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Major Fubar

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It depends on the missions size and charachter..

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I don't like respawn missions, so personally I prefer specator mode and the seagull. Depending on the mission I either use a combination of both or (if I feel that the flying eyes would help the players too much), I disable seagull mode.

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Kegety's Spec mode is FANTASTIC, Daddl (Joltan) has also altered this to be able to swap between Seagul mode and Spec. mode, just land your 'gull to get back to spec mode and seagull mode can be selected like any other view. Its a pity the 1st person mode Kegety's experimented with is bugged (you can use the players action menu).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skunk Monkey @ Feb. 20 2003,16:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Kegety's Spec mode is FANTASTIC, Daddl (Joltan) has also altered this to be able to swap between Seagul mode and Spec. mode<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm... my spectating script version 1.1 allows this too tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Feb. 20 2003,15:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Skunk Monkey @ Feb. 20 2003,16:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Kegety's Spec mode is FANTASTIC, Daddl (Joltan) has also altered this to be able to swap between Seagul mode and Spec. mode<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm... my spectating script version 1.1 allows this too tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, I did that a while before you released the updated version. Although I prefer to have the switch by landing the seagull - you made it with a maximum height I think (easy to switch though). I'm still using my tweaked version 1.0 at the moment, but I'll switch to 1.1 soon, as you finally got rid of the shaking in buildings ... great work on that script!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Feb. 20 2003,11:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Whats "Doolittle's Revive mode" ?<span id='postcolor'>

Somethin Doolitle is polishing up, he posted it here, you should search.

I have this OFPEC link handy Doolittles Revive OFPEC thread

Sorry if this is a violation of forum rules. tounge.gif Delete this if it is...

EDIT: I chose Respawn AI, but it depends. If we have no AI, then no respawn, maybe spectator mode, if there is AI on our squads, I like to be able to respawn into them for better use of my time.

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For Coop Kegety's spectator mode is great.

I'm not sure for CTF and C&H. Perhaps it might be an idea to have no respawn there too. People would play more carefull then and it would mimic a real battle better.

You could even create a new type of game: survivors win. fight until the other team is dead.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (hneel @ Feb. 20 2003,16:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You could even create a new type of game: survivors win. fight until the other team is dead.<span id='postcolor'>

Would that be Team DeathMatch (no spawn)

Personally I think Respawn Sucks Ass.

AI respawn (group respawn) is OK.

OFP is about Stealthing around kiling while not being killed, if your going to charge in, kill 4/5 enemy, die respawn and do the same again until 30 mins is over it just doesnt make best use of the Sim nature of OFP.

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I like group rewspawn!

Never saw a internet mission where every player had a whole team at his command (group respawn). Is it because it would lagg too much?? Imagine each side had some teams of infantry, armoured- and air units...

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I voted respawn unlimited cos I'm a wuss biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Feb. 20 2003,19:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I voted respawn unlimited cos I'm a wuss  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Trust me, it shows wink.giftounge.gif

Anyway, I say seagull. Espeically good for taking combat photography.

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Spectator mode is nice, but I miss having complete freedom of movement, so I voted for Seagull Mode. Of course, Kegetys' new version permits both, so having the mission creator use that gives you the best of both worlds.

On a different note, regarding respawn, does anyone know if SIDE respawn will get fixed? I have one coop assault mission playable as WEST only where the attackers always get slaughtered by the AI because they are completely outnumbered and under-equipped, and the mission is set up with GROUP respawn because SIDE doesn't work. If SIDE respawn worked, the mission would be winnable even with just a few human players.

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For coop (which is more or less all I play) the best is AI respawn, combined with spectator mode after all the AI bodies are used up.

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Unlimited Respawn...I have to learn how to play before I can start playing those hard@$$ no respawn missions. I get killed often straight away. I'm just not that good yet, so for me any mission that dosen't have respawn will just suck. I'll be dead in a minute. So i'll have to spend the rest of the time watching my team play??? Eh..no

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Learn it the hard way. No respawn, and try to figure out "what the hell did I do wrong to be killed like that???". W/ unlimited respawn, you won't event think about how you died, and you won't learn anything, repeating the very same error agan and again (error which is often lack of patience).

And BTW, with Keg Spec mode, you can watch your buddies playing and see what they do and how they do it. OFP is less based on shooting skills than based on communication, observation and placement. Watch how they move, what do they check, etc...


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THat might splain part of why I die. I see very little communication on most of my teams. I try to get some going but it dosen't seem to do much good. My last game in St.pierre was a disaster. We had, maybe one skilled player in the team, atl east I thought so. The only communication I renember him giveing is "Go Left"(or right ^^wink.gif So I followed him. I lost sight of him as we advanced and started to go leftish more on my own, immediately getting shot.

From there on it was more 'go it on your own'. Extremly little communication from anyone except a "where is he?" every now and then. Now, St.Pierre is a hard map..very few places to take cover. I found hideing and crawling through the bushes to work best (by die and retry aka trial and error) , however, getting the flag was near immpossible. They always had someone gaurding it, and two going after ours. We had all three after theirs. A lack of tactics and leadership I guess.

I'm sure if I had some sort of cover so I was'nt looking all over the place before advanceing, I might've done better...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whisperFFW06 @ Feb. 24 2003,15:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Learn it the hard way. No respawn, and try to figure out "what the hell did I do wrong to be killed like that???". W/ unlimited respawn, you won't event think about how you died, and you won't learn anything, repeating the very same error agan and again (error which is often lack of patience).<span id='postcolor'>

So true, you gotta be afraid of dying and make fewer mistakes.. It's fun to get better that way.

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u wait so damn long to get in a misson, up to 30mins or more i dont want a rouge nade or a single bullet making me play bird for 30more, i can understand for coops but i find respawn coops more fun but ones where its still a long drive from where you spawn, also means people dont get board when they make on little mistake pretty much all coops u r outnumbered like 20-1 almost to make it even challanging. As for team on team well if u take away respawn then it becomes a team death match where nothing happens because people r so afraid of dieing they dont move from there bush.

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I know some austria Maps of Vienna with limited lifes. The life summe is calculated by the player number. Thats okay.

There are also Maps of Vienna with Healtime which raised with your deads.

In reference to coops, I think respawn is important for more fun.

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I like respawns, but they got to be done in a differnet way... I hate the ones where you respawn ontop of your dead body...

Not sure if this was ever done...

Say you got a coop map, you got 3 or more towns to attack and take. Well, if you die while attacking the first town, you're respawned into a chopper back at base. Then when the rest of your buddies (if) they take the town, you're flown to the town as replacements for that squad. This leaves the squad full again to attack the next town, and you dont die at your keyboard of old age waiting for the next mission to start. If the whole squad gets wiped out, then the mission is failed. Maybe make a limit as how many times you can be a replacement, or have the replacement flown to every 2nd town. I hate to die as much as the next guy, but I hate to see people wait and wait for the next mission too, if you're the only one left, and you got 2 or more objectives to go, you're not going to get through them as fast as if you got your full squad with you. So that just makes the mission longer for everyone.

-=Die Alive=-

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