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Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

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gm tank gun effect do the same thing as rotor down wash effect it only activates if there is a unit on the ground, it does not matter where the unit is dead or alive can someone try this and post if they are having the same problem

I put "exp_init.sqs" activating eventhandler to "class Man". I thought there is no OFP mission without one man on the map. If you feel this error disturbing I will fix it. wink_o.gif

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I have a problem with helidust. I cannot force colour i want sad_o.gif

And i have a question: It is possible to put onto GMR some object, for instance stone or bush of different class: snow, sand and mud; and make chopper check nearest objest of this class and depends of it' class choose proper type of dust while landing or starting?

On one island we can have different kinds of dust, so one chopper can have sand dust, other normal.

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I have made a pic of the AA-8 Aphid smoketrails that victorious and i were talking about. the effect can be only found on the mig27beta....for some reason footmunch must have removed it from the final verison mig27.


firemissiles.sqs by Footmunch

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; Init our local vars

_array = _this select 0

_weapon = _array select 1

_ammoname = _array select 4

_plane = _array select 0

; If it's just the gun, then get out

?(_weapon == "RKTGSH6Gun"): goto "RotateGun"

?(_weapon == "RKTMiG27RocketPod"): goto "Exit"

; If we've launched an Aphid then go to that sequence

? (_ammoname == "RKTAphid"): goto "AphidCheck"

; If we've launched a Kerry then go to that sequence

? (_ammoname == "RKTKerry"): goto "KerryCheck"

; If we've launched a KAB then go to that sequence

? (_ammoname == "RKTKAB500"): goto "KABCheck"



_k5count = _plane ammo "RKTKAB500Rail"

? (_k5count == 1) : goto "k51away"

? (_k5count == 0) : goto "k52away"


_ascount = _plane ammo "RKTKerryRail"

? (_ascount == 1) : goto "as1away"

? (_ascount == 0) : goto "as2away"


_apcount = _plane ammo "RKTAphidRail"

? (_apcount == 1) : goto "ap1away"

? (_apcount == 0) : goto "ap2away"


_plane setobjecttexture[1, ""]

_missmove = -.4

goto "MoveMissile"


_plane setobjecttexture[2, ""]

_missmove = .4

goto "MoveMissile"


_plane setobjecttexture[3, ""]

_missmove = -.8

goto "MoveMissile"


_plane setobjecttexture[4, ""]

_missmove = .8

goto "MoveMissile"


_plane setobjecttexture[5, ""]

_missmove = -1.6

goto "MoveMissile"


_plane setobjecttexture[6, ""]

_missmove = 1.6

goto "MoveMissile"


; Get the missile object

_missobj = nearestobject[_plane, _ammoname]

; Get the missile direction

_missdir = direction _missobj

; Get the height minus a little drop

_zpos = (getpos _plane select 2) +1

; Move the missile in the horizontal plane

_xpos = ( (getpos _plane) select 0 ) + (_missmove * cos(_missdir))

_ypos = ( (getpos _plane) select 1 ) - (_missmove * sin(_missdir))

; Create an empty object

_sensor = "EmptyDetector" createVehicle [0,0,0]

; Place it directly under the plane in the horizontal

_sensor setpos [getpos _plane select 0, getpos _plane select 1];

; The OFP engine puts the object on the land surface, so we can get the ground height

_result = getpos _sensor select 2;

; Bump the zpos upwards

_zpos = _zpos - _result

; And set the position

_missobj setpos[_xpos, _ypos, _zpos]

; Attach a camera to the KAB

? (_ammoname == "RKTKAB500"): goto "KABCam"




?(!(player in _plane)): exit

?(!RKTWeaponCam): exit

_missobj switchCamera "external"

@(!(alive _missobj))


_plane switchCamera "external"



_phase = _plane animationphase "cannon"

_phase = _phase + 0.1

?(_phase > 1): _phase =0

_plane animate["cannon", _phase]


edit: i´ve compared the firemissiles.sqs from both the beta & final...guess what, they´re exactly the same (to me silly.gif) ?!?

I wonder why i wasn´t able to get the effect on the final version ?

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in all my years of studying weapons at war i have never seen any type of missel do that. seen a bottle rocket do that once.. but never a real missel. if this was implemented i would find it highly weird. but im not an expert nor do i know everything so i guess somewhere out there there might be a missel that does that crazy_o.gif

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*burns steps onto thin ice*

during the second Iraq War, on TV, i have once seen a Marine who fired a M136-AT4. the missile flew the first 50-150 m in a spiral way before stabilizing completely and hitting it´s target.

I´ve also never seen that before and was surprised..makes me wonder how hard it is to hit moving targets with these things on short ranges rock.gif

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I think that it can be because of missile rotation for stabilisation. On beginnin it flies slowly and rotating slowly, so it can produce spiral smoke, but later with fast rotation and high speed it becomes a "line". Most rockets has 2 engines - start one and "marching". If, under some circumstances start leaves some unburned fuel, it can produce more smoke than normally on first few meters.

It is only speculation.

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you maybe never really paid attention to it rock.gif This effect is viewed in most real life video footage clips such as in the movie top gun, keep in mind that a guided rocket is constantly correcting its course until it stabilizes and smoke does not keep a perfect line formation during the process but is rather chaotic although it may be a little exaggerated in the clip it is has a more accurate depiction of a guided rocket's smoke than what’s currently in the game  If you were around to remember the perfect ring effect on gm first dust wave attempt and compared it to his chaotic dust effect he has made to improve realistic effects you would know the difference it makes. many simulation games have tried to reenact this effect such as falcon 4.0 and usaf by Jane . I will try to find some video to show you  biggrin_o.gif

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hmm. ok. i belive ya mate smile_o.gif it sounds reasonable enough. i personaly have enver seen it. but hey like you said u saw it. so i ll take your word for it smile_o.gif

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I also saw unstabilized missile flying on video - that linked for me earlier - , but this last really short time. These effect in Mig27beta I think sometimes happened in exaggerated measure. I mean this to amplitude and time. Besides It worth to make some try.

I checked those code sample that Mr. Burns copied here, but I did not find any command that make to spin missile sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif

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I also saw unstabilized missile flying on video  - that linked for me earlier - , but this last really short time. These effect in Mig27beta I think sometimes happened in exaggerated measure. I mean this to amplitude and time. Besides It worth to make some try.

I checked those code sample that Mr. Burns copied here, but I did not find  any command that make to spin missile sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

AI's PK&M60 machinegunner has not done the aim correctly.

A bullet passes an enemy's head top. sad_o.gif

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Could anyone tell me what these Inq+blood+DR+flamy thing is?

I understand they are separate mods like DR and OFPECS blood but whats with them all got to do with GMR? sorry i am a bit lost here ... sad_o.gif

Since this mod is a real mod (requires a replacement to OFP's config.bin file), GMR made various editions that incorporate other addons as part of the mod and therefore incorporated into OFP when running the mod.

Quote[/b] ]Also whats Inq doing in here?

Same idea. Using Inq's High Detail Weapons Pack as the default OFP weapons.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow_o.gif

I NEVER KNEW THIS , Stupid silly me tounge_o.gif

*bangs head against wall*

wheres the d/ld now......

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I checked those code sample that Mr. Burns copied here, but I did not find  any command that make to spin missile sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Footmunch answered my PM smile_o.gif

I hope it´s ok to quote it here..

I vaguely remember this: I think what happened was I played

around with the maneuvarability variable, and the effect

just popped-up out of nowhere.

I can't remember the _exact_ combination, but if you (or GM)

set the weight of the rocket to about 50, and increase the

menuvaribility in the config to 100 or above, you may get

the effect back again.


so the effect is embedded in the weapon (Footmunch´s selfmade AA-8 Aphid) itself.

i no longer believe that it is possible to modify the rockets smoketrails in a config.bin sad_o.gif

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I vaguely remember this: I think what happened was I played

around with the maneuvarability variable, and the effect

just popped-up out of nowhere.

I can't remember the _exact_ combination, but if you (or GM)

set the weight of the rocket to about 50, and increase the

menuvaribility in the config to 100 or above, you may get

the effect back again.


so the effect is embedded in the weapon (Footmunch´s selfmade AA-8 Aphid) itself.

i no longer believe that it is possible to modify the rockets smoketrails in a config.bin sad_o.gif

This was to be expected. sad_o.gif

But I made some tries modifying missile velocity and direction a bit. The solution is not satisfactory yet.

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Maybe this can help... It was created a while back by immutable...



Link not working. Sorry...

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The link worked for me rock.gif

Anyway, Goldmember...are we going to see some ECP effects included in you mod *rollseyes*

haven´tried it yer tbut the AT backblast sounds very good too me smile_o.gif

i´d like to stick with your mod as it supports inq weapons too blues.gif

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Yes, goldmember is now a sworn enemy tounge_o.gif All target goldmember!

I have been enjoying playing with the REM 1.47 over the last week, you have some pretty cool stuff here goldmember!


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That's why people is sugesting cooperation rock.gif

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but speaking of 1.47...im getting that message mentioned before whenever a heli gets near the ground and activates rotor downwash

Bonko do you mean you are getting the same error message as me when trying to use a helicopter? Anyone else seeing it?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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I just want to know from Goldmember if he plans on utilizing the DR version from ECP, or doing anything with that pack to further the experience of his amazing effects. I don't want to download ECP, especially since people are saying they are still sticking to GMR, but there seem to be benefits of some kind of merge.

GM: See that happening?

Thanks for the frequent upgrades to this pack!


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The AT weapon back blast, Bullet and tank shell sounds, Random weather changes, Chopper tail rotor failure , New main menu cutscenes . This is some of the advantages that I know from ECP.

I'm downloading ECP now, but I still think that is alot of features in GMR that I like and reasons why I will steek to GMR

We seem to get what we want. We ask or sugest something to Goldmember and the next thing we know is that he implemented them and they are ready for download.

Too good to replace, and too advance to miss.

So, cooperation between this two mods would be a good solution, and then finally create one from bouth.

The problem is that the more people you get inbolved, the less chances to see what we ask or sugest.

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can you make a 1.47 DR + INQ ? Or is there one already?

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but speaking of 1.47...im getting that message mentioned before whenever a heli gets near the ground and activates rotor downwash

Bonko do you mean you are getting the same error message as me when trying to use a helicopter? Anyone else seeing it?

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

rgr KeyCat...the same message u posted 2 or 3 pages previously...i did not have this error on previous versions

Quote[/b] ]gmr_v147err.gif

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can you make a 1.47 DR + INQ ? Or is there one already?

There is one already (see briefcase), but thanks to EPC we finally get fully working DR version soon and much more intersting thing.



I fixed that helidust error message, tomorrow I upload new GMR.pbo.

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