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Well, I think some people are rightfully pissed if they spend 50e and find out that the game is too buggy to play.

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Well, I think some people are rightfully pissed if they spend 50e and find out that the game is too buggy to play.

OFP wasn't very good either when it arrived. Check the difference between 1.0 and 1.96 smile_o.gif

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Well, I think some people are rightfully pissed if they spend 50e and find out that the game is too buggy to play.

OFP wasn't very good either when it arrived. Check the difference between 1.0 and 1.96 smile_o.gif

At least it had a demo. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]OFP wasn't very good either when it arrived. Check the difference between 1.0 and 1.96

In my oppinion every great game can be made bad when it's only played by CS kiddy's and the like ,while a mediocre game can be made great by a fun community playing it.That's my biggest grip with BF ,it's full of annoying little kids ,while the majority of Ofp players are fun to play with.

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Opf fresh out of the box is still vastly superior to anything out there. Seems I had a magic copy because 1.0 never crashed for me smile_o.gif

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It's not a game with much realism. It's a game that should be fun to play. I am pretty sure that Dice wanted to make a fun game and not a realistic one. Infact they never meansion the word realism at their site.

denoir can probably refute that tounge_o.gif

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Opf fresh out of the box is still vastly superior to anything out there. Seems I had a magic copy because 1.0 never crashed for me smile_o.gif

Same for me too. I imported the UK version and never had any problems with it.

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Opf fresh out of the box is still vastly superior to anything out there. Seems I had a magic copy because 1.0 never crashed for me smile_o.gif


Only game i've ever had crash down to desktop on me is bassically every game that I owned before 2000 because after 2000, summer of that year, only game ever to quit and exit on me has been OFP. OFP gets alot of addon errors depending on how much you have, if that persons cpp. sucks ass, or if the campaign that person made makes it crash. But its the only game i've had crash to desktop for the past few years!

Muhahahahahahahaha biggrin_o.gif Boo ya'all crazy_o.gif

.....everyone looks at me * rock.gifrock.gif *

Sorry, had lots of caffine today, to be precise, 5 cups, just in the mood for it ghostface.gif


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Opf fresh out of the box is still vastly superior to anything out there. Seems I had a magic copy because 1.0 never crashed for me smile_o.gif

No crashes here, and i got it at 1.0

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I had a couple problems when I first had OFP. But they were fixed easily. At the time I couldnt tell a difference between a driver and the game.

I play OFP and BFV hand in hand now. Don't care much for this thread, since its just the entire forum vs a select few and constantly assaulting the game. It's unrealistc, meh. Don't mind.

Oh, whoever pointed out that the M16 in the picture didn't have the holes in the top. I was playing last night and saw them, so don't dig on that one. Don't know the technical specifics of an M16, and I really don't want to. But, it is still nice to know that there are so many realistic thinking people here. This would be indeed the first place to go if I was making a realistic game.

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Every game i consider to buy ,ill check reviews first and ask people on the forum questions or play the demo ,ill never buy it withought having got enough information on its gameplay.

The only exception on this case will be OFP2 ,i'm so impressed by the quality of OFP wich i already play for over 3years and still no bored of it ,that i know OFP2 will be great.

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It's not a game with much realism. It's a game that should be fun to play. I am pretty sure that Dice wanted to make a fun game and not a realistic one. Infact they never meansion the word realism at their site.

So take the game for what it is.. A game that's fun to play.

1)Realism and fun are not mutually exclusive things.

2) The problem with BF 1942 and BFV is the total lack of consistency. A sub machine gun can take down a fighter but cannot kill another human in less than 5 or six shots.... what the hell is that? This is usually complained as 'lack of realism' but in actuality its that the game world is inconsistent.

3) Make an 'arcadey' 'fun' (I don't think its fun, at all, so I question that use of the word) game with lots of pretty lights and you will get a crap community. It's pop gaming for the pre-teens and teens-- the same people that keep crap music popular. And the same people who act like total twats in game.

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I have some input.. pretty much every game I play can crash at one time or another.Altho I do play BF42 for hours straight at a time,I recall earlier in its life when patch so and so would not install and I basically could not play for a while.When I first got Bf42 it was so darn choppy and had sound problems that were causing people to disable sound.

Tribes 2 is definately the most crashing game ever !!! People constaly getting UE's (unhandled exception) ask any Tribes 2 player what a UE is and they know.I also recall a public mandatory patch that left Tribes 2 unplayable for ALL online players before too.

My Morrowind installation does not crash but quits out sometimes,sometimes often

OFP has given me good service,I had no problems until I started getting into new faster computers and its all worked out now.And like Bmgrcamel said about trying out all the addons and you will experience odd things

We can't always blame the games because we know that the OS isn't the most crashproof or reliable

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Oh and is everyone buying BF:V? I hear its pretty laggy and unplayable for alot that have bought it.I will wait and maybe not get it at all.I wish there were a demo too.

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pre-teens and teens-- the same people that keep crap music popular.  And the same people who act like total twats in game.

I wont take that personally....

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Make an 'arcadey' 'fun' (I don't think its fun, at all, so I question that use of the word) game with lots of pretty lights and you will get a crap community.  It's pop gaming for the pre-teens and teens-- the same people that keep crap music popular.  And the same people who act like total twats in game.

You are right.. Just compaire the gaming industry to the movie industry. It's not the best movies that get's the highest incomes. They are often terrible but with a good promotion and some cool action they will sell anyway, and people will really think that they are great movies.

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You are right.. Just compaire the gaming industry to the movie industry. It's not the best movies that get's the highest incomes. They are often terrible but with a good promotion and some cool action they will sell anyway, and people will really think that they are great movies.

Yeah but then you have to get into defining what makes a 'good' movie / game. It's different for everyone. If you don't like the style of play that something like BF1942 offers, don't play it. Similarly with movies, don't like the look of it? Don't watch it. Nobody forces you to participate in these things.

Oh, and most of the stuff I see being levelled at BF1942 were patched out of existence a number of revisions ago. So comparing a first release (which is perhaps what most have played up to) with a fully patched up Flashpoint is somewhat pointless. Of course comparing the two is fairly pointless anyway. smile_o.gif

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Yeah but then you have to get into defining what makes a 'good' movie / game. It's different for everyone.

Depends how you define it. However, like movies, some games are *good* regardless of how much you like them or not.

Quote[/b] ]

If you don't like the style of play that something like BF1942 offers, don't play it. Similarly with movies, don't like the look of it? Don't watch it. Nobody forces you to participate in these things.

Did anyone say they were? What are you talking about? The problem is the same as with pop music: it pollutes the environment of the rest of the games. Companies start thinking that brainless no skill deathmatchathons are how to make money, and make their games more like that, resulting in lower quality games for everyone.

Quote[/b] ]

Oh, and most of the stuff I see being levelled at BF1942 were patched out of existence a number of revisions ago.

Such as? The terrible gameplay? The inconsistencies? The huge historical inaccuracies? The entire style of play?

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Battlefield Vietnam sucks because the jungle athmosphere just doesnt want to come up. When playing it you fell like in an oasis but not a jungle. All the typical features of the vietnam war are impossible. ambush, patrols, anyoing weather... and especially the incredible noise of a jungle that tends to hide the sound of footsteps. All in all this is the old battlefield with better graphics and ... well thats about it.

All in all, it sucks! tounge_o.gif

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dont go with battlefield v, its just bf42 with grass. Instead spend your money on ut2004, so many war games and so few games like unreal, for online action i like something that takes quite a degree of skill to it tho its onslaught mode is much less in that reguard but great fun, in battle field you just jump in and shoot things nothing compilcated you hit them they die. Im not a huge fan of the middle of the road stuff. Drving around in a buggy with flold out razor blades doing a flip off a clift and landing on some one and hearing pancake is where its at smile_o.gif

Plus theres the whole mod thing, battlefield mods have just really been vehicle replacements etc, mods from the previous ut2k3 moving to ut2k4 tend to be alot more ambitious, theres the whole ww2 mods which you would think we haveenough of but then theres all the mods with orginal ideas like clockwork cannons and air buccaneers thats what i like.

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