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About jaenak

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    Staff Sergeant
  1. jaenak

    reveal script

    Okay, the error message stopped but I still can't see the enemy. I wouldn't suppose there'd be something as simple as <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> resistance reveal east would there? That's basically all I'm trying to do. BTW, according to hints, all the triggers are working and the script is starting and running. I just can't get anything revealed to anyone else.
  2. I have several resistance soldiers on a hill on the edge of a city and a russian convoy coming in that direction. I blow up the convoy, the soldiers disembark the toasted Urals and run at the resistance while shooting. The two sides are just a little too far away from each other to know that they're there so I used a script to "reveal" the east to the resistance forming the ambush. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _friends = _this select 0 _enemies = _this select 1 _i = count _enemies #loop "_x reveal (_enemies select _i)" foreach _friends _i = _i - 1 ?(_i == 0) : exit ~0.1 goto "loop" I have one trigger over each collection of troops stating something like; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ResArray = thislist or <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> EastArray = thislist Then I have another trigger stating; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [ResArray,EastArray] exec "Reveal.sqs" By all I can figure it should work but when I use it I get; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> '_x reveal (_enemies select _i)|#|': Error Zero divisor What's wrong?
  3. jaenak

    Bin decrypting

    Does anyone know of a config.bin decryptor? I tried to download OFPManager from OFPEC but the download was corrupt. I tried Amalfi's UnPbo thing from OFPEC but half way through the decrypting process it failed. I don't know of anything else.
  4. I was fiddling around with the config file of an addon I downloaded and it got me thinking. What causes the hummer and five ton truck to steer like a bus after 40mph? It's obviously a config setting but can anyone tell me what specifically causes this? A sports car can do a 180 at full speed but a hummer at 50 insists on doing nothing more radical than a gradual turn. Yes I know a sports car is much different from a hummer and a hummer shouldn't be able to whip around in a quarter of a second at 150mph. I never said I wanted it to. That's also not what I asked. (Just to cover my bases because I know someone'll want to point that out.)
  5. jaenak


    Is it just me or is the BAS site down for a while? Every time I try it, it says something about bandwidth exceeded.
  6. jaenak

    Editing bas's tonal island

    I'm not sure OFP supports areas that small. It might, I'm not sure but my gut feeling says to stay away from it if at all possible.
  7. jaenak

    Don't start the chopper

    Somebloke's idea works perfectly. Here's how it works. I took an empty BAS Blackhawk and put it on the helipad like normal. I took the units to pile into the cargo area and told them to "GETIN" like normal. I then took two pilots and placed them really darn close to the front of the chopper and placed their first waypoint (move) between them and the chopper. In the waypoint's activation field I put<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">pilot1 moveindriver blackhawk; pilot2 moveingunner blackhawkThen I placed a second waypoint wherever I wanted them to go after everyone was on board. I created a trigger that only activated when everyone was on board and syncronised it with the first waypoint. That way when everything starts, the pilots start at their first waypoint so that activates right away and sends them into their assigned places in the chopper. They don't need to go anywhere because the chopper is also at their assigned waypoint and their second one is hidden from them. When everyone is on board the trigger activates thus unhiding their second waypoint. The pilots stop picking their noses and start the engine so they can proceed to their next waypoints. The choppers don't hop into the air and land before anyone boards, the pilots don't try to start the engine about once every fifth of a second, the pilots thus do not bog down the game, and I don't have to listen to that annoying starter whir. Now everything happens as it should. Thanks
  8. I've been looking through some config files and got to thinking. Â After a little while I hit a wall (so to speak). Â The damage guns deal is measured in whole numbers like 5.5, 11, things of the sort. Â But the units in OFP have health ratings measured like this: armor=3; armorStructural=2.0; armorHead=0.7; armorBody=0.8; armorHands=0.5; armorLegs=0.5; What does that mean? Â Does that mean that a bullet would have to eliminate 80% of the unit's health to disable the torso (armorbody) or does that mean that it'll take a bullet dealing out 8 points of damage to kill that particular body part? Â How do these numbers compute? Edit: Darn topic won't track.
  9. I'm trying to make a trigger without typing forever. I have a chopper, and a group of people. What I want is: Trigger: Condidtion: the whole group is in the chopper On Activation: chopper setfuel 1 Okay, the activation isn't the problem, the condition is. Lets say the group is made up of six people, s1-s6 and the group name is p1, and the chopper name is h1. I've tried; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> p1 in h1 [p1] in h1 units p1 in h1 {_x in h1} foreach units group p1 {_x in h1} foreach units p1 {_x in h1} foreach units s1 [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6] in h1 {s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6} in h1 And the only thing I can get to work is; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> s1 in h1 && s2 in h1 && s3 in h1 && s4 in h1 && s5 in h1 && s6 in h1 Does anyone know of a shorter way than typing out each individual unit? And what about two or more groups instead of just one?
  10. You know the old question: "How do I get two groups to enter the same helicopter with the helicopter starting on the ground?" And then the typical answer: "Give the helicopter a load waypoint and the soldiers a couple get in waypoints and sync the get in waypoints with the load waypoint." And then the inevitable reply: "But the chopper hops into the air and comes back down, then the people get in. Â Is there a way to keep the helicopter on the ground until everyone's in?" Well, I've found a way but it too has its problems. Â I've figured out that if you just cause the chopper to start on the ground and without a drop of fuel, the waypoint will be activated, the chopper won't go airborn before everyone's aboard, and everyone will be able to get in. Â You then make a trigger that'll activate when everyone's onboard and sync that trigger with the chopper's load waypoint. Â Then in the trigger's On Activation waypoint, give the chopper a full fuel tank. Â Then give the chopper a second waypoint wherever you want it to fly to. Â Perfect right? Â No. Â I'm using BAS's blackhawks and when they start, they have this really loud whirring noise as the starter starts the engine. Â If I do the above idea, it works except that the helicopter gives off that rediculously annoying noise until the chopper gets fuel. Â That's because the pilot is trying to start the engine the whole time. My question here is, is there a way to keep the pilot from starting the engine until the chopper gets fuel so I don't have that annoying starter whir? Hey, if there's a way to keep the pilot from starting the engine until something else says so, then that would solve the problem right there. Â Oh well, whatever. Edit: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: "Well then don't use that chopper, use the BIS blackhawk. That chopper doesn't do that." The reason why I want to stick with the BAS blackhawk instead of the BIS blackhawk is because in comparison, the BIS blackhawk is dreadfully ugly and simplistic.
  11. jaenak

    Event handlers

    I did, nothing useful came up. You need to realize that I don't post before I search.
  12. What the hell is an event handler and where and how do you use it? I looked in the command refference manual but it didn't tell me jack shit.
  13. jaenak


    So the distanceZoomMin and Max determine the range at which the bullet hits dead center? Then in order to duplicate normal bullet drop wouldn't a person only need to manipulate the bullet speed and the distanceZoom?
  14. jaenak

    Multiple mods

    Is it possible to use two or more mods at the same time? What I mean is I have a couple mods I'd like to use at the same time but I'm having problems combining the config files. I was wondering if there was a way to start multiple mods with the same shortcut when the multiple mods are in separate mod folders with separate config files and all that.