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I believe AAO does that. Reduce accuracy when rounds are being fired at you.

The reaction should be varied though. Green troops should react badly, ie freeze on the spot, don't fire. Stay behind cover and not try to return fire, while vetern troops should drop right right away and fire back trying to get the attacking forces head down.

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One thing I'd like to see is the rain sounds louder as it would be in real life. Currently I've got to crank my speaker volume almost all the way up to tell whether its really raining or if its just my imagination. And another thing, I'd like the rain to be more obvious, I can barely see it if I look really hard, and usually rain splatters on pavement. Currently in OPF it doesn't.

Another thing I like is the winter levels. Snow storms, northern lights and the like would be cool. And one thing that bothers me to no end is that it sounds like the characters never pick up their feet on gravel or pavement. All you hear is the constant squeak of the boots as if the game characters (player included) just skid and grind their feet down the road.

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Ive just downloaded and started playing Hidden and dangerous deluxe and after getting pissed off with the game a couple of times and uninstalling it. i reinstalled it and tried it properly and ive now realised OFPs AI problem. The H &D AI seems to be perfect. theyre smart enough to give you a feeling you have some competent troops with you (look OfP who are able to shoot but theyre not all disturbing inhuman snipers AKA rainbow six or GR. this gives you a good fairly drawn out firefight without you marvelling at the sheer incompetence of your teammates. OFP2 you have H & D to beat I know you will do it.

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i reinstalled it and tried it properly and ive now realised OFPs AI problem. The H &D AI seems to be perfect. theyre smart enough to give you a feeling you have some competent troops with you ......

So what is OFP's AI problem that you speak of? You mean they are simply not smart enough? rock.gif

EDIT: Not trying to argue, but looking for an example, I personally suggested the AI be more adaptive, drive/fly better, and know how to rearm automatically... what is your suggestion.

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Quote[/b] ]Ive just downloaded and started playing Hidden and dangerous deluxe and after getting pissed off with the game a couple of times and uninstalling it. i reinstalled it and tried it properly and ive now realised OFPs AI problem. The H &D AI seems to be perfect. theyre smart enough to give you a feeling you have some competent troops with you (look OfP who are able to shoot but theyre not all disturbing inhuman snipers AKA rainbow six or GR. this gives you a good fairly drawn out firefight without you marvelling at the sheer incompetence of your teammates. OFP2 you have H & D to beat I know you will do it.

Which version of Hidden and Dagnerous Deluxe did you download?! I bought the orignal hidden and dangerous in 1998 when it was first released, played through the expansion pack devils bridge, and now own Hidden and Dangerous 2, and if there is one thing I'm sure of it's that the AI in hidden and Dangerous is absolutely horrid compared to OFP. Hidden and Dangerous 2 is a big improvement over the first but it still doesn't compare with OFP.

With Hidden and Danerous the AI units do not have the ability to work together - one thing that the OFP AI does have. Induvidual troops in H&D may be have a slightly better ability to identify targets that troops in OFP, but thats about all I'll give H&D. I'm a huge fan of Hidden and Dangerous, but it's AI (enemy or friendly) really did suck.

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Quote[/b] ] AI units do not have the ability to work together - one thing that the OFP AI does have

Im sorry but OFPs AI does not use what you could call team-work. The only thing i could say is they heal each other and occasionally they flank. To me working together means using suppressing fire to cover an advance

As another thing H&Ds AI dont work together at all

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First of, let me say that I have been playing Operation Flashpoint for several years now and I just LOVE the game. For a while I was in a clan but now I play mostly cooperative missions. With that being said, here are my suggestions for AI:

1. AI in OF1 doesn’t seem to use support weapons such as mortars or grenade launchers. It would be nice if they would, for example, fire grenade launcher/mortar automatically at troop concentrations

2. Commanding a squad is difficult to learn and I still at times struggle with finding the right codes. It may be an idea to replace the OF1 command interface with something more user-friendly. Point and click methods as used in Full Spectrum Warrior would be useful (Note that in the preview of Full Spectrum Warrior a cool way is demoed to target grenade launchers and mortars by using an arch that you can drag and drop it looks very intuitive). Soldner Secret Wars may also have something cool with their advanced gesture system (see http://www.fullspectrumwarrior.com/ and http://soldner.jowood.com/ )

3. When setting a perimeter to defend an area, it takes a long time to tell every individual soldier where to stand. It would be great if you could just highlight a general area (quickly line out a circle, rectangle, line, whatever) and say “Defend perimeter†upon which every soldier intelligently takes up a position, behind sand bags, rocks, etc..

4. Would it be an idea to have AI suggest things like “UAZ spotted, should I take them out with my grenade launcher?†or “Out of ammo - should I get ammo from xyz†and you just say “okayâ€

5. If my LAW officer dies, I find myself scrambling to his dead body to pick it up. It would be great if soldiers who are closest to a fallen comrade would automatically pick up key weapons

6. In OF1, when I give a LAW officer a target, I find myself trying to move him in the right spot until he sees the target. It would be better if the LAW officer (if he doesn’t see armor that has been given as a target to him) moves quickly into position in an intelligent way and then shoots at it.

7. A “Man†command would be a quick way to have one or more of your troops man a position. As in “man pill box†or “man bunker†(This wouldn’t apply to machine guns but also to sandbags, bunkers, etc.). They would then take up position and effectively man ports etc. If there are multiple troops that are given this order, they would divide up positions. In OF1, AI is sometimes hopelessly lost in bunkers.

8. I like the earlier voiced idea of interacting with AI soldiers who are not part of your group. Instead of commands you could make suggestions to them: they make or may not decide to follow your suggestions.

9. Retreating units should have the option to walk backwards and keep firing suppressive fire

10. A one-order type command to have multiple soldiers use mines etc. in an intelligent manner. Just highlight the general direction or area and it will be sprinkled with mines/ satchels. When ambushing convoys etc. in OF1 I do all the mine and satchel laying – it’s too cumbersome to tell all the AI individually where to lay mines etc.

11. AI should allow for Infantry using advancing armor as cover

12. Sometimes, taking cover results in strange positions taking up by AI. I have seen my AI run towards the enemy in the open, laying down, and starting to shoot, with a perfectly fine bunker right next to them

13. If you order several soldiers to go on a small sub mission (flank left or right, man bunker complex), the most senior soldier (sergeant, whatever) should take charge and direct the others must the same way an officer would direct his squad.

14. If you run too fast, AI falls out of formation: could AI just follow the speed of the commander?

15. Combat in buildings is non-existent in Flashpoint. It would be great if AI could intelligently move around in, fight in, and shoot from buildings

16. Entering buildings is almost impossible as a team

17. AI doesn’t use corners of buildings as cover

18. AI doesn’t really kneel when you stop and kneel

Hope that helps!

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My example for a really good AI ,although not from an fps, is a game very well know as Commandos. (and commandos II)

There you had patrol troops ,marching off certain grounds looing around for enemy's ,guards all over the place.One mistake ,running in one's eyesight ,or making to much noise before stabbing a german etc was a guaranteed alarm all over the place and troops mass seeking for enemy's.Sure it had it's fault's ,but those were mostly not to reason's of not being able to implement it but rather for gameplay reasons.

Anyway ,to be concrete here are some thought's in relation to commando's.

Troops in Ofp often stay constantly on the same spot when not getting order's ,looking at one side only.It would be nice that you have some patrol command like stay alert and at easy ,where the AI would start running of a certain path around a point to check if all is safe.Give AI an eyesight like in Commandos ,and let them look around them from time to time instead of always looking straith forward.Same applies for stationary guns.Let tank gunners look around them while driver is driving rather than looking forward.

Another thing ,let the AI reply faster on commands.I could just hate it in Ofp that when i was a tank commander i often had to wait a few valuable seconds before my AI gunner would fire on a target due to the delay in giving the command ,those few seconds could mean the difference of life and death.

These proposition's are due that i have noticed that the AI in Ofp is easy to take by surprize ,almost to easy.It depends on wich troops they are afcourse ,spetsnatz tend to respond faster than resistance troops.But if a bunch of Ai were all facing the same direction while standing ,it was easy to get real close to them and finnish them with quick surprize assault.

Troops should not stand idly mass facing one direction.IMO ,when troops are idle in Ofp defending some spot ,on safe mode or whatever ,they should atleast guard their back a bit ,do a few patrol's and such ,and basicly looking around for enemy's ,so that they would easily spot you whenever you try to close on them ,and respond quickly. (unless youre blocked out of view due to obstacle's)

Some animations for in safe mode or defend mode like smoking sigaret's and siting down from time to time to rest a bit would also be nice.

Another thing that would be cool would be a base alarm like in Commandos.Basicly you could have a base with barrack's with in them supposedly infantry (though not really loaded ingame) ,they could be sleeping or eating etc.This infantry would only be in existance in game when the base alarm goes of. (when the base is under attack)

When loaded these troops would search off the perimiter and kill of assaulting forces.

Ok maybe the last can be achieved with addons.I always loved that mission cwc where you had to sneak in a base and satchel a few tanks ,maybe Ofp lacks a good commando's mod.But then a better defending AI and a working knife would be an aid.

Please give me an able AI that can stab another Able AI on patrol duty on its own and ill make you a commando's mod.

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I think it would be interesting to see in opf2  that when somebody is injured not necessarily the medic can do something for him so you have to call for an ambulance or for a helicopter and the ai will select the best area for the extraction and you have to move the injured to this area and protect it. Of course if you dont want to save him, you dont have but this will have and important morale effect on your troops. the ia will do the same with the enemy or the others groups in your army. this will make the game even more realistic.

Another idea is to include a soldier with a radio so if you want to talk to another group you have to talk with him or if some body want to talk with the leader of the group they have to talk first with this soldier and then he will talk with the leader.

Another thing is that the game will be in the 70s so not every soldier have a radio, this mean that if you loose contact with a soldier you will have to send somebody with the message to him. Or if you loose the radio or it doesnt work you have to do the same to stayin contact with the rest of your army, the ai will do the same with the rest of the groups, thi swill increase the difficult but it will be very realistic.

i would like to see more coperation between different groups. So this mean that you can ask an ai groupto cover your group, or they will do it automatically or ask you to cover while they move,etc.

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Quote[/b] ]Another thing is that the game will be in the 70s so not every soldier have a radio, this mean that if you loose contact with a soldier you will have to send somebody with the message to him. Or if you loose the radio or it doesnt work you have to do the same to stayin contact with the rest of your army, the ai will do the same with the rest of the groups, thi swill increase the difficult but it will be very realistic.

This kind of option should be a setting kind of like radio, you'd have something like squadradio=false, but you could have squadradio=true for more modern missions.

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Im sorry but OFPs AI does not use what you could call team-work. The only thing i could say is they heal each other and occasionally they flank. To me working together means using suppressing fire to cover an advance

As another thing H&Ds AI dont work together at all

OFP's AI teamwork may not be the best teamwork, but it's more than any other game I've played. The AI at least share knowledge of enemies with eachother, and the leader assigns targets, and decides when to have the group retreat, or attack.

A refinement and expansion of the current AI in OFP is all I want - with much more (beyond "knowsabout") information available to mission editors.

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suppressing fire and a fear for bullets is definately a mega+.

You could also have an experience system where the more experienced soldiers are less afraid of confronting fierfights.

Also, a more experienced soldier can follow orders more precisely as well as more effectively.

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I would prefer a kind of separat controllable Moral feature. So you have some control when they start fleeing. Something between BANZAI/Last stand and 'You first please, Lt.' and scared chickens that start running when they see a startled rabbit.

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The AI should also be pinned/scared shitless by artillery fire biggrin_o.gif .

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Maybe already posted but...

Now, i'm not gonna repeat what's been said several times (that I know of), so here's my unique (as far as I know) gripe. More than a few times, I've been in this kinda situation: I round a corner and someone/an ai is starting to aim at me. I'm faster and peg him a couple of times but he doesn't go down.

Ok, fine, that's ok. I fully understand damage values and all that. It's my fault i didn't hit him in the head or hit him more.

Now, to the part that really steams me.... While his blood is STILL IN THE AIR, out comes a burst from his rifle and it's lights out for me.

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I would like it if giving your squad a hold fire order, moving them (without being seen) to within sight of the enemy and then reporting back enemy positions with binos/scope would automatically lead to one of your guys targetting the reported enemies and that then, when you give the `fire' order - BANG - they all fire at once on their respective targets.

I would also like to feel more in control when giving orders to the driver of a tank. Never mind obstacles or what they think is best, they should drive exactly where you tell them at whatever speed you say. And it would be good if your orders to vehicle crews took precedence over incoming radio transmissions because I get really fed up of wanting to tell my driver to stop / reverse / go left / go right and having to wait while people tell me that they're wounded / that they've seen a baddie / that I've completed an objective etc. etc.

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the leader assigns targets, and decides when to have the group retreat, or attack.

The leader never retreats, but if he's killed, the rest of the squad can get and inaudible "take cover" command. REALLY nothing special, can be done with a simple trigger. wink_o.gif

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I'm not sure if this is the right section to post but:

I would like some way for the AI to take orders faster no matter how long the radio message take to be spoken.

It's not an AI problem but I hope BIS is still keeping the problem of "radio clutter" in mind. (either by making a preset delay then next message or something ingenious)

sad_o.gif We already know that situation where your tank gunner doesn't target an enemy because other AI or command are using the radio.

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the radio clutter is bloody annoying, especially while commanding a tank and ambushing a town...by the time u give the command to fire, ur already "status red"...or when u need to move quickly and dodge incoming projectiles... crazy_o.gif

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I would like it if giving your squad a hold fire order, moving them (without being seen) to within sight of the enemy and then reporting back enemy positions with binos/scope would automatically lead to one of your guys targetting the reported enemies and that then, when you give the `fire' order - BANG - they all fire at once on their respective targets.

Thats already possible in OFP1. Tell them to "Hold fire" + "Engage at will" and they reply with "Ready."

Then all you need to say is open fire and then sit back and watch the fireworks smile_o.gif

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Radio clutter can be cleaned up in OFP1 - in the config bin there is radio message priority, set the fire one to high and it will cut through all else. FYI btw.


AI targeting just needs to be less direct, more emphasis on fluidity and the AI putting rounds on the target.

I hate how the AI, although i'm in clear sight wait to line up perfectly on my temple before they fire, generally a soldier will just fire to keep the opponent's head down until he can get into a more comfortable stance. Now increasing the skill level helps reactions, but then comes the problem of the AI not aiming, but actually locking on while calculating very accurately the ballistics and making me die.

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I am not sure if it is possible but I'd like the AI to learn from their mistakes, or learn techniques the players use and use them against them.

If the player's actions and the context could be saved as a pattern and if those circumstances appear again the AI could either try something the player has done in that pattern before or try something different it hasn't done before from it's own list of options.

This can be as simple as the AI deciding to "wait you out" and wait until you pop your head up, or keeping your head down with supressing fire while his buddy flanks.

I know my dedicated server has a heap of disk space not being used it would be easy for me to allocate a chunk of it to "AI Memory"

If an AI is programmed to be a bit smarter that's real nice and it'll make the game more interesting but if I return to the game the next day and the AI remembers me and my sneaky tactics that is just plain astounding. smile_o.gif

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OPF's a.i. isnt all that great, the best thing they do is they SEE THRU EACHOTHERS EYES, wich is very unrealistic.

Ex: when a A.I. leader gives you a target you will take your time to look at given direction,target with your weapon and open fire, if you like realism and play without the ghey yellow squares of cadet mode you will take some time untill you actually see the given enemy position. But not for a.i., once the squad leader reports you they will know exactly were you are even if your not in sight, many times ive been shot thru trees or cover because of this feature, "11 o'clock, soldier 300" gives the bots your exact location even if you are behind a house or hidden in a bush the bots radar will lock on you for a certain time and they will move closer and shoot you, if they are machine gunners they will just prone and chew you up from 500m sad_o.gif .

Tactics: We all know their tactics. "all, danger", "2,3 target soldier, 2 o'clock", "2,3, engage".

Now what the hell is that? They should move into nearest cover available and advance on the enemy carefully using the environment has cover, use supressive fire to cover the advancing soldiers but most importantly use rocks, trees and objects for cover. Also the radio thingy is bad, if for some reason they go far from the team they should not be able to comunicate, they should try to rejoin the squad so they can receive new orders.

Also the way they lock on target and their acuracy is very artificial, they never miss, one burst/grenade always does the job, also they shouldnt use burst when shooting over long distances, these bots are anything but natural or believable, even their zig-zag tactic makes them look weird.

And micro management of the squad removes fun/imersion from the game, soldiers are too dependant of the squad leader, they should be smart enough to pick ammo from a crate/body/vehical or to scream for medical help, also the personal radio thing we use to comunicate with/betwean a.i. should be removed, its understandable why BIS used this sistem and its good to comunicate with them from far distance but the main goal in my opinion should be realism, infantry squads work has a team, they cover eachother's buts and work together, many times ive seen my a.i. officer send 2/3 soldiers to certain death and there wasnt much i could do crazy_o.gif.

OPF's A.I. is the most unrealistic aspect of this so called sim game, if there is something i expect to see in OPF2 is some serious a.i. improvements so they act/perform in a more believable/human way, to do more than shoot acurately and see thru eachothers eyes smile_o.gif .

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