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T55 useless crazy_o.gif , i think their good enough to hunt down apc's, infantry and even M60's plus they can carry infantry and are just cool, addons dont need to be overpowered to be great wink_o.gif .

From the weapons suplied with the crew i can already imagine how great the weapon pack and units will be, anxiously and patiently waiting for future RHS releases smile_o.gif .

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T55 useless crazy_o.gif , i think their good enough to hunt down apc's, infantry and even M60's plus they can carry infantry and are just cool, addons dont need to be overpowered to be great wink_o.gif .

Can only double this!

They are excellent to fight infantry and light armored vehicles. And battling some other T54/55 is really fun ... if you have a good crew  wink_o.gif

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Whoa, slight misunderstanding because I did NOT phrase that properly:

"Useless against anything beyond M-60A3 Patton tank capable."

For the record, that's an M1A1 Abrams, as far as I know.

Apologies in advance.


For the record, it's all relative, guys.

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one question is RHS planning on making a T-62? or jsut the t-54/54 and T-64?

Kenji has some T-62s as a side project, he left RHS when he moved to japan but he still does some things for us so we can hope that we can release a few nice t-62s in future.

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So that's my point of view.

That's only one "look-like-RHS" texture in our pack, that Laser gave me few month ago himself. Now he "forget" about it, because ShadowNX is an old woman, and cannot drive himself like a man - always crying against of working.

I do not make shit, and I have no needs to take something from RHS. They can falsificate any "provements" they want, because we always were and will be better than them.

I am working for people, not for money, glory or something.

Working on 5-6 hours per day, after work&study.

Maybe some day i'll stop, but not because of shit like that.

That's all.

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ok cool i hope to see an t-62 some day..

and umm did the crying back and forth start again.

I honeslty don't care who stole what who's model is who's just as long as they are able.

personally i like using 10 different units from 10 different mods just to give the troops more random look.. same with vehicals.

so please stop bitching back and forth and move on..

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Quote[/b] ]So that's my point of view.

That's only one "look-like-RHS" texture in our pack, that Laser gave me few month ago himself. Now he "forget" about it, because ShadowNX is an old woman, and cannot drive himself like a man - always crying against of working.

I do not make shit, and I have no needs to take something from RHS. They can falsificate any "provements" they want, because we always were and will be better than them.

I am working for people, not for money, glory or something.

Working on 5-6 hours per day, after work&study.

Maybe some day i'll stop, but not because of shit like that.

That's all.

And then I translate the bullshit you say on the Flashpoint.ru forums, insulting a man worthy of nothing but respect, insulting Shadow-NX, and then you restart this useless little flame war. Hey, all I can say for myself is that when I checked Flashpoint.ru, that freakin' M-22 Tarzan chest-rig looks awfully-freakin-similar to what I see on some betas.

And I'm with Calm_Terror. Stop bitching, stop insulting people (You can't reach out through the internet and punch someone, so what the hell is the use of insulting them?) and move the hell on.

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Please stop this right now. I really don't want this topic locked.  crazy_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]And then I translate the bullshit you say on the Flashpoint.ru forums, insulting a man worthy of nothing but respect, insulting Shadow-NX, and then you restart this useless little flame war.

What did i say on the Flashpoint.ru forums, and where?

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Please stop this right now. I really don't want this topic locked.  crazy_o.gif



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@ Oct. 21 2004,02:43)]
Quote[/b] ]And then I translate the bullshit you say on the Flashpoint.ru forums, insulting a man worthy of nothing but respect, insulting Shadow-NX, and then you restart this useless little flame war.

What did i say on the Flashpoint.ru forums, and where?

please dont make me translate those insults towards Laser u posted mad_o.gif complete lack of respect for the person who basically brought ur "MOD" to "fame". Because without him u have ABSOLUTELY nothing. The VDV pack is amaizing, u know why? Because he made it for u. What else have u released? hmm some trucks , anyone remember those? nuff said. After what u said at Laser on the flashpoint.ru orums i doubt he'll be coming back there.

oh yeh and wassup with always saying ur always gonna be better than us? LOL how would u know if we havn't released our inf yet? biggrin_o.gif

Edit: nevermind I see that thread was deleted.....by urself.

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Which tread? Sometimes i do not understand you.

Your mod is "famous" only because Sigma-6, and Laser now. What else did you released? Some "AKs"? Hehehe.

Just listen, what people think about your "great team" on Flashpoint.ru. "Lazy lamers" they said.

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A friendly reminder:

Time to open this again.

Discuss the addon, anything regarding accusations of theft (valid or not) should be dealt with away from the forums please.

Soul, let's stay on-topic. We need this thread.

And keep up the great work! smile_o.gif

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I think somebody should give Denorc good-old finnish-way of kicking ass. It's like 20 hits to head and your down...

Now please stop this shit and continue working on addons! wink_o.gif

BTW: Is ORCS weapons pack they're own made? 'Cause I've always wanted to say one comment about it: Those weapons look too polished and doesen't even look like the real-ones (atleast if we speak about colors). RHS makes much more better looking AK's, I think, they look like the real ones, although there was that old mistake about the look of AK-47S (folded buttstock).

Hope to see some new pics/released addons soon! (and stop this shit, before this topic will be locked for the 3rd time)

(I'm going out for smoke! This pisses me off enough right now!) crazy_o.gif

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Just in case anyone decides to ignore Avon (I hope your parents told you to respect women), I will say it one more final time, accusations of theft on the forums must stop, no matter how valid or how much proof you think you have.

Don't get me wrong I think it's very serious, and I also think that stealing the work of another person is very, very wrong and anyone doing so is morally reprehensible and should be shunned by the community. However my focus is on the forums and can only ever be on the forums, I can't allow a situation to evolve where flaming/flame baiting is the only possible outcome. It saddens me if people have tried to speak to the person responsible and all they do is laugh or ignore you or whatever, but I cannot see any way that discussing addon theft can be or will be allowed to go unchecked on the forums.

The only thing I can suggest is if anyone is concerned that something they created is being used without permission they can inform me by PM/Email with as much proof as possible and I will try to look into it when I have time.

So just to clarify, no discussion about addon stealing in this thread, or the "opposite" thread, doing so will result in a WL+ and 48hr PR.

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Sniper Skull whether the intentions were honourable or not posting spam pics is posting spam pics, please refrain smile_o.gif

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understood placebo. thnx for the support.

anyway, we will try and dig up the pictures of the completely new body models that are being worked on for the GRU. Just to clear things up: so far only the GRU hae been updated for the bodies (also they have new hands and faces: thnx to OW especially to DPS). The mtorized will follow ASAP.

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Ok to bring some light into this.


I did not know that Laser gave you any texture, you could have told me when i asked why you had this texture on the officer in your pack but no instead of saying why it is there you tell me bullshit like you use our stuff cause we use "your" models.

Dammit, why not just say that he gave it to you!?

To me it looked like it was ripped from a leaked pack and that was what it all was about, not the texture i couldnt care less for it.

But thats now history and with the attitute you showed you earn nothing but disrespect.

Stay away from our thread please... we dont need your judgement...

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Quote[/b] ]Sextacular, cannot wait for these especially with the mi-26 nearly complete.

Yeah, Nashe Orujie does amazing things. Check out the BM-21 "GRAD" launcher in the ZIL truck package as well.

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anyway, we will try and dig up the pictures of the completely new body models that are being worked on for the GRU. Just to clear things up: so far only the GRU hae been updated for the bodies (also they have new hands and faces: thnx to OW especially to DPS). The mtorized will follow ASAP.

Very good! I was very impressed by the faces in the OW pilot pack screenies shown on OFP.info a while back. Great to hear you lads are cooperating smile_o.gif

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