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Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

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Great work! smile_o.gif

By the way, how can you change explosions. When an unit is attacked, it is easy. You just simply use event handler in the unit and detect "hit". But how can you change explosions on the ground? When I launched rockets from chopper toward the ground on which there was no unit, its explosion is also realistic. But you cannot use event handler on the ground. How?wink_o.gif

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Goldmember, I'm getting an error with the 1.46 version when I try to use any of the Air units, official and addons:
Quote[/b] ] script\GMR\check-dammage-chopper.sqs not found

What I missed?

Thanks mate, is probably been said before by the way.

And I allso noticed the same problem with the Helodust script.

Edit: Have you updated the GMR pbo? if so that's where you put the scripts and thats why they are missing?

Edit, again!! crazy_o.gif Sorry, my own falt, I finally finded the pbo, yes is updated, duh...

I should read better.

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Great work! smile_o.gif

By the way, how can you change explosions. When an unit is attacked, it is easy. You just simply use event handler in the unit and detect "hit". But how can you change explosions on the ground? When I launched rockets from chopper toward the ground on which there was no unit, its explosion is also realistic. But you cannot use event handler on the ground. How?wink_o.gif

There are 2 kind of explosion. First is "destroyed explosion", when vehicle gets killed, effect is scipted by "killed" eventhandler. Second called "hit explosion", is came from OFP config.bin ( see "class explosion" part ). This is vastly modified version of origial OFP explosion effect. It does not matter where ammo eplodes - on vehicle or on ground -, it produces the same effect.


"Messy Battlefied" could not be optional, because it is config.bin modification, not script. SO if I put, it can not be disabled unless you reedit config.bin

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Hey Goldmember,

Love your work. Just wondering though, I just use DR but in your briefcase there is no DR only bin for 1.46 missing something?

And I suffered from a serious los off framerate using 1.46 with DR and Blood 1.1. I'm experiencing this in a mission with CE2 and use of 'SP/MP support pack' by OFPEC. The latter also containes a chopperdust effect. Mayby a conflict perhaps?


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Just wondering though, I just use DR but in your briefcase there is no DR only bin for 1.46 missing something?

I uploaded "dynamicrange only" version (DR_to_v1.46.zip) to briefcase.


ID: ftielemans

PW: dey8p7

GMR_mod/Version1.46 folder


Messy battlefield: DO not worry. I satisfy everybody needs


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Hello gold member I have a request, is it possible you could combine the dr+messy together for those who cpu can handle it I want it considering debris does stay after an explosions also did you happen to have any luck combining inq guns and grenade sound into dr config? smile_o.gif

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hey goldmember, are you going to be able to make this mod more compatible with other addons that use custom explosion and burning effects scripts. I really dont get the full effect when i use your mod with BAS UH 60's, which are pretty popular, and all of Operation NorthStars new armored units, which i believe are very popular too. i get the cool looking explosion, but there is no noise to it or anything with the addons i mentioned. i think this also happens with AKM74's new russian APC's

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Hello gold member I have a request, is it possible you could combine the dr+messy together for those who cpu can handle it I want it considering debris does stay after an explosions also did you happen to have any luck combining inq guns and grenade sound into dr config? smile_o.gif

I stand up for more debris too. If you won't put it into next version can you make us some tutorial how to implement longlasting debris? If it not difficult of course.


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Just hope that Goldmember doesn't get "burned out" by all our requests sad_o.gif

Suggest you take your time GM and don't fall for all our suggestions/wishes at once...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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hey goldmember, are you going to be able to make this mod more compatible with other addons that use custom explosion and burning effects scripts. I really dont get the full effect when i use your mod with BAS UH 60's, which are pretty popular, and all of Operation NorthStars new armored units, which i believe are very popular too. i get the cool looking explosion, but there is no noise to it or anything with the addons i mentioned. i think this also happens with AKM74's new russian APC's

This problem is came from OFP engine. If unofficial addon contains "eventhandler" in it's config.bin, this would overwrites those I put in main OFP config.bin.That is why explosion script not executed on some addon.

To enable GMR scripts on addons we should edit their config.bin (config.ccp) file. I can do it these works just send me addon's config.cpp file. In briefcase you can find working version of VITAPC and BAS Blackhawks already.


ID: ftielemans

PW: dey8p7

GMR_mod folder

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To enable GMR scripts on addons we should edit their config.bin (config.ccp) file. I can do it these works just send me addon's config.cpp file. In briefcase you can find working version of VITAPC and BAS Blackhawks already.

Would this make the addons uncompatible with each other on multiplayer?

Meaning that if I'm using the normal addon without being modified to be compatible with your mod and I'm playing multiplayer with somebody who have an edited one to be compatible with your mod, will there be a conflict?

Or if I build a mission using a BAS blackhawkthat is been edited to work with your mod, will someone ellse be able to play the mission if thei'r BAS blackhawk is not been edited to work with your mod?

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Brilliant! wow_o.gif

How did you get hold of those shots Bonko? Are you are beta tester? rock.gif

@cero, I think it would still work in MP but you'd just get a modified config message on the server like you do if you use this mod or Dynamic Range. I wouldn't worry about it - I've never come across an admin that cared about such messages. smile_o.gif

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I have a question, would it be possible to play the Explo mod with blood and INQ in MP??? I doubt it, unless you changed it so that the standard BIS soldier would be equiped with the INQ weaps clientside rather than the serverneeding to have them, otherwise you would possibly CTD or something if server didn't have it and you had it clientside... OK I don't know what i'm talking about here lol..... On the otherhand it would be clientside and it could possibly work...... Any thoughts on this matter? crazy_o.gif

**EDIT** Also, I just saw the screens... I couldn't help but notice if there was a tail rotor failure effect added into the helo's when they reach a certain ammount of dammage... I saw it in the screen with the Hind.. Didn't see it on the Apache though, could it be possible that this effect occurs at random?? **EDIT**

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Holy shit!!


These new effects look stunning.

Goldmember you'e a real artist when it comes to particle effects. You should considder working as a technical director for a vfx studio.

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You can play with the blood&inq.bin in MP. I did it a couple of times already, but one time (with v1.92 iirc) i had to disable the mod coz my sys crashed randomly. though i have not played MP for 2-3 weeks but i think the error´s gone now.

What works for sure is the INQ.bin. i didn´t see much of BIS weapons since Goldmember released his mod tounge_o.gif

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@ Oct. 22 2003,06:04)]**EDIT** Also, I just saw the screens... I couldn't help but notice if there was a tail rotor failure effect added into the helo's when they reach a certain ammount of dammage... I saw it in the screen with the Hind.. Didn't see it on the Apache though, could it be possible that this effect occurs at random?? **EDIT**

That effect not in v1.46 yet,so if you haven't seen it on apache not a big problem. This is not really a tailrotor failure effect rather dammage smoke effect. OFP engine only give smoke to falling aircraft if dammage value is 1 (vehicle destroyed). These new effect activating when aircraft got serious hit (like crew jump out or engine stops), but dammage value is less then 1. I wanted to make spinning tailrotor failure effect too, but some problem arised.

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Goldmember, release the new explosions, now!!

I want it so bad, please man smile_o.gif

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The better your mod gets the more preasure ppl will put on you to release your stuff.

take your time.

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@ Oct. 22 2003,20:09)]Goldmember

The better your mod gets the more preasure ppl will put on you to release your stuff.

take your time.

Yes,I wholeheartedly agree

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