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glad to hear the weapons are getting re-done.. thats a plus and the early pictures of the delta rangers are looking very very good. But you guys are making alot of the units in the army.. 82nd and all.. whats the real difference other than the patches on thier arms?

Wouldnt it be less work for you to just make regular army units and then have it so u can switch the patches on their arms? No real since making 3rd infantry, 82nd infantry, and so on when no one would really care if it was just 82nd.

So this means that BAS will be making a M16A2 and A4 huh?

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But like I said, I'm a nightstalker at heart. I'd be much more emotional about.... ohhh, I dunno, *Cough Fast roping/ rappelling off H-6 Little Birds...

A) No....?

B) Not gonna happen pup...?

C) Give up you pathetic creature...?

Was worth a try



Sweet_pup -

While it was worth a try, as far as I know we've discussed this within the team and decided that to allow each helo released to have distinguishable differences (outside of the model), it'd be in best interest to have different features. I believe other, suitable options were decided on.

I've operated, and continue to operate from LBs throughout the work I'm involved in; and while we do routinely train for fastroping from them, due to the sheer size and maneuverability of this helo, rarely will you find a scenario where the pilot would opt to hang himself out to dry than rather keep a continous, fluid 'touch and go' where the operating environment permits. This being the case, it depends on the situation, but for making distinguishable helos, it's been a team decision, and you'll be happy with the compromise we've come up with. Any of the team can back me up on this. Fear not, your Nightstalker love will be fulfilled.



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Two things:

1.) Is the M-gator going being developed by anyone? Its amazingly useful little thing and its suprising that no one has made it into an addon yet.

2.) Does BAS know about the planned upgrades to SOF helicopters (I.E. the MH-60M, MH-47G)? If not, I do have reliable information.

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glad to hear the weapons are getting re-done.. thats a plus and the early pictures of the delta rangers are looking very very good. But you guys are making alot of the units in the army.. 82nd and all.. whats the real difference other than the patches on thier arms?

Wouldnt it be less work for you to just make regular army units and then have it so u can switch the patches on their arms? No real since making 3rd infantry, 82nd infantry, and so on when no one would really care if it was just 82nd.

So this means that BAS will be making a M16A2 and A4 huh?

The regular Army units were able to be used by changing a patch before, but they were very rarely used, probably because it was so much hassle to add the weapons on. Also there will be a visual difference between the 82nd and the other regular army units, as they use a different helmet (the same one as the rangers infact). On the whole there wont be too much of a difference between the regular army units, but it is pretty much just an expansion on what was already there in the last pack. This time, instead of the mission maker having to do all the work the new units will now be in groups, with accurate weapons, also the models (i use that term losely as in fact all of the units will only end up using two models, one desert and one woodland) will look vastly different to the Rangers, where in the last pack they used the same model, they will also have the pouch system i explained previously, where the pouches appear depending on the role of the soldier. Hopefully this will eventually turn into the definitive US Army pack. We have been routinely criticised for focusing solely on special forces, the updated De/Ra pack will include units that represent pretty much every major army infantry division that has been involved in recent conflicts and with the Desert Vehicles pack on the way it makes sense to include infantry that would use these vehicles. And all the extra troops will come with very little extra kb added on, we have infact cut down on the number of p3d's that we are using and now only use two (For what will end up being nigh on 100 different looking troops).

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crazy stuff

just wat ive always wanted

cant wait

can we get a tiny weeny peek?

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Sorry but no, we're still heavily working on them, it will be a while before they are ready for screenshots.

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2.) Does BAS know about the planned upgrades to SOF helicopters (I.E. the MH-60M, MH-47G)? If not, I do have reliable information.

Yes we do, but until they come into "mainstream" service, we will not be making any specific effort to create them.

This is because, as with addons, a LOT of things can change before finalisation. So rather than spend hours on something that might be completly different in a few months/years time, we'll stick with what we've got now. Very much like what the real world operators have to do "in the field".

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speaking of change

since the d/r upgrades became a whole us army pack and will take sometime to complete and plus the rework of all of weapons

is it possible for us to have the current d/r in jam like wat u guys were proposing b4?

or at least the cpp so that we could use the d/r with jam pls!

till the newones come out

is it still in ur hard drives? that cpp or old d/r with the jam magazines stacked and are ready to blast smile_o.gif ?

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I can't speak for pup, but the news you brought makes me happy. I'm a big fan of the H-6 family.  biggrin_o.gif


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good 2 hear evis... something else ive noticed in the Iraq Current Conflict that some army units use differnt weapons, ive seen some with M4's some with M16A2's and a very small number of M16A4's. this is what u mean from having accurate weapons? cuz basically all of the 82nd Airbourne pics i see all M4's in them.

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I know this is a bit offtopic but I suppose it has some relevance in to the differences between BAS' Rangers and the other Army soldiers: Would anyone be so kind as to explain the different body armor, load bearing equipment, and helmets in use by the military since this is what will make BAS soldiers look different?

My understanding is that the traditional army forces use interceptor body armor, MOLLE lbvs, and the PASGT helmet. The Rangers Im not so sure about, all I know is that they wear the TC2000 helmet? Ive also heard mentioning of the RACK (ranger assault carrying kit i think) which Im guessing is the Ranger's load bearing equipment. And what is SPEAR? I think it is some sort of military gear but in not sure what it is or who uses it.

Also, do the Marines use the same gear as the Army grunts?

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Quote[/b] ]is it possible for us to have the current d/r in jam like wat u guys were proposing b4?

No, sorry, that idea was dismissed a while ago, it divides the work up too much, to have to work on two different projects and would probably confuse a lot of the community by having the jam update and a new version so near to each other.


I'll now attempt to explain the different types of clothing the soldiers will be wearing:


MICH Helmet:


Paraclete RAV:




MICH Helmet:


SPEAR BALCS Ranger Body Armour:


RACK (Worn over the top of the SPEAR):



Regular Soldiers:

PASGT Helmet (82nd Airborne wear the MICH):


Intercepter Body Armour:


The FLC can be worn over the top of the Interceptor so that pouches can be attached, but the majority of the soldiers in Iraq seem to be just attaching the pouches directly onto the Interceptor vest so we will not be adding the FLC.


They may look similar in the photos but they are quite visibly different when next to each other.

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Oh, its also worth noting that there will be a lot of variation with colourschemes, headgear etc, so they wont all appear exactly as i have mentioned in my previous post.

As for weapons, no comment, apart from that we will be giving each units accurate weapons.

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Sounds very good, nice to hear that we will be getting soldiers to go with the desert/woodland packs you guys are making. I also love the fact that U.S army grunts are getting a real revamp! In due time the rangers will be able to get support from regular units. Very good.

One question, will you be making a new M16A2? Or will you just make a M4A1 with ironsights for the grunts to use?

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little question for ya guys, BAS;

Since the D/R pack is now becomming a much larger pack and is almost completely reworked; will the desert textures also get a rework so they will match the color of the desert vehicle pack (thus not be as white as the original). I'm really looking forward to this pack.

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seeing as the d/r pack has expended, will there be new tanker models for the Abrams crew?

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I doubt the colour of the uniforms will change, the final decision is up to ebud (as hes doing the textures) and he has stated quite a few times that they wont change.

I have been considering adding in a armoured vehicle crew model into the pack as it would save a lot of kb overall than the other option of including it in the desert/woodland vehicles pack. Also adding in regular army pilots may be another option however this needs further discussion in-team, so watch this space. smile_o.gif

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Yes it would be nice to have an updated West pilot/crewman. Quite surprised there isn't one already actually what with the US stuff being more popular than the Russian.

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Quote[/b] ] doubt the colour of the uniforms will change, the final decision is up to ebud (as hes doing the textures) and he has stated quite a few times that they wont change.

I'm ok with that. I was just wondering since the update is no longer just an update anymore; this is becomming a completely new pack.

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my final question: i love the insurgency campaign.. and since the tanks.. army units.. and new D/R pack is coming out can we expect a US lead campaign in the near future on Tonal?? prolly mix it up as the firts half being regular soldier.. then moving urself on to Special Forces in the near future.

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