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1.92, o my goodness bis is the best 4eva

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They are gonna address some of the remaining problems with ofp! guys can u believe it! I love em, they still support the game after all this time! Look at raven shield with all their million in budget can only make new games without fixing old problems.

bis you were the best before, and you are and will be.

I dont know how to show my gratitude but bis we give you lots and lots and lots of respect!

THANK YOU tounge_o.gif

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Were not worthy!!!!

Thanks BIS you guys are the *EDIT*!

Maybe this will get MP going stronger.

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Very good news indeed. Glad you guys are fixing these things, rather them leaving them for too long (see Quake3 1.32 patch...).

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wow_o.gif Thank you so, so, much BIS. smile_o.gifkiss.gif We really appreciate all the stuff you've done and are still doing for OFP. You're the best developers ever! smile_o.gif

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Yes thank you very much , you make us feel special with all the patches biggrin_o.gif patch me on the back one more time. Oh thats the spot...

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Better MOD support is definately welcome smile_o.gif

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Wow, I can´t believe how generous BIS are...thank you! smile_o.gif

And please look into the problems with autofire sounds,

i.e when they almost disappear since the sounds lap onto each other.

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Thank you BIS!

FWIW your company rates very high in my book since you stood by our beloved OFP since 1.00 to todays version and delivered everything you said you would! Namely... Free patches with addon packs, dedicated Win32 server, dedicated Linux server, Oxygen, Visitor 2 and so on... I hope that other game/simulator companies will learn from you!

It's the best USD ~100.00 I ever spent on a simulator and I will be happy to do it all over again as soon as OFP 2 is released   smile_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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My highest respect!

How about adding a minor change to the server code to support multiprocessor dedis?  tounge_o.gif J/K

Blake the quote in your sig is too damn funny. Where was the related thread again? LOL

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Great News... I thought there might be another patch to come wink_o.gif and here it is (almost).

Thanks for the support, and hopefully this will sort a few of my problems. I guess addressing that "ofp deleting a partition or something when using direct play" was an important factor.

Cheers BIS,

Waterman. smile_o.gif

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I'm very glad to hear that, gonna spread the news at once biggrin_o.gif

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Cheers BIS biggrin_o.gif If you fix the connection problems with MP I will be very very happy smile_o.gif


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Good news, indeed!

You guys at BIS also planning to adress the "is loosing connection" issue? This bug spoils the mp experience for a lot of us players. Would be great if you could do something about it...

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It's the best USD ~100.00 I ever spent on a simulator and I will be happy to do it all over again as soon as OFP 2 is released   smile_o.gif

I dont think it could have been said any better biggrin_o.gif So well said I think Ill have to quote you on that and stick it in my sig smile_o.gif

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It's cool, that BIS decided to release another patch to OFP:R, but I've got one question: wil it work with Polish version or there will be other patch 4 us (1.92pl)?

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Great news BIS. This just makes me look forward even more to OFP 2.

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