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Absolutely Landwarrior, you are correct!

The average OFP pilot would go ooh, ahh, and then move on. But, someone trying to achieve the OFP skill set of a Nightstalker would use those features.

How do I put this...

Average helo pilots (Average OFP pilots) fly VFR, thats Visual Flight Rules. They are also trained in IFR (Insturnment Flight Rules) as well as Night Vision operation.

Even though that is alot of training, these guys can only fly about 87% of the time.

The 160th was formed to fill that 13%. They can fly in the most hellish environment imaginable Because of all that extra equipment. It's what allowed us to hunt Scuds in the gulf, terrorists in Afganistan, and the Hussein family in Iraq. One feature in particular in the terrain following radar, and FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) and can map out the terrain around the helo, even when the pilot can't seen five feet in any direction.

Summing up. Yes, if you only fly in "Blue Card" weather (AKA the sky is clear and blue) then regular OFP helos work for you.

But if your an extreme OFP pilot, then you need to get yourself an extreme BAS helo.

160th SOAR(A)


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Merc: the MH-47 is going through an update atm, so no worries there.

An updated cockpit wont make it into the LB update, as we are happy with what we've got in there as it stands.

Reguarding the CAAS, until they come into service, or depending on the functionality we get in OFP2, I dont think we'll be making any considerable effort to upgrade them to the latest "pending upgrade" standard (M/G variants)

But it MAY be a possibility for OFP2.

Great ideas, and a lot of them we've been mulling around anyho, but appreciated none the less (its nice to have a conversation about features without people asking about dates or pics or whatever smile_o.gif )

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so...when is the release of the seahawk??? I REALLY NEED IT!

I can't wait mad_o.gif

biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif Just kidding Deadmeat. Like you said; it's boring to read a whole page of post with keywords like "when", "where", "release", ect, ect.

Nice ideas for the glass cockpit, but indeed not really suited for OFP1.

Little question about the seahawk, though;

What MG will it have. Will it be an M2, M134, M60 or M240(B?). Great to hear you make one, btw.

Will the seahawk be in the same pack (I refuse to use the phrase; "will it be released..") with the pavehawk?

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AFAIK the Seahawk will NOT, I repeat NOT be out with the Pavehawks.

As for weapons, not confirmed yet, but I expect it'll be something along the lines of an M2.

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ok thanks for the answer(s), but what does "AFAIK" mean??

Does this mean we will have three (according to your info) h-60 packs that can be used as seperate addons?

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AFIAK = As Far As I Know

No, they will all need the original MH-60 addon for the scripting, textures and config elements contained within that addon.

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in the movie "TEARS OF THE SUN" The SH-60 gunners would have a pivotable M2 MG as a door gunner, and then they would disembark, swing the MG out let the cargo enter the aircraft and then get back in ans swing the MG back to the door..... the MG kinda acted like a door on a car.... Would that be implemented on the SPECOPS USN SH-60 for use with the seals.... If I can find a pic of it i'll show you, I don't know if that's how they really are or if it was just mde-up for the movie...

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Because of the limits of the game engine, that wont be possible I'm afraid Baz. If anything, the M2 will simply replace the M134 in the gunners "window"

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ah, that sux.. but 1 thing, was that part in the movie made-up? Or is a door gunner actually used on board a USN SPECOPS SH-60?

Maybe when OFP2 comes out it could be implemented as a future release if the engine would support it? tounge_o.gif

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Yeah Baz, usually all H-60 series Helicopters (when operated by the US) will have 2 pilots, 2 crewchiefs (door gunners).

Sometimes on the SH-60 aircraft, which tend to have a third weapon mounted in the main "cargo" area, they will have a third dedicated "gunner" too.

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How many versions do you guys plan to make DeadMeat of the Seahawks  rock.gif

Or it would be nice if you say this this that version wink_o.gif

I would be cool if you guys make these versions





After seing your Seahawk model I dont want to work anymore on my version cause the mine is a BIS demo model sad_o.gif

Your model looks top nacho CoooooooooooooL wink_o.gif

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Thats to be confirmed Extraction.

So I honestly cant tell you, as we dont know yet.

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1 more question you guys plan to add CoC_Torpedos to it rock.gif


+ Hellfire and AGM Penguin missile rock.gif

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Again, thats to be decided, so no concrete yes/no answers can be given there.

But I will say this;

Have we ever let you guys down before? wink_o.gif

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No, you haven't  biggrin_o.gif  I'm mostly looking forward to that RSOV, any updates or nifty features for it yet? Also there's a ranger SpecOP HMMWV with a rack for a boat i'd guess....


are you guys planning on working on one of these? biggrin_o.gif


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No updates on the RSOV as of yet.

The rack on the roof of that hummer is actually to provide a platform to jump from, onto low roofs, balconies or other obstacles that would otherwise require a short ladder to get over/onto. (Note the steps up onto in just infront of the 2nd guy in from the left)

No plans to make one at the moment, but you never know what the future holds smile_o.gif

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ah, ok..... does it extend up or, it's just that high up? And a pic would be nice if it extends .... Thx.

Also: a side note real quick, whats going on with the NPD pack you're working on? Not to be badgersome but if it's going along good some screens would be nice to see on the topic in the A&M complete page for it. I'm really looking forward to it, can't wait to bust some of my friends online with em in MP... wink_o.gif

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It doesnt extend, just fixed at that level.

Lets keep the Policie Pack to the policie thread wink_o.gif I have explained in there what the current status is, so go check it out (if you're interested that is)

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That rack makes the vehicle look kinda like a family vehicle with a ski-box and cargo railings ontop. Perhaps the Rangers are planning a vacation and they want to bring home something nice tounge_o.gif

By the way, that rack could also be useful for "cowboy exits" when you jump from a roof and land on your vehicle of choice wink_o.gif

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After seing your Seahawk model I dont want to work anymore on my version cause the mine is a BIS demo model sad_o.gif

Your model looks top nacho CoooooooooooooL wink_o.gif

I think different.edit the model more and Im sure you will have a perfect model.

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Thanks for the quick responses to my posts. I figured that the 47s would get some type of update (At least a SOAR pilot update) and the H-6s already kick ass.


as you said Deadmeat, those models aren't even in the service yet. Who knows what type of changes they may have in the mean time...

And again, also as you said.

Have you ever let us down before?


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i came up with one idea reading the "goggles yes or no" thread...

how about making the blackout- phase on the mpppe.sqs´ longer?

since its a very short blackout now, it doesnt really FORCE you to have the goggles lowered:

you can still see pretty clear through the blackouts and still engage enemies; and since you cant actually do something against your eye- reflexes (at least without long practice) your eyes sometimes really stay closed for a long time, if something got into your eye.

i was trying around a bit by myself and found the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cutText ["", "black faded",random 0.5]

~random 1.2

setting pretty ok.

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speaking of HH-60's... we havent heard much of the SEALs lately? are they still coming along nicely.. im really looking forward to some SEALs in a Desert BDU to do some scouting and recon on tonal... oh yeh an just a question

Airforce PJ's

do they only rescue downed pilots? or could they also rescue people that are like embedded American Reporters and people the governments want out of a certain country.. or is the PJ's jus the rescue medics to the air force?

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Read back a few pages for the SEALs.

PJs - if their American, or any other friendly nations' people, down in enemy (or friendly) territory they will rescue them (obviously only if they are the only means of rescue, so its more common for them to rescue pilots as they get themselves in the shit more often)

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