSU", "BAS_GMI24",

"BAS_GMI8", "BAS_ACessna182", "BAS_GSU25", "BAS_DShK",


"BAS_ZU23", "BAS_AZU23", "BAS_GZU23"

to the units[] property.

Improper requiredAddons declaration

Seems a lot of addon makers have problems getting this one right. As indicated by earlier posts in this thread by benu and others, it leads to either strange "missing addons" messages and/or non-working linux servers. This is something that addon makers really have got to start getting right from the onset.

Anyways, from looking at the config, the following should suffice to make bas_ofpcpp.pbo correct in that regard:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


requiredAddons[]={BIS_resistance, BRDM, JAM_Magazines, Su25};

Note that requiredAddons, as I recall it, is a feature that came with 1.85.

Use of the CWC, pre-resistance irScanRange property

Starting with resistance, the irScanRange property looks to have been replaced with the two properties irScanRangeMax and irScanRangeMin. Looking at the config, again, I see that the BAS_GBRDM uses the new properties, whereas the BAS_ZU23 has the old one. You might want to change the config of the latter. Of course the old property still seems to work, but use of the newer ones in all BIS units might just be due to optimizations done in Resistance.

Again, thanks for another great set of addons and missions!  biggrin_o.gif

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Played it for a couple of minutes campaign an editor.I must say I was disapointed in some things which I will keep to myself,But Im thankfull for what all you BAS guys have done.Super work. biggrin_o.gif

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Mirror (Auto-Addon)

I added it to my Auto-Addon Server while on it.

OFP Watch people (version 0.95+) can install all files directly. Just monitor the address: certa.dyndns.org:4300 and your Manager button should start flashing. Click it and install.

There is no OFP game server on this address, just an addon server for installation.

I'll try to leave the server up for a week at least.

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Played it for a couple of minutes campaign an editor.I must say I was disapointed in some things which I will keep to myself,But Im thankfull for what all you BAS guys have done.Super work. biggrin_o.gif

No, please don't hold back. I need to hear the complaints more than anything else. AS long as it's not mission related or is a bug thats been mentioned.

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Are you serious?

Dead serious. Go ahead and let it rip. The only way to make it better in the future is to hear complaints. There are a million things that need improvement as far as the opfor go, I know that, and plan on fixing them as time goes by. They were made quickly to fit a opfor role and were not made to be premiere units. The updated rangers and delta will fir that role. So i'd really like to hear them as long as it's constructive, unlike other gripes that had no redeeming value.

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I didnt like the way the textures for the scenery looked.Which I know its hard to get good textures for scenery.The palm trees looked unrealistic.Somethings looked out of place in some areas.I never did like the power lines being like they are.Doesnt look good when they are crossing over each other.Just stuff like that I didnt like.But I can live with them.There just my opinions.And I dont want to be rude by posting my bad opinions,Since your guys worked so hard on this project.So please forgive me.

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