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Mister Frag

Lock on: modern air combat

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Has anyone seen the cobra_snd.wmv moive and if you have is that actually possible IRL?

Yes, that's what the Flanker is famous for smile_o.gif

could you point me out a RL movie of this?

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Ace combat series are one of my favorite games! smile_o.gif

AC4 is the best in the series so far, and the radio message between the fighters gave you a very realistic feeling.

Everyone should try it if u got a ps2!

The AC05's website has been set up! can't wait to play it! biggrin_o.gif

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Fspilot the game ur mentioning is pilotwings it was for t he snes and n64 both very fun games,im suprised that nintendo hasn`t got a gamecube version

I forgot all about ae combat 4 it was one of the gamnes i meant to get when it got cheaper but then disapeared sad_o.gif

I`m not saying that lomac is crap i just said that it looked a bit like a ps2 game.

Hardly any games these days wow me with their graphics or fun rock.gif

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could you point me out a RL movie of this?

Of the cobra? Yes. http://aeroweb.lucia.it/~agretch/Movies/cobra.MPG

Of someone doing it that low in real life? No. I doubt anybody would be that irresponsible. If you don't pull this maneuver off perfectly you'd end up hitting the ground. I suspect the pilot used a cheat or something to keep the plane in the air, but I don't know. It's good to look at, but could you do it in real life? Theoretically, yes. But you can do a lot of things theoretically. smile_o.gif

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vaporware.. haha

What is vapourware?


Strange... all of the previews are using recent builds that are nearing completion.

Vapour is when they show 'movies' or 'screenshots' but nothing actually in the engine live. *cough*DNF*cough*

Or were you just being a shit disturber?

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With a set Release Date of the 25th (IGN preview anyway) i somehow doubt its Vapourware, but you can carry on like some around here where about HL2 and TF2 biggrin_o.gif o what was it 3 or so months ago.

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vaporware.. haha

You're one liners are becoming somewhat demeaning of you.

I'm hoping seriously that this is a good sim. There have been few in the past and it's been a long time since I've played one. I really want to fly a mig or a F-15. Something fast with missles and hardware :P

I wonder if they'll have a realism customization like they did with IL2. Is it made by the same people?

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No he's just spamming! Give him another one of those colourful squares and let's see what happens  tounge_o.gif (J/k! biggrin_o.gif)

Speaking of DNF... It seems like they removed all screenshots and everything from the official website as they don't represent the current quality anymore... smile_o.gif

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Speaking of DNF... It seems like they removed all screenshots and everything from the official website as they don't represent the current quality anymore...  smile_o.gif

I actually stumbled onto the DNF forum while visiting the Max Payne one, the Devs are actually very involved in the community giving them info and what nots.

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Speaking of DNF... It seems like they removed all screenshots and everything from the official website as they don't represent the current quality anymore...  smile_o.gif

I actually stumbled onto the DNF forum while visiting the Max Payne one, the Devs are actually very involved in the community giving them info and what nots.

the day DNF is released is the day I send a pair of glaoshes and some mittens to the devil biggrin_o.gif

LOMAC... 25th of June? July? August?

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Speaking of DNF... It seems like they removed all screenshots and everything from the official website as they don't represent the current quality anymore...  smile_o.gif

I actually stumbled onto the DNF forum while visiting the Max Payne one, the Devs are actually very involved in the community giving them info and what nots.

the day DNF is released is the day I send a pair of glaoshes and some mittens to the devil biggrin_o.gif

LOMAC... 25th of June? July? August?

screenshotted for evidence wink_o.gif

btw im gonna hold that one, btw i never said they were gonna release, just that they were on the forum tounge_o.gif

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Well DNF may come out when pigs fly ... or In DNF pigs fly ... im confused sad_o.gif

Give DNF a few more years and it may be in stores tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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If I'm going to buy it, it has to at least as hardcore as Falcon IV.

I'm sick of jet sims that are called 'simulations', as are basically a HUD, some flashy lights, and some nice graphics. I want full engine starts and shutdown, I want a radar with all 12 submodes, I want programmable ICP panels, pushable MFD screens, and every single button and switch illustrated in the cockpit. I want realistic weapon and FCR implementation. Researched DLZ's must be featured, as well as all of the FCR and engagement submodes.

So far the only one that has lived up to this is Superpak Falcon IV, and thats still got features to be implemented.

You can expect the full engine stops and starts, and the radar with 12 different submodes (actually, I think Flanker 1.5 had more than 12)...heh believe me, the avionics are well modeled, that's one of the big draws for me, Eagle Dynamics is the only company I've seen that realisticly portrays Russian avionics in modern fighters and not some re-hashed F-16 avionics. You're going to have every single button and switch illustrated, but, they won't be clickable.

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Whats DNF?

LOMAC's got a lot of good and bad features. It'll be realistic, have my favorite airplane, graphically amazing. But the cockpits wont be clickable, the missions will be scripted, and it might be a bear on my machine.

But the price is right. Compared tot he $50-some dollars I paid for MSFS2002.

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Whats DNF?

LOMAC's got a lot of good and bad features.  It'll be realistic, have my favorite airplane, graphically amazing.  But the cockpits wont be clickable, the missions will be scripted, and it might be a bear on my machine.

But the price is right.  Compared tot he $50-some dollars I paid for MSFS2002.

Duke Nuke'em Forever.

Forever being how long it is taking to develop it. smile_o.gif

It's been in development since 1998. Its sort of the running joke of the FPS genre.

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Much like TF2 until the last E3 :P

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Much like TF2 until the last E3 :P

What, you mean that's actually coming out in my lifetime? maybe before I finish college? I remember drooling over development screenshots when I was in grade 11 tounge_o.gif

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Whats DNF?

LOMAC's got a lot of good and bad features.  It'll be realistic, have my favorite airplane, graphically amazing.  But the cockpits wont be clickable, the missions will be scripted, and it might be a bear on my machine.

But the price is right.  Compared tot he $50-some dollars I paid for MSFS2002.

Duke Nuke'em Forever.

Forever being how long it is taking to develop it. smile_o.gif

It's been in development since 1998.  Its sort of the running joke of the FPS genre.

Have DNF only been in development since 98? I would have said much longer... Well hwo cares..?

And yes.. Pigs will fly in DNF but they'll use jetpacks and shotguns.. hahaha!!!

LOMAC: Me so need it...... I just wanna fly the SU-33, SU-27, F-15, F-22, the Tornado, and a Danish F-16C  biggrin_o.gif

IL2: I like CFS 3 better, flying over Germany in 20.000 ft. in formation with 6 B-26's and P-51D's as escort, attacking a factory all with human players... Great... biggrin_o.gif

And TF2: It's beening re-developt with new HL 2 technology.

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Whats DNF?

LOMAC's got a lot of good and bad features.  It'll be realistic, have my favorite airplane, graphically amazing.  But the cockpits wont be clickable, the missions will be scripted, and it might be a bear on my machine.

But the price is right.  Compared tot he $50-some dollars I paid for MSFS2002.

Duke Nuke'em Forever.

Forever being how long it is taking to develop it. smile_o.gif

It's been in development since 1998.  Its sort of the running joke of the FPS genre.

Have DNF only been in development since 98? I would have said much longer... Well hwo cares..?

And yes.. Pigs will fly in DNF but they'll use jetpacks and shotguns.. hahaha!!!

LOMAC: Me so need it...... I just wanna fly the SU-33, SU-27, F-15, F-22, the Tornado, and a Danish F-16C  biggrin_o.gif

IL2: I like CFS 3 better, flying over Germany in 20.000 ft. in formation with 6 B-26's and P-51D's as escort, attacking a factory all with human players... Great... biggrin_o.gif

Shame the flight characteristics are balls smile_o.gif

CFS3 looks ok (sometimes) but I found it was pretty much arcade-ish compared to IL2:FB.

I cant wait for LOMAC. I am not really big on the whole 'lock onto a dot, fire a missile, splash a bogey' thing, but this game looks too cool to pass up.

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ah but theres other interesting things to make up for it jets like shuting off ur main radar and using the infra red sensors on ur missiles to find the enemy wink_o.gif

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*wipes drool off keyboard*


That does it...I need a new mobo & CPU.

*edit* Oh and A Preview

*edit* Goddamn ignorant Previewer! mad_o.gif My heart just about skipped a beat when I read Su-35 under flyables. Then I read "Frogfoot" mad_o.gif

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I'm getting excited about this game. only $40 and it's going to be THIS good!? i might as well pre-order it

stupid youth not letting me get a stupid credit card. xD

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