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I Tried that, and it still didn't work.

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This is great, thanks BIS!


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i cant seem to be able to get it to run

missing dll error

MntTools20.dll is missing

whats dat?

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turnes out only half the dll's didnt extract to the folder, workign now and im a dumbass for not looking in the most obvious place ;)

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Well this is really good. Im sure well start seeing some fantasic islands coming out soon. smile_o.gif

Thank you BIS.

"and BIS said unto the members, let there be visitor!

and the members rejoiced"

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Great job BIS you rock!

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Does everyone here speak chez or what??

Its absofuckinglutly crap if there is no translation.

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Great Job!!!

Island already in visitor. :-)

Now I must look how I can get my already done textures in (hope not must do all texturing again) and how to add custom addons placed in the island pbo.



-- edit --

yeah found!!!

-- end edit --

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Does everyone here speak chez or what??

Its absofuckinglutly crap if there is no translation.

I dont understand a word of czech, yet I have no problems using it and had no problems learning to :P

(well, actually I do know some words like zasleh or les but they didnt help much :P)

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Unfortunatly, some of the commands and buttons in the program are czheck(sp?) and english. Is there a way to turn on the english?

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Kegety's, please, please tell me we can now place addons onto the map easily.

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im having soem trouble figuring out the program, the tutorial helps, but this thing is about ten times more complex than wrp edit, or so it seams, if BIS (which we all love dearly) would quickly re-release this in all english, me being not stupid, im sure we could all figure it out in five minutes. let me put it to you guys this way: if you re-released it in all english we would love u so much we would give the all of BIS BJ's (well no, but u know what i mean, (maybe u dont, oh well)) we love bis in a totally heterosexual way, or at least i do, i wont speak for everyone! wow_o.giftounge_o.gifwink_o.gifmad_o.gifcrazy_o.gifrock.gif

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great tool

thanks BIS

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Thanks a lot BIS! It's very cool that you are still supporting the community and releasing the wonderful tools that you used to make this great battlefield simulator!

To all those complaining.. Did they have to release this? No.. Do they have to support it? No. Do they speak English as their native language? No.

Why do you expect them to go to such lengths? They could have not released it at all... tounge_o.gif Be happy for what you have, not ungrateful for it.

Thanks again BIS! You guys rock! biggrin_o.gif


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I heard someone say Kegetys made a tutorial or something for visitor? Where can I get that?

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In the beginning there was an emptiness, and water filled the void and nothing roamed upon or within the deep.

Then a voice boomed out.. Let there be land!

And the waters parted and lo and behold there was land, being created from all corners of the earth.

And the voice boomed again... Let there be trees on this land.

Lo and behold trees began to appear in all shapes, sizes and orientation and the land became amassed with forests and groves.

And the voice boomed again.. Let there be roads

And lo and behold ribbons of roadway snaked across the land, through the forests and valleys.

And the voice said... Let there be dwellings upon this land so that the people who will dwell there will have shelter..

And lo and behold houses and buildings of all shapes began to appear across the land.

And the voice boomed.. let there be people on this land so that they can enjoy the land, and the trees and the roads and dwell in the buildings.

Lo and behold people appeared (mainly men however, but in all shapes, sizes and orientation smile_o.gif) and it was so.

And the voice boomed fro the last time.. Let there be peace on this land so the men (and the few women) can dwell upon the land and be fruitful..


The voice that boomed forgot that this was Operation Flashpoint and man could not live in peace, and addon makers created weapons of mass  (and not so mass) destruction and the sound of aircraft, tanks, and all sorts of firearms echoed across the land.

Soon there were sounds of anguish and the gnawing of teeth as battles raged across these lands, and the players of Operation Flashpoint were happy, for now they could fight their battles across many lands that the map makers had made from the tools Creator BIS had given them. And it was so. Amen.

Thanks Team BIS. I needed a good excuse to try my hand at map making. smile_o.gif

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